(upbeat music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."
Well, the electoral college has spoken,
but that's not the end of the game.
We'll tell you why not.
But electors from all 50 states
and the District of Columbia formalized
Joe Biden's victory yesterday.
So does that make it officially?
No, not really.
CBN's Jenna Browderreports from Washington.
- Joe Biden received 306electoral college votes,
making him the president-elect.
Last night he blasted President Trump
for continuing to challengethe election results.
- The court sent a clearsignal to President Trump
that they would be no partof an unprecedented assault
on our democracy.
- [Jenna] The president-elect calling
for a spirit of unity and healing.
- The integrity of ourelections remains intact.
And now it's time to turn the page,
as we've done throughout our history,
to unite, to heal.
- [Jenna] One leading Republican Senator
reaching the same conclusion.
- [John] At some point youhave to face the music.
And I think that oncethe electoral college
settles the issue today,
that it's time for everybody to move on.
- [Jenna] President Trumpand his team, though,
have yet to concede, as they continue
to pursue their case in the courts.
- The only date in theconstitution is January 20th.
So we have more than enoughtime to right the wrong.
- [Jenna] CBN's ChiefPolitical Analyst David Brody
says even though theelectoral college has voted,
it's still not technically official.
On "Faith Nation," he explainedthat state legislatures
can send their own listof electors to Congress.
- Technically, the U.S. Congress has
to certify the vote on January 6th.
That's what the Trump campaignis hoping will happen,
that the state legislatureswill send dual electors
and that at that point the House
and Senate will have to figure it out.
- Monday, some legislatures did send
a separate slate of electors.
In several contestedstates, Republican electors
casting their ballots for Trump
in case he wins his cases in the courts.
So far, few Republicans have conceded
that Biden won the election.
President Trump's defenderssay his voters deserve
to have their concerns taken seriously.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, "CBN News."
- Thanks, Jenna.
I want to ask you, what would it take
to keep Congress fromcertifying those electors?
What if the president-elect was guilty
of high crimes and misdemeanors,
the kind of thing thatwould have him impeached
if he were elected?
And well, let's take a look at it.
Hunter Biden is under investigation
over his business dealings in China
and questions about hisearnings in Ukraine.
And that's buildingpressure on Joe Biden about
whether he knew moreabout his son's activities
than he admitted, and didactually lie about it?
National Correspondent EricPhilips has a detailed report.
- The investigation of Hunter Biden began
in 2018 as a money laundering probe,
but has morphed into much more,
including business dealings in China
and potential tax law violationsfrom earnings in Ukraine.
It's also expanded toinclude Hunter's uncle,
the president-elect'syounger brother, James Biden.
- Biden and his son arestone, cold crooked.
- [Eric] President Trumptried to make that connection
throughout the 2020 campaign.
New revelations indicatePresident-elect Biden
is not a target of thiscurrent investigation.
Last week, Hunter Biden announced
that he is under investigationfor possible tax fraud.
Reports indicate thatstems chiefly from $400,000
in unreported income hereceived in 2017 while sitting
on the board of UkraineNatural Gas Company Burisma,
a year Biden reportedlynetted 1.2 million in income.
In a statement, Hunter Biden said,
"I take this matter very seriously,
but I am confident that a professional
and objective review of thesematters will demonstrate
that I handled my affairslegally and appropriately,
including with the benefit ofprofessional tax advisors."
Biden held the position at Burisma
while his father was vice-president
and in charge of Ukraine-U.S. affairs.
Back in October, the "New York Post"
first reported emails emergingon a laptop in Delaware,
suggesting Joe Biden had metwith the Burisma executive
at his son's behest.
- I want to get to the heart of it.
Did you and your fatherever discuss Ukraine?
- No.
- If your last name wasn't Biden,
do you think he would've been asked
to be on the board of Burisma?
- I don't know.
I don't know, probably not.
- The only qualificationthey had was the Biden name.
- [Eric] Former businessassociate Tony Bobulinski
told "Fox News" Hunter andhis uncle, James Biden,
used their name to also help broker deals
with a Chinese company,
another subject of the investigation.
"ABC News" reports investigatorsare specifically focusing
on a 2.8 carat diamondHunter received in 2017
from Chinese businessassociate Ye Jianming,
the former head of CEFC China Energy,
as well as multimilliondollar wire transfers
between the two.
Bobulinski tells "Fox News"Hunter set up a meeting
between him and thenVice-President Biden to try
and solicit his help inbrokering a China deal.
- There was no other reasonfor me to be in that bar
meeting Joe Biden than to discuss
what I was doing with hisfamily's name and the Chinese CFC.
Jim Biden sat and HunterBiden participated in it.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
They were dealing with aChinese-owned enterprise run
by Chairman Ye, CFC, thathad strong financial support
and political support fromthe Chinese Communist Party.
- [Eric] A recently-emergedemail also coming
from that Delaware laptopindicates Hunter asked
for extra keys to hisWashington, D.C. office
for his new office mates,including his father
and a representative of thatsame Chinese-owned enterprise.
Again, Joe Biden maintainshe had no involvement
in Hunter's business dealings with China.
- That's a blatant lie.
When he states that,that is a blatant lie.
- [Eric] Another focusof the investigation,
Joe Biden's younger brotherJames Biden and his role
in a bankrupt hospitalbusiness in Pennsylvania.
Senate Homeland SecurityChairman Ron Johnson
has been investigating the Biden family
for more than a year.
- We are finding it moreand more of how involved
not only Hunter Biden was, but also James,
as well as Joe Biden, andhe has not been truthful
with the American public.
And it's about time the pressstarts asking questions.
- [Eric] The Biden transitionteam released this response
to the investigation.
"President-elect Biden isdeeply proud of his son,
who has fought throughdifficult challenges,
including the vicious personalattacks of recent months,
only to emerge stronger."
The broader investigationhas been ongoing since 2018.
Attorney General Bill Barrdid not call attention to it
during the election in keeping
with Justice Department policynot to influence elections,
a decision roundly criticized on Saturday
by Barr's current boss.
- Bill Barr, frankly, did the wrong thing.
Bill Barr, I believe, not believe, I know,
had an obligation toset the record straight.
- It would be up to a new attorney general
to carry this investigation forward,
a cabinet choice likelygetting renewed attention
by Joe Biden and his advisors.
And once again, the president-electhimself is not a target
in these investigations intohis family's business dealings.
Biden has said going forward his family
will not be involved inany business that conflicts
or appears to conflict withhis duties as president.
Eric Philips, "CBN News."
- Well, the tax people are going after,
they have a criminalinvestigation against Hunter Biden
and Jim Biden, Joe Biden's brother,
for various fraudulent activities.
But, ladies and gentlemen,the thing we want to realize,
if somewhere along theway there's some kind
of an indictment against Joe Biden,
the electors have a perfect right,
or at least Congress has a perfect right,
not to certify the electors and to go
with other electors or to gowith the sitting vice president
or to do a number of thingsinstead of certifying these.
So the game isn't over yet.
And there's a mound ofcorruption taking place.
And again, the tax peopleare going after Hunter Biden.
He definitely is a targetof a criminal investigation
for tax fraud, money laundering,and all those other things.
If the president-elect wasinvolved at all with that,
and if that probe would beexpanded to include him,
it's highly unlikely thatCongress is gonna certify
those electors and put him into office.
So, yeah, we'll see what happens, okay?
Well, in other news,Attorney General Bill Barr
announced he will bestepping down next week.
Is it because he kept quiet
about the Hunter Biden investigation?
John Jessup has more.
- That's right, Pat, revelations
that Attorney GeneralBill Barr did not disclose
the Hunter Biden investigation may be
among the reasons whyhe's resigning next week.
Through much of his term, though,
Barr staunchly defended the president
and actively pursued his policies,
but the AG fell out offavor in recent weeks
after first announcinginvestigators did not find
enough widespread fraudto change the outcome
of the election.
Then came the news about theHunter Biden investigation.
In a Monday tweet,
the president announced Barr's resignation
and said he's done an outstanding job.
Deputy Attorney GeneralJeffrey Rosen will take over
when Barr leaves December 23rd.
Well, in a bid to rallysupport for coronavirus relief,
turning to the pandemic and the vaccines
that are bringing hope to millions,
hundreds more hospitals will start
to vaccinate their workers today
as the Pfizer BioNTechCOVID vaccine rolls out
across the country.
Distribution began Monday with FedEx
and UPS delivering thevaccine to all 50 states.
The first three millionshots are being limited
to healthcare workers andalong the front lines,
and also older patients, withhundreds of millions more
expected in the months ahead.
The vaccine distributioncomes as the United States
now has officially crossedanother grim milestone.
300,000 now dead fromthe coronavirus outbreak.
- That's the worst publichealth catastrophe in 102 years,
since the 1918 pandemic.
- Polls have now shown a growing number
of Americans are now willingto take a coronavirus vaccine,
and the FDA could approve a second vaccine
from Moderna by the end of the week.
Well, in a bid to rally supportfor coronavirus relief aid,
the $900 billion planbacked by a bipartisan group
of lawmakers is getting carved up
into two separate proposals.
The first part, totaling $750 billion,
includes popular measureslike another round
of small business loans
through the Paycheck Protection Program,
as well as unemploymentbenefits, along with funding
for vaccine distributiontesting in schools.
The second more controversialpiece would separate
160 billion for state and local funding
and legal protectionsagainst COVID lawsuits.
However, it appears more Democrats, Pat,
are now willing to forgobailing out the states for now
in order to get immediaterelief to the American people.
- Well, you know, ladiesand gentlemen, it's amazing.
The State of New York andthe State of California
have decided to shut down restaurants.
They have no credible medical evidence
to back up those claims.
But one of the officials inCalifornia gave the game away
when he said, "What wereally want to do is
to have people stay at home.
And we feel if they go to restaurants,
that can't go to restaurants,they'll stay at home,
which is what we want them to do."
These restaurants are avital part of our economy,
and in New York and inCalifornia, it is outrageous that
without any definitemedical documentation,
these states are forcingrestaurant owners to close down,
and they say, "We can't stay much longer.
We can't pay our rent,we can't keep our staff.
We can't maintain our businesses."
They said, okay, itused to be they let them
do outdoor dining, now it's indoor dining
because it's too coldfor people to go outside.
But the real reason,these bureaucrats want
to exercise control and hurt people
to show that they are powerful.
It is a game of power,and the suffering people.
You see, if the restaurantsdon't buy the vegetables,
then the farms can'tsell their vegetables,
so they go broke, so all those workers
who work in the farms,they don't have a job.
And then all those people whosupply and move up the chain,
they don't have any work.
And so we're talkingabout millions of people
being taken out of work,and it is much more deadly
than the coronavirus.
The coronavirus is bad,I know it's terrible,
people are dying from it, butit's a fraction of a percent.
If we just would quarantine the elderly,
those who are sick, those whohave a terminal conditions
or any other kind of a deadly condition,
and if we quarantine them,especially quarantine
the nursing homes, thenthe rest of the people
should be allowed to go free.
College, the schools should open.
I mean, think what happenswhen they have to stay home.
The rate of suicide is alarmingbecause of this separation.
We can't do it, ladies andgentlemen, this is insanity.
And the voters in thesestates have got to stand up
and say no way, we cannotallow this to happen, John.
- Pat, in other news, theDepartment of Homeland Security
and the State Departmentare among a growing list
of federal agenciesbreached by cyber spies.
The Russian ForeignIntelligence Service is believed
to be behind a cyber offensive dating back
to early this year.
Officials fear the spiesbreached the networks
of numerous governmentdepartments and private companies.
It appears they manipulateda network management software
that allows employees towork offsite to gain access.
The extent of the damage is unknown,
and Pat, Russia isdenying any involvement.
- Well, you know, some timeago, as a matter of fact
a year ago, I felt thatthe Lord was saying to me
that Trump was going to be severely tested
after the election, severely tested,
that he would be testedby, well, think of that,
the Russians, this is a Russian attack.
This is like a war.
If they've come after our computers
and have breached ourcomputer system, it's war,
it's an act of war.
The Russians have alsolaunched submarine based
ballistic missiles, which wouldthreaten the United States.
The North Koreans, I'm sure,
have got a number of nuclear bombs.
The Iranians have clearlyput out the alarm.
They want to close offthe Straits of Hormuz.
They want to limit traffic.
And they want to bringdamage to the United States
in payback for Soleimani's death.
So we're looking at terrible strain.
And we just learned that,for example, in Turkey,
they had bought a Russiananti-missile system.
And although they're a part of NATO,
Trump was saying that they needed
to have sanctions against Turkey.
Well, Turkey's gonna respond.
Erdogan's not gonna let that happen,
so they're gonna be having trouble.
So whatever happens in this election,
Trump is still in officeuntil the 20th of January.
And so we've got all ofDecember and most of January,
and these things canbe happening right now.
The Chinese and everyone else
are gonna test the daylights out of him.
And we can be at theedge of war any day now
because of these things.
So just, if there's a timeto pray, this is it, John.
- Pat, winter storm watchesand advisories are in effect
for most of the East Coasttoday as a major winter storm
is set to move in tomorrownight and into Thursday,
possibly bringing one to two feet of snow
in parts of New Jersey,Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
Heavy snow could snarl traffic along parts
of the I-95 corridor fromWashington, D.C. to Boston.
The nation's capital,sitting right on the line,
could see snow or heavy rain.
Further down south there'spotential for an ice storm
in the Carolinas and VirginiaTuesday and Wednesday,
and the possibility ofwidespread power outages.
Pat, old man winter coming on strong.
- It sure is, and we are looking forward
to our friend Joe Bastardi coming tomorrow
to give us a little updateon what's happening.
But I do know yesterdaythere were several inches
of snow that fell in theAppalachians in Virginia.
We had some flurries here.
It's unusual, but therewere some snow flurries.
So this is gonna be a heavy, major storm.
And, of course, those of uswho like white Christmas,
that isn't bad.
If you're trying to get home for Christmas
and have to travel I-95, that'sa whole different matter.
And up into New England it's going
to be a serious, major blizzard, Terry.
- Well, I like a white Christmas too,
but the problem here is we getice first and then the snow.
- Ice, and people here,
the town where I grew up, we had ice
starting at Thanksgiving,there was heavy snow,
and it stayed on theground all the way through.
And I learned how to ride,you learn how to drive.
Here, the people have not a clue.
- I would second that.
- So you find these majorsmashups on the highway
because all it takes isa little sheet of ice,
black ice, and people don't realize
you can't drive 65 milesan hour or 70 miles an hour
in that kind of condition.
But anyhow.
We had to go over the mountain,
we did all these things, andthat was just part of life.
But if you're not usedto driving in the snow,
it's difficult, Terry.
- Sometimes you just stay home.
Well, still ahead.- [Pat] Stay home.