Author and pastor Glen Berteau shares his amazing story of surviving clinical death after experiencing a massive heart attack in his church parking lot.
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- [Andrew] Glen Berteau is an author
and senior pastor of The House Modesto
in Modesto, California.
He inspires his 11,000-member congregation
with passionatetell-it-like-it-is preaching
and his unshakable faith.
Recently, Glen faced
what seemed to be aninsurmountable crisis.
He suffered a cardiac arrest just weeks
after finishing his latest book,
"Why Am I Not Healed? When God Promised."
Glen was clinically deadthrough 40 minutes of CPR
and spent five days in an induced coma
hovering between life and death.
Today, Glen Berteau is very much alive
and here to share how hewon his war with death.
He wants you to receive a miracle too.
- Glen Berteau, welcome to the show today.
It's good to have you with us.
Very good to have you with us.- I am...
I'm very excited to be hereto encourage people today.
- Well, tell us a little bit more
about what happened on Novemberthe 25th just last year.
- Yeah, it was almost 11 months ago.
My wife was having a prayer meeting.
We always have a prayermeeting on Monday night.
I usually go.
I was actually pretty tired
and I asked her if I could stay home,
which, if I would have stayed home,
she would have come homefrom our prayer meeting
and found me dead sitting in my chair.
But she talked me into going
because the prayer team wasgiving her a birthday party,
a pre-birthday party at the church.
So I drove up with her,went into the lounge,
then came back out of the loungeto go to the birthday party
before the prayer meeting.
People were coming to thechurch for the prayer meeting.
And I went and sat in my car
right out at the backof the church and died,
had a cardiac arrest.
Immediately, they said,"Did you feel anything?"
Didn't feel anything.
Didn't know anything.
I don't even remember that day.
That's been kind ofwiped away from my mind.
But my wife was about aminute behind me walking.
She got in the car and my head was back
in the seat of the car like this
and she thought I was teasing,she thought I was joking,
said, "Glen, wake up," youknow, and I didn't move.
I wasn't breathing or anything.
She shook me and then she eventually,
she came around to theother side of the car
and shook me and says,"Glen, I'm gonna call 9-1-1
if you don't quit playing around."
I was dead. I was gone.
There was a cardiac arrest nurse
that actually, for 20 years,has trained paramedics,
is a nurse practitioner, that normally,
parked in the wrong spot,which really was the right spot
because it was two spotsdown from where I was parked.
Got out of the car and heard my wife
saying "Glen, wake up, Glen, wake up."
She said the Lord spoketo her, says, "Go over.
You can help pastor."
She came over to me.
She said, "I put my fingers onyour neck to feel your pulse.
You had no pulse. You were dead.
Your spirit was gone.
Everything was gone.
You were not there.
I pulled you out of the car."
She says, "I laid yourbody on the concrete.
Your feet were still in your car seat.
I started CPR and broke all your bones."
She goes, "I'm sorry Ibroke all your chest bones,
but I was doing what I could."
She said, "About five minutes,
the Lord said, 'Takeyour hands off of him.'"
She said, "So I liftedmy hands off of you,"
and she said, "You opened your eyes,
you threw your hands up,and you said, 'Oh, God,'
and then you went backand you died again."
And she goes, "But whatthat did encourage me
and I felt like the Lord told me
that your spirit went backin your body, keep working.
Don't give up."
So she went about 10 minutes.
I was not coming back.
I was basically dead, trying to live,
not living, trying to die.
I was already dead.
The paramedics came andthey asked her to stay
because she was an expert in this area.
They brought me back, shocked me,
did everything they could,
put the machine that has the motor
and it bounces you offthe ground here of CPR.
And eight, it was seventimes at the church there
that I came back and I died seven times.
After 40 minutes, 45minutes, they finally got me.
I was not getting theproper oxygen or anything.
Brought me to the emergency room
and I died the eighth timein the emergency room.
And then eight means, in the Bible,
it means resurrection, it means new birth.
And I was left in the emergency room
just laying there because...
And I was number eight on the kiosk
where they work on patients.
One of the emergency nurses
that's in our church told me
that, "They gave up on you.
You were too far gone.
You not only have a cardiac arrest
and your body is dead, butyou have been without oxygen
over 45 minutes properlyand you're brain dead."
And so they didn't have any desire.
It was very negative
that one of the Christian nurses
that eventually talked to me,
with everyone, "Theydidn't want to work on you.
They didn't want tohook you up to anything
because it was just a waste of time."
So I don't know duringthat time of how I was...
I only know God was the one that
kept me alive during that time.
Wouldn't let my wife come back
about two hours after Iwas in emergency room.
And then they started hookingme up to everything there was.
They basically put me ina coma, paralyzed my body,
put in ice, hooked up toevery machine there was,
and told my family 0% he was gonna live
and he's brain deadand he won't come back.
- Glen, all of this happened to you
when you were just finishing up a book
on why people aren't healedsometimes when they pray.
- Yeah.
- What do you say to people
who long to see a miraclein their own lives?
I mean, you've now completed the book,
added a little after your experience,
- Yeah, yeah.- but
tell me how God haschanged you through this.
- You know, I think,
and as I heard on the program already,
I think faith is the one thing
that we keep talkingabout of having faith,
and if you have a lack offaith, it doesn't happen,
if you do have faith, it does happen.
I would say that's part of it.
In my book, I put 17hindrances to healing.
There's 17 hindrances that I found
that you would never thinkof that deal with healing.
I would say that we need tolearn the rest of the scripture
to see if those thingscomply to my situation.
Another reason I think I came back
is to tell people that yourfamily is so important.
My family is all in the ministry.
I was not even saved for years
and didn't get savedtill I was in college.
My family was not saved.
My immediate family wasnot, no one was saved
ever in my family in thehistory of my family.
I'm the first one.
And my whole family that I raised up,
all of them are in the ministry.
So I had my family that prayed around me.
Your blood relatives that are your family
have the most authoritybecause they feel it the most
because you're part of them.
And that was very, very important.
God, I believe, severalreasons brought me back.
Number one is is just whatyou do on "The 700 Club,"
which I'm thrilled that youhave never let go of this,
is to pray for healing andpray for signs and wonders.
What happened during the time
that I was going-- I need to interrupt
you because- Yeah.
Yeah.- we're out of time
and I don't want people to miss out
on hearing about the title of your book
because it's all about healing.
It's all about prayer.
It's all about the kind offaith you're talking about.
And it's called "Why Am I NotHealed? When God Promised."
It's available wherever books are sold.
Thanks so much. I wish we had more time.
It was very encouragingto hear your story.
God is faithful.
Blessings to all of you.
Continue to pray.