Brian and Elisha each seek suicide to escape the pain of their severely broken marriage; however, God intervenes to save them, heal their union, and bless their future.
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(soft mournful music)
- [Narrator] Brian andAlicia have been married
for more than 20 years.
They met as teenagersand fell in love fast
after their paths crossedat a grocery store.
- He jokingly says I was stalking him.
(Alicia laughs)
But he was in the grocery,you know, stocking,
and me and my mother,my sisters, we saw him.
We thought he was just super cute.
- I knew the first time I seen her
that she was definitely the one.
- [Alicia] We dated about six months.
And then nine months after that,
we were married on April 12th, 1997.
- [Narrator] They spentthe first couple years
getting to know each other better,
but eventually theirtime together lessened
and tension was building between them.
- We were, I had juststarted nursing school.
So I was gone all day and, you know,
Brian worked second shifts.
And then when we wouldconnect on the weekends,
it was arguing about,
I think it was a lack of intimacy,
the lack of time together.
- We just, we both wanted what we wanted,
and we wasn't willing to give.
And I think that's where things
really started spiraling downward.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile,their family was growing,
but their arguments escalated
and would often lead toBrian leaving home for weeks,
even months at a time.
Brian became a successful contractor
and prided himself in being a provider,
but he filled a void hefelt with familiar vices.
He found the attention he waslooking for in other women.
- Deep down, I knew what was going on,
but I was still trying tobe a somewhat good husband,
if that makes sense,
and provide and keepthings at home intact.
I was hiding the alcohol in my truck.
I had my phone in my truck in the evenings
in case somebody wouldcall or reach out to me,
so she wouldn't know, and hiding.
I'd go home at night, take showers,
get out of the shower,but still felt dirty.
I knew right and wrong.
I just couldn't get freefrom the things of the world,
no matter how hard I tried.
- [Narrator] Several years had passed
and Alicia had given birthto their second child
when Brian's secrets came to light.
- I remember waking upone morning at 6:00 a.m.
to the phone ringing.
At that moment, my world shattered.
Never in my mind would have ever thought
that that my husbandwould be cheating on me.
- [Narrator] Alicia forgave him
and agreed to work on their relationship.
But later, when theinfidelities continued,
Alicia finally reached her breaking point
and filed for divorce.
Feeling rejected and hopeless,
she attempted suicide.
- After the fourth affairI had given up all hope.
I had filed for divorce.
I had been on an antidepressantfor about three years
and I decided that I wasgonna overdose on those pills.
And so when Brian cameto get the kids one day,
I'd asked him if he wouldpick up my prescription.
It was a full three months.
And so when he brought them back,
took the children and left,
I was gonna take them all.
And when I opened the bottle,
there was only three pills inside.
And so when I contacted Brian
to find out where the rest of them was,
there should have been hundreds,
he said that the pharmacy had,
they couldn't account for them.
They were just gone.
At my lowest momentwas when God stepped in
and saved my life.
When I asked God, you know,
what to do about Brian.
And so lovingly He just asked me,
"Would you give him one more chance?"
- [Narrator] As Alicia beganto let God heal her heart,
Brian was facing the man he had become.
- I had tried to commit suicide myself
down at my grandfather's farm.
I had, you know, taken a gunand put it underneath my chin
and pulled the trigger.
And, you know, of course it didn't go off.
I remember God telling me,"This is your last chance."
I knew that I had to changeas a dad and a husband.
And that was a big turning point for me.
- [Narrator] Broken and desperate,
he surrendered his heart to God.
Brian moved back into their home.
Together, they participatedin couples counseling
and committed to keepingGod first in their marriage
while they rebuilt theircommunication and trust.
- Got rid of my worldly friends.
I made a promise to myself
that I would never getin a truck and leave,
like I had so many times in the past.
I would go outside and sit and just pray.
It brought me to a reallystrong relationship with Him,
which in turn turned into astrong relationship with Alicia
and the kids.
- When we incorporated God back in,
when we invited Him back in,
when we repented for removing Him,
He just started to rebuild our marriage
and our love for one another.
- [Narrator] Brian and Alicia say
their love for each otheris stronger than ever.
And it's all because theylearned to love each other
as Christ loves them.
- Where it is today?
It's almost like trying to imagine Heaven.
You know, as much as we canimagine as good it'd be,
we'll still be blown awayon the day we get there.
And I feel the same waywith our marriage today.
What it is, we're best friends.
We love spending time with each other.
And I couldn't imagine waking up a day
without her by my side,
or ending a day without her by my side.