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Trump Criticized Over Regeneron Drug, but Pro-Life Group Points Out It's Not Made from Human Fetal Tissue

Trump Criticized Over Regeneron Drug, but Pro-Life Group Points Out It's Not Made from Human Fetal Tissue Read Transcript

- Welcome back.

The pharmaceutical company, Regeneron

has filed for FDAemergency use authorization

to quickly get the drug to market.

- The president has touted it

as a possible cure for COVID-19,

but there are some ethical questions

as we learn more about the drug.

Regeneron admits to using a"wide variety of research tools

and technologies including STEM cells

on developing therapeutics."

The pro-life group,Charlotte Lozier Institute

has come out with a statement saying,

"no human embryonic STEM cells,

or human fetal tissue wereused to produce the treatments

President Trump received period."

And joining us now to give ussome insight about Regeneron

is CBN medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.

Lorie, what is the main focus on the story

alleging the president is touting a drug

that could have been formulated

using cells from an aborted baby?

- Well, we would have toremember that it's 26 days

before the presidential election

and it could be seen that this suggestion

that the president took a drug

that was made using cellsfrom aborted fetuses

and it's now encouragingother Americans to take it

could be seen as an attempt to chip away

at the president's support from Christians

and Catholics who are very pro-life.

Remember the economy

is the number one campaign issue overall,

but for many Christiansand Catholics abortion is

and many people vote for President Trump,

because he is pro life.

So Trump opponents, ifthey can cast some doubt

on whether he's actually really pro-life

these voters might vote for Biden,

or at the very least stay home.

However, as you pointed out,

the Charlotte Lozier Institute,the pro-life organization,

which keeps a very closeeye on these things

said there's no truth to these claims

that this medicationthat the president took

and is touting was made withcells from aborted fetuses.

- Lorie only a littleless than a minute left.

The President of course,

touts himself as the mostpro-life president in history.

A lot of his supporters agree.

Where does the president standregarding issues of life,

particularly when it doescome to medical research?

Well, last year in 2019,the Trump administration

issued a ban on human fetal cell research

for all federally funded research

and this year, the brand new task force

that was enacted to enforce that ban

took suggestions from companiesthat did want to do this

and they rejected 13 outof 14 of those requests

to do medical research usingcells from fetal abortions

and also we might rememberthat back in January,

President Trump was the onlysitting president in history

to speak in person atthe march on Washington,

the March for life on Washington.

So he is perhaps themost pro-life president

in modern history.

- All right.

CBN and medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.

We will leave it there, thanks.


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