Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.
Read Transcript
- God loves you, and He caresabout everything in your life,
especially if you're in pain,and He loves to do miracles.
We just saw one with Juliet.
So Lord, we wanna pray today.
We've got some praise reports.
Here's one from Judy ofLake Forest, California.
She had four painfulfractures in her spine.
She was watching "The Club"on November 3rd of this year,
and you heard you say, Pat,
"Someone with a spinalcondition down your spine,
there is a deterioratingdisc, and God is touching you.
You will feel heat in your spine.
If you can reach and touch it,but if not, just receive it."
The moment Pat said disc, Judyknew the healing was for her.
By faith, she bent all the wayover and touched the floor.
She was no longer in pain and walked
throughout her house thanking God.
Wow.- That's great.
I didn't know Judy, and God knows Judy,
and God knows who youare and where you are.
Here's Jim, who lives inLenoir, North Carolina.
Jim had been dealingwith chronic bronchitis
since he was 14.
He's now 63.
- [Wendy] Wow.
- [Pat] So bad that hecouldn't get his breath.
And one day he waswatching and Wendy said,
"There's someone with a chroniccough that will not go away,
but today is your appointed day.
God is touching you, andthe cough is leaving you."
And Jim said, "Me," and hewas healed after 49 years
of suffering.- Praise God,
that's wonderful.- Now, folks,
God is no respecter of persons.
And I believe in the power of God.
So we're going to pray together.
And Jesus said, "Hitherto,you've asked nothing in My name.
Ask and you shall receive,that your joy might be full."
Jesus wants us to havejoy, and He wants us
to have joy in His love.
He does not want you to be in pain.
He wants you to rejoice.
Now, we'll join hands-
- Yes, Jesus.- We'll believe God.
Pray with us now,
in Jesus' name.- Thank you, God.
- Father, we hold before You
the people in this audience.
So many are suffering.So many are hurting.
So many are out of work.
So many have diseases thatare seemingly incurable.
But God, You are able,just like how You healed
that rheumatoid arthritisand these other conditions.
Father, in the name of Jesus,
somebody has what's called bursitis,
it's in your shoulders, I believe.
God is healing you, Nancy, you're the one.
In Jesus' name, touch her.
- There's someone, you'venever been a depressed person,
but you are so depressed, youcan't even get out of bed.
And this is not like you,and it is a spiritual attack,
and God is removing thatdark cloud right now,
in the name of Jesus, so get out of bed
and start praising God,because that thing is lifted
and you're free, in Jesus' name.
- Someone was in a fire,and your face was burned.
Right now, just touch yourface, and across your face,
God is going to take awayall those burn scars,
and your skin will berenewed, like a newborn baby,
in the name of Jesus.
Touch him, Lord.
Wendy?- There's a woman
that you've just hadthese horrible headaches,
chronic migraines, most of your life,
and you've been crying outto God, really, for years,
"Lord, I don't want to live like this."
And God has heard your prayers.
Just start praising Him.
Today is the day you are being set free
of these migraines, in Jesus' name.
- There's so many people in this audience,
you're filled with fear.
You're afraid of this corona.
You're afraid of what'shappening in the country.
You're afraid of war.
You're afraid of everything.You live in fear.
"Perfect love casts outfear, for fear has torment."
Now, we bind the spirit of fear.
In the name of Jesus, loose them!
Throughout this audience, you are free.
Now, begin to praise God and thank Him
and recognize that God is almighty,
and from Him come allthings that are good.
He is "from everlasting toeverlasting, Thou art God."
Have joy in Him. Praise Him.
Thank you.
- [Wendy] Thank you Lord.
- Now, ;et us hear whatGod has done for you.
We love hearing these reports.
And I might also add, we lovehaving your prayer requests.
There are people on the phones here
and other parts of the country
who will take your prayer requests,
and they'll laugh with you, cry with you,
pray with you, whatever.