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CBN NewsWatch PM: November 9, 2020

CBN NewsWatch PM: November 9, 2020 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN News Watch.

- It is Monday, November 9th.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, FormerVice President Joe Biden

is ready to take the oath of office,

but the President's team isgetting ready to go to court

over multiple caseschallenging election results.

A big victory for the pro-life movement,

as 14 new Republican women win seats

in the House of Representatives.

A major new study revealsa surprising finding

about the number ofChristian voters in America.

We'll tell you what it uncovered.

And remembering Alex Trebek,

the legendary Jeopardyhost who died this weekend.

And we're gonna hear what he had to say

about the show's fans.

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of CBN News Watch,

I wanna begin this half hourwith the Presidential election.

While Joe Biden is alreadygetting ready to take office,

the President and my Republicans

are saying not so fast

as the President's team is ready

to file lawsuits of voter fraud.

Dale Hurd is on the story.

- [Dale] The mainstream media may have

already coronated JoeBiden President-Elect,

but the legal challenges over

alleged voting irregularities begin today.

Joe Biden is moving forward as if

the election results are final.

He and Kamala Harris will have a briefing

with their transition COVIDadvisory board this morning.

- I'll work as hard forthose who didn't vote for me

as those who did.

This is the time to heal an American.

- [Dale] But Donald Trumpis ready to fight it out,

Tweeting, the big citymachines are corrupt.

This was a stolen election.

His lawyer, Rudy Giuliani,

claims he has more than 50 witnesses

to voter fraud in Pennsylvania alone

and will have four or five cases filed

by the end of the week.

- For violating civil rights,

for conducting an unfair election,

for violating the order of the state,

for treating Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

different than the rest of the state

which is an equal protection violation

which goes under Bush v. Gore.

I mean this is something thatjust has to be addressed.

- [Dale] Missouri RepublicanSenator Roy Blunt,

for one, is not calling JoeBiden President-Elect yet.

- I said on Friday I thought it was time

for the President to turn this discussion

over to his lawyers,

time for the lawyers to makethe case that they have,

both in court and to the American people.

- President Trump stillhas a path to victory

and that path is to count every single

legal vote that was cast.

The media does not getto select our President,

the American people getto elect our President.

- [Dale] Meanwhile, Biden's slim advantage

and the loss of at least seven Democrat

seats in the House undercutany claims of a mandate.

Pennsylvania Senator, Pat Toomey,

called the Republicans down ballot success

a rejection of the radicalism that

has seeped into the Democratic party.

- The woke left had a major setback.

I mean nobody thought we were gonna

pick up seats in the House,

nobody thought we weregonna hold the Senate,

which I think is likely.

- [Dale] West VirginiaSenator, Joe Manchin,

says the results showDemocrats scared many voters.

- They were scared of this socialism

that was thrown outthere by a radical part

of the so called left.

- [Dale] RepublicanSenator, Lindsey Graham,

says if there was rampantvoter fraud in this election,

it must be rooted outto save the integrity

of our voting process.

- If Republicans don't challenge

and change the US election system,

there will never be another

Republican president elected again.

President Trump should not concede.

- Back in 2000, Al Gorewas given his day in court.

We should give PresidentTrump his day in court,

let the process unfold.

- [Dale] The President is planning

a series of rallies instates he's contesting.

Just like in 2000, itmay be that this election

will be settled in the courts.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- And with us now for moreon the legal challenges

in the Presidential election is Professor

and Associate Dean Brad Jacob

of Regent University School of Law.

So let's begin with one important case

that focuses on how thePennsylvania State Supreme Court

extended the state'sdeadline for mail in ballots.

Why is that case so significant?

- Well it's significant because

Pennsylvania is a very close state.

You know, obviously themedia doesn't decide

who is President-Elect.

That'll be decided bythe Electoral College.

The Electoral College depends on

who won the vote in each state.

So with Pennsylvania so close to the edge

between President Trumpand Vice President Biden,

understand that we reallyknow who won Pennsylvania.

- Do you see this casegoing to the Supreme Court?

- Well it's already been ina sense to the Supreme Court.

Justice Alito issued an order saying

that all of the mail invotes should be sequestered,

that they should keep those separate

and be able to look at thoseseparately if they need to.

I don't think there's gonna be any success

fighting with Pennsylvania over

the date that theballots actually arrived.

There's enough questionsabout the post office

and how things, how long things took,

that if a state makes a judgment

that a vote entered, put into the mail,

postmarked by Election Day

that comes in several days later,

if they're gonna count that,

I don't think that can besuccessfully challenged,

but if there's any evidence that

there are votes that were not made in time

of that were not legally put into the mail

by the right person,

if that can be proven in court,

then that could turn theoutcome in Pennsylvania.

- What does the President's team

have to do to prove voter fraud

in the other cases?

- Well there's a lot of different things

they could do to prove voter fraud.

They could prove that people were being

intimidated when they voted,

they could prove that the state allowed

ballots to be cast by dead people or,

you know, people who werenot competent to vote

for, you know, mentally for some reason.


I won in a landslide in the legal votes

and the rest are illegal, well,

he can make that claim if he wants to,

but there's gonna haveto be concrete evidence

of some kind of fraudulent activity,

some reason to believe thatthe ballots were not valid

and that could take alot of different forms,

it's just we haven't really seen

a lot of evidence so far.

- All right, Regent Law Professor

and Associate Dean Brad Jacobs,

thank you so much for your time.

To you at home,

we apologize for thetechnical difficulties

that were unfolding duringsome of that interview.

Despite the ongoing battleover the Presidency,

the Republicans hadseveral other bright spots

in the election this year,

including a major victoryfor the pro-life movement.

Mark Martin brings us this look

at the new Republican women who were

elected to the House of Representatives

in what's being called a stunning blow

to a pro-abortion agenda.

- In January, at least 14new Republican pro-life women

will take the oath of theHouse of Representatives.

That number will includeseven congresswomen

who defeated Democratsin last week's election.

- We attribute their success to the fact

that life is winning in America

and regardless of the uncertainty

in the Presidential election,

it's clear to see that life isnot a losing issue this year,

especially because we seean unprecedented number

of pro-life women beingelected to Congress.

- [Mark] Those newlyelected representatives

join 11 incumbent GOP pro-life women

who won reelection.

In a statement, SBA List President,

Marjorie Dannenfelser said,

"These gains are a repudiationof abortion extremism

and further evidence that life is

a winning issue in politics."

- And this is a diverse group of women

who will no doubt stand up for the unborn.

They come from various backgrounds.

We have Maria Salazar who was

one of our endorsed candidates.

She is a Cuban American woman

who understands the right to life.

We have Yvette Herrell in New Mexico

who was newly elected.

She is the first womanfrom the Cherokee Nation

to be elected to Congressfor the Republican party.

- [Mark] And it's not justhappening in the House.

At least six will be partof the Senate in January

including reelectedincumbent Joni Ernst of Iowa.

- I'm going to share myfavorite Psalm with you

and let it be a reminder of how we can get

through this difficult time

and my favorite Psalm is Psalm 121

and it goes like this.

I lift up my eyes to the hills

and where does my help come from.

My help comes from the Lord,

the maker of heaven and earth.

- The founder andchairman of the non-profit

Christian Ministry Liberty Council

spoke out about the election,

saying these pro-life women will bring

new energy to Washington to preserve

precious pre-born children.

This is another important step to making

the womb a safe place again in America.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Potential good news onthe coronavirus cases today.

Pfizer says the early data signals

its vaccine is effective against COVID-19

and it's on track to seekUS review later this month.

We'll have more on thison tomorrow's edition

of CBN News Watch.

Coming up, are more Christians turning out

to the polls to vote or less?

We're gonna bring you a lookat that when we come back.

(upbeat music)

(water running)


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- [Man 1] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,life to the fullest.

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At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

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Live it fully.

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- Welcome back to CBN News Watch.

Christians of all kinds have been

an important voting block in elections

throughout United States history,

but that appears to be changing now.

Here to tell us more aboutthis potential important shift

in American politics is DanAndros of

So Dan, you have a story on Faithwire

about a study involving Christian voters.

Who's it from and what did it find out?

- Yeah, it's from Pew

and it found a verydisturbing trend here, Efrem,

and more than 360,000 registeredvoters were surveyed over,

this is a long term study, over 25 years,

including 12,000 registeredvoters questioned

just in the last couple years

and what they found is that we have

a growing trend of less Christiansbeing registered to vote.

64% of all registeredvoters surveyed last year

self identified as Christian.

That's down from 79% of registered voters

identifying as Christian back in 2008.

In the midterms of 2018,

it was the first timein more than ten years

that Protestants and Christians

represented less than halfof all participating voters.

Republicans who identified as Christians

fell from 87% in 2008down to 78% last year

and Democrats are plummeting.

73% identified as Christian in 2008

and that's only 52% said they identified

as Christian last year.

So we are seeing a stunning drop

in the amount of Christiansregistered to vote

and a bigger issue there, Efrem,

is it's not just thenumber of registered voters

that identify as Christian.

There's just less Christians out there.

So forget the voting for a second.

I mean, we got souls to worry about here.

- Overall declining faith in America?

- You know, the study doesn'tget into the exact reason

as to why behind it.

They just go over the pure data,

but you know, just from my view here

you look at culture

and how it's just overwhelmingly stacked

to a secular sort of agenda.

You've got education system,you've got Hollywood,

you've got media,

you've got even sportsnow getting into this

so you're just seeing a steady drum

of this viewpoint being pushed,

obviously social media as well.

So you combine all those things

and maybe it's starting to,

we're starting to see it take root.

- So of course the bigstory today is the election.

Do most Americans believe God's hand

is in the Presidential elections?

- Yeah, this is a prettystunning number as well from Pew.

Only one-third of Americans believe

that God's hand is in thePresidential election.

Only 27% said the same thing in 2016

when President Trump was elected.

So that's a particularly stunning number

because it must mean by necessity

because of how low it is

that some Christians believe that as well

that somehow this electionwas outside of God's hand

and that somehow it was out of his power

or he otherwise was unable to impact it

and, you know, andDaniel says, chapter two,

you know, no ruler rises orfalls apart from his hand,

so I think that's somethingwe can take solace in

and should take solace in as Christians

that God is in control no matterwhat situation is going on.

- Absolutely.

Dan Andros of,

thank you so much for your time.

I wanna remind you at homethat you can watch Faithwire

on the CBN News Channel.

It begins at 9:30 EasternStandard Time this evening.

Still ahead, there are 65,000 victims

of child sex trafficking here in the

United States alone

and now traffickers are targeting

Christian girls in particular.

We're gonna bring you their story

and a look at who isworking to protect them

when we come back.

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- [Man 1] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life.

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Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- Sex trafficking is a worldwide scourge

and at least 65,000 childrenin the US are victims.

Now a chilling new reality.

A growing number of thesegirls are Christians,

as predators are targetingthem in particular.

Chuck Holton has their story,

plus how three US Marshallsare working to protect them.

- [Chuck] The numberskeep coming week by week.

In Ohio, a joint operation between federal

and state officers recovered35 at risk missing children.

A similar operation rescued39 missing kids in Georgia.

Behind all the success,

a unit of the US Marshall Service,

the Sex Offender Investigations Branch,

is made up of only threemen working over time

to save as many kids as they can.

- When I assumed this position

as the branch chief of this

Sex Offender Investigations Branch,

my eyes were opened.

There's over 430,000 missingkids a year in our country.

- [Chuck] Of those, atleast 65,000 are victims

of the commercial sex industry.

- [Floriano] We'retrying to have an impact.

We're trying to do the best we can

with the resources we have in place.

- [Chuck] Ongoing riots and violence

against federal courthouses in Portland

and elsewhere, however,

are taking agents awayfrom this important work.

- [Floriano] But it's a zero sum game.

In order for us to deploy these resources,

it detracts from other mission sets

that are often equally as important.

Our leadership is very passionate

and supportive of this initiative

and we're trying to throwas many resources as we can

to make an impact,

but the reality is we'rejust scratching the service.

- [Chuck] These operationsare also complicated

because those rescued need special care.

- Historically we're cops

and we catch bad guys,

but we're catching good people now,

we're catching kids.

What resources do we need to have in place

because it's not as simple as just

turning this child over to somebody.

And so we spend a lot of time,

a lot of research, a lot oftalking with our partners,

with children's hospital, with DCFS,

with social services to getthese resources in place.

- It takes an incredibleamount of work to track

down these monsters who arepraying on America's children

and since the defund the police movement

and the COVID crisis,

a lot of police departmentsaround the country

just don't have the resources to do that.

And that's where thebody of Christ comes in.

There's several ministries out there

that are now packaging up the information

that cops need and passing it along.

One of them is All ThingsPossible Ministries,

Victor Marx's outfit.

His new chief operating officer

is a guy that I went to ranger school with

like 100 years ago.

- There are 150,000 newsex ads a day in America.

They need help on the front end

identifying the victim.

They need that level of probable cause,

reasonable suspicion.

That's what we offer law enforcement.

So we figure out who those girls are

that are being sold,

potentially who their trafficker is

and we push that information to

law enforcement to take action.

And then they will conductan operation, a sting,

and they will confront that girl

and offer her a new life,

a path to freedom.

- [Chuck] And what theyfind is often chilling.

- There are particular traffickers

that will target Christian girls.

To get the small potatoes,

to get the girl who comes from a broken,

abusive relationship, thatdidn't stroke his ego.

But for him to be able to pluck

a pretty young woman from aChristian family in the suburbs

and turn her out to be trafficked,

that was an ego boost for him.

- [Chuck] The Trump administration

is taking action to put astop to these heinous crimes.

- Today I'm happy to announce that

the department is awardingover a hundred million dollars

in grants across the countrytargeted at human trafficking

and these grants are gonna support state,

local and tribal jurisdictions,

victim service providers, task forces,

and key research initiatives.

- [Chuck] Being on the front lines

makes these men realize law enforcement

isn't the ultimate solution.

- We, as believers, wehave to do a better job

of protecting our young women.

Parents have to talk to their daughters

very candidly about what's out there.

Especially in this Christian bubble

that a lot of us live in,

we don't fully appreciatethe evil that's out there

and the evil that's trying to work

its way into our lives.

- We as a society need tolook at this large number

and start deploying resources

and asking questions as to why

there are so many missing kids,

what are the underlying issues

and it's only then thatwe can address those

and stop these high numbers.

We're very happy about our recoveries,

but there's a much larger problem

that needs to be addressed

and addressed holistically.

- [Chuck] From Washington D.C.,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- [Efrem] Coming up,

the world remembers Alex Trebek,

the legendary Jeopardyhost who died this weekend.

We're gonna hear just how muchthe show's fans meant to him

when we come back, stay with us.

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- [Man 3] Get the top political news

and analysis fromWashington on Faith Nation,

tonight at six Eastern,

only on the CBN News Channel.

- And finally this half hourremembering Alex Trebek.

People from all walks oflife are paying tribute

to the Jeopardy host whodied Sunday at his home

surrounded by family and friends

after his battle with pancreatic cancer.

Some calling him the bestat what he did and a legend.

In a nation often dividedover so many things,

Trebek was universally respected

and he told ABC earlier this year

the show's fans meant the world to him.

- They are the mostimportant elements in my life

outside of my family and friends.

I can't help but be touchedby what they have to say.

- Alex Trebek hostedJeopardy for 36 years.

It began for him when theshow was brought back in 1984.

He won five Emmy's and theprestigious Peabody Award.

His final episode of theshow will air Christmas Day.

Alex Trebek was 80 years old.

Time now for your Monday motivation

and today I leave you with this thought.

In the face of all the politicalfighting and in fighting,

people are hurting

and their healing isnot found in politics.

The medicine they needis in the love of God,

extended in the hands of believers.

Now is the time for God'schurch to rise up and reach out.

The call is loud.

In fact, it's an alarm.

We must wake up, hearit, and answer the call.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN News Watch.

I wanna remind you,

you can always find more of our programs

on the CBN News Channel.

You can find them there at any time.

You can also find them online,of course, at

We'd love to know what you think about

the stories you've seenhere today or any day.

You can email us at the address

right there on your screen,

And of course you can reach out

and talk to us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.

Make it a marvelous Monday,

we'll see you right back here tomorrow.

(intense music)


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