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VA Photographer Faces $100K Fines from Law that Favors Gay Rights over Christian Convictions

VA Photographer Faces $100K Fines from Law that Favors Gay Rights over Christian Convictions Read Transcript

- [Paul] After a hearingin a Virginia court,

photographer Bob Updegrove

talked about how he feels state lawmakers

slander his beliefs.

- [Bob] Call views like mine bigotry,

and want to punish me, to removeme from the public square.

- [Paul] His lawyers maintain

their client isn't anti-gay.

He's simply following his faith

while trying to make a living.

- He believes that marriage

is between one man and one woman,

and Bob serves everyone, hejust can't convey all messages.

- [Bob] I serve customersno matter who they are,

but the government oversteps,

when it attempts to force me

to promote views I disagree with.

- [Paul] And if Updegrove refuses

to shoot all kinds of weddings,

Virginia could hit himwith harsh penalties.

- $50,000 for a first-time violation,

and $100,000 for a second-time violation.

Enough to put any smallbusiness owner out of business.

- [Bob] You know, when thegovernment can tell you

what to do,

what to say,

and what to create,

then, we do not live in a free America.

- Remember, this affects everybody.

A Democratic speechwriter

should not have to create a stump speech

for a Republican candidate,

and a Muslim artist should notbe forced to create a T-shirt

saying "Jesus, son of God,"for a Christian church.

- Updegrove's lawyers believe

this court will likelyside with their client,

because of what the U.S. Supreme Court

has already decided on this issue.

It ruled,

because of wedding cake creator,

Jack Phillips' religious beliefs,

he couldn't be forced to bakecakes for same-sex weddings.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

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