For over 17 years, Sariah was trapped in “The Game†of human trafficking. Learn how she broke free and became an advocate for enslaved women so they too could experience liberation and restoration in their lives.
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- So I learned being a prostitute
that there was only three ways
of getting out of what they call the game.
It was either being sold to another pimp,
going to jail, or being dead.
And for me, I was sold,
physically sold from one pimp to another.
- [Narrator] For over 17 years,
Sariah Hastings livedthe life of a prostitute
and drug addict,
searching for the love she never had.
- The top two biggest things
that led me into thelifestyle of prostitution
was money and acceptance.
- [Narrator] From thetime she was a toddler,
Sariah was exposed to sex and using drugs.
At four years old, she wasmolested by a close relative
and would be for years to come.
And she never said anything.
- All my family memberswas doing the same thing
that I was being shown,
so there was no purpose ofme reaching out and saying,
"There's something wrongwith this," or, "Help me,"
or, "Get me outta this,"because it was so normal.
- [Narrator] Still, she hoped to one day
find someone to love her.
But the words of a familymember gave her no hope
that would ever happen.
- Every little girl wants to be married,
wants to have their knightin shining armor come,
and he said the only wayI would ever have that
is if I was in a pimp and ho relationship.
And that was all I was good,
would be able to lay on my back.
- [Narrator] That thoughtwas cemented in her mind
when at 12, she was gang-raped at a party.
- I was then known in my whole city
as the slut, the ho,
the girl that you couldtake to the bathroom
and do whatever with andshe'll be fine with it.
- [Narrator] Having sex was the only way
Sariah thought she could get attention.
But inside, she hated who she had become.
- It got to the extreme a point
where I just startedtrying to commit suicide
and started cutting myself.
I tried to burn my body.
I would put fire to my arms
just so that I wouldn'tfeel the pain anymore.
- [Narrator] At 18, shewas recruited by a pimp
and walked into a world whereher only worth was her body.
- The minute after he told methat I was going to his ho,
that same night is when I began
to actually officially prostitute
and start walking the streets
and going into the truckdriving parking lots
and making deal with truck drivers.
- [Narrator] And when shecouldn't make the quota,
her pimp threatened to kill her.
She escaped from him butsoon met another pimp
who got her hooked oncocaine and crystal meth.
Sariah would spend the next eight years
being trapped in drugaddiction and prostitution,
living in 33 different states
with pimps too numerous to count.
- When I was able to take a shower,
I would scrub my body
and I could never get thesmell of whatever man,
I didn't even know thesemen's names, off my body.
- [Narrator] Then, when she was 28,
Sariah found out she waspregnant with her second child
by a pimp she was dating.
The father of her first child
made Sariah give thebaby over to her family.
This time it would be different.
- And when I found outthat I was pregnant,
I knew at that moment thatsomething had to change,
that I couldn't continuedoing the same thing.
- [Narrator] She left her pimp
and traveled thousands of miles
to a pregnancy resourcecenter in New England.
While there, a counselor prayed with her.
- And when she started sayingthe Salvation Message to me
and to accept Jesus into my heart,
there was a rush thatwas like never before
that came over my body
and there was a warm feeling
and just the most peaceful,most serene feeling.
I can't even put into words.
All of the disgust feeling of me
constantly wanting to shower
and take all this nastyfeeling off of my body,
it had literally been liftedoff of me in that very moment.
I no longer had the desireto use crystal meth,
I had no desire to smoke cigarettes.
That was my first momentof the Holy Spirit
just filling me with His love
that I had been looking forfor my whole entire life.
- [Narrator] Soon Sariah had her baby boy.
Now at a faith-based residential program,
she realized her need to repent.
- I started asking Godto forgive me of my sins.
Jesus forgave me whenhe died on the cross.
So if He could forgive my sins
and the things that Icommitted against Him,
then who was I not to be able
to forgive the peoplethat did things to me?
- [Narrator] Today, Sariah has a job
in the healthcare industry
and living in a newhome with her son, Noah.
She's also a staff assistantat a women's shelter
where she helps womentransform their lives
through the love of Jesus Christ.
She's written a book about her journey
called "No More Games."
- I love my life today.
There's so much freedomin knowing who Jesus is,
it's amazing.
If you feel that your sinsthat you have committed
are overwhelming and thatyou will never be able
to be accepted by Jesus Christ,
know that no sin istoo great for his love.