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News on The 700 Club: January 12, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” January 12, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

State Houses from coastto coast are boarding up.

The FBI is warning ofpossible armed protests

in every State Capitolbeginning this weekend

through Inauguration Day.

- One group is reportedly ready

to storm governmentbuildings if President Trump

is removed from officebefore January 20th.

Meanwhile, leaders onCapitol Hill move forward

with plans to impeach him.

CBN National Security Correspondent,

Eric Philips has more.

- Though the presidenthas been mostly silent

since last week, thereis word this morning

that he is acknowledgingsome blame for the riot

at the US Capitol last Wednesday.

That coming from HouseRepublican Leader Kevin McCarthy,

who says the president expressed that

during a phone call with him.

And now, the presidentis declaring a state

of emergency in Washington, DC.

(crowd clamoring)

With these images stillfresh in everyone's mind,

the president is now declaringa state of emergency,

stretching from January 11th through days

after the presidential inauguration.

At the same time, the FBI iswarning of what's to come.

State Houses coast to coast, boarding up,

preparing for protests

and potentially dangerous demonstrations.

This as an unnamed armedgroup reportedly is calling

for storming governmentbuildings if President Trump

is removed from officebefore January 20th.

Still, efforts to impeachthe president move forward.

- Sadly, the person that'srunning the Executive Branch

is a deranged, unhinged,dangerous president.

- [Eric] More than 200House Democrats introduced

a single article of impeachment Monday,

charging the president withincitement of insurrection,

after they say thepresident, with his rhetoric,

encouraged a mob to attackthe US Capitol last week.

Evangelical leader, Franklin Graham,

says impeachment would be a mistake.

- I think it's a mistakebecause for one hand,

they talk about unity andbringing the country together.

But yet, you've tried to impeach

the president a second time.

It's just gonna furtherdivide the country.

- They say that if we impeach,

it could make matters worse.

Matters can't get worse.

We just had a potential coup attempt.

- [Eric] Even some of thepresident's staunchest allies

have turned on him.

- I do think the presidentcommitted impeachable offenses.

- But one Senate Democrat is calling

on House Democrats to reconsider.

- Well I think this is soill-advised for Joe Biden

to be coming in, tryingto heal the country,

trying to be the presidentof all the people when

we're going to be sodivided and fighting again.

- [Eric] Graham says theactions at the Capitol

that took five lives,including an officer,

should be dealt with severely.

- And I hope they'll be ableto identify every one of them

and prosecutor 'em, put 'em in jail.

- Vice President Penceand President Trump met

for the first time onMonday, since the attack.

They have pledged to work together

in the final days of the administration.

Meanwhile, acting DHSSecretary, Chad Wolf,

has become the latestmember of the administration

to resign over the situation.

A House vote on the impeachment

is expected to happen tomorrow.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Well, if there was evera time to pray for America,

it's right now, we need to pray.

The violence seems to be spreading,

the FBI issuing warnings.

We're far from having apeaceful transfer of power.

The first time in our historywhere we're not recognizing

the election results and that's leading

to upheaval from coast to coast.

We need to pray.

We need to pray for God to intervene,

for only the Prince ofpeace can bring us peace.

So please, be in prayer for our country.

In other news, big techis coming under fire

for shutting down President Trump

in a social media apppopular with conservatives.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.

- That's right, Gordon.

The social media platformParler is suing Amazon

for getting booted off the techgiants' web hosting services

and forcing it offline.

Amazon claimed Parler'susers were inciting violence

after last week's riot on Capitol Hill.

The controversy is just thelatest in the ongoing debate

over free speech versus censorship online.

Mark Martin has the story.

- Conservatives claima big tech crack down

on free speech is taking place.

And they point out that many others,

including leftists and rogue regimes

post threats of violence onTwitter with no consequences.

The list is growing.

Twitter took its actionFriday to permanently suspend

the president's account.

Amazon web services took downParler, a Twitter competitor

and growing social mediahaven for conservatives.

Google and Apple have also banned Parler.

The claim that Parleris partly responsible

for the Capitol assault.

The CEO maintains that's nottrue because his platform

did not even have a wayto coordinate an event.

Ken Blackwell of theFamily Research Council.

- There's a real lack of consistency

by those big tech companies.

They are, they're allegedto be neutral platforms

for the free exchange ofideas and that any regulation

that they have will beevenly and fairly applied.

Well, these are platformsthat still allow for dictators

and tolerance from other countries

to communicate their messages freely.

- [Mark] Former Homeland SecurityCounter-Terrorism Official

Elizabeth Neumann sayswhile these companies should

be held accountable,

the current situation callsfor a different priority.

- Right now, we need tomake sure that we don't see

another set of incidentslike we had last week.

Right now, we need to calm the temperature

and get people focused onwhat happened January 6th,

let the investigation unfurl,

arrest the people that violated the law.

And then, let's have a properdebate about section 230.

- The Media Research CenterPresident Brent Bozell

and other conservative leaders

want big tech companies broken up

after what they callsweeping acts of censorship

against conservatives andPresident Donald Trump.

Bozell added "Big tech hasdeclared war on free speech

and is now an existentialthreat to democracy."

Meanwhile, Senator MarkWarner of Virginia calls

the United States Capitol a crime scene.

The likely chairman of theSenate Intelligence Committee

has also requested that telecommunication

and social media companiessave any evidence associated

with the quote "insurrectionist attack"

in order to bring writers to justice.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark.

Turning now to the battleagainst the coronavirus.

The United States now in the second month

of the biggest vaccinationdrive in history,

with a major expansion of the campaign

that includes opening football stadiums,

major league baseball parks, fairgrounds,

and convention centers.

Dodger Stadium in LosAngeles has been used

as a testing site, thebiggest in the country.

And now it also will serveas a place to get vaccinated

and more will be added as well.

- These five sites,

in addition to our private partner sites,

will allow us to complete anadditional 500,000 vaccinations

among our healthcare workersby the end of January.

- So far, just 35% of the25 million doses distributed

to the states have been administered.

Well, with just eight days togo before his inauguration,

President elect Joe Bidenis putting the final pieces

of his cabinet in place,

Monday, announcing veterandiplomat William Burns

to lead the CIA.

Burns has worked in USforeign policy for 33 years

under both Republican andDemocratic presidents.

Burns is the final pick inBiden's 15 cabinet nominations.

If all are confirmed,

it will be the most diverse in history.

Well, the Trump administrationis using its last few days

in office to make someforeign policy moves,

including re-designating Cubaa state sponsor of terrorism.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cited that

the communist nationsharboring of terrorists

in his announcement yesterday.

Pompeo said Cuba's government must quote,

"End its support forinternational terrorism

and subversion."

It is a reversal ofpresident Obama's policy

that he lifted thedesignation back in 2015.

The Cuban government criticized the move

as did Senate Democrats who said

it will hamper Presidentelect Biden's ability

to work with Cuba.

Well in England, the homewhere JRR Tolkien wrote

two masterpieces of Englishliterature is up for sale.

The house in Oxford is where Tolkien wrote

"The Lord Of The Rings" and "The Hobbit."

Some supporters hope topreserve it as a literary center

but a steep price tag andfast approaching deadline

could stand in their way.

As CBN's Jenna Browder reports,

that's why they're asking for help.

- 20 Northmoor Road in Oxford, England,

is where JR Tolkienlived from 1930 to 1947.

It's where he raised hisfamily and also wrote some

of his most well-known works.

Now that it's for sale, thereare many interested buyers,

including Project Northmoor,

which has several leadingcharacters helping its cause.

- In 1930, a family movedinto 20 Northmoor Road,

a big house in the universitycity of Oxford, England.

- The young fatherentertained his children

with his stories about a hobbit.

- Here, Mr. Bilbo.

Where are you off to?

- I'm going on an adventure.

- Well, there is no placefor Tolkien in the world.

Many other authors alreadyhave a house dedicated to them.

- [Jenna] Project Northmoorfounder, Julia Golding,

wants to change that.

- In the UK, we have Jane Austen's house.

We've got Wordsworth'shouse, we've Shakespeare.

And it always struck me thatthere was a real missing piece

of this literary heritagethat hadn't yet happened.

- [Jenna] Her goal,

to make it a literarycenter in Tolkien's honor.

She says the center will focuson all aspects of his life,

from his writing and yearsas an Oxford professor,

to his deep Catholic faithand famous friendships.

- And he was part of agroup called "The Inklings"

and that included CS Lewis.

So the literary center theysort of had here in Oxford,

they were people of faith.

And that was part ofwhat they were thinking

of when they were writing.

- [Jenna] Project Northmoorhas just three months

to raise $6 million before thehome hits the public market.

- We had reached about halfa million in the first week,

which is very good.

We shouldn't throttle back though.

We've got a long way to go still.

- There are so many of us, you see,

and we all want to see this done.

- We will only succeed if we all do

this together as a fellowship.

- Project Northmoor also hasplans for an online community

for those Tolkien fanswho want to participate,

but can't get to Oxford.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Thank you, Jenna and to Jenna.

And to learn more about the famous home

and a Kickstarter campaignto help close the gap,

you can go to CBNnews.comto learn more about that.


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