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Lawmakers Face Major Hurdles During Last Session of the 116th Congress

Lawmakers Face Major Hurdles During Last Session of the 116th Congress Read Transcript

- Turning republicans anddemocrats face major hurdles

including election fall out orpossible government shutdown

and the need for stimulusas corona virus spikes

across the country.

(gravel hammers)

- We'll come to order.

- Both parties agree economic relief is

a top priority.

- We need to think about

if we are gonna come up witha bipartisan package here

about what size is appropriate.

- But even after months of debating

cannot agree on an amount.

- And the heroes act shouldbe the starting point.

Not an emaciated bill that prioritizes

protections for corporations

and considers the needsof American families

as an afterthought.

- The GOP wants a targetedpackage of around 500 billion.

Democrats are pushingfor broader relief closer

to 2 trillion.

Both parties support, helpfor healthcare systems,

schools and small businesses.

Plus a new round of $1200cheques for individuals.

(cash register clicks)

Unless the congress approvesanother spending bill

the government couldshut down December 11th.

Leader McConnell and speaker Pelosi

reportedly agree on thegoal of a new package

of spending bills

rather than another funding extension.

If talks fail,

however, a continuing resolutioncould keep things running.

- Renewing the federal judiciaryhas been a major success

over the last four years.

- One item happening

on the hill is theconfirmation of new judges.

McConnell plans to continue

right up to the end of the 116th congress.

- President Trump hasappointed 222 federal judges,

which is more than anyof his five predecessors

But the significance of thatnumber comes from the fact that

Trump's nominees havefaced more unrelenting

and systematic opposition

from the other party thanany president in history.

- Another unresolved issue

for the lame duck session

no defense authorization bill.

- It has been suggestedthat we should rename

as many as 10 of ourlegendary military bases.

- The President says hewill veto any legislation

including name changesof military installations

named after confederate generals.

As for COVID relief bill,the outlook for legislation

is also clouded by thepresidential election.

President Trump was the chief GOP force

pushing for the legislation this fall.

On Capitol Hill I'mTara Merchant CBN News.


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