Jeremy suffered PTSD stemming from an abusive childhood and the Iraq war. It wasn't until he fully surrendered to God that he found the peace he needed.
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- I felt, honestly, likeI was a casualty of war,
even though I didn't die.
- [Gordon] An Iraqi war soldier.
- I had to accept death.
- [Gordon] whose battlecontinued back home.
- I was still in survival mode.
- [Gordon] How he won his final fight.
- I felt like I was just given the answer
to all of life's problems.
- Plus, Efrem Graham ishere from Studio Five
to share the latest in entertainment news.
All on 700 Club Interactive.
Welcome to the show.
The world of entertainment changes often,
so we're here to keep you updated
with all the latest.
- That's right, and here's Efrem Graham,
with this week's Top Fivestories from Studio Five.
- [Efrem] At Number Five.
- [Announcer] This historic2020 NBA Championship belongs
to the Los Angeles Lakers!
- [Efrem] LeBron Jamesand the Lakers back on top
of the NBA world.
- I think, personally,thinking I have something
to prove fuels me.
- [Efrem] That fuel bringsthe Lakers their 17th trophy.
The same year we lost famedformer player, Kobe Bryant,
in a helicopter crash.
Now lighting up landmarks,like LA City Hall,
the Los Angeles International Airport,
and the castle here atOrlando's Walt Disney World,
in the team's primarycolors, purple and gold.
Still, COVID-19 madethis win a difficult one.
- I think you wouldn't behuman if you didn't have
ups and downs in the Bubble.
At times I was questioningmyself, should I be here?
Is it worth sacrificing my family?
So many things.
I've never been withoutmy family this long.
- [Efrem] At Number Four.
- Who would make a cartoon about that?
I mean, metaphysics?
We're calling it "Soul".
(audience laughing)
- [Efrem] And there's a big change
for this highly anticipatedDisney Pixar film.
(upbeat music)
- [Joe] We only have ashort time on this planet.
- [Announcer] Another bigmovie skipping theaters
for streaming, Disney Pixar's "Soul"
will debut on the streamingservice Disney Plus.
It was scheduled to hittheaters November 20th.
"Soul" stars the voices ofJamie Foxx, Tina Fey, and more.
It'll now premiere Christmas Day.
- For Number Three,
we head to Chicago's Midway Airport.
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
As this spontaneous moment unfolds
with passengers waiting for their flight.
The powerful moment ofpreaching and praise was caught
on a short video titled "This is America",
and it's received a halfmillion views so far online.
♪ I once was blind ♪
♪ but now I see ♪
- [Efrem] At Number Two.
- We are drowning in thislast part of the scene.
- [Efrem] First new music.
♪ Okay, I was told a long time ago ♪
♪ to let the drama go ♪
♪ And go and find a goal ♪
- From hip hop artist, Lecrae.
Your book was one of those that,
when I closed the last chapter,
I was like wanting more and I understand
you're going to deliver.
And now the wait is over.
His new book, "I Am Restored,How I Lost My Religion
"But Found My Faith", is now available.
- I definitely felt like there was some
lessons that I've learnedand some things that people
need to process.
And so, I wanna take peoplethrough a healing journey,
healing from, you know,relational battles,
political battles, racialbattles, economic battles.
How do you heal fromthese types of things?
And what does that look like for me?
The beautiful thing about oxygen,is when you breathe it in,
it restores you.
And restoration is thekey essential for life.
- [Efrem] At Number One
♪ Go up, up, up ♪
That song, this book, andthe incredible life and death
of 17-year-old, Zach Sobiech,inspires a poignant film.
- Here's the thing.
I like you, I know yourdiagnosis complicates things,
but I don't care.
Do you like me?
- Yes, I do.
- Even though I don't have cancer?
- Make your move, Romeo!
- "Five Feet Apart", now "Clouds".
What is it about this story that
inspired you to wanna do it?
- Well, actually I was supposedto make this story first,
believe it or not.
And while there's a lotthat I don't know at my age,
what I do know is this,we all have limited time.
- Laura, talk about Zach's purpose
and your family's purpose now.
'Cause I'm sure going throughit, it was extremely painful,
as we see play out, to suffer the loss.
You wanna hold onto him andyou don't want him to go.
But his life seems evenbigger now than it was then.
- There's definitely thelesson of really letting go
and letting God take control of the story,
and trusting that.
- "Clouds" begins streamingthis week to Disney Plus.
- What you're facing is scary,
but you get to decidewhat matters most now.
- Well, Efrem's with us.- Yay!
- Welcome back to the show.
- Thank you.
- Let's lead off with thatgreat video from an airport.
- Oh my gosh.
- Oh wow.
- So amazing.
I remember when I firstsaw that on Instagram,
I got tears in my eyes becauseit was just so beautiful,
like so beautiful.
Tell us what you know about it.
- Yeah, I saw it earlyon and didn't include it
'cause I did not knowthat it would be seen by
more than a half million people now.
There's a pastor out of Louisiana.
His name is Troy Thomas,and he was speaking
to those, largely men,waiting for a plane,
encouraging them and they sang"This Little Light of Mine",
which don't see, but we do see them sing
"Amazing Grace" together.
And it is simply amazing.
More than a half million views now,
and beautiful to seethat spontaneous moment
of worship break out at the airport.
- Yay!
- Yeah, so good.
- Maybe I need to start going to airports
and singing, "JesusLoves Me, This I Know".
- Come on, yes Gordon!
- You don't wanna hear me sing.
- That would go viral (laughs).
- No, it would not.
It would go straight to thenext thing, I gotta swipe left.
All right, let's talk about the NBA.
And it was kind of curiousto accidentally discover
that the finals were on.
And it's the lowest viewedNBA final in history.
What do you chalk that up to?
Is that COVID?
What is that?
- I say certainly, largely COVID.
You don't have people who can actually be
at the game physically.
So much going on in our world that many,
you know, not paying attention.
But I wanna say just propsto those men who sacrificed
all they did sacrifice in orderfor those games to happen.
I mean, they lived in a bubble in Orlando,
so that we could end up seeingthese two teams play it out.
And LeBron James, a momentthat's not shared there,
but a beautiful moment, heFace Times his mom, who was not
able to be there to watchhim win this championship.
But he Face Times herand says, "You know, mom,
"looking back on it, thethings that we went through
"in my childhood, the sacrificeI made here still doesn't
"compare to what you've done."
"I'm here because of you."
"Thank you."
He said, "God is good, God is great,
"and I could not havedone this without you."
- Wow.Amen!
- Amen!
- Yeah.
- I say the same thing to my mom (laughs).
- Seriously, yeah.
- She saw me through a whole lot.
- Yes.
- Thanks to the prayers of our moms.
- Absolutely.
- All right, well, wegotta talk about Lecrae.
As you know, I love Lecrae andI really love his new album
that just came out, and he's got a book,
and I'm so jealous you interviewed him.
- Yes--- Tell us more.
- I've been blessed to interviewhim about this book now
twice and working on a third,
now that I've finished the book (laughs).
But he is amazing.
He talks about the dichotomyof what was going on
in his life as his career is taking off
and he's doing extremely well.
He was also battling depression at home,
sharing things that we didn't know.
I mean, he literally onthe verge of breaking up
with his wife becausehe's in such a depression.
Many in the Christiancommunity canceling him,
because he used his platform to speak out
against race some years ago.
Discovering that, you know,the dad who he never met,
while he's shooting a video in California,
he actually then leaves andgoes and meets this father.
So much going on in hislife, and he's sharing this.
But the bottom line of reasonhe's telling this story
is restoration.
His project, his music project,is called "Restoration".
His book is essentiallynamed "Restoration",
because he is speaking tothe ability for all of us
to be restored.
- Yeah, well, why now?
Why is he just now comingout and just being honest
about his depression and stuff?
- I will say this, forLecrae, when you follow him,
Lecrae is very meticulous aboutall the work that he does.
Even when things are completed,he is constantly working,
perfecting, trying to get it right.
Even as far as the music goes.
So it took him time, and thenonce everything was completed
now he's had a scheduleof what comes out next.
So we've got a book, we gota documentary, we got music.
And we also now have somefilm projects in the works
that'll be coming out next.
So he's very strategic that way,
in terms of what he what hereleases and how that comes out.
- Yeah, that's good.
- Let me do a plug for Ashley.
She's working on a whole seriesof how people come to faith.
- Yup.
- So for the book title--
- Restored.
- Makes it just tailor-made for that.
So the question for you, Efrem,you've got the interview,
and I've gotta ask you,can you hook a sister up?
- Can you hook a sister up?
- (laughs) I will work on that for you.
- Can you get her that interview?
- I think I can get you that.
- Thank you!
Yes, Efrem, well I alsohave to ask you Efrem,
what is your favoritesong on the new album?
Do you have a favorite?
- "Wheels Up"
- "Wheels up"?
- Yes (laughs).
- Okay, I think I like that one too.
- "Wheels Up", and there'sa music video for that
out right now, but yeah,"Wheels Up" is my favorite
at this moment.
- Is that just 'causeyou wanna travel again?
- Well, I'd like too, please (laughing)!
- Don't please me, I gotnothin' to do with the virus.
I didn't start it.
I'm just trying to manageour way through it.
- Yes.
- Zoom is the way to go.
- It is for now.
- All right, well, for all thelatest in entertainment news
and updates on whether or notAshley gets the interview,
check out Efrem's weekly show.
It's called Studio Five.
You can watch it on the CBN News Channel
or online at,
and Efrem, we'll see you again next week.
- See you next week.
- All right guys, well coming up,
from one crisis to the next and then COVID
made it even worse.
- Finances are tight and bills piling up.
It was a struggle.
I was starving and said,"I need help, please."
"I need help."
"I'm not gonna make it,if I don't get help."
- So where does she find help?
Find out right after this.
(dramatic music)
Over the last few years,Barb has been in and out
of surgery 20 times.
Her disability checks aren'tenough to make ends meet.
And when the COVID crisis hit,she says she wouldn't have
survived if she hadn't gotten help.
- [Narrator] Before theCOVID-19 pandemic even began,
Barb Weatherby was dealing witha health crisis of her own.
- I've been struggling formany years with diverticulosis.
There's some days I can'teven get out of bed still.
- [Narrator] The diagnosisled to 20 surgeries
over the last seven years.
Barb went on disability, but the income
hasn't been enough to live on.
- I worked so hard for over 30 years
and could've made it on my own,
if I didn't have allthese medical problems.
Finances are tight and bills piling up.
It was a struggle.
I was starving and said,"I need help, please."
"I need help."
"I'm not gonna make it,if I don't get help."
- [Narrator] A neighbor toldBarb about Operation Blessing
partner, Buist CommunityAssistance Center.
Buist is doing everythingthey can to keep Barb safe,
while providing her with thefood she desperately needs.
- COVID has made condition'sreally hard for us
as a food pantry and we keep adapting.
And Barb is one of the means that I have
to gauge our response.
In my mind, "Is the safe for Barb?"
And just the privilegeit is to pray with her
and be with her, to help provide her food
and provide comfort andcompanionship through hard times,
so that she knows that she's not alone.
- They load my trunk, andthat's a huge relief for me.
If I do get COVID, I could very well die.
But I knew I could count on Buist.
I feel safe.
They are protectingeveryone that goes there.
They know what we're goingthrough and what we need,
and they're willing to provide that.
- We were starting to run out of dry goods
and it was when the OperationBlessing truck pulled in
that we were able torestock those resources
that were running low.
Operation Blessing is ahuge part of what we do
in helping provide food.
It's all brought togetherto make a difference
for the kingdom.
- I'm just truly, truly thankful
for Operation Blessing and Buist.
I don't feel like I would have survived,
if I didn't have peopledonate to Operation Blessing,
to feed American peoplethat are struggling.
It's not just the food that they provide,
but also friendship and prayer and hope.
They give us hope.
- Yeah, that's right.
When you give, you are giving people hope.
And when I watched that story,I think of the Scripture,
where Jesus feeds the 5,000.
And He fed the 5,000 withwhat seemed in the natural
very little, but in thesupernatural it was much.
When you give, you are helpingpeople by the thousands,
especially when you partner with CBN.
As you know, there are alot of people struggling
right now because of the current pandemic.
A lot of people who didn'tever struggle to put food
on the table are doing sobecause they've lost their job,
due to the pandemic.
And when you partner with CBN, I mean,
you just saw in that story,you're helping people
who are struggling rightnow, who need help,
who need practical help,something as practical
as dry goods, food to put in their pantry.
And most of the time practicalthings are the holiest things
that we can do.
And I would encourageyou to partner with CBN
to make a difference in the name of Jesus.
When you give to CBN, when you give,
God is gonna make much out of the little.
Call us today, become a partner.
Call us at 1-800-700-7000,
or you can visit
Love your neighbor as yourself.
That's what God commands us to do.
And giving is a great wayto love your neighbor.
- Well, still ahead, hesurvived Afghanistan.
So why did this vet sayhe's a casualty of war?
And how did a horse helphim reclaim his life?
Stay tuned for the answers.
(upbeat music)
As a soldier serving in Iraq,Jeremy Harrell had a meltdown
right in the middle of the desert.
Five years later, when hewas discharged from the Army,
he had burned through three marriages,
in total survival mode.
He struggled every day toget through the next hour
without killing himself.
And even though he didn't die,
Jeremy considered himselfa casualty of war.
- I remember being 21 yearsold when I got to Iraq
and just, you know, hopingand praying every day
that I'd see 22.
- [Narrator] Army specialist,Jeremy Harrell was deployed
to the front lines when theIraq war broke out in 2003.
The miserable conditionsand constant danger
quickly took its toll.
- I had to get to a placewhere I had to accept death,
just in case it happened,
so that I could quit worrying about it.
- [Narrator] Jeremy expectedthe Army to be his ticket
out of a childhood of poverty and abuse.
But the realities ofwar forced that trauma
back to the surface.
- My childhood was almostlike a combat zone,
'cause I'm feeling someof these same emotions.
I often felt like a burden.
There was feelings of beingunloved in that as well,
because you know, when youfeel like you're a burden,
you don't feel love.
- [Narrator] So fresh out of high school,
Jeremy escaped to the Army.
In boot camp he had structure, stability,
and three meals a day.
- The feelings that itbrought to me was the feeling
of belonging, the feeling of purpose.
I felt important for thefirst time in my life.
I felt needed.
- [Narrator] While there, Jeremyalso accepted Jesus Christ
into his heart.
Throughout boot camp,he drew closer to God.
But after he deployed toIraq, he became overwhelmed
by the brutality and ugliness of war.
(gentle music)
- I had a moment out inthe middle of the desert
that I'm not very proud of,but I remember screaming
at the top of my lungs, reallycursing God, and saying,
"If you're so powerful, ifyou really are sovereign
"over everything, then why this?"
- [Narrator] Doubtscontinued to plague him
over his 15 month tour.
When he finally returned home,
Jeremy didn't recognize himself.
- I just noticed I was different.
I noticed that I'd become more of a person
who liked to isolate.
I come home with residualanger and I really struggled
to adapt back to life.
I wasn't as compassionate as I used to be.
I wasn't as caring or nurturing.
I had this numbness about me
where I didn't care what happened.
- [Narrator] Three short-livedmarriages didn't help.
And when he was dischargedfrom the Army in 2008,
Jeremy felt completely worthless.
- I felt like I lost my identity.
I truly couldn't stand who Iwas at that point in my life.
I was still in survival mode.
I was still just trying tomake it to the next hour.
Not even considering thefuture, not even considering
my kids or my family, butjust what can I do to get
through this next hour sothat I don't do something
to myself that is harmful.
- [Narrator] Jeremy wasdiagnosed with Dual Trauma PTSD,
stemming from hischildhood and the Iraq war.
- I do remember leaving the hospital
and feeling very, like a broken person.
I wasn't able to do simple things like,
there was days I didn'twanna get out of bed.
- [Narrator] He triedmedication and therapy,
but nothing helped himovercome his depression
and suicidal thoughts.
- I felt honestly likeI was a casualty of war,
even though I didn't die.
But then I started toagain get back into that
victim mentality and that anger of,
"God, why, like, why doI have to have this now?"
"Didn't I suffer enough?"
"Didn't I suffer enough as a child?"
"Didn't I suffer enough in combat?"
"Why now do I have to continue to suffer?"
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] In 2017, Jeremyattended an Equine Therapy Camp
for PTSD in upstate New York.
On site he found a chapel,and after a few days,
felt compelled to go inside.
- I went in and startedto pray my same, you know,
what I consider a genericprayer, but then it changed.
Something changed in my heart.
I just remember the prayergoing to, "I submit to you."
"God, I submit to you, I deny myself."
"I want you to use me in your kingdom."
Like, "I'm ready, Ineed this, I want this."
"I love you."
"I want you to intervene."
"I want you to fill me fromhead to toe with your Spirit."
I felt the incredible senseof peace and love of God.
And I felt like I wasjust given the answer
to all of life's problems.
- [Narrator] Jeremy also sayshe no longer felt the effects
of his PTSD.
- He's freed me from that pain.
He's freed me from that feeling
of helplessness and hopelessness.
And so the PTSD is there.
Things still happen.
I don't foresee that ever going away,
but He's allowed me tomanage that in a way
that I couldn't on my own.
- [Narrator] A couple years later,
Jeremy opened his ownequine therapy facility
to share the love of Jesuswith fellow soldiers.
- I believe 100% it wasthat prayer that I prayed
in New York, when Iintentionally and truly meant
what I said, when I said, "Jesus, use me."
- [Narrator] TodayJeremy is happily married
and loves to share thejoy and peace that comes
from fully surrendering to God.
- He loves you.
He wants to be in your life.
He wants total controlbecause He wants you
to get the most out of your life.
Nothing will compare to thejoy that God puts in our bodies
and in our hearts when wewanna live the way that He
intends for us to live.
- Jeremy's story, I thinkit's a universal one.
You know, we can look atcertain points in trauma
and say, "Well what he wentthrough in Iraq was horrible,
"so no wonder that happened to him."
But I think everyone in life has trauma.
Every one of us has pain.
Every one of us wonders,where was God in that,
and why did that happen to me?
And then we start to wonder,was I somehow at fault?
And these thoughts tend to consume us.
Then what they do is theylead to feelings of anxiety.
They lead to a trauma response,
where you literally start to lose control
of what you're thinkingand what you're feeling.
For Jeremy it became overwhelming.
And he got to the pointwhere it was hour by hour.
How do I not kill myself?
It came to destroyed marriages.
It came to destroyed relationships,
because how do you go on?
How do you live?
And for Jeremy, what did he do?
Well, he found a way out and that way out,
is a person named Jesus Christ
who came.
He left heaven.
He left it so that you and Icould be reconciled to God.
And He did it willingly.
And He came down and He lived on earth.
He was born in a stable.
He lived a sinless life.
He died on the cross.
His blood was shed for you.
He didn't stop there.
He rose again from the grave.
And He's waiting for youto say the same thing
that Jeremy said.
I submit to you.
I want you
to intervene in my life.
And when you do that, when you're all in,
He comes to you
and He heals.
You won't forget the trauma.
That's not gonna happen, butyou'll have a new perspective.
You'll have a new beginning.
You'll have a new heart,a new mind, a new spirit.
That's what it means to be born again.
For Jeremy, that new heart,that new mind, that new spirit
gives him the strength now to go forward,
and to go forward withlove and acceptance,
realizing he's no longer orphaned.
He's no longer alone.
But God is right there with him.
And Jesus will never leave or forsake him.
If you wanna pray that same prayer.
If you wanna go all in with God,
I submit to you, call us.
Just tell the person on the other end,
I wanna meet Jesus AndI wanna meet Him today.
Here's a word from Psalms.
"The Lord bestows favor and honor."
"No good thing does He withhold
"from those who walk uprightly."
(music resolving)