30-Year Military Chaplain Fired from Air Force – His Crime? Biblical Views on Sexual Morality
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- Former Air Force chaplain Curt Cizek
tells me his military careerstarted going downhill
after his sermon that included scriptures
about sexual immorality.
He says never before had hebeen punished for preaching.
Now he's hoping Christianswill stand with him.
- Men put so much of who they are
into what it is that they do.
And having that rugpulled out underneath me,
was very difficult to go through.
- [Eric] Former AirForce chaplain Curt Cizek
is unapologetic about preaching the word.
One Sunday in 2013,
at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio,
he says that stance lead to trouble.
- The message was about sin
that we don't think is that bad.
If you're having sex with somebody
that you're not marriedto, then you need to stop.
I said, sometimes the Christian Church
has gotten a reputationfor being prejudice.
And because we look atone sin, homo- sexuality,
and then we turn a blind eye,
and don't say anythingabout heterosexual sin.
And that's hypocritical.
- [Eric] What happened nextturned into a domino effect
that ended with his involuntary discharge.
- I found out shortly thereafter
that a lesbian trainee had made
a complaint about the sermon.
She complained that I had said
that all homosexualswere gonna burn in hell.
I don't know what sermon she listened to,
because it wasn't whatI preached that day.
- [Eric] 2500 traineesheard that day's sermon
and Cizek says as far as he knows,
only one person complained.
- We also had an openly lesbian commander
working in basic training.
And when she heard aboutthe trainee's complaint,
she wouldn't let it go.
My performance reports were downgraded,
my promotion recommendationwas downgraded,
I got passed over for promotion twice
and involuntarily separatedfrom the Air Force in 2016.
- [Eric] That means even withalmost 30 years of service,
nearly 20 of them active duty,
he cannot retire from the Air Force.
Cizek says while it's a net loss
of more than a million dollars
in pension and health benefits,he sees a bigger issue.
- Even if I did say whatshe said that I said,
it's covered by my first amendment rights
to preach and teach accordingto my religious beliefs.
Either we believe that everybody
has first amendment rights, or we don't.
- All he wants to do is serveGod and serve his country.
That's all he wants to do.
- [Eric] Paul Platte is Cizek's Attorney.
- Air Force regulations specifically
allowed him to give that type of sermon.
The First Amendment protectshis freedom of speech
and freedom of religion.
So quite frankly, wethink it's preposterous
what happened to him.
- [Eric] They say the AirForce never put in writing
that the sermon caused thepoor performance reports,
but instead accused Cizek ofviolating unrelated protocols.
He denies that, and after appealing
to the highest levels of the Air Force,
this is what he received.
- Here at the top of the page, it says.
"The reasons for the decision",
and then they blank outeverything explaining
the reasons for his decision,
but we know why because he was disciplined
three days after he gave thesermon about sexual immorality.
- [Eric] CBN news reached outto the Air Force for comment
and officials sent this statement,
which says in part,
"The applicant, Curt Cizek,
"alleges he has beenthe victim of reprisal.
"Based on the board's review,
"they do not conclude the applicant
"has been the victim of reprisal.
"The board maintains the applicant
"has failed to establish that."
Cizek reached out to law makersand even the White House.
The vice president's office referred
Cizek's case to the Air Force board
for correction of militaryrecords for reconsideration.
But officials thererefused to reopen his case.
Now the Department of Defenseinspector general's office
is looking into it.
Cizek hopes Christians wholearn of this will sound off.
- We need some encouragementfrom fellow believers.
- This is a time for conservativeChristians to be heard,
letting their legislators,
letting the White House,letting the Air Force,
letting the Secretary ofDefense know how they feel.
The real intolerance isnot speaking the truth.
The real intolerance is preventing people
from speaking the truth.
That's the real intolerance
and bigotry that existsin our country today.
- Now that it appears changeis coming to the White House,
Cizek isn't sure a Biden administration
would be as sympathetic to his cause.
That's why he says time is of essence
for Christians to speak out.
In Washington, Eric Phillips, CBN News.