Millions of Americans Will Get Stimulus Checks as Congress Set to Pass COVID Relief Bill
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- After months of failed negotiations,
Congress finally has a deal ona COVID-19 stimulus package.
And yes, it includes anothercheck for many Americans.
- We can finally report whatour nation has needed to hear
for a very long time.
More help is on the way.
- [Dale] The $900-billion package
is expected to include 300billion for small businesses,
$300 in weekly federalunemployment benefits,
and a $600 stimulus checkto millions of Americans,
half of what the governmentsent back in the spring.
The earliest people couldsee those checks is January.
- After a long and arduous year,
after a year full of bad news, finally,
we have some good news todeliver to the American people.
- [Dale] In a poll bythe website Alignable,
85% of small business ownerssaid additional funding
is very important for thesurvival of their businesses
for the next six months,
and that half of minority-owned businesses
are not able to pay their December rent.
Single mom Renee DeCarlo,forced to close her business,
says any help is welcome.
- Every dollar matters to me.
The more they give me, themore ability I'll have to get
my life back in order,a little bit at a time,
because right now there isn't enough
to support myself or my kids.
- [Dale] But for manyout-of-work Americans,
the relief package istoo little, too late.
- $600 is nothing. It'slike a slap in our face.
- [Dale] Lisa Mistretta, a hospice nurse,
suffers from health conditions
that make her too high risk to work.
- You know, I'm behindabout $6,000 in bills.
You know, it's not ourfault that we can't work.
- [Dale] Today, a newCOVID vaccine from Moderna
joins Pfizer's in the nation'sarsenal against the pandemic,
but a poll shows half of Americans
either won't take it or aren't sure.
After reports of severeallergic reactions,
the CDC now says that anyonewho reacts to the vaccine
should not get the second shot.
- And governments around theworld are banning travelers
from the United Kingdomafter officials reported
a new, more contagious variantof COVID-19 has emerged.
The UK is now under lockdown,
with some accusing the government
of effectively canceling Christmas.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.