- Well welcome to the 700 club.
We may have some good news,
caution but not fear.
That's one doctor's prescription for
the increasing surge in coronavirus cases
brought on by cooler weather.
The good news, deaths have dropped
dramatically as much as 80% since spring.
So what's increasing the survival rate?
Medical reporter LorieJohnson has got that answer.
- [Lorie] This El Paso hospital preparing
for the worst by erecting overflow tents,
2000 more Texans hospitalizedthis month over last.
- I think as we see an increase there
unfortunately, we're gonna see an uptake
in deaths as well.
- [Lorie] Utah and parts of the Midwest
also seeing sharp increases, one reason,
cooler weather drives people inside
where the disease is more easily spread
and after seven months, there's another.
- Just a general fatigue of people
for people from a cautionstandpoint, masks,
I think are a mixed bagof people's responses
and more people would ratherleave them than take them
and so as that happens, I think naturally
we're gonna see more people infected.
- [Lorie] So he prescribescaution but not fear.
- We're commanded not to be anxious
about anything in Philippians
and tells us, you know, with prayer
and supplication andthanksgiving to present
our request to God
and then he promises us that the peace
of God will rule our hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus.
- While a lot of attention is focused
on increased infections in some places,
one often overlooked statistic is
the drastic reduction in death rates,
a reported 80% since spring.
The US death rate now lower than 14 other
countries in Europe, South America,
and the middle East.
In the spring hospitalized patients here
faced a 25% chance of death, now doctors
are seeing a much lower risk of 7%.
- I'm praising the Lord for that.
You know, I think Lorie, the
two reasons for that oneis better understanding
of the disease
and the second is better therapeutics.
- [Lorie] That includesthe antiviral medication
Remdesivir which blocksthe viruses replication
and the steroid Dexamethasone used
to calm the often deadly cytokine storm,
both credited for president Trump's
fairly speedy recovery.
One of the most highly touted drugs
given to the president,a polyclonal antibody
isn't available to the general public
yet but is expected to be shortly.
In the meantime, hospitals are now using
a similar treatment, convalescent plasma.
Lorie Johnson, CBN news.
- Well that's all good news
and it does look like they're coming up on
a vaccine that several of the companies
suppliers are among them are racing to get
an injection that'll help
and we all hope and praythat that will be the case.
Well in other news Iwanna give you a quote,
a blatant lie,
that's what Will Hunter Biden's former
business partners
says about Joe Biden's denial that he had
anything to do with hisson's business dealings.
He also said that itwas quote crystal clear
that Joe Biden knew.
So why wasn't the Biden family
worried about exposure?
John Jessup has made, has more on this
from our news bureau.
- Pat, Tony Bobulinski,a former business partner
with Hunter Biden claims Joe Biden
knew about his son'sinternational business dealings.
In an interview withTucker Carlson on Fox news
Bobulinski said he met with Hunter Biden,
Joe Biden, and Joe'sbrother Jim in May, 2017
that's when he said he was recruited
to run a businessestablished in partnership
between the Bidens
and a company with tiesto China's government.
- The former vice president has said
he had no knowledge whatsoever of his
son's business dealings
and was not involved in them at all
but this sounds likedirect involvement in them.
- Yeah, that's a blatantline when he states that,
that is a blatant lie.
Obviously the world'saware that I attended the
debate last Thursday
and in that debate, he made a specific
statement around questions around this
from the president
and I'll be honest withyou I almost stood up
and screamed the liar and walked out
because I was shocked.
- [John] Bobulinski wasCEO of Sinohawk holdings,
a venture between Jim and Hunter Biden
and a Chinese energy company.
Bobulinski said he voiced his concerns
with Jim Biden about potential problems
for Joe's political future.
- I'm thinking aboutthe Biden family, like,
how are they doing this?
I know Joe decided not to run in 2016,
but what if he ran in the future?
Aren't they taking politicalrisk or headline risks?
And I remember looking at Jim Biden
and saying, how are youguys getting away with this?
Like aren't you concerned?
And he saw it, he looked at me
and he laughed a little bit and said
plausible deniability.
- Bobulinksi first came forward last week
with his unverified claims.
At that time, the Biden campaign rejected
the accusation that the former
vice president had any role in the deal
and Pat called his story, quote,
a desperate pathetic farce orchestrated
by the Trump campaign.
- Well, of course that's not true
but I think the voters, I'm not even sure
this become a big issue, they should
maybe should become a big issue
but if you listened to the debate
and you listened to the questioning
given to Joe Biden, when he was asked,
who do you think the greatest threat
or enemy to America is?
He thought for a minute,well it's gonna be Russia
and Russia disinformation,
he didn't mention China.
Why not?
Because he and his son are,
have got a tremendousamount of money involved.
The Chinese gave a large amount of money
to the university of Pennsylvania.
It was thought that JoeBiden got a cut of that
and that his son has abig, big deal in China
and Biden is just not goingto criticize the Chinese.
I mean, he didn't do itI mean, this is public
it's not something we're revealing,
but it was public
and he said, the biggest problem
is Russian disinformation.
Well that's just nonsense,
but they have the laptop, they have the,
this Bobulinski said, I've got the facts,
I've got the material, I'm willing
to testify under oath beforea congressional committee
and I think committees are being formed
to find out how come Twitter
and others have killed the story that
was running in the New York Post
but I mean, you know, we,
we're supposed to have free
and honest news, we really don't have it
as much as we should.
- If this had been Trump
and Trump sons.
- Oh.
- You better believe the mainstream
would be covering this.
- Blown to the Heights,blown to the heights
everything Trump does they put a big,
big deal on.
Nevertheless, the election is coming up
and one of our guys was up in Virginia
trying to vote early today
in one of those polling places
and there's so manypeople he said he actually
he couldn't get in, Imean it's just amazing
how many people,
this election has activated
the people like nothing we've ever seen.
Well, John, what do you have?
- Well Pat, with election day now just
less than a week away, Joe Biden
and president Trump are racing through
the final stretch of the campaign,
both candidates focusingon key battleground
states especially Pennsylvania,
which helped put Donald Trump over the top
back in 2016.
But what's the feeling in 2020?
CBN's Jenna Browdertraveled to the Keystone
state to get a sense ofwhat voters are saying.
- Erie County is one of a handful
of swing counties inbattleground, Pennsylvania.
Traditionally a blue County, home to many
hardworking blue collar Americans,
it flipped red for Donald Trump in 2016,
and now in 2020, there's still support
for him here on theground but there's also
a lot of enthusiasm for Joe Biden
and that's somethingHillary Clinton didn't have.
- I travel a little bit sowhen I go to rural areas,
I think I see more Trump signs,
when I'm in the city it's more 50 50.
- [Jenna] And that's what we saw too,
on our rust belt road trip.
In more rural Erie County, Trump, Pence
signs dominate but in downtown Erie,
Biden, Harris signs fill the lawns.
- Well I think the 2020 election contrast
sharply with what we saw going on in 2016
here in Erie county.
- [Jenna] Joseph Morris,head of the political
science department at Mercyhurst
university says these signsindicate voter enthusiasm.
- In 2016 it was difficult to find
a Hillary Clinton signanywhere in the city.
This year, there are JoeBiden signs everywhere.
- [Jenna] Historically Erie County
votes blue in localand national elections.
- I like to describe the people who live
in Erie County as salt of the earth.
These people are hardworking,a very proud people
that unfortunately have been without jobs,
many of them have been withoutjobs for quite a while.
- [Jenna] And that's how Donald Trump
flipped it to red in 2016 promising
to bring back manufacturing jobs.
- I believe he has kept his word,
he's done what he said,he's a strong leader.
- Out of my friends we'reall Trump supporters
and we have a couple of friends who
were Biden supporters, but they have
switched to Trump this year.
- I think he's a narcissist,I think he's off his
I mean, I really dothink he's not all there.
- [Jenna] We got mixed reaction from
locals on the candidates.
Matt Xander says, he'snot thrilled with either.
- I talked to a bunch of different,
different friends and people
and I think that this year, you know,
I think that sometimeswe'll say we don't think
we have great choices but this year
I think it really exemplifiesthat this election.
- [Jenna] 15 Miles South of Erie,
this Biden Harris sign hangson Dysa Lindsey's barn.
- When you come through my small town
of Waterford, there's actually a billboard
that says Waterford isTrump country in 2020
and that made me feel really concerned
that we, it's not Trump country
there's lots of Biden'ssupporters in this area.
- [Jenna] During themonth of October poll,
after poll has shown Bidenwith a small lead here
ranging from plus two to plus seven
but since the final presidential debate.
- Would you close down.
- I would transition fromtheir own industry, yes.
I would transition.
- [Jenna] Trump hasbeen able to capitalize
on that moment especially in energy
heavy States like Pennsylvania.
- Did you see him thismorning, this morning
I didn't really meanthat, I didn't mean that.
- [Jenna] Pollster ScottRasmussen tell CBN news
Biden needs to turn out the suburban
voters of Philadelphia.
If he can do that and suppress the state's
more rural vote even just a little bit
it could spell victory for Democrats.
- This is gonna be asimple, a simple equation
do the voters in Philadelphia do so many
people show up to vote
and mail in their votes in Philadelphia
and the immediate surrounding area
to overwhelm the rest of the state
because this is a state that greatly
reflects the urban,rural split in America.
- [Jenna] Both campaigns seeErie as a must win County
and have made stops here.
- Hello Erie, rememberthat great victory we had.
- It's good to be back in Erie.
- [Jenna] Erie professorMorris says it could
test the rust belt's loyalty to Trump.
He's keeping a close eye on Erie
and Lucerne counties.
- Demographically they're very similar,
Lucerne is a little bit larger in terms of
its population but Ithink by understanding
what's going on in these two places,
we'll have a pretty darn good idea about
which way Pennsylvania is going to go.
- Most polls got it wrong in 2016
but if they're moreaccurate this time around
that's good news for the Biden campaign
here in blue collar America,
where the race couldultimately be decided.
In Erie County, Pennsylvania,Jenna Browder, CBN news.
- Thanks Jenna
and Pat, polls are also showing that
the race there inPennsylvania is tightening.
- Well, you know, we've got John Wagi
and John was with me onthe, leading up to the
last election
and everybody was saying Hillary Clinton
was going to win, everybody
and they were saying, even on Fox News,
they were saying there'sno path to victory
and John and I got together
and figured that thecounties and the things
and our conclusion was that there indeed
was a path to victory
and that Trump was going to win.
I think we were the onlypeople that did that.
And you go back in history to the election
when Harry Truman wasrunning against Tom Dewey
and Dewey was so farahead that the pollster
stopped polling a couple of weeks
before the election
and Harry Truman won outon that whistle stop train
and he was just, hecampaigned the country so hard
and when it was over, he had that
great headline from the Chicago Tribune
who said they'd alreadyput this thing together,
said Dewey wins
and they woke up that morning
and Truman was the winner.
John Wagi's gonna be with us on tomorrow,
I guess tomorrow for some of his
timeless predictions,he's checking some of the
counties that will be key
and I know you'll look forward to,
I haven't talked to him, I don't know
what he's got to say yet, but I think
it will be stuff thatwe all look forward to.
Well, John, they'resuffering down in the Gulf
I mean it really hurts you to think that
in Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana,
those areas along the Gulf are just
taking another body blow.
Tell us about that.
- That is right, Pat, hurricane Zeta
could be a powerful category two storm
as it approaches the Gulf coast today.
Hurricane watches run from central
Louisiana coast all the way to Alabama.
The storm surge could run six to nine feet
at the Louisiana Mississippi border
and soaking rain is expected to drop two
to four inches Thursday as the storm
moves over the South and mid Atlantic.
There's also the possibility of tornadoes
in lower Louisiana,Mississippi, and Alabama,
as well as the Western FLorida panhandle
and Pat, a relentless hurricane season
on top of what's alreadya challenging year.
- Well, you know, Operation Blessing
is gonna be working downthere supplying food
and medicine and blanketsand all the things
those people need, but thesuffering is incredible
and I think we shouldpray for our dear friends
in the Gulf coast, those in Alabama,
Louisiana, Mississippi,who are in the path
of these hurricanes
and it's just like a bodyblow one after the other
and you say how much can people stand?
So Wendy and I are gonna join together,
we're gonna believe God.
Father, we pray for America.
We prayed Lord, we know that as a nation,
as was said by the prophet,I'm a man of unclean lips
and I dwell on the,
in a nation of unclean lips
but mine eyes have seen the Lord
and Lord, we know we'renot worthy as people
but we pray for the suffering that will
come about because of these hurricanes
and Lord, we ask that you would sustain
the people in that Gulf coast area
and Lord, help us to help them that
they might survive.
And we thank you for your anointing
and your blessing in Jesus name.
Amen.- Amen.