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Dueling Presidential Town Halls: What the Candidates Said About Court-Packing, Trans Kids and More

Dueling Presidential Town Halls: What the Candidates Said About Court-Packing, Trans Kids and More Read Transcript

- [Savannah] Hi everybody and-

- [Heather] The secondpresidential face-off

turned dueling town hallstook place at the same time

and forced the audienceto choose who to watch.

President Trump's Miami town hall

with NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie

seemed more like a sparringmatch at the beginning,

especially on COVID.

- Now you take a look today at the UK,

you take a look at Spainand France and Italy.

There's tremendous spikes-

- [Savannah] But ourdeath rate is worse than,

well, not Spain,

but the other countries.- Well, I have things

right here that will tellyou exactly the opposite.

- Me too.- In contrast,

ABC anchor George Stephanopouloswas relatively easy

on Vice President Biden in Philadelphia,

with a key exception onpacking the Supreme Court.

- No matter what answer I gave you,

if I say it, that's the headline tomorrow.

It won't be about what's going on now,

the improper way they're proceeding.

- [George] But don't voters have a right

to know where you stand?- They do have a right

to know where I standand they'll have a right

to know where I stand before they vote.

- So you'll come out with a clear position

before Election Day?

- Yes, depending on how they handle this.

- [Heather] The vice presidentdid compliment the president

on his Middle East peace deal

before denouncing his foreignpolicy as isolationist.

And in one notablemoment, he told a mother

who said her eight-year-olddaughter is transgender

that he fully supportschildren's decisions

on choosing their own gender.

- The idea that an eight year old child

or a 10 year old child decides,

"You know, I decided Iwant to be transgender.

That's what I think I'd like to be.

It'd make my life a lot easier."

There should be zero discrimination.

- [Heather] Biden did notelaborate on medical interventions

for these children or parents' rights.

The two candidates spent considerable time

on dealing with COVID.

- We're in a situation where we have

210-plus thousand people dead.

And what's he doing?

Nothing. He's still not wearing masks.

- It's rounding the corner

and we have the vaccines coming

and we have the therapies coming.

- [Heather] Biden defendedhis plan to raise taxes

even as the economy works to recover

from the coronavirus lockdowns.

One question for Biden that never came up,

the "New York Post" story producing emails

showing that Biden's son, Hunter,

gave a Ukrainian energyexecutive the opportunity

to meet Biden when he was vice president.

Biden, in the past, has deniedthat he ever spoke to his son

about his international business dealings.

The Biden campaign saysthere was no meeting

on the official schedule.

Trump also denounced white supremacists,

but was fuzzy on the conspiracytheory known as QAnon.

- I don't know.

What I do hear about it

is they are very stronglyagainst pedophilia,

and I agree with that.

- He spoke at length abouthis Supreme Court nominee,

saying he doesn't know howJudge Amy Coney Barrett

might weigh in on legal challenges

over this year's presidentialelection or abortion.

Now Americans are awaiting the final

in-person presidential debate,

scheduled for next Thursday in Nashville.

Heather Sells, CBN News.


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