US Director of National Intelligence Says Alleged Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Not Russian Disinformation
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- That bombshell revelationlast week involving Joe
and Hunter Biden's businessdealings in Ukraine
is getting more interesting
the focus now turning tothe story behind the story.
- Now the FBI wants to know if Russia
or any other foreign entity,
is behind the late breaking revelations.
Here with us now, CBN Newsnational security correspondent,
Eric Phillips, Eric.
- Yeah, Jenna and John it'salmost too coincidental, right,
when you consider the email scandal
that consumed the FBIand the Clinton campaign
back during the presidentialelection of 2016.
Well, that involved Russian interference,
and some are worried this does too,
although this time around
many people are much more skeptical,
including the Directorof National Intelligence.
- Vice President Biden,
you owe the people of America an apology
because it turns out,
you are a corrupt politician.
Okay?(crowd cheering)
- [Narrator] PresidentTrump wasted no time
on the campaign trail
seizing on the discovery of emails
alleged to be from Hunter Biden.
They surfaced in a "NewYork Post" report last week,
one of them seeming to indicate
that then Vice President Biden,
met with an executive withUkrainian gas company burisma
at his son Hunter's behest.
Even though Biden has long insisted
he had no intimate knowledgeof his son's business dealings
with the company that paidHunter, $50,000 a month,
to sit on its board.
- Joe Biden must immediatelyrelease all emails, meetings,
phone calls, transcriptsand records related,
to his involvement and hisfamily's business dealings.
- [Narrator] The FBI isinvestigating whether the emails
could be part of a Russiandisinformation campaign.
Although Director ofNational Intelligence,
John Ratcliffe tells Fox Business,
that's not the case.
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is reportedly
one of the sources in exposing the emails
and Giuliani has admitted
to working with a knownRussian agent in the past,
to dig up dirt on the Biden's.
Giuliani says the emails
came from a computer repairshop owner in Delaware,
who contacted his office.
- And he wanted us to have these.
He also thought it woulddisplay numerous crimes.
So we gave them to my lawyer,we have the entire hard drive.
- [Narrator] The Biden campaigndenies any such meeting
being on his official schedule.
Here's how Biden himself responded Friday,
when a reporter asked him about it.
- I know you'd ask it. I have no response.
It's another smear campaign,right up your alley.
Those are the questions you always ask.
- [Narrator] Michael O'Hanlon
with the Brookings Institution says
while it's unclear whetherthere was outside interference,
either way, it's of little consequence.
- My instinct is to thinkthat there may have been
guilt to be shared widely.
But I also think themagnitude of the offense
is more in the category ofa misdemeanor than a felony
by modern politics standardsin the United States.
It doesn't rise to the levelof what we saw in 2016.
- There has been other fallout from this
as both Facebook and Twitter
have limited the amountof spread of the article
or information about the article
because the emails have not been verified.
Now some Republicans on theSenate Judiciary Committee
say big tech companies areplaying partisan politics,
by using censorship.
In fact, some of them are threatening
to subpoena the headsof Facebook and Twitter,
as soon as