Allen Jackson's latest book, "God Bless America Again," implores the American Church to advocate for our faith so that the United States will find the pathway to forgiveness and healing.
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(upbeat music)
- It's been said those who forget the past
are doomed to repeat it.
Pastor Alan Jackson says theconsequences are even worse.
He says if we forget our past,we could lose our freedoms.
Take a look.
- [Announcer] Alan Jackson, Senior Pastor
of World Outreach Churchin Greensboro, Tennessee
says as a nation, we're living
in the midst of adividing line in history.
He says the freedoms andliberties our country provides
were founded on biblical principles.
As a result, God hasconsistently blessed America.
In his book, " God Bless America Again,"
Alan encourages us toremember our nation's
Christian heritage so we can
continue to experience God's favor.
- And pastor Alan Jacksonjoins us now, via Skype.
Pastor Jackson, thank you for being here.
Can you hear us?
- Good morning.
It's privileged to be with you.
- Awesome, well you saythat America's heritage
from our legal system to ourculture is rooted in scripture.
Can you give us some examples?
- Sure, I mean, when WilliamBradford and the separatists,
the Puritans, came to this continent,
they were looking for anopportunity to worship God
without the interference ofa State church or the king
and they made tremendoussacrifices when they came
to our shores so that theywould have that freedom.
And from that place untiltoday, our legal system,
our educational systems were all founded
upon a Judeo-Christian worldview.
- You wouldn't know thatthough, would you? (chuckling)
Really, to--- No, we've lost
that perspective.
- Yeah, what are those, some of the ways
that God has blessed America?
- Well the liberties that we have
and the freedoms that we have, you know,
we are a nation of immigrants.
We're not bound togetherbecause we look the same
or we have the same accent,
or we share the same heritage.
We were bound together by an ideal.
I mean it's, Jeffersonstated in the beginning
of the Declaration of Independence
that all men are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights,
that we acknowledged that we had a Creator
and that He has put adignity within each of us.
And our nation was foundedwith the freedom to allow God
and what He put within usto be a part of our culture.
You know, I think today,we feel so powerless.
We want better politicians.
But we don't need better politicians,
we need a church that is more aware of the
Head of the church, and God'sperspective in our lives
and what it means to honor the Lord.
If the church will wake up,our nation will get healthy.
- Amen, well, how do you reconcile
our spiritual foundation with America's
troubled history with slavery?
- Well, you know, the fact thatwe have a Christian heritage
doesn't mean we're a perfect people.
We talk about slavery in our nation
as is if, somehow, weare a unique example.
But if we step back a bit and look
at the history of the world, you know,
people groups have oppressedother people groups
for as long as we'vehad organized society,
and slavery is reprehensible,there's no excuse for it.
But it's not a uniquely American malady.
And we have taken itand used it as a lever
to manipulate political gainsor economic opportunities
rather than repent ofour sin, forgive those
who oppressed us, and thenfind a way to live together
under the truth of Almighty God
to help one another sothat we can be stronger.
It's not a uniquely American problem.
It's a human problem.
You know, ultimately ourproblem isn't color of our skin,
it's the color of our hearts.
And if we will do something about that,
we will see God engage us
and expand our freedoms and liberties.
- You say the problems America faces
are not political, scientific, or medical.
So, what are they?
- Well, I think the root ofthe problem is spiritual.
The outcomes will be seenin the political arena
or the scientific arena,or the economic arena.
But if we don't have a heart change,
a politician or ascientist, or an economist,
isn't going to fix our problems.
You know, in 2 Timothy 3, it says
there'll be fierce times in the last days
and it doesn't describe climate change
or scientific, or economic problems,
it describes 18 attributesof the human character
that are going to deteriorate.
And that's not somethingbeyond the walls of the church;
that's happening within the church.
We've been asleep.
We need to listen, to allow the
Spirit of God to wake us up.
We've been uninvolved, unconcerned.
And if we will turn our hearts to the Lord
and humble ourselves,get our Bibles back out,
begin to read them again,teach the younger people.
We have an assignment toteach the next generation
the truth of God's word.
We've abandoned their moral development
to the schools or to thetelevision, or to the internet.
We have an assignment to do that,
not just the children in yourhome that share your DNA.
We have an assignment forthe younger generations
to help them learn to honor God,
to fear God, to respect God.
That's what made America great
and I believe God will bless America again
If we will turn our faces to Him.
- You know, there's that saying
as the church goes, so goes the nation
and right now, our nation is in turmoil.
We don't know which way it's going
with with the presidential election.
How should the church, whatrole can they play, right now?
- Well, I think we've gota powerful tool in prayer.
It's not our tool of last resort,
it is a powerful response.
We need the truth to be told,
what's being whispered in the shadows
to be shouted from the housetops,
what's been wrapped inthe cloaks of deception
to be made visible in the light,
and that the power to make that happen
resides in Almighty God.
We are not powerless.
If I could say one thing toanybody that's listening,
you may think your voice is small,
or maybe your resources are not great,
and nobody cares about your opinion,
but the Creator of theuniverse is listening to you.
And if you will speakto Him, cry out to Him,
ask for His mercy to let thetruth be told in our nation,
to let righteousness be exalted again,
I believe we will see God'shand intervene on our behalf.
- Amen, I do too, pastor.
And you can learn more bygetting Pastor Jackson's
latest book, it's called"God Bless America Again."
It's available nation wide.