Israel’s Govt. On the Verge of Collapse, Pushing Israel Toward Fourth Election in Two Years
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- Israel took one step closer Tuesday,
to another round of possible elections,
when alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz,
said he would vote todissolve the Knesset today.
He criticized PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu,
and said only he could keepthe nation from elections.
- Netanyahu...
- [Interpreter] Netanyahu,the burden of proof is on you.
Bring the budget to thegovernment immediately,
make sure it will passand promise the unity
you only know to talk aboutin front of the cameras.
- Netanyahu lashed back atGantz saying Gantz violated
the coalition agreements.
The Knesset has to vote three times
to dissolve the government.
But if a budget is notpassed by December 23rd,
Israelis will automaticallygo to their fourth election
in just two years.
Our CBN News Middle EastBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell,
is joining us now from Jerusalem.
So Chris, tell us about thevote today, what does it mean?
- Well, as you said Efrem, itis the first of three votes
to dissolve the Knesset.
Now the Knesset has a choice,they can fast track it,
or it could take it upto a couple of weeks
for this to happen.
What Gantz is happening rightnow, he's sending a signal
to Netanyahu that he doesn'twant any political tricks,
that's why he said, in thecamera he's saying unity,
but behind the scenes it's something else.
And he's saying that he'sthe one that can control
and avoid elections.
He's also accusing Netanyahu,he's trying to keep himself
from the upcoming trialsfor fraud, bribery
and breach of trust, whichcomes up early next year.
And as you said, the realdeadline is on December 23rd,
that's when the budget is due.
If it's not passed by then, then by law,
Israel will have to go
to their fourth election in two years.
You know someone said today Efrem,
that the most permanent aspect
of this particulargovernment is uncertainty,
and ever since has beenformed, several months ago,
it really has been teetering
almost like a housedivided against itself.
All these happening whilethe coronavirus is going on.
And that was the reason for the whole idea
of a unity government wasto combat the coronavirus.
Right now Efrem, one in five Israelis
suffer from depression here,
and they're saying that we could be
on the beginning of actually a third wave
of the coronaviruspandemic here in Israel.
- You mentioned uncertainty,if Israel does go to elections,
could there be a surprise?
- Yeah, there would be andthe way I see it Efrem,
is a man named NaftaliBennett, he's the head
of what's called theYamina or the Right Party,
usually in the last few elections,
he had six, seven, maybe eight seats.
But now polling, he'schallenging Netanyahu
and the Likud party.
Some of the polls havehad them over 20 seats
in the Knesset.
What that would do presenta real possible challenge
to Netanyahu in the nextelections, whenever they do occur,
he doesn't have the legalclouds hanging over his head.
And many Israelis likedthe way that he handled
the coronavirus when hewas in the government,
just at the last of the last government,
he was the defense minister.
When he got out, he had proposals
that a lot of people did like.
And so if the government does fall,
if they go to new elections,
perhaps that would be nextMarch, if it really does happen,
I think the surprisewould be Naftali Bennet
and his party, Yamina.
- So Chris, how could all ofthis affect peace agreements
we know now as the Abraham Accords?
- Well, actually I thinkit may not affect it
quite as much as you may think,
because I think Israelis allover the political spectrum,
they think that the AbrahamAccords are actually quite good.
In fact, just today, therewas a delegation from Bahrain,
they met with the tourism minister,
they have a memorandum of understanding
about joint tourismbetween Israel and Bahrain.
I think the main thingthat would happen Efrem,
would be what would happenwith the Biden administration.
So if the Biden administration came in,
I think that would haveprobably a profound impact
on the Abraham Accords.
And the other thing that apossible Biden administration
would have, would be onthe Iranian nuclear deal.
We've talked about that before.
The idea there is thatthey would try to reenter
the Iranian nuclear deal
and have some sort ofarrangement with Iran.
The Trump administration,obviously they pulled out of it
two years ago and they seeIran, it really deplishes
about the way they'vehandled the nuclear deal.
So as far as the Abraham Accords,
I don't think it would affect too much
if they go to elections, but certainly
if the Biden administration comes in,
that will be a game changer,
I think here in the Middle East.
- All right, ChrisMitchell, thank you so much,
we're watching that vote today for sure.
We much appreciate your time.