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Pence, Harris Square Off in Only Vice Presidential Debate of Campaign

Pence, Harris Square Off in Only Vice Presidential Debate of Campaign Read Transcript

- The American people have witnessed

what is the greatest failure

of any presidential administration

in the history of our country.

They still don't have a plan.

- [Eric] The debate beganwith the coronavirus

and what the Trump White Housedid to navigate the pandemic,

which has claimed more than200,000 American lives.

- President Donald Trump

did what no other Americanpresident had ever done,

and that was he suspendedall travel from China,

the second largest economy in the world.

There's not a day gone by

that I haven't thoughtof every American family

that's lost a loved one.

- [Eric] Harris insistedthe president was not honest

with the American people from the outset

about the deadly potential of the virus,

and when asked if she herself

would take an approved vaccine...

- If Dr. Fauci, if the doctors

tell us that we should take it,

I'll be the first in lineto take it, absolutely.

But if Donald Trump tellsus that we should take it,

I'm not taking it.

- [Eric] The dodging beganwhen neither answered

whether internaldiscussions had taken place

on a plan in case ofdisability given the ages

of those at the top of both tickets.

Pence refused to sayhow a Trump health plan

would help those withpre-existing conditions

nor if there would be apeaceful exchange of power

if Trump loses.

Harris would not speak directlyto the Biden team's support

of the left-leaning GreenNew Deal and would not say

if a Biden administrationwould seek to pack

the Supreme Court byadding another justice

if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed.

- I just want the record to reflect

she never answered the question.

- [Eric] The two did spar

over the conservative Barrett nomination,

which hangs in the balanceless than a month away

from Election Day.

- We particularly hope that wedon't see the kind of attacks

on her Christian faith that we saw before.

- [Eric] Harris said she foundthat insinuation insulting

and pivoted to what shecalled the real issue.

- Joe has been very clear,as the American people are.

Let the American people fillthat seat in the White House

and then we'll fill that seat

on the United States Supreme Court.

- [Eric] Taxes were another battleground.

- Joe Biden has said twicein the debate last week

that he's gonna repeal the Trump tax cuts.

- Joe Biden will not raise taxes

on anyone who makes lessthan $400,000 a year.

He's been very clear about that.

- [Eric] The night did not end

without a full discourse onthe state of race relations,

specifically the deaths ofGeorge Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

Harris, quoting what Trumpsaid during last week's debate.

- The president of the United States

took a debate stage in frontof 70 million Americans

and refused to condemn white supremacists.

- [Mike] No.

- And,

- [Mike] Not true.

- it wasn't like he didn't have a chance.

He didn't do it, and then he doubled down.

And then he said, whenpressed, "Stand back.

Stand by."

- There's no excuse for whathappened to George Floyd

and justice will be served.

But there's also no excuse

for the rioting and looting that followed.

- [Eric] Though it was mostly civil,

there are a few signaturelines from the night.

- Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking.

- I have to weigh in.- I'm speaking.

- Senator Harris, you'reentitled to your opinion.

You're not entitled to your own facts.

- And at one point during the debate,

a fly that landed onPence's head stole the show.

On international relations,Harris slammed Trump

for trusting RussianPresident Vladimir Putin

over his own intelligence community

and she called the US tradewar with China a big loss.

Pence countered, by sayingthat Trump is not afraid

to take a tough stand, such as the killing

of Iranian General Soleimani.

And he reminded viewersthat Trump kept his word

by recognizing Jerusalemas the capital of Israel

and moving the US embassy there,

something Biden failed to do

during his time in the White House as VP.

Eric Phillips, CBN News.


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