Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.
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- Well, we have someanswers to prayer here.
Pat, this is Sue.
This came in from by email.
She says, "I was watching "The 700 Club,"
and Pat mentioned someonewith arthritis pain
in their left hand,that God was healing it.
Well last month, I caught my thumb
in a track of a window I was closing.
It caused great pain.
After an x-ray showedarthritis, back to work I went.
The last few nights I've wokenup with extreme, aching pain
in the same injured hand/thumb.
Last night, that did not happen.
I'm no longer feeling thataching in my left hand.
I believe that word was for me!
Thank you, Pat, and all of you.
And yes, I am a newmember of "The 700 Club."
- We welcome you for that.
Now this came in fromBushkill, Pennsylvania.
Tanya started havingsignificant trouble breathing.
Her doctors diagnosed aserious lung infection.
Well, one day, she was watchingthis program and Terry said,
"This for many people,respiratory infections.
God is healing you, take adeep breath and bring it out."
Tanya exercised her faith,
felt a wave of heat surrounding her body.
Then she returned tothe doctor and he said,
"Oh, your lungs areclear. No more infection."
Now listen folks, I have seenand we have seen thousands,
hundreds of thousands ofpeople who've been touched
by the power of God.
And we're going to pray for you right now.
And I want to say this one more time,
I'll say it over and over again,
"With God, all things are possible."
Somebody said to Jesus,
"If you can do this,"
and He said, "If you canbelieve all things are possible,
to Him who believes."
Now Terry and I are going to join hands,
and I ask you to pray with us right now.
Nothing is impossible.
Father, we lift up before youthe people in this audience.
Some are suffering.
Some of them marriageshave been torn apart.
Some have lost their jobs.
Some are fearful.
Some are crying out toGod, "Is there any answer?"
Some have deep-seated issues.
There's a little boy named Mikey,
who's praying and who's crying out,
I believe his parents have either left him
or they're getting divorced,
and Mikey, Mikey, God'sheard your prayer son,
and God's gonna give you theanswer that you're seeking.
Now Terry, what do you have?
- Yeah, there's someoneelse that you have issues
with your mouth, with justyour teeth, your gums,
it's affected the way that you speak.
God's healing all ofthat for you right now.
You're just gonna begin to feel as some,
and your mouth almost still's swollen.
It's just gonna begin to goback to normal as God heals you.
- There's this that I got Ibelieve a man named Norman.
You have what's called night sweats.
It may be mononucleosis,but whatever it is,
you've got these problems,
and God right now ispurging your whole body.
You will feel heat going through your body
right at this moment andyou are totally healed.
And again,
Terry had a word about a lung infection
that somebody else that has the,
Reginald, I believeyou've got lung infection,
touch your chest in thename of Jesus, touch!
Terry?- And (indistinct),
you have a condition with your stomach.
You can almost not eat anything
without it causing problems for you.
God's healing that for you.
Just feel that warmth comeinto your stomach area
as God touches and heals youcompletely in Jesus name.
- Somebody got hit in the head
and it was almost like a bat or something,
it just smashed your headand you've had a concussion.
Put your hand on your head,
your brain, your head is totally healed
and all the pain just left in Jesus name.
- Somebody else that justhas aching everywhere.
I don't know if you havearthritis or what it is,
but so life impacting.
God's healing you right nowin Jesus name, it's gone.
- And once again Lord, wepray for this nation, Lord.
The trouble is there,
the trouble has come upon us.
And we ask Lord that you will take charge.
Lord, you said if yourpeople call by your name
and we are calling on you right now.
Lord, we know the problems,
we know the sin of thisnation, but we pray God,
a move of the Lord might comein our midst in Jesus name.
- [Terry] Amen- And amen.
Please give us a call.
We'd love to hear these answers.
We'd love to have your prayer requests.
All you have to do is pick up the phone,
it's easy, it's 1-800-700-7000,and we're here for you.