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Christian World News - Turkey’s Threat - November 20, 2020

In a nation where the early church flourished, Christianity is now under attack. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [George] This week onChristian World News,

Middle East menace, a nationwith a rich Christian history,

now hostile to the church, andstaking a claim to Jerusalem.

What's driving Turkey's dictator.

- [Wendy] Plus as theglobal pandemic worsens,

medicine offers a ray of hope.

And these Christian leaders who survived

the virus encouraged faith over fear.

- [George] And in theface of natural disasters,

the church not only fights on its knees,

it also stands up to serve.

(upbeat music)

- Hello, everyone.

Welcome to this week's editionof Christian World News.

I'm George Thomas.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith.

- Turkey is invadingneighboring countries,

ethnically cleansing religious minorities

and aligning itself with terrorist groups.

- For years Middle Eastobservers have warned

about the expansionist policiesof president Recep Erdoğan.

As Chris Mitchell reports,

he has now set his sights on Jerusalem.

- [Seth] Turkey is theemerging major threat

to the Middle East.

- [Chris] Analysts likeSeth Fred Smith say,

we are witnessing abelligerent Turkey on the move.

- It's invaded and ethnicallycleansed Afrin of Kurds

and is using Christians.

It attacked last year ineastern Syria, attacked

and ethnically cleansed Christians.

It's attacked Armenian now,it didn't do it directly,

but it basically goadedAzerbaijanis into war.

And it's also been involved in Libya,

it sends Syrian mercenaries.

Also Turkey has been threateningGreece every few weeks

for the last six months.

Also Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, UAE.

I mean, it never stops.

- [Chris] One advanced cameafter a deal with Libya,

for its water rights inthe Mediterranean Sea.

- [Seth] And the wholepoint of the deal was

to basically use a very poor, weak,

Libyan divided governmentand get a deal for all

this water rights, whichbasically mean that Turkey

is now sitting astridewhat claims by Greece

and the pipeline thatIsrael wants to build.

- [Chris] Erdoğan telegraphedhis intent to the world

by converting the HagiaSophia, once the largest church

in Christendom into a mosque.

- Ever since the modernnation state in 1923.

That Church has, beena museum basically free

for everyone to gather in.

- Him just making thedecision to turn it back

into a mosque basicallyis a, indirect kind

of communication to everybody,

I wanna restore Ottoman past.

- After that conversion,Erdoğan set his sights

on liberating the Al AqsaMosque here in Jerusalem.

Then last month, he said inthis city that we had to leave

in tears during the FirstWorld War, it is still possible

to come across traces ofthe Ottoman resistance.

So Jerusalem is our city.

- [Chris] Fransman saysthe regional powerhouses

of Turkey and Iran share the same goals.

- [Seth] I think it's justthat you just have to, we have

to admit the rhetoric fromAnkara today is a rhetoric

that looks exactly like theIranian regime rhetoric.

And that's, by the wayexactly what the UAE

and other friends I thinkof the US and Israel, say,

which is that Iran andTurkey are on the same side,

it's not the Persian OttomanEmpire, Sunni and Shia.

They're both religious extremism.

And then the rest, there'sother countries in the region

that are not that.

- [Chris] Erdoğan's aggressionpresents another problem.

Turkey is a NATO member, butisn't seen as a team player.

Recently, it purchasedRussia's S400 anti aircraft,

missile system, and aligns itself

with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

- [Seth] It's connected deeply

into the European NATOsecurity infrastructure.

And I think that thatpresents a huge challenge,

and I don't know how countries

are gonna extricate themselves.

- [Chris] It's a regime seenas hostile to Christians.

Two years ago, Turkish officials convicted

and then released Americanpastor Andrew Brunson

on charges of aiding terrorism.

Now Middle East analystMike Kerim tells CBN News,

Turkey is closing its doors.

- Basically his goal to cleanse Turkey

of all non Turkish christians,

any protestant foreign christiansthat are living, working

in the land are involved withthe Turkish church at all.

They've been declared personanon grata and a threat

to national order or threatto national security.

- [Chris] Given its dreamsof a neo Ottoman Empire

and Turkish nationalism,some believe turkey might be

as much of a threat to the west as Iran.

- We have several guestswho'll take us deeper

into this topic.

Chris Mitchell joins me from Jerusalem.

We also have Dr. CourtneyBecker of region University

and Charlene is a host ofCBS Prayer Link program.

Chris, let me begin with you.

Erdoğan's aim to rid the countryof non Turkish christians.

Give us some examples?

- Well, George, I'll give you two.

Mark Allen and then Joy Anna Crowe,

both American Protestants and both married

to Turkish nationals.

And just recently, they weretold that they were not able

to continue their visa.

That they were persona nongrata, just like Mike Kerim said,

and they're not the only ones, is about

50 of those just a few monthsago, maybe more by now.

They're not just Americans,but people from Finland,

South Koreans, Germans, andsort of this is all an attempt

to eradicate Turkey of anyforeign christian influence.

There is a dichotomy.

Mike Kerim was explainingthat to us as well.

There is some freedom forTurkish nationals inside Turkey,

but for those outside of Turkey,especially from Americans,

and in these other Westerncountries, persona non grata

and some of this happenGeorge, after Andrew Brunson,

you remember that famous case,when he his case was over,

then this evictions began to happen?

- Yeah, Christianity, as hasa very long history in Turkey.

Why is Erdoğan doing this?

- Well, yeah, like you said, you go back

to the seven churches inrevelation and they're all there

in Asia Minor, which is modern day Turkey.

I think it's an attempt byErdoğan to Islamicize Turkey

increasingly, that's whyhe took the Hagia Sophia,

which at one time, was thelargest church in Christendom

and he's converted into a mosque.

And I think that's part ofhis greater turkey attempt,

not only inside Turkey, buthe's pushing the boundaries.

And Christianity, in hisview, just doesn't fit

this greater Turkey andislamicized Turkey plan.

- Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how

he accomplishes that, seeingthat Turkey is evenly split

between these radicalsand non radicals as well.

Final question.

Turkish forces havetargeted Christians in Syria

and Armenia and other countries.

Is this part of a larger plan?

- It is, and I talkedabout this greater Turkey.

That's part of it.

We just saw that inArmenia and Azerbaijan.

Armenians are afraidthis is a continuation

of the Armenian Genocidethat started in 1915.

It's also ethnic cleansing.

He did that in 2018 in Afrin,he did it in northeast Syria

in 2019, where he broughtin Turkish nationals

to ethnically cleanse theseregions, not only Christians,

but ethnic minorities,like Kurds, and others.

And so this is very disconcerting.

And in that piece we talkedabout, this is a NATO member,

and it used to be a democracy,but right now it's really

increasingly a dictatorship,a threat to freedom of speech,

and freedom of religion.

- [George] Okay, Chris, thank you so much,

appreciate it, Wendy.

- All right, Dr. Corne Beckeris also with us now for more

on Turkey's role inhistory, past and future.

He's also Dean of the School of Divinity

at Regent University.

Welcome to ChristianWorld News, Dr. Becker.

- It's wonderful to bewith you, thank you.

- Well, Turkey, as youknow has a prominent role

in church history.

What can you tell us about that?

- Well, Turkey, of course,initially was the hotbed

of Christianity.

We must remember that, this is where

the Apostle Paul grew up, right.

And we know that also the apostle John,

and some scholars believethat even Mary the mother

of Jesus moved there.

And all of Turkey becamethe foundation from

where the gospel was spread,not only to the west,

but also to the east.

- Does turkey also have arole in biblical prophecy

in biblical eschatology?

- Yes, indeed, there aremany scholars who believe

that they Ezekiel 37, 38and 39 actually prophesized

that a force, a largearmy force from this area,

will finally in the lastdays, march on Jerusalem,

and this will give rise to thefinal battle in Armageddon.

- All right, we so appreciateyour insight, as always,

Dr. Corne Bekker from RegentUniversity, thank you so much.

- Thank you, Wendy.

- Well, Charlene Aaron ismy cohost on the Prayer Link

and Charlene, we are looking

at one country Turkey,but is there a message

for the church overall?

- Absolutely. Wendy, I cannothelp but point us to the words

of our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ in Matthew 5,

the Sermon on the Mount. whenHe said, "Blessed are they

which are persecuted forrighteousness sake, for theirs

is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when men shall revile you,

and persecute you and shall say all manner

of evil against you falsely."

So what should our posture be?

Not only for the church inTurkey, but around the world,

we're being persecuted.

Verse 12, " Rejoice and beexceeding glad for great

is your reward in heaven.

They persecuted the prophetsbefore you as well."

So as we've seen thispersecution taking place around

the world, the posture of every christian,

no matter where we are, is to rejoice.

Jesus said, this is part of the course.

This is not our home, we'reforeigners, we're strangers,

and we're gonna be hatedbecause of Jesus Christ.

- Hmm good word, good word.

Well, Charlene, how shouldChristians be praying right now?

- Amen, I want us to pray ifthat's possible for the church,

in Turkey and for allof us around the world.

Father, we just thankyou for your word, Lord.

We thank you for theChurch of Jesus Christ.

We thank you for thepromise that you've made.

Lord God, that upon therock of Jesus Christ,

you would build your church.

And the gates of hell willnot prevail against it.

So Lord, I pray for all thebelievers in Turkey and beyond

that you would help usto love you more deeply.

Father, serve you more faithfullyand more boldly declare

the gospel of the kingdom,that the persecution would

actually be fuel to our faith,in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

- Amen, beautiful, thank you so much.

They need it and we need it too.

Thank you, Charlene,- You're welcome.

- George.

- [George] Up next, second wave.

As the virus surges across America,

faith leaders hold outa lesson in courage.

(upbeat music)

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As the world watches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tugof war here in the middle east

- [Male narrator] Go inside the story

with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archaeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Male narrator] Join CBNJerusalem bureau chief,

Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective

on the event shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

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- Here in the UnitedStates a grim milestone

in the Coronavirus resurgence.

More than 250,000 Americanshave died as a result

of the disease, which isstill spreading rapidly

with cases up across the nation.

The outbreak is overwhelming hospitals

with nearly 80,000 peoplenow in the hospital,

while deaths average more than 1100 a day.

Although that rate accountsfor a drop and there

is more good news on the vaccine front.

Pfizers' final resultsnow show its vaccine

is 95% effective, and 94%effective and people over 65.

That's very good news, someof the most vulnerable.

It also shows no serious side effects.

For now experts still encourageAmericans to wear a mask

and take whatever stepsthey can to limit the spread

of the virus.

- More than 11 millionAmericans are currently infected

with the virus and people of faith, well,

they are not immune.

Christian leaders like TonyPerkins and Greg Laurie,

have personally battledthe virus, what helped

them choose faith over fear in the fight,

John Jesop has that story.

- So we give you all the praise

and we give you all the glory.

- [John] The apostle Paul,

encouraged New Testamentbelievers not to be anxious,

but to pray.

- I just wanna thank everybodyfor all your prayers, though,

because it really has beenan incredible period of time.

- [John] It's one way Christianshave been waging a fight

against the Coronavirus, forothers, the battle is personal.

- Well I did contractCoronavirus back in July.

- [John] Tony Perkins withthe family research council,

tell CBS News, the virus hithis entire family last summer.

- My daughter is actuallyan ER nurse working with,

at the time working withthe coronavirus patients.

So we're not sure if maybethat's where it came from

or through traveling.

- [John] His symptomslasted about two weeks

and a recent test reflectedhe now has COVID antibodies.

- It's actually as a partof join the defense of this

for the broader societyas people get this,

they become barriers to the spread of it.

- [John] Perkins attendedSeptember's White House,

rose garden ceremony, nowlabeled a super spreader event,

two seats away from formerNew Jersey Governor,

Chris Christie, whoalong with the president,

First Lady and severalothers contracted the virus.

- You may have heard that I'vetested positive for COVID-19.

- [John] Also there, are hischristian fellowship pastor,

Greg Laurie, who made thisimpassioned plea, in a video

he sent to CBN News.

- I just wished at a time like this,

we could not politicizesomething like this

and show compassion thatpeople that are struggling

with this, it's real.

- [John] Perkins and others nowsay it's time for the church

to go on the offensive.

- This is a moment for uswhere we need to be leading,

quite frankly, I don't think we've done

a really good job of it.

Again, I understand this is serious.

I understand people have died from this.

But people have died from other things.

We live in a dangerousworld, we cannot hide.

We have to stand with common sense,

taking the necessary precautions.

- [John] At a recent rallycalled freedom Sunday,

christian leaders urged fellowbelievers to choose faith

over fear, and to take a standand resume in-person worship.

- We cherish the churchesright in America together.

- But how do we knowthat we've been essential

for 2000 years.

And all the more with a pandemic.

We need to be the firstresponders as believers,

- [John] A practice thatpits public safety against

the First Amendment right to worship,

now being challenged in the courts.

Still to the faithful, prayeris an indispensable weapon

in the fight against COVID.

Also affecting SanAntonio pastor John Hagee,

who didn't attend the Rose Garden event,

but was at the White House earlier.

- As it is a reality in our lives.

We also have a promise that we serve a God

who is a healer.

- Prayer, an effectivetool people of faith see

as a line of defense.

John Josep, CBN News.

- [Wendy] Coming up, howdo God's people respond

when disaster strikes?

By crying out to heavenand stepping up to serve.

We'll show you more, right after this.

(upbeat music)

- [Presenter] From WashingtonDC, uncompromising stories,

interviews and analysis

from veteran journalists David Brody.

- That could be the next step,in this escalating fight.

- [Presnter] Jenna Browder.

- Robert Moeller chosehis words carefully.

- [Presenter] Ben Kennedy

- Is asking Christiansto get the word out.

- [Presenter] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.

- Get out and tell thestory of the progress

that we're making in this country.

Watch faith nation.

Weeknights at six onthose CBN News Channel.

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(upbeat music)

(child giggles)

- [Narrator] The Name of God,

a new teaching from Gordon Robertson.

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- [Narrator] The Nameof God, available now.

- Welcome back, aninspiring scene of courage

and faith last week asa powerful storm moved

into their country, Honduranchurch members and police get

on their knees and cryout to God, take a look.

(foreign language)

- Ooh it's pretty inspiring,the national police officers

and church members are on a bridge

over the Ural river in Cortez.

Hurricane Iota brought heavyrains causing massive floods

that have displaced tensof thousands of people.

- And in the Philippines,thousands are homeless

after Typhoon Goni.

Although they're largelycut off from the outside,

CBN's Operation Blessingpacked up their trucks

and made the hazardoustrip inland to bring relief

to the victims, take a look.

- [Lucille]] RosalindaLucero told CBN News,

"Our abaca crops and thecoconuts are all gone.

Where will we get food?

Every time I see a helicopterI wave and shout for help.

But they don't see me."

- [Lucille]] Rosalindais among the thousands

who lost their homes whenTyphoon Goni hit their town

in the Bicol region.

She is worried becauseshe has nothing left

to feed her grandchildren.

It's been a week since Goni struck,

but they have not received any assistance

because their village is hard to reach.

With the military's help and coordination

with the local government,

an Operation Blessing team traveled

to Rosalinda's village,crossing rivers to bring

the remote village much needed food,

hygiene kits and prayer.

- We want to let them knowthat they are not forgotten.

They are not left behind,Operation Blessing had

the heart to come hereto let them know that,

we love them, Jesus loves them.

- [Lucille] Rosalinda says she's grateful,

because finally her criesfor help have been heard.

However, after only afew days of good weather,

another strong Typhoonhit the Bicol region

and other parts of the country.

- Barely recovering fromthe devastation brought

about by Typhoon Goni.

The people here are bearing the brunt

of another strong Typhoon Vamco.

Thank God, OperationBlessing has sent a team

in advance, prepared togive immediate assistance

to the victims of this storm.

- [Lucille] Operation Blessing teams

are also conductingdisaster relief efforts

in Metro, Manila and other provinces

that have also been directlyhit by Typhoon Vamco.

They will be distributingfood, mats, blankets,

hygiene kits and drinking water

to suffering typhoon survivors.

- Lucille Talusan CBN News,Camarinas snotes Philippines.

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time.

keep chopping, practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Male narrator] Watch Going the Distance

with Sean brown Saturday night

at 7:30 on the CBS News Channel.

- I'm Efrem Graham and this is Studio 5.

Cruise with me as I discoveredthe good things happening

in the world of music,sports, television and movies.

- If actor Ryan Coogler wasgonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront

of entertainment andexplore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, Isaid, "Well, does that mean

I'm supposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "No, you already have a pulpit".

- [Male presenter] Watch Studio5, Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Male narrator] Some trustin chariots, some trust

in horses, but we will trust in the name

of the Lord our God.

CBN presents The Nameof God, Jehovah-Shalom.

- The Lord is our peace.

[Male narrator] Jehovah-Jireh.

- [Female narrator] The Lord will provide.

- [Male narrator] Jehovah-Shammah.

- [Female narrator] The Lord is there.

- [Male narrator] Jehovah-Rapha,

- [Female narrator] The Lord who heals.

- [Male narrator] Jehovah-Tsidkenu,

- [Female narrator] TheLord our righteousness.

[Male narrator] You will be encouraged

by Gordon Robertson'steaching on The Name of God.

- God has given you theright to carry his name.

- [Male narrator] Plus, youwill see exciting true Stories

of God's providence inthe lives of real people.

- I can hear my house being shredded,

when I heard my wife screaming.

- I knew something wasseriously wrong with him

and it was worse than we had

- [Male narrator] Become aCBN partner and get your copy

of The Name of God, call1-800-700-7000 or go to

(bright upbeat music)

- [Male narrator] Youngpeople, millennials

are flocking to church.

- [Female narrator] It'snot an exaggeration to say

that we love to meet them and that we love

to know their stories.

- The fighting might be over in Armenia,

but people are still feeling the effects

of the recent war with Azerbaijan.

- CBN's Orphans Promise isproviding care and support

for Armenian childrenthrough its training Centers

across the country.

The children receivenutritious meals and snacks

when they arrive at the centers.

The staff also provides help with homework

and english language trainingand computer classes as well.

The training centers remindthese children about God's love

and give them a chance to forget

about the conflict around them.

- A major shift in USpolicy in the Middle East,

the Trump administration announcing

it will now allow productsmade in Israel settlements

to bear the label, made in Israel.

- Emily Jones has that storyand more from Jerusalem.

(Jewish music)

- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis inside Israel report,

where show you what's happening in Israel

and the Middle East.

The Trump administration hasreversed years of US policy

and announced it will nowallow products originating

from Israeli settlementcommunities to have

the label made in Israel.

The move came shortly after Secretary

of State Mike Pompeo becamethe first top US diplomat

to visit an Israeli settlementcommunity in the West Bank

or biblical Judea and Samaria.

Israel captured this landduring the Six Day War,

but the international community considers

it disputed territory, andthe Israeli settlements

there illegal.

- A long time the StateDepartment took the wrong view

of settlements and instead now today,

the United States Departmentof State stands strongly

to the recognition thatsettlements can be done

in a way that are lawfuland appropriate and proper

- During his visit, Pompeoalso said the US considers

the Boycott, DivestmentSanctions movement against Israel

to be anti-semitic and willnot give federal funding

to groups who participate in it

Israeli warplanes strucktargets in Syria this week

after the IDF uncovered bombsplanted along the border

in the Golan Heights.

The airstrikes attackedIranian and Syrian positions

inside Syria, including military compounds

and storage facilities.

It killed at least 10 people.

Israel said the airstrikeswere a message to Iran

that it will not tolerateterrorism on its border.

The IDF said the bombs had been planted

by a Syrian squad led by Iranian forces.

- [Male Presenter] We willnot allow Iranian military

entrenchment against us in Syria.

And we will not tolerateany attempt to attack us

from Syrian territory.

Whoever tries to attack uswill bear the consequences.

Israel sent Iron Domebatteries to the Golan

in case there isretaliation for the strikes.

Israel is sending itssecond astronaut to space.

An historic mission scheduledfor the end of 2021.

- [Emily] Former Israelifighter pilot Eytan Stibbe,

will blast off from Florida and travel

to the InternationalSpace Station next year.

He will spend 200 hours at the station

where he will conduct experimentsusing Israeli technology.

Stibbe will be fulfilling the legacy

of Israel's first astronaut Alon Ramon

who was killed during aspace mission in 2003.

For more stories like this, you can watch

our Jerusalem Dateline programat CBN, backs you.

- Thank you Emily, well folks, that is it

for this week's editionof Christian World News.

It goes so fast

- It goes so fast.

It's always such a goodtreasure to be with you.

- Same here.

- Well until next week, fromall of us at Christian World

News, goodbye and God bless you.

(upbeat music)


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