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Christmas in Bethlehem with Chris Mitchell

Discover where Christmas began in the city of Bethlehem with Chris Mitchell. Read Transcript

(holiday music)

- Welcome to where Christmasbegan, welcome to Bethlehem.

I'm standing not far from Manger Square,

here in the heart of the city,

and right next to theChurch of the Nativity.

It's the oldest churchin all of Christianity

that's been in continuoususe about 1700 years,

back to the 4th century.

While not everyone agrees,there's powerful evidence

that this place was thefamily home of Joseph

and the birthplace of Jesus, here's why.

First of all, 100 yearsafter Jesus was born,

a church father, named Justin Martyr,

came to Bethlehem and heasked the local people,

"Where was Jesus born?"

And this is where they took him.

Then 100 years later,

another church father, namedOrigen, came to Bethlehem

and again he asked,"Where was Jesus born?"

And the locals broughthim to the same place

where they showed Justin Martyr.

Fast forward another 100 years,

when Emperor Constantine senthis mother, Queen Helena,

to find the holy sitesfrom the life of Jesus.

And again, this is theplace where she was led.

That's why they built the church here.

First of all, to get into the church,

you have to go through here,

which is called the Door of Humility,

because you have tostoop down to get inside.

(tranquil violin music)

In the heart of the church is a grotto.

And inside the grotto is a spot

where some people believe was the manger

where Jesus was born.

The story of the birth of Jesuslives on 2000 years later,

and the Gospel of Luketells the timeless story.

- [Chris] "In those days,Caesar Augustus issued a decree

that a census should be takenof the entire Roman world.

And everyone went to theirown town to register.

So Joseph also went upfrom the town of Nazareth

in Galilee, to Bethlehem, in Judea,

the town of David, wherehe belonged to the house

and the line of David.

He went there to register with Mary,

who was pledged to be married to him

and was expecting a child.

While they were there, the time came

for the baby to be born,

and she gave birth toher firstborn, a son.

She wrapped him in clothsand placed him in a manger,

because there was no guestroom available for them.

And there were shepherds livingout in the fields nearby,

keeping watch over their flocks at night.

An angel of the Lord appeared to them,

and the glory of theLord shone around them,

and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them,

'Do not be afraid.

I bring you good newsthat will cause great joy

for all the people.

Today in the town of David, aSavior has been born to you;

he is the Messiah, the Lord.

And this will be a sign to you:

You will find a baby wrapped in cloths

and lying in a manger.'"

We may not know exactlywhere X marks the spot.

But we do know that somewherenear here, Jesus was born.

And after 2000 years, thegood news of great joy

is still being told around the world

of what happened here in thislittle town of Bethlehem.

Merry Christmas!

(triumphant orchestral music)



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