U.S. election fraud & CIA computer servers; American media influencing minds, embracing political narratives & censorship; Possible impact of Biden presidency on Christians & culture; Truth about 1619 Project & America's earliest settlers.
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(upbeat music)
- [Presenter] Today from the Global Lane.
Allegations of U.S election fraud.
CIA computer servers used
to electronically manipulate votes.
- This is very dangerous time for America
do you declare insurrection or to try
to play it out through the courts.
- [Presenter] Slanted, Americanmedia influencing minds
embracing politicalnarratives and censorship.
- It's almost like there's no longer
any pretense of hiding it.
(upbeat music)
- [Presenter] The possibleimpact of a Joe Biden presidency
on Christians and American culture.
- We're looking at the risk
of the loss of religious freedom.
- And it's all righthere on the Global Lane.
(upbeat music)
Where is the evidence?
Pressure is on the DonaldTrump Campaign to show its hand
to reveal evidence ofelectronic vote fraud.
Dominion Voting Systems denies allegations
that its machinesdeleted or changed votes.
On Mark Levin's Radio ProgramTrump legal team member,
former Federal Prosecutor Sidney Powell
said she has plenty of evidence of fraud.
Powell alleges the evidenceincludes a signed affidavit
from a man who says he witnessed Dominion
and Smartmatic votemanipulation in Venezuela.
- [Sydney] He was present forthe creation of the system
for the specific purpose offalsifying election results
for Hugo Chavez and then Meduro.
They exported it all over Latin America.
It's the Smartmatic and Dominion Systems
specifically built fordoing this very thing.
For changing the results of elections.
He saw it done, he knowsexactly how they do it,
he explained how they do it.
- Ms. Powell alleges the same hardware
and software was used to wipe away votes
in the U.S presidential election.
Well here with more is commentator
and author Michael Scheuer.
Dr. Scheuer is a former CIA analyst
and former adjunct professorat Georgetown University.
Michael it's good tohave you with us again.
So first I've got to ask you,
do you believe votes were manipulated
changed electronicallyin favor of Joe Biden?
And if so, how was it done?
Well I certainly do believe it sir
because I saw it on TV on the crawls
underneath televisioncoverage of the election.
At least two cases, onehad about 12,000 votes
that magically went from Trump to Biden
and another one about 20,000 votes
in both times Trump's numbers decreased
by exactly the number thatBiden increased and so before
any of this came about Ijust had a strong inkling
that something was a foothere and the more they suggest
the Intelligence Service,our Intelligence Service
were involved in it I tendto think that there probably
was a great deal of avote marking by people
when they found out howmany votes they needed
to surpass Trump in placeslike Pennsylvania and Michigan.
I think clearly the DominionCompany if nothing else
its foreign interferencein American elections
it's a Canadian company andit was storing its records
in Germany and Spain for some reason
and most of all the ideathat the U.S government
at all levels apparently,especially at the state level
and local level are contractingfor none bureaucrats
non-government workers to count votes
that seems to me to bejust entirely unacceptable
like our military buyingequipment from China.
- Well Michael, who was behind this then?
- Certainly were, appear to be part of
the Central Intelligence Agency using
for their political operationsoverseas they use servers
and store materials and do other things
and the fact that the ones inGermany were held or grabbed
by U.S forces because theywere CIA servers and in Europe
the CIA operates under thejurisdiction of the military
and so the military wasresponsible for seizing those
with the help of the German authorities
and those servers are nowin the hands of the FBI
which doesn't make me very comfortable
but at least they're in American hands--
- So that did show that therewas a CIA connection then?
- Well according to the mediaand no one has refuted it sir.
I saw that at one point theagency said it had no comment.
At least that's what wasreported in the media.
And it's certainly followsalmost as night follows day
the agency's attempt withthe FBI to prevent Trump
from getting the Republican nomination
then trying to throw him out of office.
You and I spoke before aboutan insurrection in this country
and that's exactly what we're watching.
Only now since we last spoke we have seen
a coordinated, violent, murderous campaign
by the Democrats' terrorist groups
Santifa and Black LivesMatter across the country.
So the President is stuck is stuck here
with a very, very hard decisiondo you declare insurrection
or to try to play itout through the courts.
It seems to me and I thinkit's the correct answer
to play it out through thecourts and they seem to have
the evidence or at leastthat's what they claim.
- Michael do you believe thereis sufficient evidence then
to prevent Joe Biden fromassuming the presidency?
What do you expect may happen now?
- Well I think they mayover throw the election
but I wrote a piece onmy blog last week sir
that this President, I saidbasically life is full of hard
decisions and this Presidentmay have the hardest decision
that ever, any American ever had to make.
Do you turn over power to aman who is clearly implicated
in taking money fromthe Chinese government
in favor of himself and his family?
You have solid evidence forthat through his son's computer.
Do you give the authorityof the president to a man
who is now indicted in theUkraine for trying to extort
or succeeding in extortingthe firing of an officer that,
of a lawyer that was lookinginto his son's business?
- I guess we're going to have to see
how all of this plays out, aren't we?
- Well sir, this is verydangerous time for America
because there's 73 million people
who know everything youneed to know about Biden
and everything you needto know about the attempts
to overthrow the American government
and if you look at mostplaces on the internet
to buy ammunition you can'tget any because it's sold out.
- Okay Michael Scheuer
commentator, author, former CIA analyst.
Thank you Michael forsharing your insights.
Appreciate you being here.
- Well it's always a pleasure sir
and I'm grateful forbeing asked to be here.
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- [Presenter] In this era of fake news
and social media censorship,no wonder Americans
have little trust in mainstream media.
A Gallup Poll taken justprior to the election found
that only 9% of those questioned said
they trust the media a great deal
about 1/3, 33% said theydon't trust the media at all.
Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran journalist,
former CBS investigative reporter,
and host of the Sundaymorning program Full Measure.
Her new book is Slanted Howthe News Media Taught Us
to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism.
Sharyl, thank you for takingtime to share your insights.
In your book you talk at great length
about the media narrative, you say, quote,
whatever supports thenarrative is automatically
awarded credibility,anything that fights it
is treated as questionable.
So how did it get to this point?
Explain what you see happening today.
- It used to be a more subtle thing
but I'll bet your viewershave noticed it's almost like
there's no longer anypretense of hiding it.
It used to be that wesort of self censored
what we put on the news andwe used rational judgments
as to what would make iton the nightly newscast
with all the news thatwas out there but slowly
but surely through aprocess I described partly
in my last book The Smear,a whole industry understood
how to pull our strings andget their nose under the tent
of news organizations, so thatthey can decide what we do
put on TV, what we don't puton TV, also other news sites
and more importantly how it's shaped
how it's manipulated totry to shape public opinion
in a way that you will not hear viewpoints
that they've decided areharmful to their interests
or in other words off narrative.
- This didn't begin withDonald Trump yet he gets
a lot of the blame frommainstream media about this.
He's depicted as a liar, aclown, Joe Biden even said
that to his face in a presidential debate
and I know the media didn'tchallenge him on that
and now with questionable election results
allegations of fraud, it seems the media
is trying to force Trump to concede.
It was just the opposite as you remember,
in 2000 when Al Gore challengedthe results for 37 days.
So why don't they see or acknowledge
the different treatment?
- You know this is all partof the idea that they're not,
in many instances anymore,
out to reflect the facts on the ground.
They're simply there toput forth a narrative.
They're not acting asnews as we once knew it
or as journalists as wetraditionally understood them to be.
They're simply trying to forward
certain political or corporate interests.
So from that standpointthey're succeeding quite well
when they make sure theyput forth a narrative
but you use your cognitive dissonance
when you watch the news andyou say as you just did,
this doesn't make sense.
I call it the substitutiongame when you know that
but for the name beingchanged to a different party
something would be handledentirely differently.
You know that there's a narrative at play
or there's somebody trying to manipulate
an outcome or publicopinion and I like to ask
the question when itcomes to the election.
How would it have been coveredif not for the narrative?
How would this have beencovered if journalists
had approached this froma neutral standpoint?
And I think you have awhole different landscape
if that had been the case bothbuilding up to this election
and what's happened since.
- Two other examples.
It seems that if you don't go along
with the narrative thatCOVID-19 is the biggest
disaster to hit the United States.
That everything should shut down.
All of us should be forced to wear a mask.
Then you're labeled a Corona Virus denier
and I know that happened to you.
Tell us about what happened to you.
- Well you know I hadn'teven really reported
much on coronavirus exceptin the very beginning
when I was trying to research it
I published all of whatwe knew about the deaths
that had occurred so far andwhat I published turned out
to be very similar to some stories done
in the New York Timesand The Washington Post
but somewhere along the way,for reasons of narratives
and trying to controversializecertain people,
I got attacked in a New York Time piece,
New York Times piece withcompletely false information
about what reporting I'd done.
False quotation.
I wasn't the only oneby the way in the story
were they called all ofus coronavirus doubters
and who knows why they decidedto pull certain people out
and try to controversialize them
so people wouldn'tlisten to our reporting.
I only knew it was completely false.
Had to hire a lawyerbecause New York Times
would not take down the false information
and we finally forced corrections
that of course probably almost nobody saw
but this shows you thatthere is a big deep narrative
at play and The New York times was really
on that train from the start.
- You also have an entire chapter
on the Russia Investigation.
You mentioned that notonly did a reveal a massive
FBI scandal but also amassive media scandal
because what the mediaclaimed over two years
was completely false.
Why were there no media corrections
or apologies to Donald Trump?
At least as you point out
to Carter Page or the American people.
Without that many Americansstill believed the narrative
that the President andothers were involved
in colluding with the Russians.
- One of the biggest scandals of our time.
How the news media haschanged and redefined
what it means to be ajournalist so that they could
weaponize their effortsagainst the president
that they decided they didn'tlike or who was an outsider
and not in with the propermoney and political interests
that they wanted him to be in with.
And the media just threwout basically longstanding
ethics, rules and guidelines
and even proudly saidthat we were doing it
and said it was to address auniquely dangerous president.
I argue that there isnever a more important time
to follow our guidelines and standards
that's why they exist
than when we perhapsdon't like the subject
of our reporting, otherwisewe don't really need them.
We need them to make sureour behavior is consistent
and our reporting is accurateeven when we have an emotional
feeling about somebody we're reporting on.
Instead all of this wildmisreporting based on, you know
innuendo things that wouldnever have been reported
anonymous sources, wrong sources,
things that wouldn't havebeen done 10, 15 years ago.
A lot of people would have beenfired if this had happened.
And there were notthese mass, as you said,
apologies and firings because I argue
this was all missionaccomplished on their part.
They were not trying todisseminate the actual facts.
They were trying to createthis air of controversy
and chaos for the coupleof years that they did.
And when it didn't turnout to be true in the end
as perhaps some of them knew all along
they still had accomplishedtheir goal in my view.
- What role do you think 24seven news and social media play
in this advancing of a narrative,
the advancement of advocacy journalism?
- Well it's big ofcourse because we're now
saturated everywhere we look any time
that we look anywherewith these news narratives
but it's not just on the news and I talked
about this a little bit morein my last book The Smear
and some in slanted the new book.
But the idea that if you look at
what comedy shows talkabout and joke about
if you look at all kinds ofthings you don't think of.
Strings are being pulledby these, I call them
smear artists and some of themhave done interviews with me.
They're not just pullingstrings on the news
and on social media inthese very obvious ways
and outrageous ways.
They're pulling strings onnearly every form of information
that crosses our path and daily lives.
- It seems the Journalism Schools are okay
with advocacy now, so what do we do?
Is it already too late?
- I think people need to not accept it.
Continue speaking outabout it and understand
that when they're trying to make you think
that you're the only onewho has some crazy view
and you're not supposed tothink it, you're not supposed
to believe that scientificstudy, whatever it is.
Know that that's not true.
Don't live inside this box.
They only win the propagandistsif you live your life
inside the box that I call the internet
and social media and the news.
Make sure you have this reality check
loosen your cognitive dissonance
listen to your friends and neighbors
and live in the world as itexists, not the one they're
trying to create notthis artificial reality.
- Okay the book is SlantedHow the News Media Taught Us
to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism.
Thanks for being with us Sharyl.
- I appreciate you having me.
(soft music)
- Daddy.
- Yeah, buddy.
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- There are 20 nickels in a dollar.
- How do birds fly?
(soft music)(man revving)
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- Yeah yeah.
(soft music)
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(soft music)
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(upbeat music)
- [Presenter] Former VicePresident Joe Biden says
he wants to bring healingand unity to America
but many conservativesand evangelical Christians
fear just the opposite may happen
if he's sworn in as our 46th president.
Would a Biden presidency hastena moral and cultural decline
or are the nation's best days yet to come?
Well here with some insights
is Religion and CultureAnalysts Alex McFarland.
Mr. McFarland is director ofthe Christian Worldview Center
at North Greenville University
in Greenville, South Carolina.
His latest book is The Assault on America
How To Defend Our NationBefore It's Too Late.
Alex, it's good to have you with us again.
So we're seeing legalchallenges, ballot recounts,
uncertainty about election results
also resurgence of COVID-19.
What impact is all of this going to have
on our society and culture?
It seems we're more divided now
than when Al Gore challengedthe results for the election
37 days after that 2000presidential election.
What do you think is happening?
- Well there is a lot of uncertainty
and there's a lot of instability.
Economic instability businesses closing
because they're not allowed to open.
And you know, even as you and I are doing
this interview Pennsylvania has issued
well the Governor ofPennsylvania has set forth some
I would say reallydraconian mandates regarding
even wearing masks in your house.
And again, we don't know whothe president is going to be.
The media, I think very inaccurately,
is continually referring toJoe Biden as president elect
and at least at the time ofthis interview the electors
have not certified thevotes and it does appear
that President Trump's legalteam has some valid, valid data
about inaccuracies and evenfraud in the election, and so
- Well Joe Biden says hewants to unify the country
but some Republicans are alreadysuggesting they'll launch
investigations of his son's relationship
with the Chinese communist,Ukrainians, and others.
What do you see happening politically
if Biden is ultimatelysworn in as president?
A unified country?
- I think if Biden issworn in as president
we will be more divided than ever
because the American peopledon't want to become socialists
and the Biden Campaign, they owe
a lot of favors to a lot of people.
Everybody from Bernie Sandersto Black Lives Matter.
Marxists are already demandingtheir slice of the pie
in terms of laws and the administration.
So I really think the hard left turn
that the Biden presidency andthe Democrat party has made
in his making will only furtherdivide the American people.
- What about societal andgovernment attitudes then
and the treatment of Christians?
How are they likely to change?
- Well Vice President Kamala Harris,
if indeed she becomes the vice president,
has already said in conjunctionwith the UN she wants
to put a department inplace of LGBTQ Trans Rights
and she said theenforcement of those rights.
So we're looking at the risk of
the loss of religious freedom
and in January of 2020candidate Biden said, quote,
there is no place in the Democrat Party
for someone who is not pro-choice.
So we're looking at a candidate
and potentially anadministration that stands
against life against religious freedom.
- What's it going totake to turn it around?
- You know a computer'sfirst line of defense
is the firewall and ourbody's first line of defense
are immunities and antibodies
but culture's first lineof defense is the church.
Chuck Colson, my friend,the late Charles Colson
said that the church is theconscience of the culture.
So as Christians whether our numbers
are dwindling, diminishing,or growing or plateaued
but look those who knowthe Lord those in whom
the Holy Spirit dwells wemust pray and intercede.
We need to stay informed
and we need to be an influence for Christ.
The only hope for theUnited States of America
is the heart change that comes through
a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
and may God grant that this takes place
throughout our country ona very pervasive level.
- Alex McFarland author of thebook, The Assault on America
How to Defend Our NationBefore It's Too Late.
Thanks Alex for sharing your insights.
- God bless you, thank you CBN.
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(upbeat music)
- [Presenter] ThisThanksgiving are you taking
your History lessonabout America's founding
from the pilgrims or the New York Times?
The Times' 1619 Projectteaches that America's
founding government and economy
are based on slavery and white supremacy.
It's the idea that Americaactually began in 1619
when the first Africanslaves arrived in Virginia.
Folks I'm here to share the truth.
Like 13 million other AmericansI'm a descendant of Puritans
who arrived in North America
on the Mayflower in November 1620.
Thanksgiving is a perfecttime to commemorate
the 400th anniversaryof that historic event.
You see my ninth greatgrandfather Thomas Rogers
and 101 other pilgrims came to America
seeking religious freedom.
They fled tyranny and religiouspersecution in England.
The British Monarchy decreedthat the Puritans and others
would be punished if they did not conform
to the beliefs of the church of England.
And when Thomas Rogersand 40 others signed
the Mayflower Compact, they committed
Plymouth Colony to Godly governance.
They wrote they'd be governed quote,
for the glory of God andadvancement of the Christian Faith
and that covenant had a profound
and lasting impact on America.
Listen to Dr. Jerry Newcombe
producer of the documentary The Pilgrims.
- The pilgrims gave usthe Mayflower Compact
which was an agreement forself-government under God
which was really thefirst step in the creation
ultimately of TheDeclaration of Independence
and of The U.S constitution.
So folks like the pilgrims let's pray
and commit ourselves to godly governance
and this Thanksgivinglet's rejoice be thankful
for God's blessings andfor those Pilgrim settlers
who provided this countrywith a Godly foundation.
They rejected slavery andembrace the freedom and joy
which they knew in theirhearts could only come
from a heavenly King, not an earthly one.
Well that's it today from The Global Lane
be sure to follow us onFacebook, iTunes, SoundCloud,
YouTube, Parlor, and Twitter.
And until next time, be blessed.
(upbeat music)