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Biden Pushes Ahead With Building a New Administration

Biden Pushes Ahead With Building a New Administration Read Transcript

- Senior Washington correspondentTara Mergener is here

with tonight's top story.

Tara, what do we know now?

- Well John, we're getting a better idea

of what a Bidenadministration will look like

after learning who would take key roles

in tackling the pandemicand its economic fallout.

Biden hopes to stabilizean American economy

affected by the coronaviruswith his incoming economic team

which includes former FederalReserve Chair, Janet Yellen,

who would be the firstfemale Treasury Secretary.

If confirmed, Cecilia Rouse,

the pick for Chair of theCouncil of Economic Advisors,

would also make history,becoming the first Black woman

to lead the department.

There's also a nod to theleft with Neera Tanden

who runs the progressiveCenter for American Progress,

as Director of Office ofManagement and Budget.

Diversity clearly a priority,

the senior communicationstaff is an all-woman lineup

with former Obamaadministration official Jen Saki

set to take over as Press Secretary.

Biden has nominated the first woman,

Avril Haines, to lead thenation's intelligence community.

In another milestone Monday,

the President and Vice President Elect

receiving their firstpresidential daily briefing,

a process that was initially delayed,

given challenges to election results.

- [Donald] This election was rigged.

This election was a total fraud.

- [Tara] A $3 millionrecount in Wisconsin,

paid for by the Trump campaign,

has turned up 87 more votes for Biden.

In Pennsylvania, it lostanother court challenge

on mail-in ballots.

President Trump's formerhead of cyber security

who was fired, now piling on

about the President's insistence

that voting machines were rigged.

- There was no indication or evidence

that there was any sort of hacking

or compromise of election systems

on, before, or after November 3rd.

We did a good job.

We did it right.

- The President, his alliesand private litigators

have now lost at least 31cases contesting the election

or alleging fraud in five states.

Meanwhile, as Bidenfocuses on his transition,

he's recovering from a twisted ankle

that happened while playing with his dog

over the weekend, John.


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