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News on The 700 Club: December 4, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” December 4, 2020. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the 700 club.

Here's some sage advice.

Don't believe everythingyou see on the internet

and that's a message

from two prominent Christian leaders

speaking out against theanti-vaccine messages

that are gaining traction online.

- Dr. Francis Collins and Russell Moore,

are calling on all Americans,particularly Christians

to get their COVID-19vaccine as soon as possible.

CBN's medical reporter,Lorie Johnson has the story.

- How do I know that something bad

isn't going to happen to meor my family with the vaccine?

What would you say toreassure those people?

- Well, here's a greatopportunity for Christians to say,

let's really look at the truth.

- [Lorie] NIH director andnoted Christian author,

Dr. Francis Collins and SouthernBaptist Ethics president,

Russell Moore, wantChristians to think twice,

before believing unprovenanti-vaccine theories.

- There's an awful lot ofinformation floating around,

particularly in social media

that frankly doesn't represent truth.

It represents some certaindegree of fear and anxiety

and some just frank conspiraciesthat are pretty outrageous.

- [Lorie] For example,Collins who led the effort

to sequence human DNA,

explained why the messenger RNA vaccines,

produced by Pfizer and Modernado not alter a person's DNA.

- The RNA lives a veryshort time in your body.

It is quickly degraded

'cause RNA has a very short half-life.

So there's no residual of whatyou've been injected with,

beyond probably a few hours.

- [Lorie] They said somerumors could be seen as jokes

except people believethem by refusing vaccines

or putting lives at risk.

- And no metals thatinteract with 5G towers

and it implant to ways thatpeople can know where you are

and track you-

- No, and Bill Gates has not convinced us

to put microchips into the syringes.

I still think they'repeople who have heard that

and think maybe it could be true.

I really want to assure people.

These are wild crazy ideas.

- [Lorie] Some vaccines suchas the ones made by AstraZeneca

and Johnson and Johnson usematerial derived from abortion.

But it's not what you might think.

- There's a cell line,which was derived in 1972.

A cell line that was derivedfrom a pregnancy termination

in Scandinavia, an elective abortion.

That cell line has beenused, it's called HEK293

in many, many areas of biotechnology.

- [Lorie] And while abortionis certainly an issue of life

so are vaccines.

According to CDC statistics,

COVID 19 contributes to a person's death,

each minute of the dayin the United States.

- But if you have alife-saving intervention

and there's no otheralternative that is acceptable,

when we're talking about celllines derived 50 years ago,

there's no current use ofhuman fetal tissue at all

in any of these vaccines.

- [Lorie] In short they adviseChristians to get vaccinated.

- So if you're trying tosize up benefits and risks

and if you believe that Godgives us the opportunity

to act as his agents to try torelieve suffering and death,

then it seems like thisis a pretty good balance.

- Other Christian and political leaders,

are putting forth pro-vaccine messages,

Evangelist, Beth Mooreand former presidents,

Clinton, Bush, and Obama,

volunteered to not onlyget their COVID-19 vaccine

as soon as possible,

but to also do it on cameraas a way to prove it's safe

and encourage others to follow their lead,

Lorie Johnson, CBN news.

- And let me encourage you,

don't listen to the conspiracytheories that somehow

or rather, this is goingto be the mark of the beast

or you're gonna get some kindof chip implanted into you.

All these things that are swirling around,

aren't helping at all.

And I encourage people,please protect yourself,

if you're in one of the high risk groups,

absolutely, please get this vaccination.

For the rest of us who aren't,

we're probably going to have to wait,

given the policies thatare being announced,

as to who has access to a vaccine.

But let's protect ourselves,

wouldn't it be wonderfulto be finally free

from this pandemic?

Well, you can get informed bywatching the entire webinar,

featuring Dr. Collins and Russell Moore,

by going to

In other news, PresidentTrump's legal team,

is pressing ahead withits court challenges

of the election in several States.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN news bureauin Washington, John.

- Thanks Gordon, one of those challenges

involves footage of votecounting in Georgia,

while another questions the legality

of thousands of voters in Nevada.

CBN's Paul Strand has the story.

- [Paul] At a legislativehearing, Thursday in Georgia,

a Trump team volunteerlawyer, Jackie Pick,

played a video allegedlyshowing election workers,

secretly pulling suitcasesfull of mystery ballots

out from under a table.

And for more than two hoursadding thousands of them

to the vote count.

- [Jackie] So what arethese ballots doing there,

separate from all the other ballots?

And why are they only counting them,

whenever the place is clearedout with no witnesses?

- [Paul] The Trump team'slead counsel in Georgia,

argued the state's voteis hopelessly compromised.

- That is why the election must be vacated

and cannot be allowed to stand.

- [Paul] But others say,the state's monitor remained

to watch the vote count

and that nothing illegal took place.

In Nevada, state Republicans say,

they've submitted the followingevidence to the court,

almost 8,000 ballots castby voters with addresses

that don't exist.

Some 15,000 voters registered to vacant

or commercial propertiesthat cast ballots.

More than 2,000 votesby voters that legally,

changed their address toanother state or country.

About 42,000 voters who voted twice

and on and on.

That would add up to themore than 33,000 votes

by which Joe Biden beat Trump in Nevada.

The judge will rule soonon the massive GOP case,

although the state's electoral votes,

have already been certified.

And Republican lawmakersare asking the supreme court

to stop Pennsylvania'sdemocratic officials

from certifying the state's vote count,

saying the state violatedits own constitution

in this year's election changes.

So the Trump team iscontinuing its legal challenges

but time is running out,

with the electoral college setto vote in a week and a half.

Paul Strand, CBN news, Washington.

- Thanks Paul, turning overseas.

For years now the BDSmovement has urged countries,

companies and even churches

to boycott and divest fromany group tied to Israel,

with the goal ofdemonizing the Jewish state

and damaging its economy.

As Chris Mitchell reports,

one group has found a wayto counter that tactic.

- [Chris] It's called ARISE.

- We thought instead of fightingthe campaign to boycott,

let's work on the positivelevel of connecting,

the millions of Christianbusiness people around the world

to the economy of Israel.

People who are positive predisposed,

towards doing business in Israel.

- [Chris] President and ExecutiveChairman Calev Myres says,

it's all about matchmaking.

- We connect businesses to businesses

in a very tailor made way.

- [Chris] Last year,some 550 business people

from 35 nations attended the ARISE Summit.

- Based on the feedback forms,

we created about $34 millionof immediate transactions

on that one day with anestimated economic impact

of 350 million over the next 10 years.

There's a great crowd ofChristians around the world,

who wanna do business with Israel

and we just wanna makethat process as simple

and easy as possible.

- [Chris] Since then 2020 happened,

bringing with it major impacts to Israel

and the middle East.

- The theme of the summit isprospering in the new normal.

The new normal beingboth the COVID-19 reality

that we all find ourselves living in,

as well as the normalizationof ties in the Middle East,

with the Gulf States,

which opened up enormous opportunities.

- [Chris] While someChristians are skeptical,

about Israel signingonto the Abraham Accords,

Myres sees the positive.

- As far as we're concerned,

if you've been praying forthe peace of Jerusalem,

like the Bible instructs you to,

you should be extremely excited

that peace is actually taking place now.

And it really creates anopportunity for flourishing

and economic prosperity for both peoples.

- [Chris] Those countrieshave billions to invest

in Israeli innovation.

- For instance, technologies

that are used to fight COVID-19,

we're gonna have a speaker

from an Israeli company called Aura Air,

which has an air filtration system,

with a radius of like 300 square meters.

They had developed it to killairborne diseases in hospitals

and just launched it when COVID-19 hit.

- [Chris] This year,

Myres is taking the ARISE Summit online,

with special softwareto help participants,

keep those one-on-one relationships.

- So you'll go into that tabon the corner of your screen,

be able to see all the other participants,

filter through them with software.

So you'll find people based onarea of interest or industry,

what they have to offer.

And those exciting leads,

you'll be able to set up alive video chat with them.

Literally have your hallway conversation,

like at a physical summit.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Gordon, it looks like we'rewitnessing a technological,

economic and politicalshift in the Middle East.

- That's wonderful newsand I encourage people,

please invest in Israel.

It's a wonderful way to bless Israel.

And as we see peace breakingout throughout the region,

these Abraham Accords are really,

you know, moving the needle

and we'll see if SaudiArabia joins in with it.

That would be a complete game changer,

in terms of the Middle Eastand the geopolitics there

and a coalition thatactually has the ability

to stand against Iran.


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