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CBN NewsWatch PM: December 7, 2020

CBN NewsWatch PM: December 7, 2020 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is "CBN NewsWatch."

- It is Monday, December7th, I'm Efrem Graham.

Thank you so much for joining us.

We begin with this, twoGeorgia Senate candidates

facing runoff elections squaringoff in a debate last night.

All eyes are on this racebecause it determines

who controls the United States Senate.

The debate showed stark differences

between Republicans andDemocrats in this field.

- You can see what's at stake.

There are two visions for our country,

mine, the American dream,my opponent, socialism.

Chuck Schumer said it best.

Now we take Georgia,then we change America.

- There are those who are engaged

in the politics of division.

They have no vision, andso they engage in division.

Healthcare is on the ballot.

Workers are on the ballot.

Voting rights is on the ballot.

- Over the weekend in Georgia,

President Donald Trump rallied

for Georgia Republican Senate candidates

and called on Georgia'sRepublican Governor, Brian Kemp,

to order a special session over

what many Republicansbelieve was election fraud.

Trump's legal challengeswill now have to continue

temporarily without Rudy Giuliani

after he tested positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump's legal team

is celebrating a judge'sorder in Michigan,

which is allowing them to probe

nearly two dominion votingmachines in Antrim County

for signs of election fraud.

The pandemic hasuncovered a hidden threat,

America's heavy reliance onChina for prescription drugs.

CBN National Securitycorrespondent, Eric Philips,

explains that dangerand what it might pose.

- Over the last 20 years,the US has outsourced

much of its drug manufacturing to China.

Now, the lower cost made it seem

like a good idea at the time,

but now, in the middle of a pandemic,

the US could find itself at China's mercy.

- This is very hiddenfrom the American public.

It took me three years to figure this out.

- [Eric] Author Rosemary Gibson wrote

"China Rx" two years ago.

In it, she chronicled America'sover-reliance on China

for generic prescription drugs

and pointed out a potentialresult of that dependence.

- And that prediction was,

in the event of a naturaldisaster or a global pandemic,

if China shuts the door on exports,

on sending us these important products,

the United States couldend up standing in line

with other countries to get

these core components for our medicines.

- [Eric] Two years later,COVID-19 is rocking the world,

setting the stage for Gibson's warning

to possibly come true.

- We have production shutdowns in China

because people were not going to work.

Transportation routes and logistics

have been disrupted.

- [Eric] Right now, we buygeneric drugs from China

for numerous conditions,including Alzheimer's,

Parkinson's, diabetes,high blood pressure,

HIV/AIDS, depression.

- We can't make the generic antibiotics

that mothers give to theirchildren for ear infections

or that you take forbronchitis or pneumonia.

- [Eric] Gibson says, that'sbecause China controls

the core chemicals to make them.

She says China makes10% of our generic drugs

and, with that amount growing,

they could soon name their price.

- Our dependence will be total.

- [Eric] It's a problem so serious,

Gibson recently testified along with

other experts on Capitol Hill.

- There's no question the Coronavirus

is causing a concern onour supply chain on drugs.

That's a fact, and we need to be able

to have domesticproduction, that's a need.

- A need that could lead to a solution.

- We have to bring our ability

to make our medicines back home.

We have some tremendouslytalented, innovative people

in this country, and they want to start

making medicines in aquicker, faster, cheaper way.

- [Eric] Gibson pointed out, however,

that companies will needgovernment backing to get it done.

Otherwise, China will undercut them.

- What the medicine dependencyof the United States

on unreliable and probably dangerous

Chinese suppliersrepresents is a microcosm

of what the Chinese havebeen doing to us for decades.

- [Eric] Gibson says COVID-19 has provided

a costly wake-up call that was necessary.

- This has become real.

It's not theoretical, this is real,

and so, this is amotivation for us to fix it.

- The other issue is quality control.

Gibson says, some ofthe medicines from China

have either beencontaminated or not contained

any medicine at all, all results that

do not bode well forthe American consumer.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Wanna turn now to Hawaii

where agents arrested a couple

after boarding a flight withtheir four year old son,

knowing they had testedpositive for COVID-19.

A Hawaiian television reporter tweeted

a police spokesperson saying that

Wesley Moribe and Courtney Peterson

knowingly boarded a flight

from San Francisco to Hawaii,

aware of their COVID-19 test results.

They were charged withreckless endangerment

in the second degree.

Their child was traveling with them

and was released into thecare of a family member.

Some public pre-school students

are heading back toclass in New York City.

Schools are reopening after being closed

due to rising COVID-19and the surge in concerns.

Pre-school through 5th graders

are back in their classrooms today.

Thursday, special needs students

are expected to return as well.

Middle and high schoolers will not return

until after the winter break.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

celebrated the third anniversary

of President Trump'srecognition of Jerusalem

as Israel's capital, with a special honor.

CBN Middle Eastcorrespondent, Julie Stahl,

is on this story.

- President Trump, Donald,exactly three years ago,

you became the first world leader

to recognize Jerusalemas the capital of Israel.

- [Julie] In the ceremony,Netanyahu announced

the proclamation would be displayed

alongside President Harry S.Truman's 1948 proclamation

recognizing the newly-establishedstate of Israel.

- These two historic proclamations

will never be forgotten.

They'll never be forgottenby the Jewish people

and by the Jewish state.

They will be cherished for generations.

- [Julie] Netanyahu thennoted other positive moves

made by Trump on behalf of Israel.

- [Netanyahu] You recognizeIsrael's sovereignty

over the Golan Heights.

You recognize Israel's legitimate rights

in Judea and Samaria.

You proposed a realistic peace plan

that acknowledges those rights,

and maintains Israel'sability to defend itself.

You forged the historic Abraham Accord,

which ushered in a new period of peace

that is dramatically changing

the face of the MiddleEast before our very eyes,

and rather than appease thosewho chant "Death to America"

and "Death to Israel" in Tehran,

you withdrew from thedangerous nuclear Iran deal,

placed crippling sanctions on Iran

and took out the world's most

dangerous terrorist, Qasem Soleimani.

- [Julie] US Ambassadorto Israel, David Friedman

joined Netanyahu in praising the move.

- In recognizingJerusalem, President Trump

also did something else.

He sent a clear message to the world

that the United Statesstands unflinchingly

with its allies and that the United States

bases its foreign policy on the truth,

not on wishful thinking or upon fantasy.

That message has since reverberated

throughout this region and other regions,

and it has made the world a safer place.

- [Julie] Netanyahu notedthat Jews around the world

will celebrate Hanukkahstarting this week.

The holiday marks theJewish Maccabean victory

over their Greek-Syrianoppressors 2000 years ago.

- Thanks to you, Mr. President,

we, the descendants of the Maccabees

can celebrate that that alliance

between the reborn Jewish state

and the most powerful country on earth

is stronger than ever,and we celebrate the fact

that the American flag flies high atop

the new American Embassythat you, President Trump,

moved to our gloriouseternal capital, Jerusalem.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Today marks the 79thanniversary of Pearl Harbor.

On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan

launched an air raid on the US Navy base

at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii,

sinking most of the Pacific fleet

and killing 2,400 men and women.

It happened on a Sundaymorning just before 8:00 a.m.,

a surprise attack, with hundreds of

Japanese fighter planescovering the base at once

in a relentless attack,

eight battleships and morethan 300 airplanes destroyed.

The United States declared waragainst Japan the next day.

President Franklin Roosevelt famously said

it was a day that would live in infamy.

Coming up, an emotional plea on video

for somebody to do somethingabout the LA lockdowns

by one business owner who points out

what she believes is clear bias.

Stay with us.

(punchy music)

(woman moaning)

(paper rustling)

(wrapper crinkling)

(lid plunking)

(buttons beeping)

(copier whirring)

(paper ripping)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or booklet

of "Protect Your Sleep" today.

- I'm Efrem Graham and this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things

happening in the world of music, sports,

television and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler was

gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- We'll chat with artists atthe forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5," Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells

the only story truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges and

turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place

in the greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(children laughing)

- [John] Get the top political news

and analysis from Washingtonon "Faith Nation,"

tonight at 6:00 Eastern onlyon the CBN News Channel.

- A wary restaurant owner in Los Angeles

is pleading for help afterthe latest lockdown there

that could put her out of business.

She was forced to shut downher outdoor dining area

due to the latestrestrictions by the mayor,

even though a movie company was allowed

to set up an outside eating area nearby.

Angela Marsden voiced her frustrations

in a video that has now gone viral

with millions of views.

She explained how sheand other business owners

are struggling to survive.

- This is dangerous.

Mayor Garcetti and GavinNewsom is responsible

for every single person thatdoesn't have unemployment,

that does not have a job,

and all the businessesthat are going under,

and we need their help.

We need somebody to dosomething about this.

- And's DanAndros is joining us now

with more on this story.

So Dan, as we said, millions have watched

this woman's appeal and can feel

her raw emotions and frustrations.

What is she and others now facing

with the lockdowns in Los Angeles

and other parts of California?

- Yeah well, we're seeingincreased lockdowns

across the country, but it's probably

none more pronounced than in California,

where she was already,this restaurant owner

you just watched was already

facing restrictions fromcounty-wide measures

that banned things such asindoor and outdoor dining,

and then the mayor of Los Angeles,

who she mentioned inthat clip, Eric Garcetti,

said it's, quote, "timeto cancel everything."

And in his ban, he mentioned that

he would ban all forms of travel.

That included walking onfoot, bicycles, scooter,

motorcycle, taking all formsof public transportation.

So, these are extreme measures.

People are extremely frustrated about that

because, as you see, a woman like this

who's just trying to keepher small business going,

and then she comes out and sees

that there is an exception being made,

and so, people are lookingat this and wondering,

well, is this virus, like,knowing which businesses

that it should attack and not attack?

I mean, how are theseexceptions being made?

And clearly, thisfrustration is resonating

across the country.

A GoFundMe has been launched to help her

and her restaurant, ThePineapple Hill Saloon,

and she has received over$100,000 in donations so far.

They were only askingfor 10,000 in the post,

and it's been $100,000 or more,

and that's from thousands ofpeople across the country.

So clearly, people are fed up with seeing

and living with thesesorts of strict measures.

- Churches are also being advised to close

while other businesses arebeing allowed to remain open.

Take us inside this divide here.

- Yeah, I mean it's really something else

because, among the restrictions are...

indoor worship servicesare being restricted

in California, and youknow, people are watching

the governor, Governor Gavin Newsom,

and he was asked by reporters,

including reporters fromthe Associated Press,

what is the science to backup some of these measures,

and he really duckedand dodged the question,

and didn't provide actual science

because that's usually the bludgeon

that a lot of these politicians use.

They just say, well, it's the science.

Well, somebody asked himto provide the science,

and he kind of dodged the question

and didn't really give any answers

as to show why are big box stores

not spreading the virus, and yet,

these small mom and pop stores are.

You had, Neil Gorsuchcalled out this hypocrisy.

He said that it's time, it's past time

to make plain thatwhile the pandemic poses

many great challenges, there's no world

in which the Constitution tolerates

color-coded executive or edictsthat reopen liquor stores

and bike shops, but shutterschurches and synagogues.

So, he's pointing out this seemingly

arbitrary standard thatthese politicians are using,

and then Governor Gavin Newsom himself,

after he told people not to go anywhere

and not to dine outdoors,was caught famously

going to a fancy lunchwhere he was indoors

with lots of people,sitting close with no mask.

So, people are startingto really get frustrated,

and we may see this boil over soon.

- Dan, looking at,

there's also a story of an 11 year old

committing suicide duringa Zoom class in California.

What does this say about the stress

brought on, about reporting and management

of the pandemic now?

- Yeah, and there's no details on it.

I mean, obviously it's a suicide

and we don't know exactlywhat the reasons are,

but he was on a Zoom class.

He was, you know, remotelearning in California,

and so, a horribly tragic event here,

regardless of the circumstances,

but these are some of the, you know,

worries that people have, you know,

when it comes to theeffects of what we're doing

with these restrictions andreducing human interaction.

We just don't know the severity of

what we're doing mentally to people,

and what is the humantoll that this is taking

on all these lockdowns?

So, you know, people are really concerned

that we're just scratching the surface

on what we're about to see on that front.

- Hm, before we let you go real quick,

what's ahead this eveningon "Faith vs Culture?"

- Yeah, we're gonna be talking about

a major stumbling block,

a foundational stumbling block

that a lotta people have to the faith,

talking about, how can a good God

send loving people to hell,

and we tackle that question by answering

the faulty premise that,well, we're good people.

So, we talk about, what isour true standing with God

and try to help shedsome light on that topic.

- All right, Dan Andros with "Faithwire."

Wanna remind you at home that

you can watch "Faith vsCulture" this evening.

It begins at 8:30 Eastern and, of course,

you can find that on the CBN News Channel.

Still ahead, a look at "America Lost,"

a new documentary exploring real lives

and real struggles across cultural lines,

even before the pandemic,

and how faith and familycan help turn things around.

We've got that story foryou when we come back.

You're watching "CBN NewsWatch."

We'll be right back.

(punchy music)

- If you're tired and exhausted all day,

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- [Announcer] Wake up to your best life.

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(hip hop music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know, I think as a father,

it's my job, you know, to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch "Going the Distance"

with Shawn Brown Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving

and serving at-risk children,

to helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities for strong

and sustainable communitiesaround the world.

We're working in over 60countries around the world,

and with your help, we can do even more.

There's an old Africanproverb I love that says,

"If you want to run fast, run alone,

but if you want to run far, run together."

At Orphan's Promise, we want to run far,

so we can touch the lives of as many

orphaned and vulnerablechildren as possible,

but we don't want to go alone.

We're out to change the world

one child, one family,one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(uplifting music)

(children laughing)

(uplifting music)

- [Announcer] Young people, millennials

are flocking to church.

- [Woman] It's not an exaggeration to say

that we love to meet them

and that we love to know their stories.

- The pandemic is not justa public health issue.

It is expected to expand poverty

abroad and here at home, withmillions still out of work

and businesses shuttering.

A documentary called "America Lost"

documented the decline of threeAmerican cities, pre-Covid,

produced by the Discovery Institute

and the Heritage Foundation.

It shows people committedto changing the cities

where they live and workthrough faith and family

as well as community rather than riots,

with the true stories ofpeople battling crime,

economic decline and the breakdown

of traditional institutions.

Chris Rufo with The Discovery Institute

worked on the documentary for years

and spoke with CBN's "Faith Nation"

about how it grew intosomething much more powerful

than even he first imagined.

- You spent time in Youngstown, Ohio,

Memphis, Tennessee andStockton, California,

where you describe as forgotten cities.

What did you discover?

- Yeah, I discovered that the crisis,

no matter who's in office,

whether you have a Democrat or Republican

in the Oval Office, manyhundreds, if not thousands

of cities and townsacross the United States

are struggling withinter-generational poverty,

with the breakdown of families,

with the tearing o the social fabric,

and it's time that we spend some time

thinking about these places,

learning how they're coping,

and trying to understand how they could

revive themselves in the future.

- Chris, real quickly, can you talk about

how you came up with the project idea?

- Yeah, I wanted to do a story

that transcended geographicand racial lines.

So we feature one workingclass white community

in Youngstown, Ohio in theold kind of rust belt North.

We feature an AfricanAmerican urban community

in Memphis in the deep South,

and then we find characters that are

Latino and multi-racialin Stockton, California,

and it really just goes to show

that the great shreddingof the social fabric

affects people of all backgrounds.

It's something that wecan come together on,

both to diagnose the problem

and come up with solutionsthat work for everyone.

- Chris, real quicklyhere, you put five years

into this project,spending time with a felon

getting back on his feet,

a woman whose childhood neighborhood

descended into squalor, and others working

to change the world bystarting with themselves first.

Briefly, what did you learn and

what can we learn from their stories?

- You know, I didn't goout seeking this story,

but one thing I foundover and over and over,

in America's poorest neighborhoods,

the faith community, those local churches

are really the bedrockof the social order,

the bedrock of people's lives,

and also have the most successful programs

teaching people how toget back off their feet,

bringing people in off the streets,

helping people recover from drug abuse,

uniting families and thesekind of often unsung heroes

in the faith community,are really on the ground

fighting the good fight andshould have all of our support.

- How are faith and familydoing in society today?

Is America lost?

- Yeah, I mean, it is, but you know,

one thing about being lost,

you can always find your way again,

and I think what you'veseen since the 1950s

is that the family, especiallyin the poorest communities

and neighborhoods has really fallen apart,

and I think that it's,

according to all thethousands of people I met

in these cities is reallythe thing that people feel

is most acutely lost andwe need to really restore.

So, I think, you know,I saw a lotta heartbreak

in these places, but Ialso saw a lotta hope.

I wouldn't count Americadown for the count at all.

I think our best days are still ahead.

- Chris, real quickly before we go,

where can people find the film?

- Sure, all of our viewerscan actually watch the film

in its entirety for free


You can watch the trailer.

Watch the whole film for free.

I think it's really,it's something important,

and something that sheds a lotta light

on a story that is often never told.

- All right, Chris Rufo,thank you for being with us

and thank you for your time.

- Thank you.

- [Efrem] Coming up, it'san old-fashioned Christmas

at the home of Vice PresidentMike Pence and his family.

We'll take you there, stay with us.

(punchy music)

(quirky music)

- Daddy?

- Yeah, buddy.

- How many nickels are in a dollar?

- There are 20 nickels in a dollar.

- Look!

How do birds fly?

(Dad vrooming)

will milk really make my bones stronger?

- Yeah, yeah.

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- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews Daily Rundown podcast

each weekday with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the show tab at

where you can listen and subscribe.

- And welcome back to "CBN NewsWatch."

Christmas decorationsare on display everywhere

as we approach the holiday,

including at the home of

Vice President Mike Pence and his family.

The Second Family recently unveiled

Christmas decorationsadorning their residence

at the Naval observatoryhere in the Nation's capital.

Among the sights at this year's

old-fashioned Christmas theme,

it included 35 wreaths, vintage toys,

and more than 1000 ornaments.

It also includes a nativity scene

depicting the birth of JesusChrist, beautiful there.

Time now for your Monday motivation.

I wanna leave you with this thought.

It is never too lateto leave a good thing.

Sound strange?

Well, good may be comfortable,

but that good comfortableis often the enemy of great.

So I encourage you today.

Don't settle, dream again,dream bigger, dream greater.

Dream God dreams, and thereis no denying this fact.

God is not just good, He is great.

With that word, I encourage you

to make today a marvelous Monday,

and be sure to do that on purpose.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of "CBN NewsWatch."

Thank you so much for watching.

Remember, you can alwaysfind more of our programs

on the CBN News Channel.

You can find them there at any time.

You can also find themonline at

We would love to know what you think

about all the storiesyou've seen here today.

You can email us atthe address right there

at the bottom of yourscreen,

And, of course, you can always

reach out and touch us onFacebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Make it a marvelous Monday.

We'll see you right back here

same time tomorrow, goodbyeeverybody and God bless.

(punchy theme music)


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