Rick’s ambition led to a mistress called ‘work’ while Tiffany sought attention from a man outside their marriage. When all was revealed, they both believed it was too big for God to fix. Could willing hearts repair what was broken?
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(bell chimes)(clock ticks)
- I knew that our marriage was bad.
- Whenever Tiffany would bring up
that our marriage is notright, it's horrible-
- He would say, "You'rejust overreacting."
- And I just chalked itup to her being dramatic.
- [Narrator] For 17 years,Tiffany Bowman pleaded
with her ambitious husband, Rick,
to help around the house, spendtime with their four kids,
and with her.
Nothing changed, and thecouple fought all the time.
- I felt completely unimportant,
like he had a list of priorities,
and I was at the absolute bottom.
- [Narrator] Rick says that'sbecause he had a mistress,
his work.
Whether it was managing a sales team,
or serving as a part-time youth pastor,
he spent long hours away from home.
- I hate to say it, but I love my kids,
and I love my wife, butI loved my work more.
There was a level of fulfillment
and adoration I receivedfrom the success of my job.
- I hated his computer,and I hated his cell phone.
If the phone rang, or a text went off,
it didn't matter if we were talking,
he just stopped, and picked up his phone.
- [Narrator] In 2009, Rickreached his lifetime goal
when he became a senior pastor at a church
in Bellingham, Washington.
That took even more ofRick's time from his family.
- Being a pastor's 24/7.
I mean, you have to allow roomfor that, and time for that,
and so I would justify it.
- I just gave up.
I just thought that it wasalways gonna be terrible,
that I was always gonna be lonely,
that I was always going to do everything.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile,a friend of theirs,
a married man, stepped in to fill the gap.
- He would take the boys out
and play catch with them in the yard.
He would take them out for ice cream.
He would mow the lawn.
So the fact that he wasdoing all that stuff,
I just felt like he cares about me.
- [Narrator] Before Tiffany knew it,
they were having an affair.
- I knew it was wrong,but I was so unhappy.
- [Narrator] Because helived two hours away,
they only saw each other on occasion.
Still, they talked and texted often.
The affair tormented Tiffany.
Making it worse, she was aworship leader at church.
- I was living such a double life
that at night I wouldhave a glass of wine.
One glass turned into two glasses
and turned into three glasses
and I was completelynumbing out in the evening.
I was in such disbeliefat what I was doing,
and yet I didn't stop.
- [Narrator] The on again,off again affair lasted
three years, until finally,overwhelmed by guilt,
Tiffany texted the man that it was over.
Soon after, Rick got a phone call.
It was the man's wife,
and Tiffany's best friend,who had seen Tiffany's text.
(gentle music)
- That was when my world just shattered.
I had never felt
such betrayal.
I just looked at her, and I was like,
"What are you thinking?"
But I remember she lookedat me, and she said,
"Well, now, maybe you'llpay attention to me more."
- [Narrator] That night, Rick left to stay
at a friend's house.
Neither he, nor Tiffanycould see a way out.
- I just said, "This is so big,
"I don't even think God can fix this."
- I didn't think thatRick would forgive me.
I didn't,
everything was just, myhead was spinning, you know?
What are we gonna do?
How, is he gonna leave me?
Is he gonna take the kids?
(Tiffany sniffles)
How could God forgive me for doing this?
The most horrible thing,how could he forgive me?
If you can fix this, Lord, please,
please help us.
Please forgive me.
Please help.
And that was all I could say that night.
- [Narrator] Praying into the night,
Rick realized the part he had played
in their broken marriage.
- I betrayed my wife,just in a different way.
My affair was with my work.
- [Narrator] He says God also told him
he could fix theirmarriage, on one condition.
(bright music)
- The Holy Spirit spoke to me,
and he said, "I can, whenI have willing hearts."
- [Narrator] Later thenext day, Rick went home.
- And he told me that he loved me,
and he told me that he forgave me.
I couldn't comprehendwhy he would forgive me,
or why he would still love me.
- [Narrator] While it took a lot of time,
counseling, and tears forthe couple to work out
their differences, it wasforgiveness through God's love
that ultimately healed theirhearts and their marriage.
- When the Lord said,"You provide the heart,
"I'll provide the miracle,"
he wasn't just talking aboutthe restoration of my marriage.
He was also talking aboutthe renewing of my mind,
the renewing of my heart.
Our encouragement to everybodyis that, hey, there is hope.
There is absolute hope,
especially when you have twopeople with willing hearts
to just say, "Lord, make thishappen, I'll do whatever."
- I know how present and how miraculous
and just what a good God he is
that he would come in andthat he would save my family,
that he would save my marriage.
(light music)