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News on The 700 Club: November 17, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” November 17, 2020. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- Welcome folks to "The 700 Club."

Hope is rising even asthe coronavirus surges

across the nation.

Now a second vaccine is on the horizon

that's 94% effective and millions of doses

of both vaccines are already in the works.

So how long before theyget the green light?

Lorie Johnson brings us the good news.

- [Lorie] Now that both Pfizerand Moderna's coronavirus

vaccines have reached this milestone,

they'll soon seek FDAemergency use authorization.

The two vaccines are similar,

both use what's known asmessenger RNA technology,

require an initial shot, thena booster three weeks later,

and need to be kept frozen.

Meanwhile, nine other drugcompanies are nearing the end

of their coronavirus vaccine trials.

Meaning more than one vaccinewill likely be approved.

FDA vaccine consultantand Stanford researcher

Dr. Kari Nadeau helped develop

both the Johnson & Johnsonand Novavax vaccines.

She says regardless of the approved option

and timing Americanscan trust the process.

- So I think what I'mreally pleased to know is

that the companies, the FDA,they've taken the stance

that they're going to besuper careful about this.

They're not going tolet any vaccine get out

to the public that couldput anyone at risk.

So that's fantastic.

- [Lorie] Technological advancesover the years have helped

to speed up vaccine development.

Also scientists havebeen analyzing COVID-19

vaccine data as it comes in instead

of pouring over pages of information

after trials are finishedas is typically done.

Plus, millions of dosesare being manufactured now,

instead of waiting until after approval.

Distribution plans havealso been mapped out

so vaccines can be administered

the moment the FDA gives the go ahead.

- There are a lot of different vaccines

and they come in differentshapes and sizes,

and they're made slightly different ways

to activate the immune systems so

that you can build up that immune strength

to hopefully combat the virusif you ever get infected.

- [Lorie] Last month, ninecompanies issued a joint

statement promising notto seek FDA approval

unless a vaccine meets theirtoughest safety standards.

- You gotta be thoughtful.

We understand there's an epidemic,

but we need to get our scienceright so we can make sure

we help the American public and the globe.

- The CDC and NIH add that

when vaccines received the green light,

their data will be madeavailable to the general public.

In the meantime, people should talk

to their doctor about any concerns.

Health experts say the most vulnerable

Americans could getvaccinated before year's end

and at the beginning of 2021,but that it will be spring

before a vaccine is offered to everyone.

Masks and social distancing are advised

and even mandated until then

as most Americans will have to get through

what could be a difficultwinter without vaccines.

Currently, hospitalizationsand deaths are increasing

nationwide and morestates are ratcheting up

their restrictions ahead of Thanksgiving.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Thanks, Lorie.

The one thing we don't wantto do is to have the cure

that's worse than the disease.

And the last thing thiseconomy could use is

another lockdown shut down.

We can't do it.

There has to be selectiveenforcement, selective shut downs.

And I believe we're on the edge.

And so we're delighted at this.

Well, the stock marketresponded positively

to the news of a second vaccine closing

at record highs and wasin shouting distance

of the incredible number of 30,000.

CBN News financial editorDrew Parkhill is here

to tell us what it means.


- Well, I'll tell you, Pat,

yesterday's rally wasdifferent from last week.

Last week, the market shot up when

Pfizer's vaccine was announced.

Yesterday, it went up as well too,

but there was a difference yesterday.

Last week, the NASDAQ stocks stalled off,

the technology stocks, Apple, Microsoft,

and so forth, they went down.

But yesterday let's lookat the stock market indexes

because they did much better.

The Dow 29,950, just short of 30,000,

like you mentioned, a record close.

A record close for the S&P 500.

The NASDAQ did not set a record,

but it's just under its record.

It had a good day yesterday.

And Pat, I know you follow small stocks,

the Russell 2000, there at the bottom,

that's the index of small stocks,it also set a record high,

that's 2000 small stocksthat combined in this index.

And what that shows you, the combination

of all those various indexes,

what that shows you is thatthis is very broad based.

This isn't just a few stocks going up,

certain select areas likewhat we saw last week,

the so-called value stocks

and the travel and leisure stocks.

It was across the board this time.

So that's very good.

- Drew, go back 10 years.

Where did the Dow start at the beginning

of this decade and where it is now?

- Okay, the Dow bottomed,Pat, in March of 2009,

right around 6,500.

It was just under 6,500 atthe bottom of March in 2009.

Then it started taking off.

So we are up from 6,500 at the bottom,

to very close to 30,000 now.

This is basically what I expected.

In fact, I've had my eye on 30,000

since from around 10 years.

I knew that this was goingto be a very important level.

And the reason I say thatis that there may be some

long-term assistance at this level.

We don't know yet, we'll see.

We had basically a bear market in a month

from late February to lateMarch early this year.

Maybe that washed out the excesses

and maybe we'll go straight up from here.

We'll have to see.

But longer term, regardlessof the next few months

or few years, longer term, weare going much, much higher.

- You're talking abouttripling where we are from now.

So it's already tripled,now it's gonna triple again?

- It's actually more thantripled, it's more than tripled.

- More than triple.

- It's about, well, a triple and a third.

So we're going to 150,000,

which would be five timesthe level where we are now.

It's not going to happen overnight, Pat.

It's going to take 20, 25 years.

But if this is a normal bull market,

we'll go to a little over150,000 before this is over.

- I hope you're rightand we live to see it.

So hold onto your stock, ladiesand gentlemen, and load up.

I guess that's it.

- Well, 25 years down the road.

- We'll all say goodbye.

I think it's time for me to check out

of this place in 25 years from now.

But it's nice to leavesomething to your children.

Well, in other news, amilitary strike against Iran.

Was the president ready tocarry that out recently?

Advisers say he was asking for options.

John Jessup has more.

- That is right, Pat.

President Trump reportedlyconsidered military action

against Iran's nuclearfacilities in recent days.

This after learning thecountry significantly increased

its stockpile of enriched uranium,

which can go towards a nuclear weapon.

Close advisors, includingVice President Pence

and Secretary of State Pompeoconvinced the president

not to pursue a military option warning

that it could lead to a broader conflict

in what could be the final weeks

before a new administration?

The Pentagon is preparing to draw down

military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

President Trump expectedto issue the order

as early as today.

The move would bring troop levels down

to about 2,500 in eachcountry by January 15th.

Right now, there are some 5,000 troops

in Afghanistan and more than 3000 in Iraq.

President Trump has longsought to bring a close

to what he calls endless foreign wars.

However, leaders in his ownparty are against the move.

Majority leader Mitch McConnell

in the Senate calling ithumiliating and dangerous.

- The consequences of a premature

American exit would likely be even worse

than President Obama'swithdrawal from Iraq back in 2011

which fueled the rise of ISIS

and a new round of global terrorism.

- And Pat, of course, thismove comes just a few days

after the president fired

former defense secretary Mark Esper.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

I totally agree with the majority leader.

We cannot just abandoned Iraq.

Iraq's a mess,

But nevertheless, when Obama pulled out,

they had no status offorces agreement whatsoever.

And you remember those pickupstrucks of ISIS fighters

just walking over andtaking over that whole swath

of territory becausethe Sunnis, the Shias,

and the Iraqi Army wouldn'tfight for each other.

The Sunnis wouldn't fight

under the Shia leadership, et cetera.

So right now Iraq is still a mess.

And we spend so much money getting there

and we don't want toleave a great open space

because the nature abhors a vacuum

and this would be a vacuumand we cannot do it.

I know the president wants toget out of the foreign wars

and take the bleeding and stop it.

But there comes a time as you got to say,

we've spent too much money and material

and human sacrifice to give it all up now.

But in terms of Afghanistan, the Taliban,

in my opinion, is welcome to have it.

It's a mess and it's been a mess

ever since the days ofAlexander the Great.


- Pat, there is a battle goingon in the halls of Congress,

but it's not between the two parties.

Democrats are at war with each other,

this after the GOP madebig gains in the House,

leading moderates andliberals to blame each other.

CBN's Jenna Browder has the story.

- Democrats still hold themajority, but it is razor thin.

And as they look to electHouse leadership this week,

there's a lot of in-party fighting

between moderates and progressives.

- We still have the power of the majority.

But on top of that, our leverage

and our power is greatly enhanced

by having a Democraticpresident in the White House.

- [Jenna] Speaker NancyPelosi putting a positive spin

on the outcome while minorityleader Kevin McCarthy

claimed a decisive victory.

- We won from Miami to Oklahoma city

to New York to California.

Not one Republican incumbent loss.

- [Jenna] And with 17 GOPwomen elected to the House,

McCarthy says this is theyear of Republican women.

- 12 Democrat incumbents lost.

You know the unique thingof who they lost to?

Every single Democrat either lost

to a Republican woman,minority, or veteran.

This is the year of the Republican women.

- [Jenna] And that spellsconcern for Democrats.

In this House Democraticcaucus conference call

obtained by "The Washington Post,"

moderate Democrat Abigail Spanberger

from Virginia pointed her finger

at caucus socialism anddefunding the police.

- [Abigail] We need tonever use the word socialist

or socialism ever again.

- [Jenna] Congresswoman-electElvira Salazar says

that's why she won herdistrict in Florida.

- Socialism was what made it.

We know what the ideology brings:

misery, oppression, and exile.

And my people responded.

My opponent declared herselfa pragmatic socialist.

- [Jenna] The Hill's Julia Manchester

on the heated in-party fighting.

- The progressive agenda has always been,

it's been an uphill climbfor progressives in the House

because as much as Republicans want

to paint Nancy Pelosi as a progressive,

as ultra left-wing and such, she isn't.

Nancy Pelosi is very much a pragmatist.

So I think there's stillgoing to be some push and pull

between the establishment way in the House

where Nancy Pelosi orSteny Hoyer from Maryland

versus Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezand the squad, if you will.

- [Jenna] Even with anarrow margin over the GOP

and the squabbling in her caucus,

CBN chief political analyst David Brody

says Pelosi will remain speaker.

- Nancy Pelosi is going to continue

to be speaker of the House.

I can't imagine a scenariowhere there's going

to be this huge uprising.

Will there be some discontent?


Will there be some murmuring?


Will there be a lot of complaining?


- If Speaker Pelosi canhold on to her seat,

the question then becomes can she rally

enough Democrats aroundher to advance her agenda?

We'll see.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- And Pat, one of the key storylines

from the election istalk among the Democrats

about a way forward.

- Well, I'm sure that they'relooking for a way forward,

but the thing that concerns me

and it should concern everyAmerican right now is if

they take over withthe Bernie Sanders wing

and the AOC wing, they're talking about

radically transforming theUnited States of America.

They're talking about bringing us as close

to socialism and communism asthis country has ever come.

And if I would urge every human being

in this audience to pray and ask God,

don't let these people prevail.

There's still some chance to see

this whole election cycle turn,

especially about the fraud and Dominion

and those who count the votes.

But it it's going to be terrible.

I mean, terrible.

If this group takes over and imposes

upon us the socialist mandate that

they have given with BernieSanders and those like him.

It would destroy what we have known

as the greatest nation on earth.

So I urge you, urge you to pray right now.


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