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Christian World News - Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict - October 16, 2020

Turkey is playing a key role in a fight that’s targeting the world’s oldest Christian nation. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [George] This weekon Christian World news

assault on Armenia, the world'soldest Christian nation.

One of them at least is under attack.

What role is Turkey playing?

And could this conflictgrow into a regional war?

- [Wendy] Plus Christians and COVID-19

as the virus infects anumber of Christian leaders

one of them calls on the church

to respond in faith, not fear.

- And on a mission to save lives.

This woman volunteer to takepart in a COVID vaccine trial.

She says a divine convictioninspired her to act.

(upbeat music)

Hello, everyone, welcometo this week's edition

of Christian worldnews, I'm George Thomas.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith.

Well, it's a little known conflict

that could have big time consequences.

Armenia and Azerbaijan arefighting over a small territory

and it could turn into all out war George.

- Yeah, guess what?

The Slavic nation of Turkeyis fueling the fire as well.

And tens of thousands

of Christians are caughtin the crosshairs.

Recently I spoke withthe president of Armenia

about the dangers, take a look.

The decades old conflict between Armenia

and Azerbaijan over the contested region

of Nagorno-Karabakh isthreatening to erupt

into a wider conflict,including Russia, Turkey

and radical Islamic jihadist.

Turkey is reportedly recruiting hundreds

of Syrian mercenaries

to join as a army in thefight against Armenia.

Mr. President, can youconfirm these reports

and what are the implicationsof their involvement?

- Well, first of all, I can confirm

it's not only confirmation from my side,

international organizations

and even intelligence departments

of different States have confirmed that.

- [George] In an exclusiveinterview with CBN news,

Armenia's president Armen Sarkissian

accused Turkey and itsleader Recep Tayyip Erdogan

of being a bully andmaking the crisis worse.

Turkey has deployed drones

and reportedly sold more than $123 million

worth of military hardwareto support Azerbaijan.

What are the consequences Mr. President

of not stopping Turkey'sinvolvement in this conflict?

- Well, not stopping theTurkey in this conflict

you'll get another Syria,but 10 times bigger.

- President Sarkissian points to Turkey's

ongoing military involvements in Syria,

Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan,

as more proof of Erdoganexpansionist ambition.

- Wherever they go alone

or bringing Islamic militants with them.

Basically they are thereand they are destroying

not only people's lives,but also ancient languages.

As I said, like inSyria they're destroying

ancient Christian culture.

- [George] On October 7th daysafter the conflict erupted

Azerbaijan backed by Turkey

shard this historic cathedralwhere many Armenian families

had sought refuge.

Three weeks into theconflict scores our families

continued to pray and find refuge

in the partially destroyed church.

- [Translator] God's housewas transformed into ruins.

They are capable of everythingbut God will punish them.

- [George] More than 500 people have died

and tens of thousandsof civilians displaced

by the fighting sandwichedbetween Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Nagorno-Karabakh ethnicArmenian population

has long wanted to be independentto unite with Armenia.

After numerous flare ups over the region.

This latest is the worst in decades.

Russia which backs Armenia,but has ties with Azerbaijan,

try to broker a cease firelast week that failed,

as fighting intensifies experts worry

Russia could be draggedfurther into the conflict.

Russia's foreign ministrymaking a fresh appeal

for peace late Wednesday.

- [Translator] So westand on our position.

That peaceful solution ofthe conflict is possible.

Moreover, it's the only way

to ensure sustainablesolution of this problem.

- [George] Armenia is one

of the world's oldest Christian nations.

The majority of thoseliving in the dispute

Nagorno-Karabakh region,are also Christian.

That includes Rita Grigorian who along

with several others hassheltered in the basement

of this apartment buildingssince fighting started.

Grigorian lost her husband

during the war withAzerbaijan in the 1990s,

her son-in-law and grandsonare now on the front lines.

- [Narrator] My grandson turned 20

and then the war started.

How can we be happy?

Where should we run ifmy relatives are here?

- [George] PresentsSarkissian tells CBN news

that Armenia struggledagainst what his government

has called a TurkishAzerbaijani terrorist Alliance

is similar to that ofa story in the Bible.

- So this pray bravepeople are like the story

of the David and the Goliath.

They are facing an enormous enemy

that wants to destroya whole civilization,

a culture, religion, and people.

- Joining us now is CBN middle East

correspondent Chris Mitchell.

Chris we've seen Turkeygo on the offensive

in Northern Syria.

What do you think their agenda is?

- Well, Wendy I think their agenda

is sort of a greater Turkey.

This Neo Erdogan empire,where a president Erdogan

sees himself as a Salteror as the new Kayla.

We've seen that in many places

particularly we started in2018, in a place called Afrin.

This is a Northwest in Syria.

And actually he used sort of

Islamic shock troops to go in there

ahead of the Turkish army.

And that sort of is a modus operandi,

right now he did that in Afrin.

And he's also doing that apparently

right there in this conflictwith Armenia and Azerbaijan.

So Afrin was really sort of one

of the first things he's done

in the last few years as he expanded.

We've seen that in Libya.

We've seen it in Northeast Syria.

Now we're seeing it inArmenia and Azerbaijan

and all signed I thinkWendy of his attempts

to just expand Turkey as it is today.

- Chris so many Christians in these areas.

We've seen these beautifulchurches now in rebel,

what happens to the Christians

in these areas that Turkey controls?

- Well, they leave Wendythat simple is that,

they flee for their lives literally.

And if they stay, they'reputting their lives at risk

we saw that in Afrin.

We also saw that remarkablyin October of last year

just about a year ago, whenTurkey invaded Northeast Syria.

Many of those Christians,

many of those areas right along the border

between Syria and Turkey,where Christian villages,

many of them literallyfled for their lives.

And we see this anti-Christian sentiment

in Turkey in many ways, wesee it when pastor Brunson

notably a few years ago was in prison,

thankfully he was released.

But we also see that many missionaries

in Turkey are becoming persona non grata

and having to leave the country.

We're seeing it symbolicallywhen they, when he turned

Hagia Sophia into a mosque,

and all these areas theexpansionist ideas of Voltaire

and Wendy we've also seenit here in Jerusalem.

He says that Jerusalem is theirs.

So that gives you an ideaof how far he wants to go.

- Wow, I had not heard that.

Well, there's talk ofthis war, expanding Chris.

Some say it could even bepart of biblical prophecy.

Tell us about this.

- Well, a lot of people,when they think of Turkey

they look at a Ezekiel 38, 39,

and they talk about thewar of Gog and Magog,

and we see a couple ofthings happening dynamically

and perhaps propheticallyhere in the Middle East.

The first thing is the Abraham Accords.

This idea that Israel is making peace

with many of its Sunni Arab nations,

that seems to fit the biblical

blueprint there in Ezekiel 38 39,

where many of these nationsare at peace with Israel.

And on the other hand, you seethis Confederation of nations

like Turkey and possibly Iran,

which is a modern day Persia,aligning against Israel.

So it seems like the chess pieces.

If you're looking at things

from a biblical propheticview, might be aligning.

- Chris Mitchell in Jerusalem.

Great to see you, Chris.

God bless you, yhank you so much.

- Thanks Wendy.

- George.

- [George] Coming up, Christianleaders, call on the church

to respond in faith.

And this woman puts herown health on the line

to fight the coronavirus.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] These are times of warfare.

You go into the strong towerwhen you're under attack.

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(upbeat music)

As the world watches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug of war

here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau, chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the event, shaping the world.

- That's what starts in Israel

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN news channel.

(upbeat music)

- President Trump talkedabout his recovery

from the coronavirus on thecampaign trail last week,

he said well, "People shouldtake all necessary precautions.

"We still need help from God."

- Masks, no mask everythingyou can do all you want

but you know, you stillneed help from the boss.

(crowd cheering)

You need help from the boss.

That's what happened?

We needed help.

Somebody said to me the other day,

"You're the most famousperson in the world by far."

I said, "No, I'm not, no, I'm not."

They said, "Yes, you are", I said, "No."

They said, "Who's more famous?"

I said, "Jesus Christ."

(crowd cheering)

- The president's boutwith COVID 19 intensifies.

the fact that we're stillin the middle of a pandemic

and just about anyone can get it.

John Joseph takes a look

at how the disease isactivating people of faith.

(upbeat music)

- So we give you all the praise

and we give you all the glory.

- [John] The apostle Paulencouraged new Testament believers

not to be anxious, but pray.

- [Trump] I just want to thank everybody

for all your prayers though,

because, it really has beenan incredible period of time.

- [John] It's one wayChristians have been waging

a fight against the coronavirus.

For others, the battle is personal.

- Well, I did contractcoronavirus back in July.

- [John] Tony Perkins withthe family research council

tells CBS news, the virus hithis entire family last summer.

- My daughter is actually anER nurse working with the,

at the time, working withthe coronavirus patients.

So we're not sure if maybe that's where

it came from or through traveling.

- [John] His symptomslasted about two weeks

and a recent test reflected,he now has COVID antibodies.

- It's actually as apart of John, the defense

of this for the broadersociety as people get this

they become barriers to the spread of it.

- [John] Perkins attendedlast month's white house

Rose garden ceremony.

Now labeled a super spreader event.

Seated two people awayfrom former New Jersey,

governor Chris Christie, whoalong with the president,

first lady and severalothers contracted the virus.

- You may have heard that I'vetested positive for COVID-19.

- [John] Also, there arerisks, Christian fellowship

pastor Greg Laurie, whomade this impassioned plea

in a video he sent to CBS news.

- I just wish that at a time like this,

we cannot politicize something like this

and show compassion to people

that are struggling with this, it's real

- Perkins and others now say

it's time for the churchto go on the offensive.

- This is a moment for us,where we need to be leading.

And quite frankly,

I don't think we've donea really good job of it.

Again, I understand this is serious.

I understand people have died from this,

but people have died from other things.

We live in a dangerous world.

We cannot hide.

We have to stand with common sense,

taking the necessary precautions.

- [John] At a recent rallycalled Freedom Sunday,

Christian leaders urge fellow believers

to choose faith over fear

and to take a stand andresume in-person worship.

- We cherish the churchesright in America, together.

- But how many know thatwe've been essential

for 2000 years?

And all the more with apandemic we need to be

the first responders as believers.

- [John] A practicethat pits public safety

against the first amendment, right?

To worship, now beingchallenged in the courts.

Still to the faithful prayeris an indispensable weapon

in the fight against COVID.

Also affecting SanAntonio pastor John Hagy

who didn't attend the Rose garden event

but was at the white house earlier.

- As it is a reactor in our lives.

We also have a promise that weserve a God who is a healer.

- [John] Prayer and effective tool.

People of faith see as a line of defense.

John Jessup, CBN news.

- Thanks John, wellCOVID-19 is revealing faith

and courage in many ordinarypeople in Savannah, Georgia

one news anchor stepsoutside her comfort zone

to fight the virus.

- Down Baker became the firstvolunteer to participate

in phase three vaccine trial.

CBNs Eric Phillips spoke to her

about the role her faith playedin making this big decision.

- Down Baker did not enter this lightly

after extensive researchand talks with her doctor.

She decided joining thisfight was bigger than herself.

- Good evening and thanks somuch for joining us tonight.

[Eric] Down Baker is a long time anchor

with WTOC in Savannah, Georgia.

- According to thenational weather service.

- [Eric] And instead ofjust reading the news

Baker made news of herown this past summer.

- I feel God in this for me.

So I haven't had any regretsI've been doing great.

- [Eric] The shot regimenconsisted of two doses.

The first one back in July,which led to some soreness

in her arm and anotherunexpected, but positive reaction.

- All of a sudden I gota sudden burst of energy.

So about six weeks, I wasjust cleaning my house

getting caught up on all the chores

and things that I had notfelt like doing in the past.

- [Eric] The second shotcame about a month later.

- I had a mild headache that lasted until

about 12 o'clock the next morning.

But after that, I was back to normal.

- [Eric] Well worth at Baker at to be part

of the solution to this deadly problem.

- I know three people who had passed away.

It hurt even deeper.

Of course, there's no cure for COVID-19

just like there's no cure for the flu,

but it is going to make it less likely.

Hopefully it will pumpup that immune system.

So if we were to comein contact with COVID-19

we'd be less likely to get it

or if we did get it, itwill be a milder case.

- We will deliver a safe

and effective vaccinebefore the end of the year.

And it could be very, very soon.

- I don't believe there'll bea vaccine release this year.

That just kind of seems,

like it's a magical fairy story to me,

my prayer is always thatwe can stay the course,

follow all the rules

and somehow get this vaccineto people in a timely manner.

- [Eric] Wild Baker hasgotten a lot of support

for her efforts.

She has also faced criticismfor putting her health

at risk and even trusting the process.

Especially as an African-American,

some have brought up theTuskegee syphilis experiment,

a 40 year government study

that impacted hundreds of black men.

- I understand the fear.

I know the history.

I know about the Tuskegee experiment

which was absolutely brutal

and lasted 40 years in this country.

And even worse after theyexperimented on those black men

once the cure came out,

they wouldn't even give them the cure.

I would not have just goneto sign up to do this.

- [Eric] Her doctor of more than 30 years

is overseeing trials in her area

and asked Baker to take part.

- My first questionlike everybody else was

is this a live vaccine?

He said, "No".

So am I going to be morelikely to get COVID-19

if I take this vaccine?

He said, "No."

So would we rather bescared and just worry

and talk about losing our loved ones

and the fact that we could not go

to the funeral or go tothe hospital and see them

or do we want to be a partof fixing the problem?

And I feel as if this is

how are we gonna save our people?

And when I say our, Imean, people of all races.

- [Eric] She's also gottenpushed back from anti-vaxxers.

- I don't feel that nothing I can say

or it's my job to tryto change perceptions

that are so deep and so personal

because we're all incharge of our own bodies

and our destiny.

But I do know that forus to get out of this

at least a large percentage

of us are gonna need to get the vaccine.

Because even with thevaccine, if we got a handful

of us taking the vaccine andthe rest of the world, isn't

we're still gonna be stuck

in these masks in order to be saved.

- [Eric] Pointing outthat African-Americans

are among those highest at risk,

Baker says, "The trust and her doctor

"paired with the divine conviction,

"prompted her to role up her sleeves.

- This girl is on a missionto try to save lives.

I really am just honestlypraying for the whole world.

- I should point outthat Baker does not know

whether she received the vaccine

or a placebo over the next two years,

she will have seven doctor's appointments

and 24 phone calls as doctors monitor

and document the status of her health.

In Washington, Eric Phillips, CBN news.

- Thanks Eric, coming up in recent months,

we've seen historic peacedeal in the Middle East.

Could another peace deal becoming?

That story when we come back.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] From Washington DC,

uncompromising stories, interviews

and analysis from veteranjournalists, David Brody.

- That could be the next stepin this escalating fight.

- Jenna Browder.

- Robert Mueller chosehis words carefully.

- [Narrator] Ben Kennedy.- Is asking Christians

to get the award out.- [Narrator] Bringing you

the political news that matters.

- Get out and tell the story

of the progress that we'remaking in this country.

- [Narrator] Watch faith nation,

weeknights at six on the CBN news channel.

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(upbeat music)

(kid laugh)

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- [Narrator] The Nameof God available now.

- Welcome back to the broadcast.

After the historic treatybetween the United Arab Emirates,

Bahrain and Israel,

many things Saudi Arabiacould have been the next

Arab country to normalizerelations with the Jewish state.

- Yeah Emily Jones has thatstory and more from Jerusalem.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis insight Israel report

where we show you what'shappening in Israel

and the Middle East.

Israel second wave of the coronavirus

seems to be slowing down,after four weeks of lockdown.

The country's infection ratehas dropped dramatically,

from 9,000 new cases perday to about 2000 cases.

The government willbegin easing restrictions

but leaders say it will likely take months

before life is back to normal.

Meanwhile, the Israelimilitary is helping the

nation's overloaded healthcare system

and recently converted ahospital parking garage

in Northern Israel, into afirst of its kind COVID ward.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Translator] Thepurpose of the operation

is to assist the state of Israel

in dealing with the coronavirus.

We are actually generatingmore hospital beds.

- More than 299,000 people

have been infected in Israel.

And over 2000 have died.

Israel recently signedhistoric diplomatic deals

with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Now many are wondering if Saudi Arabia

could be the next tojoin the Abraham Accords.

US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo,

met with his Saudi counterpart

and urge the kingdom to normalize ties

with Israel this week.

- We of Saudi Arabia consider normalizing

its relationships as well.

And we wanna thank them forthe assistance they've had

in the success of theAbraham Accords, so far.

- [Emily] The Saudi kingdomhas publicly expressed

frustration with the Palestinian leaders

and recently opened theirairspace for Israeli airliners.

- I think that we are actually trending

towards a dramaticdevelopment, a normalization

a full peace treaty between

the kingdom of Saudi Arabiaand the state of Israel.

I know that for many

that seems premature andit seems even farfetch.

I think that is absolutelygoing to happen.

- Experts say it may take some time

for the kingdom to warmup to full normalization.

And as the birthplace of Islam

and home of Islam's holiest sites,

it must consider how a peace treaty

could impact the broader Muslim world.

Israeli archeologists uncovered

in ancient limestone dating back

to the time when Solomon'stemple stood in Jerusalem.

The weight on your screen right now

corresponds to themeasurement of two Shaq Aleem

and was found close to theWestern wall in Jerusalem.

The shuttle weight system was used

during the first templeperiod to collect annual taxes

used for the maintenance ofthe temple and sacrifices.

They're also used for foodand other commodities.

For more stories likethis, you can watch our

Jerusalem Dateline programat back to you.

- Thanks, Emily.

That was pretty cool.- Yeah great, yeah.

- Well the power of storyhow an animated Bible tale

changed a young girl's life.

- That story, when we comeback, stick around folks.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father is my job,

to lead, just be the besthusband and father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going The Distance

with Sean Brown Saturday night at 7:30,

on the CBS news channel.

(upbeat music)

- Hi Matt from Graham.

And this is Studio Five, cruise with me.

As I discovered the good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The rank of glue is gonnabe directing the film.

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

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at the forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection between

popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a priest?"

He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."

- [Narrator] Watch StudioFive, Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] Some trust in chariots,

some trust in horses,

but we will trust in thename of the Lord our God,

CBN presents, The Nameof God, Jehovah Shalom.

- The Lord is our peace.

- [Narrator] Jehovah Yirah.

- The Lord will provide.- [Narrator] Jehovah Shammah.

- The Lord is there.- [Narrator] Jehovah Rapha.

- The Lord who heals.- [Narrator] Jehovah Sikino.

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- [Narrator] You'll beencouraged by Gordon Robertson's

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- God has given you theright to carry his name.

- [Narrator] Plus you'llsee exciting, true stories

of God's Providence inthe lives of real people.

- I can hear my house being shredded.

When I heard my wife screaming.

- I knew something was seriously wrong

with him and it was worsethat we had thought.

- [Narrator] Become a CBN partner

and get your copy of The Name of God.

Call 1-800-700-7000

or go to

(upbeat music)

- Vanita's mother was Christian

and her grandmother was Buddhist

but neither of them talkedmuch about their faith.

- One day Vanita asked hermom to take her to church.

Well, that experience changed her life

and it starting to changeher family, take a look.

- [Narrator] Vanita grew up

in a Buddhist household in Indonesia.

The mom Lily was Christian,but didn't practice her faith.

- We live with my mother in law

and I didn't want tohave a conflict with her

or my husband over religion.

- [Narrator] Then one day Lilydecided to go to church again

Vanita wondered where her mom was going.

- [Translator] My parentsnever shared about God.

- [Narrator] The next Sunday,

Vanita asked if shecould go to church too.

That's when she saw a superbook for the first time.

- [Translator] When Iwatched the story of Moses,

I learned that God has great power.

He can split the seat

and help all of thesuffering people to escape.

- [Narrator] At the end of theepisode, the Vanita's teacher

told the class that Jesushad died for their sins.

Vanita prayed to becomea Christian that day.

- [Translator] Before I heard about Jesus,

I didn't know that hecould save me, but he did.

Jesus has changed me andmade me a better person.

- [Narrator] Vanita then invitedher older sister to church

and she became a Christian too.

- [Translator] I know I prayfor my dad and my brother

so they know about Jesusand can be Christians too.

Thank you very much Super Book,for teaching me about him.

- I love him.- Awesome Super Book

continuing to changelives around the world.

Millions of young generation,telling them about Jesus.

- Well, that's gonnado it for this edition

of Christian World news untilnext week for all of us.

Goodbye and (laugh).- God bless.

(upbeat music)

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