- And joining us now, Robert Jeffress,
pastor of First Baptist Dallas.
Pastor Jeffress, thankyou for being with us
on such an unforgettable day.
Pastor, earlier today,
Southern Baptist leaderRussell Moore tweeted,
"This mob attack on ourCapitol and our Constitution
"is immoral, unjust,dangerous, "and inexcusable.
"What has happened toour country is tragic,
"and could have been avoided."
Emotions are running high,
and I find it very telling, pastor,
that Russell Moore used the word mob.
- Well, I think we've gottabe clear and consistent
as Christians on this,
and I pointed out a few moments ago,
disobeying and assaulting police is a sin,
whether it's done by Antifaor by angry Republicans.
This is a sin, it is wrong,
and we need to speak out loudly against it
if we're true believers.
The world is watching tosee if we're consistent
in our position or not.
We were very quick andvery right to condemn
what happened earlier this year
with the Antifa mobs in majorcities throughout the country,
including my own city of Dallas.
We need to be equally vocal
in denouncing this kind of violence
when it's done by people
we may happen to agree with politically.
What they're doing is wrong.
- Pastor, it is good fortunethat we have you here today.
You've been a staunchsupporter of President Trump.
I'm sure you were disappointedby the election results.
Regardless, there's aright and a wrong way
to err your grievances, is there not?
- There absolutely is, and look,
I have been probably the strongest
pastoral supporter ofPresident Trump there's been,
and I continue to support him,
but as a representative forJesus Christ in this society,
all of us who are Christians
have to deal with reality, not fantasy.
You know 1 Chronicles 12:32 talks about
the men of Issachar, who were people who
understood their times, andknew what Israel should do.
If we are going to beeffective in this world
as Christ representatives,
we've gotta understand what'sgoing on in our culture,
and the truth is, Joe Biden
is going to be the next President.
He's going to beinaugurated on January 20th,
and we as a church needto prepare for that
so that we can be aneffective Christian witness
during that period of time.
- Pastor, let's dial back a bit.
You know, you, as we just talked about,
you're a Trump supporter.
There's Trump supportersout on Capitol Hill,
just right up the road from here.
How did we get to this point?
Some of the things that we've seen today,
I can imagine, like me, youthought you'd never see.
- Yeah, well look, our country is divided,
and I happen to believe Donald Trump
is not responsible forthe division in America.
He has simply exposed thedivision that's in America.
I think he refused toback down and roll over
like other conservatives did,
and when he stood up and pushed back,
I think it gave conservatives the backbone
to do that as well,and that's why you have
such friction in our country right now.
Neither side is willing to back down.
There's nothing wrong and everything right
with standing up for your beliefs,
especially when they're biblical beliefs.
But I think there's a linethat we dare not cross,
and I think it got crossedthis afternoon in the Capitol.
- Pastor, last question foryou, and it's a two parter.
How should Christiansbe praying specifically
in this moment, and then also,
what's the prayer that you're praying?
- Well, I wrote a book,you were nice enough
to talk about it with me a few months ago,
called Praying For America,and I suggest 40 prayers
for America for differentareas of America's life.
But I think the primary prayerfor Christians ought to be
that Christ would beglorified through all of this.
The light shinesbrightest in the darkness,
and I believe we're gonnahave a rough four years.
I think Christian libertyis going to be assaulted.
I think values are gonna be perpetrated
that are against the Bible,
but this isn't a time todespair as Christians.
This is a time for us to realize
we have a marvelous opportunity
to point people to Jesus Christ.
- Pastor Robert Jeffressof First Baptist Dallas,
thank you so much for your time
and your words of encouragement today.
- Thank you for having me.