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Trump's Accomplishments During 4 Turbulent Years - Here Are Highlights from His Legacy

Trump's Accomplishments During 4 Turbulent Years - Here Are Highlights from His Legacy Read Transcript

- Jenna and Jon, DonaldTrump leaves office

after one of the mostconsequential and turbulent terms

of any U.S. Commander inChief, but like Trump himself,

his bold record is very hard to ignore.

- I, Amy Coney Barrett, do solemnly swear.

- I will tell each senatorthat I revere the constitution.

I am honored and I am humbled to be here.

- [Reporter] Reshaping the courts

will likely be Donald Trump'slongest lasting legacy

with help from the SenateMajority Leader, Mitch McConnell.

- This senate will vote onthis nomination this year.

- [Reporter] Stockingthe federal judiciary

with conservatives at a record pace,

226 federal judges in just four years.

I am putting pro-lifejustices on the court.

- [Reporter] Including threeSupreme Court justices.

- It is my profound honorto be the first president

in history to attend the March For Life.

(crowd cheering)

- [Reporter] Throughout his presidency,

Mr. Trump pursued a pro-life agenda,

becoming the first president to speak

at the annual March For Life,

pushing to defund Planned Parenthood,

and urging Congress toend late-term abortions.

- We're working very hard

with Little Sisters of the Poor, right?

You know about that.

- [Reporter] Plus signingan executive order,

protecting religious groups objecting

to the contraceptive mandate in Obamacare.

- This president took suchstrong steps early on.

He's the first presidentin American history

to ever convene an internationalconference, not once,

but twice on religious liberty.

- [Reporter] He earned and maintained

strong support among evangelicals.

- It's a pleasure now to introduce the man

who is in the news almostall the time, Donald Trump.

- Let's pray together, may we?- Yes.

- [Reporter] Some calling him

the best friend Christianshave had in the White House.

- [Reverend] Father, I thankyou that we have a president,

President Donald Trump,

who believes in the power of prayer.

- [Reporter] PresidentTrump slashed taxes.

- [Reporter] He claimsmiddle-class taxpayers

will be the biggest winners.

- [Reporter] Spurring economic growth

(bell ringing)

that broke stock market records,

made the country energy independent,

and reduced unemploymentto the lowest level

in half a century

while lifting medianblack household incomes

to record levels.

- He's delivered on quitea few of the promises

that he's made, but nobodywants to admit that.

- [Reporter] When theCOVID-19 pandemic threatened

that economy and the country,

President Trump orderedan unprecedented effort

that created and producedvaccines in less than a year.

- [Reporter] Tonight, anotherpotential breakthrough,

a second vaccine showingsuccess against COVID.

(audience clapping)

- [Reporter] He enacted reforms

to make our justice system fair for all.

- Criminal justice reform.

Everybody said it couldn't be done.

- [Reporter] And forged peacedeals in the Middle East

for the first time in generations.

Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu of Israel

and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed

of the United Arab Emirates

where they agreed to finalizea historical peace agreement.

- [Reporter] Securing theAbraham Accords to advance peace

and prosperity and kept his promise.

the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem

as Israel's capital and movethe American embassy there.

- Without President Trump'sdetermination, resolve, courage,

we would not be here today.

- [Reporter] Afterrenegotiating trade deals,

he insisted hurt the U.S.,

the Trump administration labeled China

as the new geopoliticalthreat of the 21st century.

- What they did to this countrywith trade, and trade deals,

NAFTA, we had no deal with China.

I mean, we had no deal.

And it was like just easy pickings.

- He placed sanctions ontop Chinese companies.

(upbeat music)

And banned TikTok because ofnational security concerns.

Now, how history remembersDonald Trump, of course,

remains to be seen.

Some wonder if his relentless challenge

of election resultsand the deadly storming

at the Capitol this month

will forever overshadowhis accomplishments.

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