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Christian World News - Election in Dispute - November 6, 2020

President Trump is challenging the votes in several states that went for Joe Biden. Read Transcript

- [George] This week onChristian World News,

America's election.

As the fight for the presidency continues,

the church is looking to God.

- [Wendy] Plus The NextJihad exposing the genocide

against Christians in Nigeria.

Our talk with the unlikelypair who sounding the alarm.

- [George] And disasterstrikes the Philippines.

After a major typhoon wreaks havoc,

the church responds with love and relief.

(melodic music)

- Welcome to ChristianWorld News everyone.

I'm Wendy Griffith.

- And I'm George Thomas.

As expected severaldays after election day,

there is no clear winner

in the United Statespresidential election.

In his first press conferenceafter election night,

President Trump maintained, "He has won."

- If you count the legalvotes, I easily win.

- [George] Critics calledTrump's claim baseless,

however instances of voterfraud are being reported.

The Republican partyin Nevada, for example,

sent a criminal referral to anattorney general William Barr

with allegations of more than3,000 cases of voter fraud.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania,

a judge has cleared theway for Trump's supporters

to have better access tooversee the counting process.

But the Trump campaign tweeted this video

showing city attorneystill preventing them

from getting within sixfeet of election workers.

Joe Biden said he believeswhen the count is done,

he will be the winner.

In the meantime,

he is calling for people to have patience.

- We have no doubt thatwhen the count is finished,

Senator Harris and I willbe declared the winners.

So I ask everyone to stay calm.

All the people to stay calm.

The process is working.

- The former vice-presidenthas the lead in most States

that are still counting votes,


- Well, in this election year,

many Christians and prophetic people said

they heard from God thatDonald Trump would win

a second term.

Right now, those predictionsseem to be hanging by a thread.

Some of those sameprophets though are saying

it is not over.

- Trump will be president,no matter what you hear.

- [Wendy] Author and prophet Kat Kerr

told The Elijah List, Steve Schultz,

that the prophets did not get it wrong.

She says God is getting ready

to uncover corruption and evil.

She says it will be alandslide of exposure.

- It'll start with a phonecall and I can tell you,

you will be shocked to see

how much exposure comes fromthat but Trump will win.

He will be president of the United States.

He will sit in thatoffice for four more years

and God will have his way in this country.

- [Wendy] Kerr is not alone.

Prophet Jeremiah Johnson believes

before Trump is declared the winner,

Joe Biden may prematurely announce

that he is the next presidentof the United States.

He wrote to his followers,

"Either a lying spirithas filled the mouths

of numerous trustedprophetic voices in America

or Donald J. Trump reallyhas won the presidency

and we are witnessing adiabolical and evil plan unfold

to steal the election."

- At 4:30, the Lord said to me,

"I am going to give yourpresident a second win."

- [Wendy] Just a few weeks ago,

pastor Denise Goulet spokethose words over president Trump

while he attended theInternational church of Las Vegas.

She joined a chorus ofother prophetic voices

that believe God told them Trump will win,

including CBN's Pat Robertson.

- I wanna say without question,

Trump is going to win the election.

- [Wendy] Christianprayer leader, Lou Engle

says it's not time to despair,

but rather for the churchto pray like Esther

and that corruption andvoter fraud be exposed.

- Expose, expose.

That's what happened to Hamanand three-day Esther fast.

And then a scene isbrought forth or literally,

literally Esther exposes Haman

and a sudden reversal takes place.

- And you know George,

in the book of Amos chapterthree, verse seven, it says,

"God does nothing withoutrevealing his plans

or his secrets to hisservants, the prophets"

and these propheticvoices say it ain't over.

- It ain't over.

Okay, fine.

Thank you.

We now turn to theReverend Samuel Rodriguez.

He's the president of theNational Hispanic Christian

leadership counselor Pastor Rodriguez.

Great to have you on the broadcast.

What is your take on whatis going on right now?

Is this more than a political battle?

- Oh, without a doubt, it'smore than a political battle.

Arguably, there is more spiritual warfare

regarding this electionthan any other election

and maybe in all of human history

You're sensing it.

It's the level of corruption,

the level of melees,illegalities across the board

from Wisconsin to Michigan,to Georgia, to Pennsylvania,

my home state, even thoughI pastor in California,

Nevada, Arizona, this is not anecdotal.

We have evidence of that.

We have the number of reports submitted

to the attorney general for investigation.

It's unprecedented.

The question is whatis the enemy afraid of?

He's afraid of an agendathat preserves life,

the sanctity of lifein and out of the room

that protects religious Liberty.

So I can preach the gospelof Jesus to my children

and my children's children.

And of course the enemyis afraid of the idea

that it's God over man,and man over government.

So the enemy is afraid

that socialism will not win in America

so that that's why we haveunprecedented spiritual warfare.

The church must be intercedingand praying right now

at this critical hour like never before.

- And to that point, Reverend Rodriguez,

it looks like it will take some time

before a winner is declared.

What should the church's role be?

You talked about prayer,

but going forward in case president Trump

does not win a second term,

what should be our responseas the body of Christ?

- Listen, if president Trumpdoes not win a second term,

I think the body of Christ,

especially the spirit empowered community

needs to look at what tookplace right before the election,

which is an appointmentto the Supreme court

of a judge that speaksour prayer language,

that understands to have fellowship

with God's precious Holy spirit.

That's critical.

Why did that take placeright before the election?

That's called a firewall, a safety net.

So the church should not be depressed.

It should not go in a fetalposition in some quarter

and it should not go inperpetual wining mode.

The church must rise,

glorious triumphantbecause God is on the move.

The sovereignty of God.

The second thing we must do isif President Biden comes in,

we need to pray for President Biden.

My God is a powerful God.

God can fill PresidentBiden with the Holy spirit

change his heart, just likehe changed Pharaoh's heart.

He can change Biden's heart towards life,

religious Liberty and biblicaljustice in the name of Jesus.

So I want the church to stand up.

We're glorious.

We're not wimps, we're not depressed.

We're not melancholic.

We are the church of Jesusand the Gates of hell

will never prevail against us.

- The president had strongsupport as you know,

from minority voters, including Latinos,

particularly Latino Christians.

Talk about that and wherethey stand going forward.

- You see a smile right here?

You see this?

I mean, you know,

God forbid, if PresidentTrump doesn't get reelected,

but here's what took place.

Latino Christianssupported president Trump

at the highest percentageof an American history.

The highest percentage we'relooking at numbers right now

in the high sixties, maybe low seventies

of Latino Christiansself-identified evangelical

or conservative Catholic.

That's amazing indeed.

36% of the entire Latino electorate,

36 to 38% supported president Trump.

That's aiming towardsGeorge W. Bush 44% numbers,

50% numbers.

So ladies and gentlemen,

the Latino community just emerged

as the most Pro-life antisocialism community in America.

That's not my hype.

That's exit polling.

The most pro-life

and the most anti socialismcommunity in America

so let not your heart be troubled.

- We'll have to leave itthere Reverend Rodriguez.

Thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- [Wendy] Great interview.

Well coming up, The Next Jihad.

A new book documents the genocide

against Christians in Nigeria.

Meet the rabbi and the minister

who are calling on the world to respond.

(upbeat music)

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- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug of war

here in the middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau chief,

Chris Mitchell,

and get the biblical perspective

on the event shaping the world.

- It's what starts in Israel

then ends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch JerusalemDateline Friday night

at 9:30 PM on the CBN news channel.

- Welcome back to the broadcast.

Extremists in Nigeriahave released a video

of a pastor being held captive.

According to InternationalChristian concern,

Reverend Polycarp Zongaof the church of Christ

was kidnapped by membersof the Islamic state

West Africa province.

In the video, Reverend Zongacalls on government officials

to assist in his release.

He said he was travelingfor a church conference

when armed men abducted him.

Two unknown Christian womenwere also taken with him.

Also this past week, US special forces

rescued American missionary,Phillip Walton in Nigeria.

Gunmen broke into Walton'shome in neighboring Niger,

tied him up, his familyand took him hostage.


- Christians and otherreligious minorities

are the target of brutal attacks

by Muslim radicals in Nigeria.

Now, an unlikely pairis calling on the world

to take action.

The Reverend Johnnie Mooreand rabbi Abraham Cooper

have written a book called The Next Jihad.

On CBS global lane program,host Gary Lane spoke with him

about the atrocities.

- Johnnie let's begin with you.

Christians in Nigeria are under attack,

not only from Boko Haram terrorists,

but also Fulani militants.

This has gone on for some time now.

So why the urgency, is it genocide?

- It's marching quickly towards genocide

and the situation is gettingworse, it isn't getting better.

I mean, our book mainlyincludes stories of victims

in the last couple of months.

We went to Nigeria

right before COVID-19 shut down the world.

We wrote it incrediblyquickly and we're just yelling

in every direction we possibly can

to get people paying attention.

This situation is

and unfortunately we're gonna look back

and we are gonna wish wehad done more I'm afraid.

- Well, Johnnie, evenour state department,

I know has said that this isn't religious.

This is just, you know, ethnic, you know,

disputes between differenttribes and so forth.

It's monetary.

What do you say?

- Well, look, I mean,

this is one of the reasonswhy we went to Nigeria

because this is the bigdebate in the United States.

What is the reason for it?

And we came clearly down on one side.

It's obvious that there isa religious component to it.

No question.

When you have terroristsyelling Allah Akbar

as they burned down the homesof Christians and churches,

I mean, clearly there isreligious extremism involved

but what I'll tell you is, you know,

at least I came awaythinking this whole argument

about why this is happening

is kind of an irrelevant argument

when it's all said and done.

The fact of the matter is it is happening.

It's a terrible security issue

and the number oneresponsibility of any government

is to protect their people.

And that's what the Nigeriangovernment isn't doing.

And by the way, this is a democracy.

- Rabbi Cooper, first I've got to ask

what many of our viewersare probably wondering,

why did an Orthodox rabbi getinvolved in writing a book

with an evangelical Christian

about Christian persecution in Nigeria?

- We're all about human rights,

we're all about takingaction to help each other.

And we have very simple approach

when it comes to religious freedom.

If religious minorities ofCoptic Christians, for example,

in Egypt can pray in peaceor Jews in Scandinavia

go to synagogue without being harassed

or Muslims without beingtargeted by hate crimes,

then none of us is safe.

Stalin said, one death is a tragedy,

a million deaths, the statistic.

So when I started seeingthe reports coming out

in terms of the selection process

in a university dormitoryin the middle of the night,

people woken up and said, you know,

could you recite the Koran?

And if you couldn't, they slit your throat

because you were a Christian.

Other kinds of activities thatharken back to another era

when Jews were selected by the Nazis.

- Johnnie, how concerned are you

about the lack of police inNigeria and army response

because many Nigerian Christians say

both are complicit inkidnappings and murderous attacks

on Christian villagers.

What is your conclusion?

- Well, it's not so much our conclusion.

We documented in the book,some really alarming facts.

I mean, the fact of the matter is

in several incidents across the country,

evidence has been found, cellphones that were left behind.

One cell phone had in it,

the telephone numbers of peoplein the security services.

There are hardly any examples of anyone

being prosecuted for any of these crimes.

Despite the fact thatthere is a judiciary.

The government has all ofthe infrastructure it needs,

it's just not using it.

And ultimately,

I mean, our passion here

was to tell the stories of the victims

because they are voiceless.

And so we wanted to be their voice.

And our hope is that themore we tell their stories,

the more we can awaken the conscience

of people all around the world.

And therefore also shame theleaders in the government

there who are choosing not to take action,

that they could take.

And the fact of the matteris already in 2014, in 2015,

terrorists in Nigeria hadkilled more Christians

than ISIS did in Iraq andSyria and ISIS is hike.

- Rabbi Cooper, what aboutsome girls like Leah Sharabu?

I understand from reading your book,

that you weren't too happy

with the response on Muslim leaders gave

about the kidnapping of Christian girls.

You tell about one girl who was kidnapped

for us to convert to Islam,

and then was impregnatedby her Muslim captor

before she was finally released.

Tell us about the indifferenceor even complicity

of the Nigerian governmentand religious leaders there.

- Well, Johnnie and I metwith four leading imams

which of course raised plenty of eyebrows

though tell me we're staying at.

You know, a rabbi, fourimams and a pastor sit down

in Abuja, Nigeria.

And what we heardconsistently was they said,

well, wait a second.

Where are the number onetargets of the extremists?

Why are you only talking about

what's happening to Christians?

And yet we try to sortof say, fair enough.

If you can document and sendus, we will for sure include it

but in the meantime, you have to speak out

including and especiallyif you're a Muslim.

Young people in Africa today,in the middle East today

in the Maghreb,

they don't wanna hearideologically fueled reasons

to hate others.

They wanna have a future.

They wanna have a job.

They wanna be able to seethe rest of the world.

So we're at a tippingpoint and as it turns out,

it looks like Nigeria rightnow is the number one target

of the terrorism and theUS and the United Kingdom

hold tremendous clouds.

And our book also arguesthat Christian faithful,

the churches and individualshave tremendous potential power

here to change things, butthey have to get involved.

- [Wendy] Amen.

And you can watch the Global Lane program

on the CBN news channel

and across all our digital platforms.

- [George] Coming up, a powerful typhoon

ravages the Philippines.

In the midst of despair, thechurch brings aid and comfort.

- [Announcer] From WashingtonDC, uncompromising stories,

interviews and analysisfrom veteran journalist,

David Brody.

- That could be the next stepin this escalating fight.

- [Announcer] Jenna Browder.

- Robert Mueller chosehis words carefully.

- [Announcer] Ben Kennedy

- is asking Christiansto get the word out.

- [Announcer] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.

- Get out and tell thestory of the progress

that we're making in this country.

Watch Faith Nation,

weeknights at 6:00 PMon the CBN news channel.

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- [Announcer] The Nameof God available now.

- Welcome back to the broadcast.

A powerful tropical cyclone

battered the Philippines this month.

At least 22 people died

and more than 54,000 people are homeless.

- CBNs operation Blessingsprang into action

before the storm even made landfall.

Workers are in the hardesthit areas right now

distributing food, relief goodsand comfort to the victims.

Our Lucille Talusan has the story.

- [Lucille] Salvador Ongaria deeply mourns

the death of his 18 year old son.

He regrets not being able to save him.

At the height of Typhoon Goni,

he and his two sons were swept away

by gushing volcanic mud

that carried bouldersfrom nearby Mayon volcano.

- I thought I was going to die

because the current was very strong,

but I managed to climb atree and pull my other son.

Unfortunately my eldest didn't make it.

He was found dead buriedin the volcanic mud.

- [Lucille] Salvador anoverseas worker in Dubai

was laid off because of the pandemic.

He looked forward tobeing with his sons again

after 11 years of working abroad.

Losing a son only twomonths after returning home

is especially painful.

Ferocious winds and torrential rains

brought massive destruction

through the Biecheleregion of the Philippines.

Evangeline Arellano feelshelpless after the storm surge

swept her house away.

A single mother with six children,

she is worried how shecan rebuild their home.

- The little that we have is all gone.

I pity myself becausethere is no one to help me.

We lost our house and Ineed to feed my children.

It did not take long beforeEvangeline and her neighbors

to receive help from Operation Blessings,

one step ahead program.

The efforts strategicallypositions workers

to various areas in advanceof approaching cyclones.

That helps them to mobilize quickly

to the hardest hit areas.

The people were very happyto receive food bags,

hygiene kits, mats andnew Testament Bibles

that were personally delivered to them

by the Operation Blessingstaff and volunteers

who also prayed for them

and shared the messageof hope through Christ.

Evangeline was glad to hearthe gospel for the first time.

- Thank you for all yourhelp, especially the prayers.

Now that I have received Jesus in my life,

I have new hope to start all over again.

- [Lucille] Lucille Talusan CBN news.

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know, I think as afather it's my job, you know,

to lead just be the besthusband and father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch GoingThe Distance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN news channel.

- I'm Efrem Graham.

And this is Studio 5.

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said, well,

"Does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, no,

you already have a pulpit.

- [Announcer] Watch studio 5Wednesday night at 9:30 PM.

- [Advertiser] Some trust inchariots, some trust in horses,

but we will trust in thename of the Lord our God.

CBN presents, The Name of God.

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- [Lady] The Lord, our righteousness.

- [Advertiser] You'll be encouraged

by Gordon Robertson'steaching on The Name of God.

- God has given you theright to carry his name.

- [Advertiser] Plus you'll see exciting,

true stories of God's Providence

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- I can hear my house being shredded.

when I heard my wife screaming--

- I knew something wasseriously wrong with him

and it was worse than we had thought.

- [Advertiser] Become a CBN partner

and get your copy of The Name of God.

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- Well, there were virtuallyno tourists in Israel, George,

because of the coronavirus.

- Yeah absolutely.

But officials are usingthe law as an opportunity

to renovate one ofJerusalem's most iconic sites.

Emily Jones has that storyand much more from Jerusalem.

Take a look.

(melodic music)

- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis Inside Israel report,

where we show you what'shappening in Israel

and the middle East.

Human trials for Israel'scoronavirus vaccine candidate

have begun here in the Holy land.

Two Israeli volunteers wereinjected with the vaccine

at medical centers inJerusalem and Ramat Gan.

The vaccine is being developedby a government funded lab

called the Israel Institutefor biological research.

- Finally, with God's help, wewill be free of the pandemic.

I don't think this willhappen immediately,

but I am saying to you

that I already see the lightat the end of the tunnel.

I see vaccines in the state of Israel.

- If the human vaccinetrials are successful,

testing will expand to 80people throughout November

and it could continue into next spring.

The pandemic may be keepingtourists away from Israel,

but the iconic Tower of DavidMuseum is using the quiet time

to undergo a massive $40 million facelift.

The Tower of David alsoknown as the Citadel

dates back to the middle agesand Jerusalem's crusader past.

Israel is working to preserveand renovate the ancient site

and it's giving archeologiststhe opportunity to excavate

unstudied parts of the fortress.

- This is a rare and uniqueopportunity for archeologists.

We are excavating.

We are enlarging ourknowledge about the Citadel.

We discover hiddenpassages, ancient walls,

ancient fortifications,it's becoming live.

- The Tower of David Museum

is one of Jerusalem's most visited sites

bringing in more than halfa million tourists in 2019.

The Trump administration has reversed

years of United States policy

and announced that UScitizens born in Jerusalem

can now list Israel astheir country of birth

on their passports.

Previously, the US prohibitedAmericans born in Jerusalem

from listing Israelbecause the city status

was considered disputed

as part of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict.

But now Americans can freelychoose to label Israel

as their country of birth.

In December, 2017.

President Trump officially announced

that the US recognizesJerusalem as Israel's capital

and moved the US embassy there.

For more stories like this,

you can watch ourJerusalem Dateline program


Back to you.

- Thanks so much, Emily.

- Yeah please, just aswe get ready to leave,

remember to pray for our nation.

We need it.

- Yes we sure do.

- Well folks, that's itfor this week's edition

of Christian World News.

- Till next week from all of us here

at Christian World News, stay in faith.

God bless you.

Take care.

(upbeat music)


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