- [Chris] Just thispast week a Saudi prince
unexpectedly blasted Israelduring a security conference
in Bahrain in a session ironically titled
New Security Partnershipsin the Middle East.
- They profess that they want
to be friends with Saudi Arabia
and yet all Israeligovernments are the last
of the Western colonizingpowers of the Middle East.
From the time of the Balfour Declaration,
they have forcibly evicted the habitats
of Palestine after the 1948 war.
- [Chris] Israeli ForeignMinister Gabi Ashkenazi spoke
by video after the prince.
- I would like to expressmy regret on the comments
of the Saudi representative,the foreign minister.
I don't believe thatthey reflect the spirit
and the changes takingplace in the Middle East.
- The real question then is does that say
that the whole kingdom of
Saudi Arabia has an attitude problem?
Or does it say that thisguy has an attitude problem?
- [Chris] Former IsraeliUN Ambassador Dore Gold
also attended that conference
witnessing the prince's accusations.
- I think he was being usedby the highest authorities
in Saudi Arabia to put somedistance between us and them.
- [Chris] Gold tells CBN News the attitude
toward Israelis appeared verywarm except for the prince.
Gold believes SaudiArabia could still come
around mainly becausethey have a common enemy.
- I think it's the Iranianfactor which gave birth
to the Israeli-Arab peaceprocess as we know it today.
- [Chris] Danny Danonanother former UN ambassador,
tells CBN News he believesthe Saudis will eventually
join the Abraham Accords.
- They are the most importantones for the region,
for Israel, and they understand that once
they will normalize therelations with Israel,
we will see much morestability in the region.
And it will be a major force
to block the hostility coming from Iran.
- [Chris] Gold points toWashington as being the major part
of this puzzle and what happens next.
- If they hear from Washington,
"We like the Abraham Accords.
We want more treaties betweenIsrael and its neighbors,"
- [Chris] Gold says whilethe Trump administration
has improved that connection
between Saudi Arabia and Israel,
which led to opening itsairspace to Israeli planes,
it could all change if aBiden administration were
to take a different approach.
- If on the other hand theydon't acknowledge that,
they say, "No, you wantto improve the Middle East
environment, give thePalestinians more money,
and make the Palestiniansthe center of everything,"
that will not move us very far along.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
Gordon, how much doesthe prince's comments
pour cold water on thewarming relations with Israel?
- Well, I hope it doesn'tpour any cold water
because factually it's just wrong.
What he said is not the historical record.
Here's the historical record.
The League of Nations got together
because they won World War I.
In winning World War I, theOttoman empire was dissolved.
And so countries were created.
Iraq was created.
Saudi Arabia was created.
Syria, Lebanon, and thePalestinians were put
into a special British mandate.
In that mandate, the League of Nations
at the San Remo Conference said,
"We need to establish a Jewishhomeland and a Jewish state
in the former lands ownedby the Ottoman empire."
And that was the whole purposeof the British mandate.
The Palestinians, it's amistake to call them that
because they didn't evencall themselves that
way back in the 1920s, they were Arabs.
They were ethnic Arabswho have been brought
in by the Ottomans to work their land.
And they didn't own theland, the Ottomans did.
So they've steadfastlyresisted a Jewish state
and did so for purereasons of antisemitism.
To say that they were forcibly
evicted is again a historical lie.
When the Israeli statewas announced in 1948,
the Arab nations surrounding Israel
all declared war against her and they said
to the Arab inhabitants,"Please evacuate because
we don't want you to bea casualty in the war.
When we win the war, you can move back."
So to say it's a forcibleeviction is, again,
it's not part of thehistorical record at all.
I'm really getting tiredof the revisionist history.
We also see the same revisionist history
in President Obama's memoirs
where he's talking abouta British occupation.
There wasn't a British occupation at all.
This was all establishedby international law.
It was all establishedby the League of Nations
and the UN specifically,when it was formed
after another world war, World War II,
it adopted all of the policiesof the League of Nations.
So this is established international law.
Israel has a right toexist and it's high time
for all the neighboring statesto recognize that right.
Now, we've got something that's happened
under the current administration,
under the Trump administration.
It's a radical move.
We're no longer going to focus solely
on the Palestinian problem.
We're going to go around it
and we're going to establish peace
with each individual stateand create a new block
and a new alliance within the Middle East.
It's an absolute brilliant stroke.
Under Secretary of State John Kerry,
he said, "No, you can't do that.
You can't have individual peace.
You have to first solvethe Palestinian problem."
Well, when you look at the world that way,
you end up with an unsolvable problem
because the Palestinians neverwant to solve the problem.
They don't want a two-state solution.
They do not want peace.
And this has been the realityfor a hundred years now.
Let's wake up to the reality.
They want it to drive Israel into the sea.
They teach their children that.
They reward people who kill Jews.
They reward them based onthe severity of the sentence
that they receive inIsrael for acts of terror.
When you look at itfrom this point of view,
our foreign policy on thishas been absolutely nuts
and has been that way for decades.
It's so refreshing tofind someone that says,
"No, this isn't the way anymore."
And by all means, theAmerican taxpayers are going
to pay for this and so we're going
to stop paying the Palestinian Authority
and we're going to stop paying UNRWA.
Well, elections have consequences
and here's some consequencesthat we should be looking at.
Number one, Biden has already said
he's going to re-institute payments
to the Palestinian Authority and to UNRWA.
I find that absolutely unbelievable.
Legally, he's going tohave a problem because
of the Taylor Force Act and because
of another terrorism actthat was passed in 2018.
So he's going to facelegal challenges to this
because if any of the money goes to
those terrorists, he's got a big problem.
Here's the second problem.
He's been encouraged toreactivate the Iranian treaty
on its current levelwith no renegotiation.
I find this absolutely incredible
that we would try to bring this back up
after it's so plain that they're trying
to develop a nuclear weapon
and they were using thattreaty as a cover for it.
This is incredible.
For Iran to get a nuclearweapon is unbelievable,
completely destabilizing to the region.
And that's one of the keysto the Abraham Accords
is trying to create analliance against Iran
and Iran's aggression,which has been evident.
They launched drone attacks
against the refineries in Saudi Arabia.
They've used proxies againstour own troops in Iraq.
They have been funding Hamas
and other terror groups for decades.
They are the number one state sponsor
of terrorism in the world today.
Now here's something that just happened.
Representative Gregory Meeks,he's the incoming head chair
of the House of RepresentativesForeign Affairs Committee.
This man has real power.
He wrote a letter to Biden saying please
reinstitute the Iranian treatywithout any renegotiation.
I find it incredible that a congressman
with that kind of authority
and that kind of informationwould write that letter.
But that's what we're facing,that's what we're looking at.
I hope the Biden administration,
I hope the incoming secretary of state,
I hope they all wake up to this and say,
"A nuclear Iran is asa non-starter for us.
Let's go forward with the Abraham Accords.
Let's not make the Palestinian Authority
the deciding issue in the Middle East.
Let's create coalitions to come against
what is a quite clearlyan aggressive power
using terrorism, using drones."
If they get nuclear weapons, the game.