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Told to Live with Acute Pain

After unsuccessful surgeries to heal her aching joints, Carolyn struggled with her new reality of tremendous pain until she heard her heart’s desire on The 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Carolyn VanAlzt has suffered from hip

and knee pain for almost 30 years.

- As the years went onand my body got older,

it was more difficult for me.

And I had tremendous painin the past few years.

And that's when I wasreferred to a surgeon

and I went through five surgeries

to have five joints replaced.

- [Narrator] Unfortunately the surgeries

weren't entirely successful,

but because of her age,

doctors told Carolynthere was nothing more

that they could do for her.

- The pain remained in myleft knee after the surgery.

The doctor said I was justgonna have to live with it

and take over the counter meds.

- [Narrator] Carolyn useda walker to get around,

but her mobility slowly worsened.

She had trouble standing andgetting enough sleep at night

- I would awaken atnight if I moved my leg

and the pain would wake me up.

And it was sharp and verypainful, very uncomfortable.

I pretty much gave up a social life.

I stayed involved with my church,

but it was so bad Icouldn't move around easily.

- [Narrator] Over the countermedicine only helped a little,

so Carolyn prayed daily for her healing.

- And I said, Lord, I hopethat you will heal me.

And I don't know how it'sgoing to come about or when,

but thank you that I can get up today

and I can go through my routine,

and I can be prepared for the day

for whatever's coming my way.

- [Narrator] As a longtimeviewer of The 700 Club,

Carolyn tries to watch the show every day,

and especially enjoys the prayer time.

- And it encourages me to pray more

for my family and friends.

- [Narrator] On February 20th, 2020,

Carolyn was faithfullywatching The 700 Club

when Pat started to pray.

- Right now, a knee that has been twisted.

I believe it's your leftknee and it's been twisted

and right now the Lord isbringing that knee into alignment,

and any damage that hasbeen done to the tendons

or ligaments is being healeddramatically in Jesus name.

- I thought, that's me.

And I sat up and I said, is it really me?

So I stood up I walkedaround and I thought,

oh, this is wonderful.

The pain was gone.

- [Narrator] Carolynimmediately called her daughter

to share the good news,

but waited a few daysbefore calling The 700 Club.

- I don't wanna be tellingeverybody if this is not real,

I wanna make sure it really happened,

and it did really happen.

- [Narrator] Today Carolyn is active again

and eager to spread her good news.

She knows the power of Godis greater than anything

her doctors can tell her.

- God can do anything and everything.

And His word says thatHe wants to heal me.

The healing power of God is for anyone.

I don't have to be animportant person in government

or well-known in ministry,

or the perfect anything in myneighborhood or to my family.

I know that when I pray,God hears my prayers.

I sit here and smile by myself(laughs) and get excited,

and sometimes cry.

I think God, you're so good to me.

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