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A Christmas Special: How the Christmas Celebration as We Know it, Began 12/25/20

A Christmas special: We'll look at how the celebration of Christmas as we know it began; plus Christians in Bethlehem at Christmas during COVID; and the Christmas story, as told in the Gospel of Luke. Read Transcript

(horn blowing)

- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"

a Christmas special.

We'll take a look at thebeginning of how Christmas,

as we know it, came to be celebrated.

Plus Christians in Bethlehemat Christmas during COVID,

and the Christmas story astold in the Gospel of Luke.

All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(intense music)

Hello and welcome to this special edition

of "Jerusalem. Dateline,"I'm Chris Mitchell.

The Bible tells us some of the details

about the miraculous birthof Jesus, born in Bethlehem,

which is right behindme, and laid in a manger.

But it doesn't give us a dateor tell us to celebrate it.

So how did the Church

come to revere the holiday of Christmas?

- [Narrator] That's thetopic of CBN's documentary

"Christmas: The storybehind the traditions"

produced by Erin Zimmerman

and narrated by Gordon Robertson.

Here are some excerpts from that film.

- More than 2000 years ago

a baby was born in a distant corner

of the Roman empire in the smalltown of Bethlehem in Judea.

It was a simple birth, butone that would reverberate

around the world.

For the next 2000 years.

The story of the nativitywould be celebrated,

debated, exaggerated, andsometimes even banned.

But today the birth ofChrist is the biggest holiday

on the Western calendar.

(Festive music)

- There's so much to Christmasand the reason it survived

so many different ways,so many time periods

is it has so many different meanings.

You can celebrate the awesomeness of God.

You can prophesy His second coming.

You can look back to God'spromises in the Old Testament.

The incarnation is abig thing to celebrate;

totally upending every conceptof how a God would appear.

Not in a palace, not inmajesty, not with power,

not with might, helplessness.

He has to be sheltered by a young woman.

How could we not lovea God who puts Himself

through that for us?

(Festive music)

- [Gordon] Only theGospels of Matthew and Luke

tell the story of Jesus' birth.

It wasn't mentioned in theletters of the Apostle Paul,

and the first century Churchnever celebrated the nativity.

It wasn't until 200 years later

that Christians becameinterested in Christmas.

So why the sudden change of heart?

- One of the things that provoked a change

in their thinking was the rise

of a heresy called Gnosticism.

And Gnosticism believed that Jesus

only had a spiritual presence,

that he only seemed to be here.

In order to counter thisheresy Christian theologians

had to stress the physicalityof Jesus, His birthplace,

the place in a cave, or ananimal shelter where He was born,

the fact that He was wrappedin swaddling clothes.

All of that became important to stress

that Jesus had an actualphysical body that suffered

on the cross.

- [Gordon] So how did December 25th

become the date for Christmas?

- We have so few dates associated

with Jesus's life and death.

The only thing that theearly Church really knew

was that, according to the Gospel of John,

Jesus died on the 14th ofNisan at Passover time,

that's a fixed date inthe Jewish calendar.

And really that datebecame a key to unlock

for the early Churchwhat they would propose

to be the date of His birth.

In Jewish thought, there wasan expectation that creation

and redemption would takeplace on the same day.

Now the Christians knew with certainty

that Jesus died at Passover.

Tertullian suggested thatin the year that Jesus died

the 14th of Nisan fell on March 25th.

Why was this important to them?

If creation and redemptionhappened on the same day

then they assumed that Jesus was conceived

on the same day that He died.

And then the next partwas simple math forward,

add nine months, and we go from March 25th

to December 25th.

Then the West, workingfrom the Church Fathers,

prior to the time of Constantine,we see the establishment

of December 25th, already, as the date

in which we commemoratethe birth of Jesus.

- [Gordon] In 336, the Church of Rome

officially proclaimed December 25th

as dies natalis Christior the birthday of Christ.

But while WesternChristians accepted that day

the Eastern Churchcelebrated on January 6th.

So what did the earliestChristmas celebrations look like?

- They didn't really havepublic churches at this point,

they're meeting in houses, in just rooms,

often in secret as well.

So I think in those early, early days

you have very private secret

and quite solemncelebrations of Christmas.

And it's really only onceyou start to get Christianity

on the rise in the RomanEmpire, in around about,

sort of, 300s A.D. that suddenly you have

bigger celebrations at Christmas.

- What did they do on Christmas?

The celebration of amass, which is, of course,

the preaching of the gospeland the Lord's Supper

in honor of the birth ofChrist, it's Christ Mass.

That Christmas, a masswould be said after sunset,

before sunrise like the traditionof going to Midnight Mass,

where does that come from?

It comes from the early practiceof the earliest Christians

in the third and fourth andfifth and sixth centuries,

when they would go to aMidnight Mass to celebrate

birth of Jesus

- After 1800 years ofcontroversy, materialism in a date

that can't really be provenas the birth date of Christ,

some may ask, "Why should weeven celebrate Christmas?"

The answer can only be found

by returning to the original story.

- [Interpreter] Christmasmarks the birth of Christ,

an otherwise distantGod becomes an infant.

He comes and says to us, "I love you,"

but He says it through the cry of a baby.

We celebrate this humbling of God Himself

as God lays aside His divinity

and wishes to meet eachone of us, not to judge us

but to save us and tobestow on us the true life.

- The festival hasproduced so much beauty,

so much human goodness.

The story of the nativity,even if you reject it,

leaks into everything, thetenderness of the baby,

but also the presence of angels,

God's declaration of love for humanity,

that seeps into everything.

How many times have we been generous

to people because it's Christmas?

So God bless Christmas.

- Why should we celebrate this?

What's the point?

Is it all made up, anyway?

Bah humbug, is what I would say to that.

Santa Claus in his originsis a generous bishop

who, particularly, hadan attention for the poor

and the people who needed help.

It wasn't about pushy present buying,

it was about helping people in need.

And then the DickensianChristmas and Washington Irving's

cozy family Christmas,putting family at its heart

and generosity and charity,

these are all very good things.

And over the years, yes,we can easily forget,

I think, a lot of thosecharitable and generous attributes

to do with Christmas,but I think at its heart

it's a good festival and it'sabout spreading love and joy

and having a goodwill to all men.

So as Tiny Tim observed,"God bless us, every one!"

(upbeat music)

- [Chris] Up next.

What's happening Christian businesses

in Bethlehem and Jerusalem,and how you can help.

(upbeat music)

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- [Gordon] Hundreds ofthousands of Jews died

at the hands of the Romans,

and even more died of famine.

Others hid under the city

in drainage tunnels like this one

hoping to outlast the Roman army.

- Archeologists discoverwhole cooking pots

in the drainage channel,signifying that the Jews

were living there, perhapsfor days, maybe for weeks,

maybe even four months,reminiscent of Jews hiding

from the Nazis during the Holocaust

some 2000 years later.

Inside this drainage channelarcheologists also find

a Roman sword and scabbard presumably used

at one of the Roman Legionnairesto kill the last Jews

of Second Temple Jerusalem.

- Eventually the Romanscaught up with them,

a scene Josephus describes in this history

of "The Jewish War."

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(upbeat music)

- This year, Christmas inBethlehem is very different

than the Christmas joy andactivity that takes place

every year in the place whereit all began 2000 years ago.

Here's why.

Normally at this timeof year Manger Square,

here in the heart of Bethlehem and next to

the Church of Nativity wouldbe filled with tourists

and Christian pilgrims.

But in the town whereJesus Christ was born

it's much differentduring the year of COVID.

- There's gonna be no celebrations,

there are gonna be no 24th,

that's the normal year thatyou have covered every year.

The parades and Boy Scouts

and music and the streets, and everything.

- [Narrator] Bethlehem this year

is a tourist town without tourists.

- Since COVID start in March,

the tourists go out from Bethlehem.

Until now we don't see any other tourists.

The situation here is very sad,

no tourist at all, people are sitting

at home waiting to open a new page

when this disaster will be finished.

- [Narrator] Christian artisans here

in the Bethlehem Star Olive Wood Factory

have certainly felt the impact.

- I am suffering here,and also in my factory,

you see that I have here 14,15 people works in my factory.

I did not send any of my people home,

I left them here.

All of them are working in the factory,

just at least to get someincome at the end of the week.

- [Narrator] That'swhere Artzabox comes in.

A Jewish company designedto bring the Holy Land

to Christians in North America.

- Israel has such strongsignificance to so many people,

so many different faiths,but about 95% of Christians

in North America, for example,

never actually make it over into Israel.

And we spend our liveslearning, the Old Testament,

the New Testament, allthe stories and the people

and the characters, andalso the life of Jesus.

You have no way to actuallybring these stories to life.

- An Artzabox subscription provides gifts

from the Holy Land four times a year,

made locally by folks like Jamil Hosh.

Last quarter featured Nazareth,

and this quarter Bethlehem.

It's their way of bringingthe Bible to life.

- That coupled with COVID,which hit earlier this year,

and all these small businesses

and artisans are really suffering

'cause they really rely on tourism.

So we decided to create Artza

which delivers the experienceof Israel to your doorstep

and takes you on ajourney through the land.

And at the same time we help support

all these small businesses and artisans,

and, you know, theseincredibly talented people,

especially now, when, you know,tourism isn't coming here.

- [Narrator] That includes Jamil Hosh,

his family and factory.

- Artza, I make him two bigorders, and now they are selling

my products in United State.

They helped me a lot,

maybe I work about six orseven weeks in summertime

to Artza orders.

It was very helpful andit's still in the beginning,

I am expecting next yearit will be more orders

from Artza and to work with more items.

- [Narrator] In Jerusalem, justa few miles from Bethlehem,

COVID also hit Christian businesses.

Many of these alleys wouldbe filled with tourists,

but now many of these shopsin the Christian quarter

of the old city are shuttered and closed.

- Local business, it went down to zero.

Just like one day, boom!

It has been very difficult.

And I have many people who also work

with me in this business.

It has been very difficult for them.

- [Narrator] Zak Mishrikyis a third generation

Christian shopkeeper inJerusalem's old city.

- Since COVID started

I had a challenge, you know, what is next?

And as soon as COVID started,I started investing online,

I sell many Christianitems that was produced

here in Jerusalem to bless the whole world

and make them closer to God.

- [Narrator] From olive wood nativity sets

to coins from the time ofJesus and anointing oil.

Mishriky offers a widerange of Christmas gifts.

He feels it's important for Christians

around the world to support their brothers

and sisters in the Holy Land.

- Christians in the Middle East

and especially in the Holy Land,

now we're only 1% of the population here

and supporting them issupporting the Holy Land.

Supporting them is supportingthe existence of Christ, here.

- [Narrator] Schimmel seeshis efforts through Artzabox

as a way to fulfill the Jewish concept

of tikkun olam, healing the world.

- We're not just here to help Jews,

we're here to connect andhelp everyone with a world,

regardless of their faith, you know.

That's a very Jewish value

which I think is very important.

And secondly, the Christian support

for Israel and their connection

to Israel is justoverwhelming and incredible.

So if there's a way

on a personal level to give back to that,

then I think that'svery important as well.

- [Narrator] Both Artzaboxand Zak's online store

want to provide a meaningful Christmas.

- Buying, you know,gifts that has meanings,

and one made by Christiansin the Holy land,

and it really supportfamilies in the land,

we want to bless them back.

- We really hope that it brings people

a lot of Christmas joy

and, you know, to celebrate your Christmas

with Christmas ornaments from Bethlehem,

made from olive wood as well.

And, you know, from allthese beautiful products

from the area, which isthe story of Christmas

we think people will really enjoy,

and we hope people really do.

- [Narrator] Both Artzaboxand Zak's Jerusalem Gifts

are offering CBN viewers a 20% discount

with this special code, CBN20.

You can visit Artzabox at,

and Zak's Jerusalem Giftsat

Again, that's

and zaksjerusalemgifts.comfor a 20% discount.

(upbeat music)

Coming up.

A unique point of view

from a pastor born and raisedin the city of Bethlehem.

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(upbeat music)

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(upbeat music)

- You met Pastor StevenKhoury of Holy Land Missions

in our last story.

Khoury was born and raised in Bethlehem,

and we talked with him aboutChristmas and the meaning

of the season in our Jerusalem studio.

Pastor Pastor Steven Khouryfrom Holy Land Missions,

thanks for joining us.

First of all, Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas from Bethlehem

to you, Chris, and to those watching.

- Tell us about the situationin Bethlehem right now,

how would you describe it?

- In the hearts of Christians in Bethlehem

there is a cautious optimismand a sense of a foggy hope

because many don't knowwhat's happening next?

What's gonna happen tomorrow?

It's a good thing and a bad thing.

It's a good thing because it's drawn many

to ask the question of "Godwhere are you in all this?

And "Show us your glory."

And, of course, the other bad thing is,

many have drawn more dry in their love,

in their faith for Christin the city of Bethlehem.

So we're trying to keep it festive

even though there'sgonna be no celebrations,

there're gonna be no 24th, the normal year

that you have covered every year.

The parades and Boy Scouts,

and music in the streets and everything.

So unfortunately it's gonnabe a dry, festive year

from the traditionalfestivity in the, you know

probably the last 30 plusyears that I can remember.

- How would you describe what's happening

in Bethlehem economically?

- It's hard, brother, it really is

because the infrastructurehere for tourism,

which is the number oneincome for Bethlehem

and the surrounding villages and towns,

there is no infrastructure in place

set to prepare for a pandemic.

What they were alwaysready and prepared for

was an uprising, a oneor two or three week war,

or riots in the streetswhich last a couple of days.

So they're always ready forthat, but not like this.

So it's hit a lot of people hard.

Many Christians are hurting and suffering,

and many Muslims arehurting and suffering.

So this is a time forChristians to step in, to pray

and to support and help theChristians in Bethlehem.

- What are you doing atHoly Land Missions to help?

- We are doing two things.

We are feeding the physical

and we are feeding the spiritual.

This is what Jesus did.

We call it compassionateevangelism, Chris,

where we are reachingout to neighborhoods,

we are feeding them,giving them food, clothing

and praying with them,getting them gospel tracks.

You know, a lot of people dependon the internet, globally,

about here internet goes on and off a lot,

it shuts down a lot,

there's sometimes overloadon the server systems.

So many people are going back

to asking us for books, sohandheld letter to read.

- Pastor Khoury, youwere born in Bethlehem,

you minister in Bethlehem,

what's the message of Bethlehemto people around the world?

My message to the Christianworld today is we must pray

for the peace of Jerusalem.

Number two, we cannotlove the Jews and hate

the Arabs, or love theArabs and hate the Jews.

My father has always saidthat there is enough room

in the heart of the Father to love both

the Jew and the Arab, so must we.

So I'm asking Christiansaround the world to pray

for the peace of Jerusalem,

to visit our website

to help us feed the hungry,help us feed the broken.

So that's what we're asking you,

those watching to pray.

I know there's hope even thoughit seems like it's hopeless.

There is hope today,and we can be agents of

hope for Christ in this Christmas season.

Let's make it a special one.

Jesus is not missingthis because of COVID.

He's still here.

- Pastor, would you justpray for us right now,

for those that are watchingabout the Christmas message.

- Heavenly Father, I ask You this second

as you're servant fromJerusalem and Bethlehem,

I pray and I ask, Lord,that you release your angels

around Chris and his "Dateline" program

and those watching.

Lord, I pray in Yeshua's name.

Those that are watching mightbe restored back to your love.

It's not about religion,

it's not about a denominationor a church setting,

it is about a personalrelationship with you.

I pray you touch those watchingyou heal them physically,

emotionally, spiritually.

But give us a new vision,

give us a new heart to able to see things,

see the hope during this hopeless season,

and see the light during this dark season.

I speak peace this month oneverybody around the world

that's believes in you.

We bring back to your restorationin Jesus name, I pray.

Amen.- Amen.

Pastor Khoury, thanks for joining us

here on "Jerusalem Dateline"and Merry Christmas.

- Thank you Chris.

Merry Christmas, and God bless you.

(upbeat music)

- Up next.

Reading the Christmasstory from the book of Luke

in the hills of the Judean wilderness.

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- The Gospel of Luke captures the wonder

of that first Christmas.

We read that story from chapter two

overlooking the Judean Hills

not far from Jerusalem.

(intense music)

(dramatic music)

The gospel according to Luke 2.

"And it came to pass inthose days that a decree

"went out from Caesar Augustus

"that all the world should be registered.

"This census first tookplace while Quirinius

"was governing Syria.

"So all went to be registered,everyone to his own city.

"Joseph also went up from Galilee,

"out of the city of Nazareth,

"into Judea, to the city of David,

"which is called Bethlehem,because he was the house

"and lineage of David, tobe registered with Mary,

"his betrothed wife, who was with child.

"So it was, that while they were there,

"the days were completedfor her to be delivered.

"And she brought forth her firstborn Son

"and wrapped Him inswaddling cloths and laid Him

"in a manger because there wasno room for them in the inn.

"Now there were in thesame country shepherds

"living out in the fields,

"keeping watch over their flock by night.

"And behold, an angel ofthe Lord stood before them,

"and the glory of theLord shone around them,

and they were greatly afraid.

"Then the angel said to them,'Do not be afraid, for behold,

"'I bring you good tidings of great joy,

"'which will be to all people.

"'For there is born to you this day

"'in the city of David aSavior who is Christ the Lord.

"'And this will be the sign to you:

"'You will find a Babewrapped in swaddling cloths

"'lying in a manger.'

"And suddenly there waswith the angel a multitude

"'of the heavenly host praisingGod and saying 'Glory to God

"'in the highest, and on Earthpeace, goodwill toward men.'

"So it was, when the angelshad gone away from them

"into heaven, that theshepherds said to one another,

"'Let us now go to Bethlehem

"'and see this thingthat has come to pass,

"'which the Lord has made known to us.'

"And they came with haste and found Mary

"and Joseph, and theBabe lying in a manger.

"Now, when they had seen Him,

"they made widely known the saying

"which was told themconcerning this Child.

"And all those who heardit marveled at those things

"which were told them by the shepherds.

"But Mary kept all these things

"and pondered them in her heart.

"Then the shepherds returnedglorifying and praising God

"for all the things thatthey had heard and seen,

"as it was told them."

Well, the Christmas story is part

of the greatest story ever told.

We hope you've enjoyedthis special edition

of "Jerusalem Dateline" on Christmas.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember, you can follow us

on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."

and Merry Christmas from the Holy Land.

(upbeat music)


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