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Trump Team Says This Is the Answer to the Pandemic, Biden Team Blasts Trump as COVID Cases Up

Trump Team Says This Is the Answer to the Pandemic, Biden Team Blasts Trump as COVID Cases Up Read Transcript

- Johns Hopkins says the U.S

set a new one day record Friday

for new coronavirusinfections, over 83,000 cases.

And another White Houseaid has also been infected,

but it's not slowingdown the Trump campaign.

With a little over aweek before the election,

Vice President Mike Pence was back out

on the campaign trail.

- Hello, North Carolina!


- [Dale] Despite his chiefof staff, Mark Short,

testing, positive for COVID-19.

Pence tested negative on Sunday.

His opponent, Vice Presidentialnominee Kamala Harris,

who suspended campaigning,

when a member of herstaff tested positive,

criticized Pence for traveling.

- I think we have modeled the right

and good behavior andthey should take our lead.

- [Dale] But President Trump

is taking an optimistic approach.

- We're rounding the turn.

Even without the vaccines,we're rounding the turn.

It's going to be over.

- [Dale] White House chiefof staff Mark Meadows

says the administration

is focusing on getting treatments ready.

- We're not going to control the pandemic.

We are going to control the fact

that we get vaccines,

therapeutics and other mitigation.

- Why aren't we going toget control of the pandemic?

- Because it is a contagiousvirus, just like the flu.

- [Dale] Joe Biden callsthat an admission of failure

by the White House.

- While the virus remainsa major issue for many,

the president is alsofocusing on the economy,

warning voters in the oil producing

states like Pennsylvania

that Biden will destroy thefracking industry if elected.

Biden says he never opposed fracking,

but has said in the pastit would be eliminated.

Dale Hurd, "CBN News."


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