Amid writing his latest book, "Why Am I Not Healed? (When God Promised)," Pastor Glen Berteau shares how his congregation mobilized in prayer after he suffered cardiac arrest.
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- Glen Berteau is
a former high school allAmerican football player.
He stayed active throughout his life.
When he turned 67 heshowed his grandchildren
he still had it by doinghandstand push ups.
He seemed to be in the picture of health
until November 25th of last year.
So what happened?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Glen Berteau isan author and senior pastor of
the House Modesto in Modesto, California.
He inspires his 11,000 member congregation
with passionate tellit like it is preaching
and his unshakable faith.
Recently, Glenn faced what seemed
to be an insurmountable crisis.
He suffered a cardiac arrest
just weeks after finishing his latest book
"Why Am I Not Healed When God Promised."
Glenn was clinically deadthrough 40 minutes of CPR
and spent five days in an induced coma
hovering between life and death.
Today Glen Berteau is very much alive.
And here to share how hewon his war with death.
He wants you to receive a miracle too.
- To bring us the rest of the story,
Pastor Glen Berteaujoins us now via Skype.
Glen, welcome to the program.
- Well, thank you.
And I wanna thank 700 Club forthe ministry over the years
that you have given to the body of Christ.
It's just been tremendous.
- Oh, thank you, Glenn.
Well, let's go back if we can right now
to November 25th last year.
You and your wife are onyour way to a birthday party.
Walk us through whathappened that evening?
- Well, what we had is on Monday night
we had a prayer meetingand the prayer meeting,
before the prayer meeting,
my wife was going tohave a pre-birthday party
by her prayer team.
I'm sitting at home, I was tired.
I preached three times the day before.
And this is on a Monday night.
And she said, "Whydon't you come with me."
And I said, "I'm really tired,I really don't want to go."
And normally, I would have stayed home.
And my wife would havefound me after she got back
about two and a halfhours dead in a chair.
She would have found me.
But she talked me into going with her.
So I drive the car drive allthe way up to the church,
30 minutes away.
We go into a little area here
where we have to prepareto go into our services.
And I walked out to the car.
We're to go around to theother side of the church
where her party wasbefore the prayer meeting.
And people were gatheringfor the prayer meeting.
I walked outside apparently,went in my car, sat in a car
and my wife comes outabout a minute later.
And my head is back.
I'm leaning back like this inthe in the seat of the car.
And she says, "Glen, what's the deal?
Let's go,
We got to get over to the party."
Of course, I'm not responding, I'm dead.
I'm gone, right there.
I had a cardiac arrest.
And for those that don't know
the difference between a heartattack and a cardiac arrest,
pretty much the cardiacarrest is electrical.
And you die instantly.
Is I could be talking and then I'm gone
and I have no idea what happened.
And she gets in a car and I'm dead.
She doesn't know it.
She thinks I'm joking.
And comes around to the other side say,
"Glen wake up, we got toget to the party here.
And if you don't go aheadand come out of this
I'm gonna call 911.
Now you need to do this."
And so I was gone.
All of a sudden anotherone of these angels
that's in our church wasa nurse practitioner.
Listen to this too.
She was a 20-year cardiac arrestnurse training paramedics,
out of all things.
She's from Canada.
And the only job that shegot was one in my city
out of the whole country thatshe was qualified to come to.
She parks two places beside my car
coming into the prayer meeting.
She was in my wife's prayer team.
And she's walking into hearsmy wife say, "Glen, wake up.
Glen wake up."
As she walks she said,
"The Lord told me go backyou can help pastor."
So she walks back over to me and she said,
"I put my fingers on yourneck, you had no pulse.
You were you were dead.
You were gone.
There was no life at all in you.
I drug you out of the car.
Your feet was still I was still in
the seat of your driver's seat.
I started CPR on you.
And I didn't know whatwas going to happen."
And then after five minutes she said,
"The Lord told me to stop."
And I took take his hands off.
She took her hands off of me.
And she says, "You opened your eyes.
You threw your hands up andsaid oh god and you died again."
And what that told me shesays is that I felt now the,
your spirit went back in your body
and now I need to keep trying.
That's what she wassaying that that happened.
- Did you have any indication before this?
I mean, it sounds like youwere in great shape physically.
Did you have any indicationthat this could happen?
- I didn't have any anyindication this would happen.
I mean, it was like it'sjust like a light switch.
It was I had preachedthe whole day before.
I was tired some, but I'malways kind of tired on Monday
after I do that and had no idea.
No, I didn't have any idea.
It was a total shock.
It was it what the doctors wanted.
They don't reallyunderstand how it happens.
But it was a perfect storm.
I think of a lot of thingsthat happened at once.
And cause it to happen,
but they can't reallypinpoint exactly what happened
and that I died, yeah.
- You were put into amedically induced coma
and you had a dream during that time.
Tell us what your dream was.
- Well, I had died eight times.
I died eight times before.
I died seven times rightthere at my church,
the hospital's right across the street.
They finally got me after 45 minutes
over to the emergency room andI died the eighth time there.
Which is ironic in a sensebecause the Bible says
the number eight meansresurrection and new birth.
And so I'm in the hospital and I'm,
they gave me zero percent to live.
Told my daughter to bring afuneral dress when she comes.
And they didn't even workon me when I went in.
I was number eight or nine on their kiosk
to work on to save the lifethat I was too far gone.
I was already mottling in my body.
My feet were turningpurplish marbelish red.
My body was already dying.
And I had my brain activity was gone.
I was not I was not supposed
to even have any kind of thought now.
If I lived I was supposedto be totally brain damaged.
And but I did there is astory that's pretty incredible
that you just mentioned.
I went into a room, Terry,I went into a room of death.
People want to ask you,"Did you see Jesus?"
Says, "No, I didn't see Jesus."
But I did see this.
And I went into a realdark room is pitch black.
I remember doing thisit trying to see my hand
couldn't see anything.
I'm in a room.
And realize your people in the room.
It's kind of you senseit, but I can't see them.
Across from the room therethere's a there's a door
and in the creases of the door,
I could see a light onthe other side of the door
and I see this figure walking back.
I can't tell what it isbecause it's all black.
And it's blinking past the door.
All of a sudden, I'mhearing this loud roar
that's taking place.
And I'm trying to figureout where it's at.
It's almost like statickylike a radio station
it's not on the right station.
And then you finally tune it in.
And then you could hear.
And I finally tuned it inand I heard my wife praying.
She's an intercessor.
I heard the prayer team praying.
I heard my pastors praying.
I heard friends fromaround the country praying.
Around the world friendsof mine were praying.
And they were saying the same thing.
Death, you can't have them.
God's not through with him.
God has more for him.
It's not his time to die.
And they were they were speaking this.
And all of a sudden thatfigure was walking quicker
back and forth.
And all of a sudden that cameit came over to me, grabbed me
and threw me out of there said,
"You cannot stay here any longer.
You have to get out."
I realized that thatwas the spirit of death.
And the spirit of death whereI was, is the only thing
that God that Jesus saysI took the sting out of.
He didn't take it out ofthe hell in the grave.
He took it out of death.
And death is different than dead.
- Yeah.- Death is a time.
Death is a spirit.
- Well, I know that therewere many, many people in
the waiting area thatwere praying for you.
The following couple ofdays you're sitting up,
your restored,
you're back in the pulpit preaching again.
We're short on time, butI just I want to ask you
because your book is called
"Why Am I Not Healed When God promised."
A lot of people ask that question, Glenn.
You were healed.
What do you want the takeawayfrom your book to be?
- Well, you know what, Idon't think there's any book
that could be written like this.
I wrote the book on healing and miracles.
And then I died.
Which the book wouldn'tsell real well now.
The author died that wrote I'm Healed.
And so what happened is,when I came back they said,
"We're going to send it to print."
I said, "No, I have one more chapter,
the resurrection story."
And I wrote that.
And who would have thoughtthat everything I wrote about
in my book is what I needed
to have a miracle in my own life.
I don't know if that everwould ever happen again,
is that the principles and the things
that I talk about in thebook, anybody that has,
anybody that has been through sickness,
any family members, you have to read this.
This is this is a Lazarusstory at the end of everything
that was talked about in the book.
At the end it was a absolute miracle.
I'm not supposed to be alive.
My kidneys were never to work again.
My lungs, my bladder,everything was was gone.
And God has totally healed me.
And I'm in a recovery stageand doing well right now.
- Well, it is certainly.
We're so glad for your recovery.
It is a remarkable story.
And there's a lot in hereabout the power of prayer
and the how to have prayer
when you're praying for someonein a desperate situation.
"Why Am I Not Healed WhenGod Promised" by our guest,
Glen Berteau.
Again, thank you so muchfor being with us today.
- It's great being with you.
Thank you