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Veronica Karaman's True Champion Academy

In her new book, "True Champion Academy," professional golfer Veronica Karaman discusses the inside-outside process of becoming a champion spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Read Transcript

- We are moving on to an interview.

What does it take to be a champion?

Pro golfer, VeronicaKaraman, knows firsthand.

And this Regent grad says it'snot about winning trophies.

So what is it?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Professionalgolfer, Veronica Karaman,

lost her father when she was a teenager.

Not knowing how to fill the painful void,

she thought becomingthe best at everything

she put her hand to would help.

- And in that time, I made the mistake

of turning to achievementto fill that hole.

I was the first girl from my high school

to get an athletic scholarship to college.

I graduated the valedictorian of my class.

I got a scholarship to Duke University.

I won tournaments and,

on the outside everything looked great.

But I made the mistake of still equating

my worth with my score.

- [Narrator] In her book,"The Champion's Way",

Veronica shares how to achievepeak performance in life,

the way God intended.

- Please welcome back to the700 Club, Veronica Karaman.

Hi, Veronica, good to see you!

- Thank you, so nice to see you.

- Well, how did you fall inlove with the game of golf?

- Actually, my fatherstarted me off putting

when I was five yearsold and I had a passion

to play in these nationalPee Wee Putting Contests.

So he'd go play for fourhours and I'd go putt

for four hours straight.

So it just became up a lifelongpassion from an early age.

- What happened to you afterthe death of your father?

- You know, that was a verytraumatic experience in my life.

And I can just remember,after his funeral,

I went back to school the next day.

And instead of receiving nurture,

I had to make 100% on my history exam.

And I turned to achievementwhen what I really needed

was to be embraced andto know the love of God.

And so that really set up a whole lifetime

of trying to find love andacceptance through achievement.

And it really wasn't until Icame to know the love of God

that God began to set mefree from that situation,

and really that kind of thing to my soul

that was very destructive.

- Now you've written a bookcalled "The Champion's Way".

What did you discover, Veronica,about true championship?

- I believe that everybody is a champion

and I believe that God has called us each

to our own greatness in Him.

And one of the ways thatwe can go about that

is through more of aprocess-oriented approach

to achievement, versusjust success or failure.

Because that's what produces a lot of,

what I call, destructive emotions.

So in my book, "The Champion's Way",

I lay out a more holisticapproach to achievement,

which comes from a placeof being fully engaged.

And to be fully engaged isto be physically energized,

mentally focused, emotionally connected,

and spiritually aligned.

So I call them the Four Champion Zones.

And when I help peoplediscover those four components

or processes of achievementand do them concurrently,

they take off, and it'sa much more holistic way

to go about setting and achieving goals.

- You coach others toexcel, and not just in golf.

But how can we becomechampions in whatever we do?

- Well, I say there's two distinguishing

features of champions.

One is focus and one is passion.

And so anytime you can increase your focus

on something and open up yourmind to a new possibility

and take dead aim on a target,

I say that you're goingup in your Champometer.

And so I encourage peoplethat you are called

to live from victory.

You're called to livefrom a place of freedom.

And I'm always sofascinated that, you know,

the Bible says the kingdomof God is not meat nor drink,

but righteousness, peaceand joy in the Holy Spirit.

And the state of peakperformance is a state

of peace, joy and calm concentration.

So when we're living in the kingdom,

we are in a state of peak performance.

And if you are in Christ, you have a right

to live in peace and joy,regardless of the circumstances.

- Veronica, what is your dream?

You have a dream.

Tell us about that.

- Well, you know, so oftenwe compartmentalize our lives

and we have our performancelife on one side of the road

and our spirituality onthe other side of the road.

And I was very fascinated,a few years ago,

I won my first SeniorChampionship by 10 shots,

and I did it through worship.

And so I have this dreamof doing a faith-based

championship, a golf championshipcalled the Kingdom Cup,

where we bring together peak performance,

worship, leadership conversations

for people to cometogether and fellowship,

you know, a true competition.

And it would be a weekendevent where we culminate

on Sunday with the Communion Cup.

And I'm so excited about itbecause it's a fresh wine skin

and an expression of God in the earth

and bringing peopletogether in a wonderful way.

Because in golf, there'sno barrier to entry.

There's no generationgap, it's invitational.

I think it's even betterthan the Masters Tournament

coming up this weekend.

- Well, Veronica, I understandyou coached our very own

beloved Pat Robertson in his golf game.

Give us the scoop.

Did he improve with your coaching?

(Pat laughing)

- Well see, when Pat hit a good shot,

it was because he hit a good shot.

And when he hit a bad shot,it was my fault (laughs).

We had a great time.

Pat is a great champion,and I will say this,

you can always tell somebody's greatness

by their ability to submit to instruction.

And he was so terrificat receiving instruction.

And I wish we could still play,

because golf is just a great game.

- Well, Pat's a Renaissanceman, as you know.

He's good at so many different things.

But real quick beforewe have to let you go.

Did you see that miracle shot

from, I think his namewas John Rahm, yesterday?

It skipped on the pond andthen it was a hole in one.

That was a miracle!

- Yes, it was absolutely fantastic.

Jesus can walk on water,

but I guess he can skip a ball on water,

so I guess there's miracleshappening all the time.

- I've never seen anything like that.

Well, thank you so much for being with us.

Veronica's book is called"The Champion's Way".

It's available nationwide.

Please get a copy if you wantto improve your golf game

and your life.

Thanks, Veronica.

God bless you.

- We used to play withVeronica and we had a lot

of fun together and Ireally appreciate it.

And it improved my golf game tremendously.

Really, really.

Finally, I broke into the 80s.

But it was a struggle,

but I got better than most golfers.


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