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What Could a Biden Administration Mean for Israel?

What Could a Biden Administration Mean for Israel? Read Transcript

- [Chris] Sunday markedthe third anniversary

of President Trump's recognition

of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

To celebrate, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

put Trump's declaration alongsidePresident Harry Truman's

recognition of the newly-bornstate of Israel in 1948.

- These two historic proclamationswill never be forgotten.

They'll never be forgottenby the Jewish people

and by the Jewish state.

They will be cherished for generations.

- [Chris] However, there are concerns

that some of the advances madeby the Trump administration

could be changed or even reversed.

So far, Joe Biden has indicated

he would likely keep theUS Embassy in Jerusalem

if he becomes president, but what about

other Trump policies in the Middle East?

Michael Oren is Israel's former

Ambassador to the US.

- With respect to Iran, boththe former Vice President

and his running mate, Senator Harris,

have said unequivocally that they intend

to renew the Iran Nuclear Deal of 2015.

If Iran returns to thelevels of uranium enrichment

established by that deal,

it's not very difficult for Iran to do,

and that means lifting sanctions,

and that has profound ramifications

for Israel and the Middle East.

- [Chris] Netanyahu alsonoted other positive moves

made by Trump on Israel's behalf.

- You recognize Israel'ssovereignty over the Golan Heights.

You recognize Israel's legitimate rights

in Judea and Samaria.

You proposed a realistic peace plan

that acknowledges those rights

and maintains Israel'sability to defend itself.

You forged the historic Abraham Accords.

- [Chris] Oren believesa Biden administration

would not invest in those accords

the way the Trump administration has.

- I don't think they'regonna invest money,

for example, in buildingthe Israeli-Sudanese peace

because that belongs to the Trump era,

and again, the emphasis will be

on the Palestinian issue andnot on the Abraham Accords.

- [Chris] On the Palestinian front,

Senator Harris has embraceda return to negotiations

with the Palestinians and stated,

"We are committed to a two-state solution,

and we will oppose any unilateral steps

that undermine that goal."

That signals opposition to building

in the Jewish communities

in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank,

and restoring funding tothe Palestinian Authority.

From Tehran to the West Bank, it's clear.

A Biden-Harris administration would set

a dramatically different course

than what President Trumphas for the past four years

for Israel and the Middle East.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

(audience applauding)


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