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Faith Nation: December 11, 2020

As states across the country gear up to distribute COVID vaccines, the Coronavirus death rate soars. The latest on the pandemic in America. And abortion under the Biden administration. Why some worry about what may come in the fight for life. ... Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Tonight as Statesacross the country gear up

to distribute COVID vaccines.

- We could be seeing peoplegetting vaccinated Monday,

Tuesday of next week.

- [Narrator] the coronavirusdeath rate soars.

The latest on the pandemic in America.

Plus concerns over changesin abortion policies,

under a Biden administration.

- Lets just hope that he will not be able

to take some of his policies to fruition.

- [Narrator] Why some worryabout the future fight for life.

And China's growing threatto America and beyond.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- A critical moment in thefight against the coronavirus.

Good evening, and welcome to Faith Nation.

I'm John Jessup, thank youso much for joining us.

Well a final decision onPfizer's vaccine is still pending

after an FDA advisory panel officially

okayed the shot for emergency use.

Still health experts are warningeveryone to stay vigilant.

Senior WashingtonCorrespondent Tara Mergener

is here now with the latest, Tara.

- John even with the vaccine officials say

the next few monthscould be the deadliest.

This is nearly 3 milliondoses or about to be shipped

to more than 600 locations nationwide.

- The FDA informed Pfizerthat they do intend to proceed

towards an authorizationfor their vaccines.

- [Tara] Hope on the horizon.

- [FDA Official] We dohave a favorable vote.

- [Tara] A day after anFDA advisory committee

recommends emergencyuse of the first vaccine

against the virus.

- I do believe that the data is now clear

that the vaccines appearto be safe and effective.

- [Tara] Pharmacy giantsWalgreens and CVS standing by

to get the vaccine outwith first doses earmarked

for health care workersand nursing home residents.

- We expect to be able togo to every single facility

that has selected us as a partnerwithin three to four weeks

to provide the first dose.

- And soon officials are looking

for more FDA authorized vaccinesfrom Moderna, AstraZeneca,

Johnson and Johnson andpotentially others in the pipeline.

This news as the us hits upto 3000 plus deaths a day.

For hospitals struggling to keep up relief

can't come soon enough.

- 12 days ago, everythingwas under control.

We went from a very manageable census

to getting overwhelmed.

- [Tara] Experts areurging people to not let

their guards down.

- These vaccines are gonnabe enormously helpful,

but it will take a couple of months before

they really start having an effect.

And it's particularly importantpeople be careful right now.

- [Tara] Some States likeArkansas are seeing deaths

doubled since last week.

In Massachusetts, a newlyreopened field hospital

is treating more patients than expected.

Virginia's Governor justannounced a midnight curfew.

Pennsylvania is banning allevents with more than 50 people

and restricting restaurants as well.

So is New York City.

- In New York city,you put the CDC caution

on an indoor dining togetherwith the rate of transmission

and the density and the crowding,that is a bad situation.

- Rollout of the vaccine is being called

the biggest logisticaloperation in U.S history.

On Capitol Hill, FedEx andUPS executives explaining

how their companies areplanning to ship the vaccine

within hours of FDA authorization, John.

- A Herculean task,thank you so much, Tara.

Well, joining us now is Dr. Kevin Pham.

He is a visiting policy analystwith a Heritage Foundation.

Dr. Pham, great to see you.

How soon after peoplestart getting vaccinated

might we begin to see the tideturn in the right direction?

- Now it's gonna take a little bit of time

because the Pfizer and the Madonna vaccine

are both two dose regimen vaccines,

and the doses are three weeks apart.

So the soonest we're gonna start seeing

the full effect of the vaccine is gonna be

about four weeks.

You give it about a weekafter the second dose

before the antibodies really build up.

It's gonna take at least four weeks

since the first person getsinjected with these vaccines

before you see any effects.

So we're really not gonnasee much of a change

until maybe mid week of January.

- What does today's White House threat

trying to force FDA authorization

do to public confidence in a vaccine?

- I would say that I would bevery confident in this vaccine

because Pfizer has done its due diligence

and we're not the first oneto have the vaccine approved.

They already gettingthe vaccine up in Canada

and over in the UK.

So we're not doing thisfaster than anybody else.

And they don't have,

I don't suspect they have any information

that we don't have.

And I don't suspect we'rewaiting on information

that they don't have either.

- Well, Dr. Pham, we keep getting warnings

of the darkest days ahead.

I wanna get your thoughts on how

to balance public health safety concerns

to counter the current trend

against the concerns of business owners

who fear going under with thenew round of restrictions.

- What this really requiresis a concerted effort

by all of us to takepersonal responsibilities.

We all need to take agood look at the risk

in our own lives and inthose who are around us.

For instance, over thanksgivingI had some friends over,

but they were all in thethe low risk age group.

And since then, I hadn'tseen anybody who was older.

So you can't section yourselfoff to mitigate the risk.

If I'm gonna see myparents this Christmas,

I'm not gonna see anybody else.

I'm not gonna go out with my friends

until I I've seen my parents already.

- Good advice there, Dr. Kevin fam.

We appreciate your insightsand thank you so much

for making time for us today.

- Absolutely, thanksso much for having me.

- Well, a scramble on Capitol Hill,

as lawmakers try tonegotiate a last minute deal

on a Coronavirus relief package.

With time running outto get a measure passed

before the holiday recess,

the bipartisan blamegame is putting a damper

on any hopes of a deal.

- Struggling families,exhausted health workers

and anxious small businessowners are waiting

for the Senate to do whatI've tried to accomplish

over and over for months.

Pass as significanttargeted COVID Relief Bill,

built on all the areas

where bipartisan consensus already exists.

- At a time of such greatcrisis there's one reason

why America's two majorparties have not gotten

together during the time ofacute national emergency.

And that is because the Republican leader

has demanded a partisan poison pill.

- For a vote to takeplace before the recess,

lawmakers would have to comeup with a final language

of the legislation by this weekend.

Well, to the election challenge.

The Texas attorney General's lawsuit

is gaining ground amongRepublicans in the House.

The goal is for the Supreme court

to overturn electionresults favoring Biden

in four key swing States.

While multiple attorneysgeneral from other States

have already joined their lawsuit,

more than a hundred House Republicans

are also throwing in their support,

signing an amicus briefwhich reads in part

"This brief presents concernas members of Congress shared

by untold millions of their constituents

that the unconstitutionalirregularities involved

in the 2020 presidentialelection cast doubt

upon its outcome and the integrity

of the American system of elections"

At a White House Hanukah ceremony,

president Trump expressed hisappreciation for the lawsuit.

- We have tremendous casesright now, a big big case.

I8 states as of this moment.

18 states have signed on.

(audience applauding)

They joined out of respect and out of love

after they read the papers.

But they read the papers.

I wanna thank Texas for starting it.

The read the papers and thepapers were so compelling

that everybody is just joining.

I understand a lot of Congressmenand women are joining.

- Meanwhile, today president Trump lost

a Wisconsin lawsuit aimed

at overturning Joe Biden's win there.

Well, Attorney General Bill Barr knew

about recently announcedinvestigations into Hunter Biden

prior to the election.

And according to the Wall Street Journal,

he worked to keep themout of the news cycle.

We learned this week aboutmultiple investigations

into the finances and business dealings

of Joe Biden's son Hunter.

The Wall Street Journal reports,

the attorney general foundout about them months ago

but kept them out of the public spotlight

during the lead-up to the election.

The president angrily tweeted last night

"Why didn't the fake news media,

the FBI and the Departmentof Justice report

the Biden matter before the election."

Well, joining us now is David Brody,

CBN chief political Analyst.

David, the Wall Street Journalsays Barr resisted pressure

from congressionalRepublicans for information

on the investigation.

David, why did the attorneygeneral keep them quiet?

- Well, we don't have afull explanation of this

of that point.

I think what was it?

I love Lucy, when Ricky says to Lucy.

Lucy, you gotta lot of explaining to do.

I think that's exactlywhat a lot of conservatives

want out of Bill Barr right now.

They don't really understand the reason

that he would keep it quiet.

Now, I have a feelingwhat you're gonna hear

is a DOJ protocol.

You'll hear that there werecertain rules and guidelines

of why he needed to kindof keep it hush, hush,

but I don't think any of that's

gonna satisfy Donald Trump.

- In addition to maybehearing about DOJ protocol,

AG Barr recently said there is no evidence

of fraud in the election.

A direct challenge, of courseto the president's claims.

Now this report comes out.

David, could this be thepresident's final straw

for Barr to be on the chopping block?

- Yeah, I think so, John.

Let's go back to JeffSessions for a moment,

the first attorney general.

Let's remember that DonaldTrump and Jeff sessions

had a very close relationship.

A much closer relationship he had

with Sessions than Bill Barr.

And so now you've got thissituation with Bill Barr.

First of all, theelection as you mentioned,

the fact that he's said to date at least

he found no widespread allegation

or widespread fraudout there and now this.

That seems like too muchfor Donald Trump to handle

because Donald Trump not only believes

there was election fraud in this election.

He also believes that that Bill Barr

should not have held thatHunter Biden information

now as well.

Because I can guarantee youthat Donald Trump believes

if that Hunter Biden wasout before the election,

indeed it would've made a difference.

- David, turning to thebig news now in Washington,

the Texas election case.

The two highest rankingmembers of the house GOP,

Majority leader, Kevin McCarthy

and Majority Whip, SteveScalise of Louisiana,

both signed an amicus insupport of the lawsuit.

They're joined by morethan a hundred others

in the GOP conference.

David, what does that say that some

of the most influentialmembers of the Republican party

are now backing this case?

- Well, it's obviously a big deal

and it makes me think ofsomething that Laura Trump

told me the other day andwe'll run some of that

at some point here on Faith Nation

and in of the 700 Club.

But she told me that Donald Trump is King.

This is her words, Kingof the Republican party.

And that's I thinkexactly what we're seeing.

106 Republicans in the house.

You've got the leader of the Republicans

in the house Kevin McCarthyand Steve Scalise as well,

his deputy doing it.

So look, you don't wanna cross Trump

because let's just assume he loses.

If he does lose, he'll be back.

I know the liberals feellike he's like Freddy Kruger.

You can't keep him down,you can't kill him.

He'll come back in 2024, he will.

So I think everybody's kindof keeping their powder dry.

- David rebuffing WhiteHouse threats of a veto,

both the House and Senateoverwhelmingly passed

the Defense Spending Billwith more than two thirds

majority support in the Senate.

David, does this set up a situation

where Republicans willoverride a presidential veto?

- Yes, period end.

All caps yes.

And John, just so you know,

there have been Republicans

that have told the presentprivately don't do it.

Don't die in the sword for Section 230,

the social media issuethat he wants to die

on this veto for.

They say, look not withthe National Defense Bill.

Don't do it, it's not worth it.

Give this troops the payraise that they need.

This would be the first veto he would,

which would basically notgive troops a pay rise.

And so they say, just don't do it.

But I think he's gonna do it.

I think he's gonna veto it

and then Republicans woulddefinitely override that veto.

- Well, how does that square up with him

being the King of the party?

- Well, you're right.

But I think in this case,

that's a really good question.

But I think in this case, John.

You're talking about the troops.

You're talking about the military,

you're talking about kindof a line in the sand,

no pun intended.

And I think when push comes to shove,

these senators and congressmenhave districts they serve,

and they have a lot of militarymembers in those districts.

And I think that look,politics drives everything.

And if he's King of theRepublican party, that's politics.

But you know what is alsopolitics constituents

in your districts whoare pissed off as well.

- We'll have to leave itthere, CBNs David Brody.

Thank you so much and havea great weekend, David.

- You too John, thanks.

(air whooshing)

- Up next, preparing for a coming fight

for the pro-life movement.

We explain when Faith Nation returns.

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(upbeat music)

- [Interviewer] It'sabout the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectation.

- [Interviewer] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Interviewer] It'sabout going the distance.

- I think as a fatherit is my job to lead.

Just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Interviewer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown,

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

- [Announcer] Life it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, I came to give you life,

life to the fullest, life in your family,

life in your in your finances,

life in your body, mind and spirit,

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At we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

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(upbeat music)

Life, live it fully,

(upbeat music)

- Well, welcome back.

Even as president Trumpcontinues his fight

against the election results.

Joe Biden continues to announcemore members of his team.

Tapping Susan Rice to run

the White House Domestic Policy Council.

That's an appointed position that

does not need Senate confirmation.

He's also nominated Denis McDonough

to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Biden has a long standingrelationship with both.

Rice served as National Security Advisor

and UN Ambassador duringthe Obama administration.

While Denis McDonoughwas Obama's White House

Chief of Staff.

Well pro-life advocatessay they're concerned

about what could come undera Biden administration,

worried that a BidenWhite House would promote

one of the most pro-choiceabortion agendas in history.

The Vice-President offering aplan that would forbid States

from having the power to stop it.

CBN Paul strand explains.

- [Paul] What Joe Biden andKamala Harris would like to see

is your tax dollars goingto pay for abortions

to a degree we've never seen before.

- And that would beabortion all the way up

through nine months.

- [Paul] Mallory Quigley atthe Susan B. Anthony List.

- They've stated this asbeing one of their big goals.

- Although polls show that supposed

by 60% of American votersincluding 35% of Democrats.

States have fought backagainst such abortion extremism

in the past by handlingmatters legislatively,

passing their own laws.

- I anticipate that wewould see something similar

to that if there's aBiden Harris White House.

- [Paul] But Kamala Harris hasproposed a way to stop that.

- The Department ofJustice would be instructed

to pre-clear bills that statelegislatures wanted to pass

that were pro-life.

This is a complete violationof separation of powers.

- [Paul] Another sign ofBiden's extremism on abortion

is his pick of CaliforniaAttorney General's Xavier Becerra

to head up Health and Human Services,

the agency most involvedwith regulating abortion.

Becerra is aggressively pro-abortion,

states Susan B. Anthony List president,

Marjorie Dannenfelser.

In Congress he even voted in favor

of partial birth abortion.

Kristen day of Democrats for life

said some congressional Democrats

will fight Biden's pro-abortion extremism.

- We're hopeful that he willnot be able to take some

of his policies to fruition.

- [Paul] But to maybe lowerthe number of abortions,

Day hopes he back programs

to improve women's economic circumstances.

So they'd feel they don'thave to abort their unborn.

- We would rather see money going

toward the Pregnancy Assistance Fund

and coming up with innovativeways to support women

to actually carry the child to term

and support for the new families

once that child is born.

- Quigley expects Biden would return

to his former boss, Barack Obama's efforts

to make pro-life medicalworkers violate their conscience

by taking part in abortions.

And also make pro-lifeorganization support it

in their health plans.

Biden says he'd force that

even on the Little Sisters of the Poor,

who live to serve theelderly, sick and dying.

- Their mission hasabsolutely nothing to do

with the destruction of lifeand that he would see them

be forced to pay forabortion inducing drugs

in their healthcare programs.

- Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

- [John] Thanks, Paul.

A mandate to make China thegreatest country in the world.

Why that means trouble for America.

When we come back.

(upbeat music)

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- Welcome back.

Over the years Chinahas been pushing a plan

to dominate the world scene economically,

militarily and politically.

Critics say China will stopat nothing to rule the world.

And the warn that couldbe dangerous for America.

CBN's George Thomas brings us the details.

(air whooshing)

- The warning from the head

of America's nationalintelligence was unprecedented

as it was clear and unequivocal China.

China and its communist governmentpose the greatest threat

to democracy and the freeworld since World War II.

(army marching)

John Ratcliffe, Director ofNational Intelligence wrote

in a recent Wall Street Journal Editorial

that China is America's numberone national security threat.

And that Beijing intends to dominate

the rest of the planet economically,

militarily and technologically.

Michael O'Hanlon is withBrookings Institute.

- It is the way a great power

with a non-democraticgovernment chooses to seek

to extend its influence worldwide.

- [George] Ratcliffeaccuses China of deploying

what he calls a rob,replicate and replace approach

in its ambitions to dominate the world.

- It's been well-known fordecades that China tries

to copy the industry of other countries

and then takes it to scale,

makes it more efficientand largely operates

a bit sort of built its its way up

through the global economicranks with that approach.

- [George] China's foreign ministry

dismisses Ratcliffe's claimswhile accusing Washington

of unnecessary playing the China threat.

- [Interpreter] The relevant article

with a sensational title does not present

any solid evidence at all.

It offered nothing newbut repeating the lies

and rumors to smear China.

- [George] CBN News hasdocumented China's rise

for more than two decades.

Fast forward to 2020 as we examine

how China's president Xi Jinping

has been massively overhaulingthe country's military,

economy and political influence

as part of his great rejuvenation project.

- Which to put it into sortof Trumpian terms means

to make China great again.

- Tom Miller documentsChina's rise in the book,

"China's Asian Dream,

Empire Building Along the new Silk Road."

Miller says since taking the reins,

Xi has been on a trajectoryof preparing China

to be the world's dominant power.

- And obviously Jinping, Chinahas been very deliberately

trying to realize its kind of ambition

to become the global superpower.

- [George] Chinese scholarssay it's also part of Xi's

deep belief that hiscountry has a divine right

to rule the world.

- The mandate of it's havingis from China's imperial past.

Where Chinese emperor is believed

that they not only have the right,

but they were compelled byheaven to rule the world.

And this is the notion oftianxia or all under heaven.

(artillery firing)

- [George] One way is by military force.

As Commander in Chief of theworld's largest fighting force,

Xi has remade China's People'sLiberation Army or PLA

into a military rapidly closingthe gap on U.S firepower.

The Pentagon revealing for the first time

that China now has theworld's largest Navy

and plans to double itsnuclear warhead arsenal

in this decade whichincludes ballistic missiles

that can reach the United States.

- It's likely that China willseek to build the military

that is equal to or in some cases superior

to the U.S. military or the military

of any other great powerthat China perceives

as a potential threat.

- [George] O'Hanlon saysChina's capabilities

in emerging technologies such as robotics,

artificial intelligence andnext generation technology

and telecommunications nowrival that of the United States.

- If we used to be aheadof China by half a lap

on the proverbial track,

now we're ahead by maybe a few strides.

And China is maybe even closingthe gap further as we go.

- Ratcliffe insists thatresisting China's ambitions

of becoming an economic, military

and technological superpowerwill be the challenge

of our generation and warnsthat America should prepare

for an open-ended period ofconfrontation with Beijing.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Thank you, George.

A holiday tradition with aCOVID twist, that story next.

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- [Announcer] On the Home Front.

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- And finally tonight,

the pandemic might be putting a hold

on normal holiday traditions,

but it isn't stopping theNew York metropolitan opera

from performing a Christmas concert

though it looks a littledifferent from years past.

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ Forever and ever ♪

♪ And lord of lords ♪

♪ Forever and ever ♪

♪ And he shall reign forever an ever ♪

The sounds of Christmas members

of the MET Opera Chorusdonned face shields

and followed guidelineson social distancing

to perform a pop-up concert on the steps

of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

This was the first time theChorus has sung together

since stay at home orderswere issued back in March

and they sounded great.

Well, thank you so muchfor joining us tonight

for Faith Nation, we hopeyou have a great weekend.

(upbeat music)


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