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Praying For Your Needs: December 15, 2020

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Man, what an inspiration, my goodness.

- I guess so.

What an unusual scenario for a young man.

- I can't imagine that a trainer

finds a little mole on a guys foot,

and the next thing you knowit's melanoma and he's-

- [Terry] Thank heavens he found it.

- Yeah, if it hadn't been for that trainer

Josh probably would have died,

but God bless him.

He goes completely well.

And you saw that interception.

I mean, what a player. (Terry chuckles)

All right, it's time to pray.

You know, we gave these little things out,

and we said, "Well, if you pop them out,

and you can hang one of 'em up,

and you can send in the other one."

So we have some prayer requests here.

And this one came in and said,"I needed a full-time job."

Somebody said "Thatthe Lord would minister

to my son in prison."

And he said,

"Healing of stage fouresophageal cancer, stage four!"

And one other, "Healing ofa congestive heart failure."


- These are big requests Pat.

"As a nurse, wisdom tobest help my patients."

Somebody saying "I need healingof a hole in my retina."

"Financial help to paylarge hospital bills."

And "Healing of spinal stenosis."

So, many, many needs out there.

- We've had people with spinal stenosis

that have been healed.

Listen, what Josh said is,

"God is our heavenly Father,

and He loves you."

And I know you listen to me and say,

"Well look, I'm not worthy.

I'm not worthy."

Well you are because God loves you.

Not because you are perfect,

but because, while we were yet sinners

Christ died for us,

and He loves us.

Now, He also said,

and I want you to remember this.

He said, "Hitherto, you'veasked nothing in my name.

Ask and you shall receivethat your joy might be full."

The Lord wants you to behappy in Him to have joy.

Now we're going to pray for you.

We're going to believe God,

and there's nothing impossible.

I mean you,

spinal stenosis and cancerand stage four esophageal.

All this stuff.

There's nothing impossible.

So Terry and I are going to join hands,

and would you please pray with us?

And if this can be the moment right now!

When you receive an answer.

Father, we thank you and blessyou and praise you right now.

We thank you Lord.

Oh my goodness.

Somebody, you've gotcancer in your tongue.

Your tongue is cancerous,

and you've been having some sores,

and they haven't diagnosed it as cancer.

It is the cancer and the Lordis just healing it right now.

You'll feel power in your tongue.

Terry, what do you have?

- Someone else, you have fluidbuildup around your heart.

Quite a serious condition for you.

God's healing that for you right now.

You're just gonna feelthat weight off of you.

Your energy's coming back.

Just begin to worship Him right now,

and thank Him.

- The word that comes me is dyspepsia.

You've got just constantupset stomach and so forth.

God just touched you and heals you.

And there is a Mary as weget closer to Christmas.

You were praying for a baby,

and you hear about Mary and the baby,

and then you hear aboutChristmas and you say,

"My name's Mary and I want a baby so bad."

God's going to hear your prayer,

and He going to open your womb,

and you're going to conceivea child in the name of Jesus.

- Yeah, there's someone else.

You have,

I don't think you've hadan accident of any kind,

but you have some spinal issues.

Like some of your vertebraeare just out of order.

God's healing that for you right now.

You're actually going tofeel it as it happens.

You're gonna straighten uplike you haven't been able to,

and everything's going to resume

as it was created to be in Jesus name.

- There's

somebody who fell, andit was a severe fall,

and you cracked your knee cap.

I mean you literally shattered it.

Put your hand on it right now.

And I believe the name is Johnson.

But you put your hand on her right now

in the name of Jesus.

Touch it!

And a creative miracle just took place.

- Someone else with kidney issues also.

God's just restoring your kidney function.

You're not going to need surgery.

Everything's going to bein order in Jesus name.

- And all over this nation we pray.

And God, we pray for the nation.

Lord, we declare in the name of Jesus,

You will not let the forces of anarchy,

and the forces of communism,

take over our country.

We stand against it in the name of Jesus,

and speak the word

that no farther,

you shall not come in here in Jesus name,

we ask Your blessing on this land.

- Thank you, Lord, amen.

And amen!

- Wonderful, let us know.

We would love to hear howGod's spoken into your need,

into your circumstances,

and you can always call and contact us.

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