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News on The 700 Club: October 20, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” October 20, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Well welcome ladies and gentlemen.

I've got a special program today.

- You promised yesterday

that the Lord had spokento you over the weekend

and you were gonna share that.

Today's the day.

- Today's the day.

I think I've got some prophetic words

that correspond with the scripture

and what is going to happennext and next and next and next.

And I know everybody wants to know

and I will share with humility in saying,

you know, like the Apostle Paul said,

"I think I have the mind of the Lord,"

and I think I'm gonnagive you something good.

I hope, but stay tuned. (laughs)

I'm gonna lay it out foryou as best I'm able.

But first of all, the pandemic,the economy, healthcare,

and global threats,these are huge challenges

facing whoever wins the White House.

What other dangers couldlie ahead for America?

Here's Jenna Browder.

- Whether it's four moreyears for Donald Trump

or a new chapter with Joe Biden,

either man will face anumber of challenges,

many of them now comingup on the campaign trail

- Under my leadership, weare delivering a safe vaccine

and very rapid recovery, andwe're all set to deliver.

- [Jenna] Number one,defeating the coronavirus,

then getting the economy back on its feet

as it recovers from the lockdowns.

- Joe Biden would terminate our recovery,

delay the vaccine, andannihilate Nevada's economy

with a draconian, unscientific lockdown,

because you know they're finding out

these lockdowns aren't working.

Look at Europe.

They're having this massive surge.

- [Jenna] Trump has talkedabout another tax cut,

while Biden's plan includes raising taxes

for high income earners and corporations.

- I will raise taxes foranybody making over $400,000.

Let me tell you why I'm gonna do it.

It's about time theystart paying a fair share

of the economic responsibility we have.

The very wealthy should pay a fair share.

Corporations should pay a fair share.

- [Jenna] Critics say his tax plan

would hurt the economy longer term.

Biden says it's okay to raise taxes,

even when the economyis trying to come back.

- It's smart to taxbusinesses that in fact

are making excessive amountsof money and paying no taxes.

- [Jenna] Number two, getting a handle

on the massive governmentdebt incurred this year,

driving the federaldebt up to $27 trillion,

up from 20 trillion just three years ago.

Number three, dealing with healthcare.

Trump promising a new healthcare plan.

Biden wanting to add on to Obamacare.

- We can do so much better.

I will build on the Affordable Care Act

so you can keep your private insurance.

You can choose a Medicare-like option.

(car horns honking)

We're gonna increase subsidies

and lower your premiums and deductibles

and out-of-pocket spending.

- [Jenna] And number four,international strife,

including the growing military

and economic threat from China.

- China will seek to builda military that is equal to,

or in some cases, superiorto the US military

or the military of any other great power

that China perceivesas a potential threat.

- This election is a simple choice.

If Biden wins, China wins,all these other countries win.

We get ripped off by everybody.

If we win, you win, Pennsylvaniawins, and America wins.

Very simple.

- Add to that, Russia'sincreasing military power,

North Korea still on the nuclear path,

and expanding the potential

for peace in the MiddleEast while holding off Iran.

And these just scratch the surface.

Whoever wins in two weeks

will face a host of otherchallenges too, new and old.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Thanks, Jenna.

Well, here it goes.

I want to share with you.

I was praying on Sunday,

saying, "God, please tellme how it's gonna happen,"

and I hope I've got the word.

But first of all, I wantto say, without question,

Trump is going to win the election.

And now that doesn't meanyou sit home and don't vote.

That means you get out and doeverything you can to work,

but he's going to win.

That's, I think, a given.

But after he is sworn in

and his vice president is Mike Pence,

then trouble is going to happen.

He's going to be challenged by the Chinese

as you couldn't believe.

We'll be faced probablywith some kind of a war.

The North Koreans are goingto have nuclear weapons.

They're gonna threaten us.

The Russians are gonnado everything they can.

The Turks have got their things going.

And after Trump is sworn in,

we're going to see civicdisobedience in America

that will just be mind-boggling.

The country will be torn apart.

But you talk about TrumpDerangement Syndrome,

it's going to be horrible

because, already, withoutanything happening,

we've got trouble in the streets.

But there will be at least two attempts

on the president's life.

And it's going to be very difficult.

So I would just urge you,you should pray for him.

But now, in the process,

in the process, that thisconfusion is happening in America

and it looks like ourcountry is being torn apart,

the fulfillment will takeplace of Ezekiel 38's prophecy,

and here's what it says.

It says, "Therefore, son of man, prophesy

and say to Gog: 'This iswhat the Sovereign Lord says:

In that day, when my peopleIsrael are living in safety,

will you not take notice of it?

And you will come from yourplace in the far north,

and many nations with you,all of them riding on horses,

a great horde, a mighty army.

You'll advance against my people Israel

like a cloud that covers the land.

In days to come, Gog, I willbring you against my land,

that the nations may knowme when I am proved holy

through you before their eyes.'"

Now that's going to be next.

You're gonna have Trump win.

You're gonna have civic discourse.

You're gonna have at least two attempts

on the life of the president,

and, you know, you just pray

as to what's going tohappen in relation to that.

But this country's gonna be torn apart.

And it will be the opportunity

for Erdogan and Iran

to come together against Israel.

And that's what Ezekielsays is going to happen,

that there's going to bethis tremendous horde.

Now who's gonna be involvedin coming against it?

It's going to be

the Muslim communitieson the border of Russia.

Azerbaijan is just one of them.

They're already trying tokill the the Christians in,

- Armenia.- in Armenia.

And so, you're looking at the possibility

and there they are.

But, in addition, you'vegot Iran that hates Israel

and they want to destroy Israel.

You have some of the other countries,

I mean, North Yemen andthere're a few nations,

and North Sudan that areMuslim and they hate Israel.

And that whole coalitionis going to come together

and they're gonna say, "BecauseAmerica is so occupied,

we are therefore going to invade Israel.

It's going to be our opportunity

to crush and destroy Israel."

And so, there's going to be atremendous war against Israel.

But the Bible says God Himselfis going to defend Israel

and He's going to wipe out that horde.

It's not gonna be a nuclear war,

but God Himself is goingto wipe out that horde

of people that are coming against Israel.

Now, what's gonna happen next?

I mean, you say allright, you got, that's...

The next thing that's going to happen is

that God is going to bringa period of great peace.

And here's what Isaiah has to say.

It's the second chapter.

"In the last days,

the mountain of the Lord'stemple will be established

as the highest of the mountains;

it will be exalted above the hills,

and all nations will stream to it.

Many peoples will come and say,

'Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord

of the temple of the God of Jacob.

He will teach us his way sothat we may walk in his paths."

The law will go will go out from Zion,

the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

He will judge between nations

and will settle disputes for many people.

And they will beat theirswords into plowshares

and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nations will not takeup sword against nation,

nor will they train for war anymore."

And what are we going to have?

After this invasion of Israeland it's put down by God,

there's going to be aremarkable time of peace.

We'll have at least five years

or more of extraordinary peace

where the dictators ofthe earth are restrained,

where those who want to fight war

are not gonna be allowed to do it.

And we say the Word willgo forth of Jerusalem,

but I think it'll also be the Christians

who are the defenders of Zion,

and they will be teachingthe Word all over the world.

There'll be a great revival,

one of the greatest spiritual revivals

that the world has ever known,

and that's the time of peace and love.

But, during that time,or right after that time,

the dictators of the earth

are going to be restrained by God,

and so they'll be held in check.

This isn't the second coming.

It's the way it's going to work.

There's gonna be a great move of God.

And you read, you know,

the apostles came afterthe day of Pentecost

and they said, "This wasprophesied by the prophet Joel:

In the latter days, I'll pourout my spirit upon all flesh."

Well, that's going to happen in our day.

We're going to see a great turning to God

of the nations of theearth after this battle

where God Himself isgoing to defend Israel.

Okay. Now what comes next?

Because it's gonna be nice

and we're all gonna be living at peace.

But Paul wrote to the Thessalonians,

he said, "For you know verywell that the day of the Lord

will come like a thief in the night.

While people are saying,'Peace and safety,'

destruction will come on them suddenly,

as labor pains on a pregnant woman,

and they will not escape."

So when that time of peace comes on

and when it's all coming toan end, it's a few years,

then there's going tobe a great tribulation.

And people have just misunderstood

all this stuff about the tribulation.

But Paul said that they'regonna say "Peace and safety,"

and sudden destruction will come upon them

like travail on a woman with child.

You can see the sequence going down.

Now, Jesus, what did He have to say?

It's found in Matthew 24:21-22.

For He said, "Then therewill be great distress,

unequaled from the beginningof the world until now,

and never to be equaled today.

And if those days had not been cut short,

no one would survive, butfor the sake of the elect,

those days will be shortened."

Now, what is He saying?

I want to emphasize that.

He says, if those dayswouldn't be shortened,

there wouldn't be one human being alive

on the face of the earth.

I mean, that's what He says.

I mean, there'll be no flesh will remain.

So this is the tribulationthat people are talking about

and it's going to be terrible.

And Paul said sudden destructionis gonna come upon you.

And what I think, very frankly,

is that the only thing that will fulfill

what the word of Jesus thatI'm gonna give you in a minute

is some kind of an asteroidstrike on the globe.

It's, you know, sudden destruction.

There's not gonna be some nuclear war.

We're not gonna be allowedto blow this earth up,

but an asteroid coming down.

You know, I wrote onecalled "The End of the Age"

and it was an asteroid thatwas about one kilometer,

about 6/10 of a mile,

and weighed about three billionpounds, came hurdling down.

And that would pretty much fulfill

what Jesus, 'cause as He said,

and let's look again at 24 of Matthew.

He said, "Immediately afterthe distress of those days,

the sun will be darkened

and the moon will not give its light;

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

And then will appear the signof the Son of Man in heaven.

And all the peoples ofthe earth will mourn

when they see the Son of Mancoming on the clouds of heaven,

with power and great glory.

And he will send his angelswith a loud trumpet call,

and they will gather hiselect from the four winds,

from one end of the heaven to the other."

Now, that tribulationis going to be so bad

that, unless it was shortened,nobody would be alive

and the sun will be darkened.

Well what would darken the sun?

Well, if an asteroid hits the earth,

there will be a cloud of dustthrown into the atmosphere

and you won't be able tosee the sun or the moon.

It'll be hard to move on that.

And there'll be times, ifthere's some anti-Christ

or something like that,this'll be a time from that

if that's what's gonna happen,

but the man of sin to be revealed.

But that's what...

And it doesn't say you'regonna get raptured ahead of it.

It doesn't say that at all.

It said immediately after the tribulation,

then the Lord's gonna send His angels

to gather His elect from thefour corners of the earth.

And it will happen after.

So you read the Bible, it's very clear.

It's not, it's not mystery.

It's clear.- Yeah.

- You know.- Well...

We knew this before

- Yeah.- giving this word,

but also, what a time to pray.

I mean, we live in a day

that is unlike any other.- Like we've,

we've never seen before.

But again, I want to relate to you again,

there's going to be a war.

Ezekiel 38 is gonna be thenext thing down the line,

then a time of peace, then, maybe the end.

But nobody knows the day or the hour

when the Lord's gonna come back.

He said the angels don't know it

and only the Father knows it.

So I'm not saying thisis the second coming,

but I am saying there arethings that people have thought

would be during a millennial tie

with the coming of Jesusthat'll happen in our lifetime.

And the next thing is the election

that's coming up in just a few weeks,

at which time, according towhat I believe the Lord told me,

the president is going to be re-elected.

I'm saying, by allmeans, get out and vote.

Vote for whoever you want to vote for,

but by all means, let your voice be heard.

But it's going to lead to civilunrest of great proportion.

Then the Lord gets Israeland so forth and so on.

So as Terry said, Ithink it's time to pray.

But ladies and gentlemen, that's the word.

You asked, "What's gonna happen next?"

That's what's gonna happen next.

- You know, I think of the book

that was written a number of year ago,

"How Shall We Then Live?"

- Yeah.- It's a time

to think about that.

(Pat laughs)

- All right, well let's pray.

Father,- Yes.

- we thank you for the Word of God.

We thank you for a more sure foundation.

And we thank you forJesus, who's our rock.

And Lord, despiteeverything that may happen

in the civic world andeverything that may happen

among the nations of the earth,this is my Father's world

and I rest me in that thought.

And so right now, I pray forthe anointing of the Lord

to come upon this audience,to come upon this nation.

It's your country, Lord.

Take charge of your land.

And we nullify any decreethat has been issued

against the people of God.

And we know that the day iscoming where we will have peace

and the Word will goforth and a great revival.

We look forward to that.

In Jesus' name, amen.- Amen.

Well, in other news, as if we have enough,

Republican senators arefed up with the censorship

of conservatives on themajor social websites.

So what are they planning to do about it?

John Jessup has that.

- Thanks, Pat.

The Senate Judiciary Committeeis considering subpoenas

for the CEOs of Twitterand Facebook to testify

about growing concerns ofbias against conservatives.

This comes after Twitter blocked links

to a "New York Post"story about alleged emails

from Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Facebook also limited sharing that story.

As Paul Strand reports, conservatives say

those are some of the latest examples

of online bias against them.

- [Paul] Facebookrecently censored this ad,

although each fact in it can be proven.

- [Announcer] Biden andHarris support abortion

up to the moment of birth,all at taxpayer expense.

And they promise to nominateonly pro-abortion judges.

- This is an incredibly important time

where we need to be reachingvoters in swing states,

and so we were frustrated to see

the abortion lobby getan assist from Big Tech.

- [Paul] Quigley says it'sone of numerous examples.

- They have done their absolute hardest

to silence pro-life voices.

- [Paul] And now it's extendedto the presidential campaign,

according to Brent Bozell ofthe Media Research Center.

- [Brent] We've analyzedand we've documented

how 260 different userson Facebook and Twitter

have had their posts about Bidenscrubbed from social media.

- [Paul] Now Facebook and Twitter

have censored a major newspaper's stories

of possible corruptioninvolving Ukraine, Hunter Biden,

and maybe his father, Joe.

- [Ted] This marks the first time

Big Tech has directly tried tocensor major media companies.

The "New York Post" has thefourth highest circulation

of any newspaper in America.

- The Senate Judiciary Committeewants Twitter's Jack Dorsey

and Facebook's MarkZuckerberg to appear soon

to answer questions for their actions.

- [Ted] They can silenceanyone and everyone

who dares report on any facts, any news,

inconsistent with the desiresof the Big Tech billionaires.

- [Paul] Chris Lewis ofthe Public Knowledge Group

thinks conservatives are overreacting.

- Most studies that I've seen,

they don't point to anysort of conservative bias.

- [Paul] But saysit's certainly been abused

by pro-choice, so-called fact-checkers

employed by the media platforms.

- [Steven] So our pro-life news stories

are slapped with this big warning

saying that it's false and misleading,

which, of course, is in and ofitself false and misleading.

- [Paul] A major sticking point

being how much Big Tech platforms

dominate American communication.

- Social media is a battlefield

where pro-life people need to be engaged.

- [Ted] This poses thesingle greatest threat

to free speech in America today.

- The Twitter and Facebookheads will have a chance

to come voluntarily before the committee

before they're subpoenaed to appear.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks, Paul.

A powerful 7.5 earthquakeshook the southern coast

of Alaska Monday,prompting a tsunami warning

for nearly a 1,000-milestretch of the coast.

The quake hit quickly, sparkingsome school evacuations.

Public officials urged residents

to move to higher ground inland.

People reported feeling thequake all along the coast.

The tsunami alert wasdowngraded to an advisory

just over two hours, Pat,after that quake hit.

Some scary moments forpeople up there in Alaska.

- It's the ring of fire, folks.

We've got tectonic plates.

We've got the Pacific plates,the North American plate,

and there it is all the wayaround, the ring of fire.

And of course, those poor people in Alaska

are right in the middle of it.

But there's San Francisco,Los Angeles, and so...

If those plates begin to shift,

we will find otherearthquakes in Manila, Tokyo,

Indonesia, New Zealand, and so forth.

So it's just a question of how soon.

It's a shame, but that's theearth that has been given us

and there's no sensein thinking, you know,

well, that's the way it is.

- Pay attention.

(Pat laughs)


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