- Oh, well, America get ready
for some very big changes.
From climate change
to foreign policy, toimmigration, and more,
Joe Biden is set to begin reversing course
from the past four years.
- If he take's office,
the former vice-presidentis reportedly planning
to sign a series of executive orders
overturning president Trump's policies.
CBN's White House correspondent
Ben Kennedy has the details.
- American's back.
- [Ben] If elected, the 46th president
plans to reverse several ofpresident Trump's policies
by executive orders.
- The United States will withdraw
from the Paris Climate Accord.
- [Ben] But Biden wants torejoin the Paris Climate Accord.
- Climate change, global warming
is an existential threat to humanity.
- [Ben] The former VP wantsnet zero emissions by 2050
and proposed 2 trillion and clean energy
in infrastructure spending.
- We will be todayterminating our relationship
with the World Health Organization.
- [Ben] Again, Biden plansto reverse that move.
He also wants to rejointhe Iran Nuclear Deal
as long as the regimecomes back into compliance.
- Iran has a robust, impressiveballistic missile system
that can deliver a nuclear warhead.
They're very precise
and now they have whatthey call a missile train
where they can fire multipleballistic missiles at one time.
And even Israel probablywith the world's best
anti-missile system may not be able to hit
all those incoming missiles.
Iran claims it would reducehis stockpile of uranium
if Biden lifts sanctions on Tehran.
Which Iran's foreign minister suggest
could be done throughthree executive orders.
Biden also aims to useexecutive powers in these areas.
Repealing Trump's travelban from Muslim countries
like Iran, Libya,Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.
Reinstating the dreamers program
which allows kids ofundocumented immigrants
to remain in the US andundoing Trump's 2017 order
banning transgenderindividuals from the military.
In a Biden administration
they would serve openlyin the armed forces.
Now Biden's team is planning the EO route
in case the Senate controlstays in Republican hands
making legislation a challenge.
We won't know that outcomeuntil early January.
Ben Kennedy CBN News.
- Well get ready for big changes.
This is just the beginning if you will.
One of the current concerns I have
as the World Health Organization
the documentation is quite clear
that they allowed China to cover up
and they allowed China to make sure
the world did not have thesources of the pandemic.
And they've admitted that nowin the early months of this
you go back to January,February, and March
and they were praisingChina at the same time,
enabling China to cover it up.
They admitted it
but nobody seemed topay attention to that.
And for us to say, well,
we're willingly going toget back into a organization
that said, well, bythe way, we lied to you
about the biggest healthcrisis in the world.
That literally makes no sense.
Why in the world willwe ever support that?
We need to get the sourceof COVID, how it happened.
We still don't have honesty out of China
as to what really happened in Wuhan.
And that I think is necessary.
So that's just one area.
Here's one that I hope,
if there is a new administration,
I hope to take very seriously.
Go back to 1994 andthe Crime Bill of 1994,
which if Biden is the president-elect,
well he voted for that back in 1994.
That has led us to be one ofthe most incarcerated nations
in the world.
Can we reverse that?
And can we recognize that that Crime Bill
sparked horror within theAfrican-American community
where 35% of African-Americansaged 18 to 35 today
have some kind of relationship
with the criminal justice system.
They're either in jail or onparole or under indictment.
And it's a disproportionate impact
on the African-American community.
My hope is that we can finallysee some change to that
and stop being a police stateand stop incarcerating people
at a rate that no othercountry in the world has.
Well, in other news president Trump
is still contesting the election.
So why is he giving the go ahead
for the transition process?
And what are we learningabout Joe Biden's first batch
of cabinet nominees?
Well, John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Joe Biden is naming several members
of the Obama administration for key posts.
Meanwhile, even though president Trump
is still fighting it out in the courts,
he says the transition process
should begin for the good of the country.
CBN's Jenna Browder reports.
- After weeks of legal battles,
the Trump administrationhas given the go-ahead
to the federal government
to begin the transitionprocess for Joe Biden's team.
But the president is clear.
He is not conceding the election.
The GSA ascertaining Monday,
Biden is the apparentwinner of the election.
This opening the door forthe transition process
and allowing his team tomeet with federal agencies
to prepare for inauguration day.
- It would make a lot easier
if the President would participate.
- [Jenna] And now it appears he is.
President Trump tweetinghe recommended the GSA
begin the process because
"It is in the bestinterest of our country".
Adding that he'll " Keep up the fight"
as he contests the election.
This after the Trump team suffered
another legal setback Monday.
Michigan certifying itsresults, giving Biden a win.
- [Reporter] Sir, doyou expect Republicans
to put any significantroadblocks to your nominations?
- Are you kidding me?
- [Jenna] Meanwhile Biden is starting
to announce his cabinet nominees.
Many of them former membersof the Obama administration.
He's expected to nameformer Federal Reserve Chair
Janet Yellen as the firstwoman to be treasury secretary
and is also nominatingthe first female director
of national intelligence, Avril Haines.
At Homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas
would become the first Latino director.
Plus Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State
and John Kerry in a top climate position
- Three words are safeestablishment process.
- [Jenna] CBN chief political analyst
David Brody says the Bidenteam is staying in the middle.
- And they're gonna make sure that folks
that Biden trusts and are not far left,
well John Kerry is far left,
but a lot of them are gonna be more down
that center left lane
and I think that's what you're gonna say.
- And inauguration day is January 20th.
Now, less than 60 days away.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news.
- Thank you, Jenna.
Well, despite a rise in COVID 19 cases
and warnings from theCenters for Disease Control
and Prevention,
many Americans are travelingthis Thanksgiving weekend
although it's nowherenear the normal levels
of holiday travel.
the TSA reports, it has screenedmore than 3 million people
at the nation's airports in recent days.
That's less than half the number
of people who flew this time last year.
Americans apparently heeding the plea
of health officials to stay home
for the sake of higherrisk family members.
- We definitely do not want to see
Thanksgiving family get togethers
be Christmas family funerals.
- [John] Meantime, AstraZenecais the third drug maker
to announce its COVID vaccine
is showing promisingresults up to 90% effective.
This as Pfizer filed its FDA application
for emergency use authorizationFriday for its vaccine.
Moderna is expected to follow soon.
The chief scientific advisor
for Operation Warp Speed says he believes
the first vaccinationscould come by mid December.
- With the level of efficacy we have 95%,
70% or so of thepopulation being immunized
with allow for true herdimmunity to take place.
That is likely to happensomewhere in the month of May.
- That is promising news.
For more on this story,let's go back to Gordon.
- Well, CBN medical reporterLorie Johnson is with us
for more on the vaccines andLorie let's go a little deeper
on distribution.
How many doses are ready
and how quickly can they be distributed?
- Gordon between Pfizer and Moderna
and it is believed thatboth of those vaccines,
they're very similar that themessenger RNA type of vaccine,
that we expect that the FDA is gonna issue
an Emergency Use Authorization for both
probably around December 10th.
That's in about twoweeks from Thanksgiving
and both vaccines are ready to go.
They're ready to be distributed.
So as soon as the FDA issues that
Emergency Use Authorizations,
those vaccines can be distributed
to all of the various States
depending on their population.
So obviously Connecticut wouldn'tget as many as say Texas,
for example.
And then the CDC is going to say exactly
who gets the vaccine first.
There are 40 million dosesbut as you know, Gordon,
that means 20 millionpeople will get vaccinated
because each person needs two shots.
And it's expected thatthe CDC will say that
frontline healthcareworkers are going to be
the very first people who get them.
And then after that, people who are older,
who also have preexisting conditions,
several complications,
perhaps those who areliving in nursing home
and assisted living, willget theirs after that.
- Frontline workers should get it.
Let dig into the messenger RNA vaccine
and try to dispel fears.
My assumption is they don't have any
fetal tissue lines in them.
So that's correct.
- That's correct.
- And the second is I keep hearing,
keeps coming back that somehow the vaccine
is going to have some chipimplanted in your body.
These chips are just to trackthe vial, not the person.
And it just lets the CDC knowwhen the vial has been used
and where it's been used.
Is that correct?
- Exactly.
And I'm so glad you're dispelling the it.
There are a lot of conspiracyrumors floating around
on the internet, on socialmedia and some other places too.
And so you're right.
It's like a barcode,
but the key is it's not in the serum,
it is on the packagingbecause it's very important
to keep track of where thesevaccines were distributed.
Because as I mentioned, you get one
and then three weeks lateryou get the other one
and your immunity isn't fully enforced
until a month after that first one.
So one week after that second one.
So we're talking aboutthese 20 million people
who are supposedly going tobe getting their vaccines
in the mid December,
aren't going to really havethat robust immune response
until the middle of January
- Let's turn to treatment.
I believe that's what thepresident was able to take
and bounce back so quickly from this,
has that now been approved?
And if so, what are the uses for it
and who can get the treatment?
- Well, you're right.
This is the Regeneron antibody treatment
which was what president Trump received,
when he recovered so quickly,
he received two other pharmaceutical drugs
at the same time,
that have also been givenEmergency Use Authorization.
And this Regeneron antibody treatment
is the second antibodytreatment to be given
Emergency Use Authorization.
We saw this with the EliLilly one a few weeks ago.
And so this antibodytreatment is really designed
for people who are in the early stages
of the virus who are atrisk of being hospitalized.
So in other words, this is designed
to keep people out of the hospital,
because what it does is it's an infusion
and it infuses antibodiesinto a person right away
so that they don't haveto wait for their own body
to make the antibodies.
And a lot of these peopledon't make enough antibodies
and this is where they run into trouble.
So there are about 80,000 doses now,
in January should haveabout 300,000 doses.
That's really not that many
when you consider you have a population
of 350 million people.
- All right.
Well Lorie thank you for your insights.
- My pleasure.
- And other news two major typhoons
struck the Philippines this month.
The two massive stormsswept through one week apart
leaving thousands homelessand without food and water.
Although some victims live in remote areas
CBN's Operation Blessingmade the rugged journey
to bring them relief.
Lucille Talusan reports.
- Rosalinda Lucero told CBS news
our Abacha crops and thecoconuts are all gone.
Where will we get food?
Every time I see a helicopter
I wave and shout for help,but they don't see me.
Rosalinda is among the thousandswho so lost their homes
when Typhoon Goni hit theirtown in the Bicol region.
She is worried becauseshe has nothing left
to feed her grandchildren.
It's a been the week since Goni struck
but they have not received any assistance
because their village is hard to reach.
With the military's help and coordination
with the local government
an Operation Blessing team
traveled to Rosalinda'svillage crossing rivers
to bring their remotevillage much needed food,
hygiene kits, and prayer.
- We want to let them knowthat they are not forgotten.
They are not left behind.
Operation Blessing hadthe heart to come here
to let them know that we love them.
Jesus loves them.
- Rosalinda says she's grateful
because finally her criesfor help have been heard.
However, after only afew days of good weather
another strong typhoonhit the Bicol region
and other parts of the country.
Barely recovering from the devastation
brought about by typhoon Goni.
The people here are bearing the brunt
of another strong Typhoon*on Vamco.
Thank God Operation Blessinghas sent a team in advance
prepared to give immediate assistance
to the victims of this storm.
Operation Blessing teamsare also conducting
disaster relief efforts inMetro Manila and other provinces
that have also been directlyhit by typhoon Vamco.
They will be distributingfood, mats, blankets
hygiene kits, and drinking water
to suffering typhoon survivors.
Lucille Talusan, CBN NewsCamarines Norte Philippines.
- I lived in thePhilippines for five years.
I went through several typhoons
and some areas are known as Typhoon Alley.
I even went through a super typhoon.
I haven't seen any devastation
like what I've seenthe pictures, the video
that's come back.
Whole towns underwater, peoplewithout food, without water.
But here's the good news,
because of you, becauseof your faithful giving,
Operation Blessing Philippines is able
to be on the ground toprovide much needed relief.
If you wanna be part of the relief effort,
if you wanna let your voice be heard
to say we care for you, we love you,
we want to help you in themiddle of this disaster,
You can call us 1-800-700-7000.
Say I wanna give
to the Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.
You can also write us CBNCenter, Virginia Beach, VA
23463 or you can text
if you can memorize theseletters, OBDR which stands for
Operation Blessing Disaster Relief.
Text the letters OBDR to 71777.
So either way you do it, do it now.
People are in need and they need our help.