A second Coronavirus vaccine is one step closer to approval, My Faith Votes is working to get people to the polls, A global campaign is bringing awareness about millions of people trapped in slavery, A rare cosmic event will light up the night ...
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(intense music)
- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch".
- Hello, everyone, thankyou so much for joining us
for "CBN Newswatch" forDecember 18th, 2020.
I'm George Thomas.
a second coronavirus vaccine inching
toward widespread use.
The approval that could come within hours.
A warning about Iran and concern
about what the Bidenadministration will do next.
Is a nuclear deal on the way?
How a new campaign is bringing awareness
about the millions trappedin modern-day slavery.
And a starlight event that mayhave Biblical implications.
Those stories, and muchmore today on "Newswatch".
But we begin today on the news
of a second coronavirus vaccine.
It is one step closer to approval
after the US marked itsdeadliest 24 hours yet.
The Moderna vaccine justgot the green light,
and the final approvalcould come within hours.
CBN's White House correspondent,Ben Kennedy, reports.
- [Ben] More than 17 millionAmericans have COVID,
a record 247,000 newcases in 24 hours alone,
and more than 3,600 deaths.
This as an FDA advisorypanel voted 20 to zero
to recommend emergency useof the Moderna vaccine.
They did note some peopleshowed minor reactions,
but did not identify any safety concerns.
- Moderna certainlywill be available soon,
have the same level of efficacy,the same safety profile,
and virtually everythingthe same about them.
So it wouldn't make much difference,
which of those you take.
- [Ben] Pfizer's versionis already on the road,
being given at nearly 600locations cross-country.
Between the two vaccines,officials are expecting
some 20 million doses will be distributed
by the end of the year, butit's a war on two fronts.
The shutdowns due to the pandemic
continue to hurt the economy,
and millions of Americans are suffering.
Thursday's job report shows 885,000
applied for unemployment.
Lawmakers are working topass another round of relief.
A roughly $900 billion billhas bipartisan support.
It would provide $300 a weekin unemployment benefits
and a $600 direct stimuluspayment to most Americans.
It also includes eviction protection
and billions for small businessesand vaccine distribution.
On CBN's "Faith Nation",Chief Political Analyst
David Brody said SenateRepublicans are holding the line
on some Democrat priorities.
- What isn't included
is money for states and local governments,
nor protections against COVIDlawsuits for businesses.
Where does this leave the relief effort
in January with a new administration?
- Well, if you notice those twoparts that were not included
were things that Mitch McConnell
and Republicans did not wantin the bill, and guess what?
They're not gonna be in thebill because Mitch McConnell
and the Republicansstill control the Senate.
We'll see how it goes in January.
- [Ben] Ben Kennedy, CBN News.
- Thank you, Ben.
Several states, by theway, say they have been
told to expect far fewer dosesof Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
Now there is concernthat healthcare workers
and long-term care residentswill not have immediate access
to the medication.
Trump administration officials said
there is confusion over semantics,
and Pfizer says its productionlevel have not changed.
The first US doses wereadministered Monday.
Hundreds of thousands of people
have been vaccinated already.
That pace is expectedto increase next week.
Earlier this week,
US National SecurityAdvisor Robert O'Brien
met with Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu.
During their joint statements,
Netanyahu took the opportunityto warn the world about Iran.
Take a listen.
- As long as Iran continues to subjugate
and threaten its neighbors,
as long as Iran continuescalling for Israel's destruction,
as long as Iran continuesto bankroll and equip
and train terrorist organizations
throughout the region and the world,
and as long as Iran persistsin its dangerous quest
for nuclear weapons andthe means to deliver them,
we shouldn't go back tobusiness as usual with Iran.
- That was Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu withsome very strong words.
Many Middle East observersfelt the statement
from BB was directed in part
at a future Biden administration
that has pledged to renegotiatethe Iranian nuclear deal.
Most Israelis believedthe nuclear deal will pave
for the Islamic Republicto develop nuclear weapons.
Joining me now is Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell.
Chris, great to have youon the broadcast this week.
Listen, tell us whyNetanyahu would be making
such a statement at this time.
- Well, just a few weeksbefore a possible future
Biden administration, he wantsto send that signal to them,
both Biden and Kamala Harris.
They've been very clear about going
into the Iranian nucleardeal that was aggregated
by President Trump, about 2018.
They want to reenter it.
So this presents anight and day difference
from the Trump administrationfor Israel right now.
So Netanyahu is making itclear where Israel stands.
And as you said, across the board,
Israelis believe that thenuclear deal is a danger to Iran,
and I would add, George,that for Benjamin Netanyahu,
this has almost been his life's mission
to prevent Iran fromgetting a nuclear weapon,
so he's gonna be very strong
about any future Biden administration
that he's gonna say, thisis not acceptable to Israel.
- And as you know, Chris,so much has changed
in the last four years sincethe Obama-Biden administration.
By the way, you also had an historic visit
by a joint Bahraini-Emirati delegation
this week in Jerusalem.
Why is that so significant?
- Well, you know, George, itreally ties into the Iranian
nuclear deal from ageopolitical point of view.
You know, the Bahrainis and the Emiratis,
including the Saudis, they alsosee Iran as a mortal enemy,
and so it's just naturalfor them to make a deal,
normalize relations with Israel right now.
And so I think that's sort of the impetus
of what's happening right now.
Also another issue is thefact that it's tourism.
You have maybe a hundred thousand tourists
that the tourism ministry here in Israel
is looking from the UAE alone.
Already you have Israelisfilling up flights from Tel-Aviv
to the UAE and Abu Dhabi.
It's just an incredible thing.
It's also thispeople-to-people relationship
that seems to be growing by the week.
- Israel, Chris continuesto deal with COVID.
What's the latest there, brother?
- Well, the next bigthing is tomorrow night,
Saturday night, Netanyahu,it's gonna be on live TV
here in Israel.
He's gonna be the firstone to get the vaccine.
Israel's president, ReuvenRivlin, will follow him.
It's almost like Vice PresidentPence is gonna be having
the vaccine as well.
Israel has bought millionsof doses of the vaccines
of Pfizer and Moderna.
They're looking at maybevaccinating 60,000 people per day.
They're looking at mass vaccinations
coming up in the next few weeks.
Right now, just like theUS, there's a rise in cases,
and Israel actually mightbe looking at another
lockdown right now.
- Okay, Chris, you're thehost of "Jerusalem Dateline".
Tell us what you haveon this week's edition.
- Well, several things, George.
We have a successful anti-missile test
between the US and Israel.
What they've done is they'veactually put their four layers,
the Arrow, the David'sSling, the Iron Dome,
the Arrow 2 and 3, allworking together as one,
and that's also a signal to Iran,
not to unleash Hezbollahor Hamas and attack Israel.
We also have a story aboutarcheological discovery
of oil lamps with bothJewish and Christian symbols
from about 1700 years ago,proving that both Jews
and Christians were livingside by side back then
and also reading the Biblein the land of the Bible.
We're gonna be readingfrom the book of Luke
in the Judean Wilderness.
- Sounds so exciting.
You can see more newsfrom the Middle East,
from Chris and his awesome team tonight
on the CBN News channel at 9:30 Eastern.
Vice President Mike Pence...
It looks like we are goingto take a break for a moment
and we'll be back right after this.
Stay with us, folks.
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- Welcome back, folks.
You're watching the CBN News Channel.
Vice President Mike Pence is stumping
for the two GOP Georgia senators
heading toward a runoffelection in just a few weeks.
Pence was at a rally in Columbuswhere supporters cheered
for incumbent Republican senators,
David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.
His goal to energize the baseto get them to the polls.
Both races are extremelyclose against Democrats,
Raphael Warnock, and JonOssoff, and a lot is at stake.
If the GOP loses these two seats,
the balance of power in Washington
will shift to the Democrats.
Pence highlighted major accomplishments,
giving the two senators credit.
Take a listen.
- This week, America witnessedthe beginning of the end
of the coronavirus pandemic.
We made history and thefirst coronavirus vaccine
is being ministered inevery state in the union.
(crowd cheering)
And David Perdue andKelly Loeffler were there
every single day, puttingthe health of Georgia first.
If his people who are called by his name
will humble themselves and pray and turn
then he'll do like he's always done
in the long and storiedhistory of America.
He'll hear from heavenand he'll heal this land.
- Yesterday, Pence urge the crowd to vote
despite doubts theyhave about the accuracy
of the November election,promising those who vote
via absentee will havetheir ballots counted
and that there will beincreased election security.
Our Mark Martin spoke withJason Yates of My Faith Votes
about their work in Georgia and overall
to get people to the polls
and vote according to their beliefs.
Here's that interview.
- Joining us now is JasonYates with My Faith Votes
to talk about the group's work in Georgia.
Welcome, Jason.
- Thanks so much, Mark.
- Your group believes thisrunoff is not only important
to Georgia, but the nation.
Besides determining control of the Senate,
why does it matter so much?
- It really mattersbecause when you look at
this point in history, thisis really the first time
that we have an election thatis really going to determine
in a special way theprojection of our nation.
And when you look at thedifferent platforms of the parties
and look at what's at stakeand what they stand for,
we just believe that froma faith-based perspective,
there's a lot at stake around our values,
around where we stand for abortion,
where we would take thingswith the Supreme Court,
and it matters.
And we don't believe eitherparty should necessarily
have full control of taking things
more from a power perspective.
But that's what we see at stake here.
And what's being threatened, really,
from different party platforms.
- Tell us about yourefforts there in Georgia.
- Yeah, we have a lotthat we have planned.
First, we have a greateffort of volunteers
from across the nation.
We have over 5,000volunteers that are doing
a number of things,
primarily writing handwrittenpostcard messages,
sending them to Georgia voters,encouraging them to vote,
and vote from a place that honors God
and honors our Biblical values.
We're doing that.
We are also doing a wholedigital marketing campaign
called It's Time To Choose,
choosing what's thedirection of our nation.
Where are we headed?
And what do they want to seehappen not only in Georgia,
but for the nation for years to come?
And finally, we are doinga media campaign on radio,
on TV, in the newspapers,with messages about
what's happening with this election
and what people need toknow in order to vote.
- Jason, there are people of faith
supporting both candidates.
How does faith overridepolitics in this case
and really where we are as a nation?
- Yeah, I think our faithcertainly has something essential
to contribute to politics.
We need to look at what arethe values that we stand for?
How do we think of life?
How do we think of our abilityto practice our religion?
How do we think about howthe government treats people
within its communities?
It's not easy decisions,
and sometimes binary choices are tough,
and so we are calling people to pray,
to really explore way candidates,
what they represent and howthey think about the issues.
Think biblically about those issues
and pray about those and thenmake the very best decision.
We know not everybody's gonnavote in the exact same way,
but I think if they are praying,thinking and then voting,
and voting from a Biblical world view,
we'll get God-honoring outcomes.
- All right, Jason Yateswith My Faith Votes.
Thanks for your time, Jason.
- Appreciate it, Mark, thanks.
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- Welcome back, folks.
You're watching the CBN News Channel.
A global campaign is bringing awareness
about the millions ofmen, women, and children
who are trapped in slavery.
It's called Can You See Me?
And the campaign uses videos,billboards and posters
depicting scenarios ofthe most common forms
of modern-day slavery.
Take a look.
(bell ringing)
(phone chiming)
(intense music)
(doors clanging)
(phone dings)
(text whooshes)
- [Boy] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- Joining me now is MollieThorsen, the US Advocacy Director
for A21, the group behindthe Can You See Me campaign.
Thank you so much for joiningus on the broadcast, Mollie.
More than 40 millionpeople are enslaved today
around the world, and oftenthere's this perception
that it doesn't happenin the United States,
that it happens only in other countries.
That's a myth, right?
- Exactly, and thank you guysso much for having us today.
The scenario you you just sawwas child online enticement.
The National Center forMissing and Exploited Children
had nearly over 500,000 reports
to the hotline this yearalone in the United States.
- [George] You have 1000billboards on major highways
around the country andposters in seven airports.
Mollie, what's the goal of the campaign?
- So this campaign was builtto bring this awareness.
Like you said, not many peopleknow that this is happening
in their nation, let alonetheir states and their towns.
So often human traffickingis thought of as this unseen
trauma, but really it'shidden in plain sight
everywhere you go.
So the idea of the campaignwas really to bring awareness,
distribute the hotline number,
which is attached to all of these ads
running throughout the nation,
and just bring awarenessto human trafficking
and that it really is happening here.
- Yeah, what are thesigns, Mollie, to look for
if a friend or loved one is caught
in a web of human trafficking?
- So that's a reallygood question, George.
There are so many differenttypes of human trafficking.
There's agricultural labor,there's domestic servitude,
there's child online enticement.
So each look very different.
I would encourageeveryone to go to a21.org
to look for the signs ofeach different scenario
but often cases, they'rein sex trafficking.
You can look for someonewho seems malnourished,
someone who's younger anddressed up to look older,
and someone who's really agitated
and maybe doesn't respondwhen you ask them questions.
- And sadly, business is boomingright now for traffickers,
despite the pandemic.
Research shows women andchildren are at greater risk
of violence and traffickingbecause of COVID, right?
And you just mentionedhundreds of thousands of people
have been calling thisa particular hotline
that you mentioned?
- Yes, exactly.
For children, especially withall of the online activity,
there's definitely anincrease in opportunity
for traffickers to contactthe vulnerable children
across the United States.
People are lonely right now.
so they're online and they'recommunicating with people
at a much higher rate than they ever have
and that really does bringa lot more opportunity
for traffickers topenetrate through the screen
and attack the vulnerable.
- Yeah, okay, terrific.
Mollie, thank you so muchfor coming on the broadcast.
Mollie, the US Advocacy Director for A21,
the group behind theCan You See Me campaign,
a very, very important campaign.
Thanks so much for allyou do on behalf of those
who do not have a voice, okay?
You're welcome.
- Folks, coming up, a Christmasstar lighting up the sky.
What scientists are saying
about the Biblical star of Bethlehem.
That story in a moment.
You don't wanna miss it.
Stay with us.
(upbeat music)
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(upbeat music)
- Heavenly father, we dothank you for the work
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- Welcome back to the broadcast.
Mark your calendars for December 21st.
A rare cosmic event willlight up the night sky.
Some are calling it the Christmas Star
but star experts say, hmm, not so fast.
Wendy Griffith has more.
- [Wendy] December 21stis the winter solstice,
the darkest night of the year.
And in 2020 Saturn and Jupiter,the two largest planets
in our solar system, will nearly kiss,
the closest the two planetshave aligned in 800 years.
The phenomenon has many talkingand even singing about it.
♪ And the Christmas star appears ♪
♪ First time in 800 years ♪
♪ You'll see it next Monday night ♪
♪ We get that's a bright sight ♪
- Seriously, Jupiter andSaturn are gonna align
by less than a 10th of adegree in the night sky
on December 21st.
Last time it happened was March 4th, 1226.
It's the Christmas Star.
- [Wendy] Star of Bethlehemexpert, Rick Larson,
says while that's true you'dhave to go all the way back
to the Middle Ages tosee a closer convergence,
it's not going to resemblethe Christmas Star
that led the men to the baby Jesus.
- What's happening on December 21, simply,
as beautiful as it is, it'snot the Star of Bethlehem.
The Star of Bethlehem is aconjunction of Jupiter and Venus.
The conjunction, which justmeans the coming together
visually, was so closethat they basically stacked
like a figure eight, andso they didn't obscure
one another's brightness,and the result was
the brightest star anyonealive had ever seen.
- The Bible speaks ofthe star the wise men saw
in Matthew chapter two.
"And lo, the star, whichthey saw in the East,
went before them till it came and stood
over where the young child was.
When they saw the star,
they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."
Many Christians believethe Star of Bethlehem
was a miraculous sign tomark the birth of Jesus.
And while the 2020 starmay not be as bright,
the fact that such a rarecosmic event is happening
so close to Christmas in a year like 2020
is giving many hopethat the God of miracles
is still shining his light from above.
Wendy Griffith, CBN News.
- Thank you so much, folks.
This is it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch".
Remember, you can findmore of our news programs
on the CBN News Channel anytimeor online at cbsnews.com.
Also tell us what you thinkabout the stories you've seen
by emailing newswatch@cbn.comor you can reach out to us
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
From all of us here from the headquarters
of the Christian BroadcastingNetwork, goodbye.
Have a great weekend, ciao.