Operation Blessing partner, Life Unlimited, supports families through food distribution and the Gospel message, and they wouldn't be able to reach as many people without your prayer and support! Thank you!
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- [Narrator] Because ofthe COVID-19 outbreak,
many people have lost their jobs
and now rely on food banksto help feed their families.
In Fort Worth, Texas,Operation Blessing partner,
Life Unlimited, is doing allthey can for those in need.
- We come up here and getdonated food to help my family
get feed and put food on the table.
And without working or anything,
it's kind of hard to maintainand support your family.
You know, we weren'texpecting none of this.
- We have had since COVID-19
double in people coming for help.
Operation Blessing hasbeen a tremendous blessing
to this ministry.
The bulk of the foodthat are on our shelves
comes from Operation Blessing.
- [Narrator] People line upin their cars several hours
before the distribution starts
so they can hear the pastorteach the Word of God.
Robert doesn't have a car,so he walks up to get food
and even take some to others in need.
- It's always a blessing'cause you know it's family
and now I look forward to come when I can.
It means a whole lot'cause sometimes I got
to best other people whetherI know they're hungry.
- Most of the things I like about it,
it ain't like any other food bank place.
We go to church in themornings before we do anything,
you know, before they pass out any food.
It's the best place togo if you need help,
they're good people.
- And I appreciate everythingthey've done for me
and they're beautiful peoplebecause of their light shining,
I let mine shine out the best way I can.
You know I've realized thatthere are people who care
'cause I didn't think there was any.
- I really appreciate OperationBlessing for our donations.
It's really a blessing to havethe food that we're getting,
you know, donating to us.
- [Narrator] Thanks tothe prayers and support
of Operation Blessing donors,
food pantries all over the country
are able to meet people'sneeds in their communities.
- We are thankful that youdonate and it's because of you
that the doors are open.
And even though you may not be able
to be on the front lines with us,
you still have a great part in doing it
because your money and your prayers
keep us doing what we're doing.
- I want to thank Operation Blessings
for the blessings that they give us,
not just for me
but for people that's moreunfortunate than I am.
Just thank God we have peoplelike that in this world.
And you know, we have bad people,
but we have more good peopleI think, than we do bad.