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CBN NewsWatch AM: November 10, 2020

CBN NewsWatch AM: November 10, 2020 Read Transcript

- [Male VoiceOver] This is CBN News Watch.

- It is Tuesday, November 10th.

Thank you so much for joining us.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today. The battle forthe white house, not over yet.

As the justice department now authorizes

looking into allegations of voter fraud.

A coronavirus vaccine, hopes are high

but how would it work?

And exactly how effective will it be?

We're gonna talk to ourCBN news medical reporter

Lorie Johnson.

Totalitarianism in America.

Could it really happen here?

We're gonna hear from thosewho warn, yes, it could.

And remembering Bishop Harry Jackson,

the outspoken pastorwho worked to help other

Christian leaders improvetheir communities.

All those stories and moreare head in this edition

of CBN News Watch.

Wanna begin with the ongoing legal battles

and investigations intothe presidential election.

Attorney general William Barr,

has authorized the justicedepartment to look into

what he's called, "Substantial allegations

of voter irregularities."

And some leading Republicans including

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell

are supporting president Trump's efforts

to investigate the voting issues.

- This election is not over. Far from it.

- Critics say there isno evidence of fraud,

but the Trump team disagrees and say

the process should play out.

There would have to be enough evidence

to show not only voterfraud or irregularities,

but also to prove there was enough fraud

to change the outcome in a given state.

Meanwhile, former vice president Joe Biden

is moving ahead withtransition plans to take over

as president.

The Supreme court hears athird major legal challenge

to the affordable care act today.

The suit against the law came from Texas

and it has the support ofthe Trump administration

and top Republicans.

Continuing on the pathto assume the presidency,

Joe Biden will be giving a speech

about the law today as well.

More than 20 million Americans depend

on the ACA for health coverage.

Challengers say it should be struck down

because Republicans removethe individual mandate.

Justices will now decidewhether that makes the

entire law unconstitutional.

The Supreme court upheld the law in 2012,

and then again in 2015.

A final ruling is expected by next June.

Also on the subject of health,

turning now to the Corona virus

and the race to find a vaccineand a major breakthrough.

As we told you yesterday,

Pfizer is reportingpromising trial results,

that appear to be more than 90% effective.

The news is raising hopesand the stock market.

Jenna Browder brings us thatstory now from Washington.

- [Jenna] Pfizer saysit's already ramping up

production of their vaccine.

The American drug makerand a German partner,

hoping to be the firstto produce and distribute

a safe and effective inoculationagainst the Corona virus.

- Vaccine was proven to be veryefficacious overwhelmingly.

And that was a big news for me as well.

- Not very many people expectedit would be as high as that.

A 90% efficacy just is extraordinary.

- [Jenna] The drug isstill in clinical trials,

but Pfizer says earlyresults show it appears to be

about 90% effective in patients.

And if approved by the end of the year,

it expects to produce enoughfor about 25 million people.

But that's for people around the world

and not just in the US.

- Look backward for me.

- [Jenna] The first to get the vaccine,

healthcare workers and groups like seniors

who were most at risk.

While Pfizer is nowplanning to ask the FDA

for emergency useauthorization of the drug,

as soon as next week,it could be late spring

before it's distributedto the general population.

But some tough monthscould still be ahead.

The US reporting morethan 10 million cases

and five days in a row withmore than 100,000 new cases.

And news now, secretary ofhousing and urban development

Ben Carson has tested positive.

Meanwhile Joe Biden has put together

his own coronavirus task force,

and Monday called on allAmericans to wear masks.

- There's a need for boldaction to fight this pandemic.

We're still facing a very dark winter.

- [Jenna] President Trump andhis supporters are questioning

the timing of Pfizer's announcement.

The company CEO thoughsays it had nothing to do

with the election andthat Pfizer didn't take

any federal dollars for its research

to keep the vaccinefrom being politicized.

- I wanted to liberate our scientists

from any bureaucracy thatcould come by accepting money.

- [Jenna] Wall street reactedpositively to the news Monday.

The stock market shootingup 1600 points at one point,

before settling back to again of 836 points at closing.

It's best daily increase in five months.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news.

- Our CBN news medical reporterLorie Johnson is here now.

So of course naturally lots ofexcitement over this vaccine.

The question when canpeople start getting shots?

(laughing)- Cut to the chase here Efrem,

when can I get my shot? Put it in there.

So it looks like theUnited States government

has put in an order fora hundred million doses.

When will those be produced?

We know that between 15 and 20 million

will be produced probablyby the end of this year.

And those have already been allocated.

Plans have already been made.

Who gets the vaccines first.

First people, frontline healthcare workers

and then other high risk people,

mostly people who are innursing homes, who are older

and have these pre-existing conditions.

So what happens is you get a shot,

and then three weeks lateryou get a booster shot.

So it takes a while for theimmune system to build up so.

I'm just preparing people thatyou know, it takes a while.

It's gonna take awhilefor the entire country

to be inoculated.

We don't know how long immunity lasts.

That's a huge question.

It could be as short asthree or four months,

or it could be years.

So that's something that remains be seen.

And this 90% effectiveness,that could change.

Because remember thevaccine is still in trials.

So more data still needs to come in.

The safety data is nottotally complete so far.

Safety measures look good but there still

needs to be more research done.

So we're not across the finish line yet

but all the signs so far look fantastic.

- What about the other vaccines

that are in phase three trials?

Any word on exactly how they're doing?

- There are three other vaccines

that are almost at the finish line.

Moderna is probably going to be next.

And Moderna and Pfizerhave very similar vaccines.

Both the Moderna and Pfizerare made with messenger RNA.

Which should come as a reliefto a lot of our viewers

because these are not made with the virus.

A lot of people are afraid of a live virus

or even a dead virus.

That's not how these are made.

Because their messengerRNA vaccines however,

they have to be kept atreally cold temperatures.

I'm talking 112 degrees below zero.

Like the South pole inthe middle of winter.

So dry ice obviously a huge factor.

And they have to be kept that cold

from the moment they're made,

until they're injected into people.

But these things have alreadybeen worked out logistically.

And then we've got the Johnson and Johnson

and the AstraZeneca vaccines that are also

in the very end of theirphase three trials.

So we will likely see morethan one vaccine approved,

which will be good news because

not only for the UnitedStates, 350 million people,

but we need to share thiswith the entire world.

- That's right.

And even after that, we'restill talking weeks, months,

before people can actuallyget access to them so.

What are some natural measures

that people can still be taking even today

to avoid getting COVID-19and other diseases?

- Right so we've got twothings going on here.

Try not to get infected with the virus.

But if you do have a healthyimmune system to fight it off.

We know that so many peopledon't even have symptoms.

That's because they havethat healthy immune system.

So as we head intoThanksgiving and the holidays,

I would just like to say, weneed to try to be very careful.

Wear those masks, try tostay socially distant.

I don't know how peopleare gonna do that in homes,

unless they have giant homes.

Sitting around a table and eating,

how are you gonna wear a mask?

Folks just need to take precautions.

But if you do become infected,

having that strong immunesystem is gonna help.

And one of the best ways tostrengthen your immune system

is to have a healthy gut.

And this week on healthy living,

I interviewed a doctorwho just wrote a book

about a fiber called fiber fuel.

And he talks about alldifferent kinds of ways

to strengthen your gut.

And it not only helpsprotect against COVID-19,

but all other kinds ofdiseases and infections.

Remember this is cold and flu season.

- Indeed it is.

And you can see more fromLorie on healthy living.

Of course you can watch thaton the CBN news channel.

It begins this evening at 9:30 Eastern.

(dramatic music)

Coming up, it is adanger very few Americans

would think possible in this country

but some are sounding analarm about totalitarianism

and they say it could happen here.

So how could that be possible?

We're gonna take a look when we come back.

(dramatic music)

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As the world watches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the middle East.

- [Male VoiceOver] Go inside the story

with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the temple Mount.

- [Male VoiceOver] JoinedCBN Jerusalem Bureau chief

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- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Male VoiceOver] WatchJerusalem Dateline.

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN news channel.

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- And welcome back to CBN News.

Watch violence in thestreets and a cancel culture

shattering freedom of speech.

Marginalizing people offaith and shaming those

who don't conform to a particular agenda.

Is America headed towards totalitarianism?

And if so, what can we do to stop it?

Gary Lane brings us this ominous warning

of the dangers that may lie ahead.

- When many of us thinkabout totalitarianism,

George Orwell's 1984 orthe former Soviet union

often come to mind.

Government inflicts, terror,and suffering on its people

to force them to conform.

The senior editor of theAmerican conservative

contends America is fastbecoming what he calls,

a soft totalitarian state.

Rod Dreher's premise isfeatured in the new book,

live not by lies.

A manual for a Christian dissidents.

- Ours is gonna be amore soft version where

they use the infliction of economic pain

and marginalization andshaming to force Christians

out of the public squareand to compel us to conform

with left wing ideology.

And the fact that it's soft does not mean

it is any less totalitarian.

- [Gary] Just after world warII, German born philosopher

Hannah Arendt wrote thatloneliness and social alienation

had been the major precursors to the rise

of totalitarianism.

Both in Nazi Germanyand in Bolshevik Russia.

Dreher says today socialmedia is a major driver

behind isolation and unease,especially among young people.

- It has made themdesperate for something to

solve their problem ofalienation and their anxiety.

I think that this is opening them up to

the acceptance of a false idol

that will be totalitarianthat will tell them

we can take care of all your problems.

We can fix it, if youall only say yes to us.

That's what happened in Russia.

And that's what happened in Germany

and that's what's coming here.

- [Gary] And those whoadvocate Judeo-Christian values

and reject the lies of thenew American leftist state

will be marginalized andsingled out for persecution.

- Conservative Christianstheir churches and institutions

are seen as an obstacle to progress.

If you stand againstLGBT rights for example,

if you stand against abortion rights,

if you stand against critical race theory,

you are a problem.

- [Gary] Alienated and stressed

over a COVID 19 restrictions,

American youth are readilytaking to the streets

to demand social change.

A radical doctrine calledcritical race theory

is inflaming their frustrations.

And Hendershott as directorof the Veritas center

for ethics in public life,at the Franciscan university

of Steubenville.

She is author of the newbook, the politics of envy.

Professor Hendershottfeels critical race theory,

divides Americans by promoting envy.

- I see a huge increase inrhetoric surrounding envy,

encouraging envy.

And I think it's pretty evil.

I mean, I think yourlisteners Christians know

that it's a serious sin.

That envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

- [Gary] Hendershott says politicians

pole man hatred and resentmentby publicly promoting

the divisive race doctrine.

- When you hear a politician

like mayor DeBlasio in New York city say

there's plenty of money in New York city.

It's just in the wrong hands.

He's implying that that'syour money that they have

and we need to take it back.

- All Christians ought tobe against racism. We are.

The critical race theory issomething very different.

It draws a line between goodand evil between the races

and alienates the races andturns us against each other.

When we ought to be standing together.

- [Gary] And instead ofresorting to harsh tactics

to control people, Drehersees the future US government

taking a softer, less violent approach.

- We are going to see somethingdevelop in this country

like the Chinese have today,the social credit system.

Where they monitor everythingChinese citizens do.

They get all the datafrom their computers,

from the internet and so forth.

And they assign them a rating.

The more socially positive you are

from a communist point of view,

the higher your rating,the more your privileges.

- [Gary] Attending church would

lower your social credit score.

And a lower rating means fewer privileges

like sending your child to college.

Dreher feels it doesn't matterwho is elected president.

Because neither Biden nor Trump

will be able to reverse the course.

He says, we're livingthrough the birth pangs

of a cultural revolution.

- This sort of thing is marching through

all the institutions.

It's marching through churches.

It's marching through universities,seminaries, corporations

and we Christians havegot to be prepared for it.

- [Gary] By buildingnetworks among churches

to endure persecution.

- Hope for the best, butwe also have to remember,

ours is a religion of martyrdom.

Those who suffered andeven died for the faith,

they received a crown of glory.

That may well be our calling

and we need to accept it as believers.

- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN News.

- [Efrem] Still ahead, apeace deal announced today

to end the deadly fightingbetween Azerbaijan and Armenia.

We're gonna have thedetails right after this.

(dramatic music)

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- Armenia and Azerbaijan,along with Russia,

signed an agreement todayto end the six week old war

between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

As Chris Mitchell reports,

the deal stops thelatest round of fighting

in a conflict that hasactually lasted for decades.

- [Chris] Armenia's primeminister called the deal

incredibly painful forme and for our people.

On Facebook he said the decisionwas based on deep analysis

of the combat situation and warned

the whole of Nagorno-karabakhwould have been lost.

The decades old conflictreignited in September,

over Nagorna-Karabakh.

Azerbaijan claims the area,

although most living there are Armenian.

And part of one of theoldest Christian communities

in the world.

The disputed area sitsbetween the two countries.

When the Soviet union fell in 1991,

this self-governed region of Azerbaijan,

voted to join Armenia.

The conflict pitted offin friendly powerhouses

against each other.

Turkey backed Azerbaijan andprovided military support.

Well both Russia andIran sided with Armenia.

One report said the Armenianarmy was outnumbered,

five to one.

In Baku, the capital ofAzerbaijan, the people celebrated

and its president calledit a great victory

and a capitulation by Armenia.

The deal allows Azerbaijan to keep areas

of Nagorna-karabakh itseized during the war

and Armenia agreed toleave several other areas

in the next few weeks.

Russian president VladimirPutin announced Russia

would provide nearly 2000 peacekeepers

along the front lines.

In the past few days, Azerbaijancaptured one major city

and was advancing towards theCapitol of Nagorna-karabakh.

Thousands of Armenians fled the area,

many with nowhere to go.

- [Female Translator] What cana woman feel without a house,

without belongings, without anything.

- [Chris] In the capital of Armenia,

protestors stormed theparliament buildings,

vowed to keep fighting and saidtheir leaders betrayed them.

- [Male Translator] We don'tagree with the decision.

We will not give thema wave. We will fight.

And we don't want this.

We don't want the government in our city,

and in our motherland.

- [Chris] The fightingpitted Christian Armenians,

and mostly Muslim Azérisagainst each other.

CBNs Chuck Holtonrecently filed this report

from the front lines.

- Behind me you can see the effects

of the Azeri bombardment thathas been hitting this city

since September 27th.

Of the 150,000 peoplewho live in this area,

most of them have already had to flee,

but there are still tensof thousands of people

that are staying here,sleeping in their cellars,

in their basements andlistening to the daily barrage

of random artillery that'sfalling on this city.

- [Chris] Some Armenians told Holton

they saw the war as an existential threat.

- They want to occupy our territory

and clean this territory from Armenians.

- [Chris] Thousandsdied in the six week war

and given the decades longhistory of the region,

it's likely it may not bethe end of the conflict.

Chris Mitchell, CBS news, Jerusalem.

- [Efrem] Coming uphonoring and remembering

a beloved Christian leader,Bishop Harry Jackson, jr.

I'm gonna bring you thatstory when we come back.

Please stay with us.

(dramatic music)

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- [Male VoiceOver] It'sabout the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Male VoiceOver] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time

keep chopping, practicing hard.

- [Male VoiceOver] It'sabout going the distance.

- You know I think as afather is my job to lead.

Just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Male VoiceOver]Watch going the distance

with Shawn Brown, Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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- And welcome back to CBN News Watch.

We are mourning the loss ofa beloved Christian leader,

Bishop Harry Jackson, jr.

Senior pastor of hope Christian Church

in Beltsville, Marylanddied Monday morning.

He was the founder and chairman

of the high impact leadership coalition,

which educates and empowers church leaders

on ways to improve their communities.

He received his MBA from Harvard

and he was a fierce advocate of faith

and biblical principlesin the world of politics,

often appearing on television.

He was also an evangelicaladvisor to president Donald Trump

and invited to the whitehouse on numerous occasions.

CBN news learned of BishopHarry Jackson's death

from his closest friendsincluding Alveda King,

niece of Dr.Martin Luther King jr.

The church has asked forprayers for the family

and to respect their privacy at this time.

You can learn more aboutBishop Harry Jackson,

his remarkable life andcareer at

Time now for your Tuesday tweetable.

And here's a message Ihope will encourage you

and you will take amoment to post, tag, tweet

and share it with others.

There is no mistakegreat enough to keep you

from the loving arms of the Father.

His open arms of graceare open to receive you,

forgive you and help you to move forward.

With that word, Iencourage you to make this

a terrific Tuesday.

Well that is gonna do it for this edition

of CBN News Watch.

We thank you so much for watching.

Wanna reminds you, you can always find

more of our programs on theCBN news channel at any time.

You can also find themonline at

We would love to hear from you

and know what you think about the stories

you've seen here today.

You can email us,

And of course you can always reach out

and touch us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make it a terrific Tuesday.

We'll see you right backhere same time tomorrow.

Goodbye everybody and God bless.

(dramatic music)


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