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Praying For Your Needs: December 2, 2020

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Here's one that came in from Mary Alice,

who's from El Paso, Texas.

She agonized and suffered

with a chronic urinary tract infections.

And she was watching this program

on October the 6th of this year,

she heard Wendy say there'ssomebody in the audience

with severe UTI, from thisthe moment you are healed.

Exercising her faith, MaryAlice jumped out of her chair

claimed her healing.

She calls six weekslater, completely healed.

- I love it.

All right, here's one Pat.

Jim writes in by email.

For the past several months,I have had difficulty

with a constant tightnessaround my throat,

difficulty swallowing and speaking,

and other digestiveissues as they relate to

having Parkinson's,

yesterday was no exception,

until I heard God and Pat speak to me

as I watched the 700 Club.

Pat, you prayed that

someone was havingtrouble with their larynx,

trouble swallowing and speaking.

Immediately, I knew God andPat were speaking to me.

Immediately, I experienced acalming presence come over me,

my throat loosened,

and I was able to swallowwithout difficulty,

the heartburn ceased

and I could speak more with more clarity.

Thank you, Jesus.

- That was just a few daysago, I remember distinctly.

Well, listen folks,

God wants to do miracles for you today.

Not tomorrow, not next week,not next year, but today.

And if you will agree with us,

we're going to agree together

Wendy and I, we just agreed together,

and if two of you would agree on earth

as touching anything they will ask,

it'll be done for themby my father in heaven.

Now the Lord said withman it's impossible,

with God, all things are possible.

All things are possible.

So we're going to pray right now for you

and we're going to believe God,

Father, I thank you forthe answers to prayer.

And I thank you Lord.

Somebody has a severekidney infection, is really,

he used the term nephritis,it's really serious.

And God, right now you'll feel power

in the small of your back,and you'll feel heat,

and you are healed in the name of Jesus.

Charlie, I believe it's you take it.


- There's someone else

that has a problem right now with fear,

you just saw Joe's story.

You want that same freedom.

God, it says I'm no respecter of persons,

just start praising me, andthat fear is lifting now.

Fear be gone in the name of Jesus.

- There's somebody, Ibelieve your name's Marianne.

You've got a cracked knuckle,

somebody, you hit yourfist against something

and you cracked your knuckles.

Just reach out, move your hand,take it in the name of Jesus

Lord in the name of the Lord,

may the anointing of the Holy spirit

come upon people right now.

And you said about fear,

we've seen many fade,

and a spirit of fear has comeupon you for fear has torment.

We bind the spirit offear in name of Jesus,

touch them and loose them.

- Wendy.

- There's someone,

you are just so depressedover this election.

You can hardly get out of bedbecause of this heaviness,

and God is lifting that right now.

Just start praising God, becausethat depression is lifting

and joy is returning to youright now in Jesus name.

- Somebody has a rotator cuff,

I mean, it's been seriously torn,

and your shoulder is aching, right?

As I'm speaking, just touch that shoulder

in the name of Jesus touch,

completely healed, you'llfeel heat and you're whole.

Lord, I pray now and we pray for America.

We know that there's confusion,

we think of this interregnum.

We think of the hatred.

We think of the bitterness.

We think of crime.

We think of fear.

We think of all thisstuff that's going on.

And we ask Lord that you wouldtake control over your land,

come and take controland bring forth miracles

in the name of Jesus.

And may the power andthe anointing of God,

Wendy, you've got one more thing.

- Yeah, there's just someone,

you just got your handon your head right now

and you've just had thisthrobbing pain for days

and the Lord is takingthat away right now,

you're being delivered fromthat headache in Jesus' name.

- Amen.

- Thank you, Lord.

- Please give us a call.

We'd love to hear from you,

it's 1-800-700-7000.

We'd love to hear ofyour answers to prayer.

We'd love to have somebody callwith the folks on the phone,

we've got people on the phone here,

we've got people onthe phone in Nashville,

and we've actually got people on the phone

in the Philippines.

So wherever you are

every place in the world,we're here for you.

So pick up the phone call in,

somebody's here who loves youand wants to hear from you.


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