SURVEY: Biden Leads Trump Among Latino Christian Voters, but Trump Gets a Big Boost
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- Welcome back.
A new survey focusing onChristian Latino voters
finds former Vice President Joe Biden
with a voter advantageover President Trump.
- And that is according toClaremont McKenna College's
Latino religions andpolitics national survey.
It shows 62% of registeredLatino Christian voters
say they would vote forBiden compared to 30%
who would vote for Trump.
Even so, the president'ssupport among the group
has grown significantly since 2016.
And Tony Suarez with the National Hispanic
Christian LeadershipConference joins us now
to talk about theall-important Latino vote.
Tony, it's good to see you today.
You know, one thing
that this study also showsis that President Trump,
he still leads amongHispanic evangelicals,
but he has a lot less support
from Catholics and Protestants.
- Yeah, well, and thank you
for having me back on the program today.
He does continue to have strong
Hispanic evangelical support.
It was over 60% in 2016.
We think it's gonna beover 70% this election,
and it's because of whatthe platform stands for,
life, religious liberty.
It's the Supreme Court. It's Israel.
It's those issues that continue
to resound with our convictions
that continue to bring Hispanicevangelicals to the polls
and a strong support of President Trump
and, like I said, we're gonna see it again
this election cycle.
- Tony, we understand the Latino vote
is a diverse votingblock, but can you explain
how important faith is overallto the Latino community?
- Well, absolutely.
I think every flavor of Christianity,
every denomination, every group,
every movement, network would tell you
that the fastest growingsegment of their groups
is the immigrant community,
specifically the Hispanic community.
Now what we're seeing playedin front of our eyes right now,
the reason that there mightbe a slight difference
in numbers from one group to the other,
is we're seeing the divisionbetween cultural Christians
and true converts to Christ.
We're seeing that true converts,
our faith doesn't just applyto one area of our life.
It's not just how we worship on Sunday,
but it's how we spend our money,
it's how we raise our family,
and it definitely hasto do with how we vote.
And those, and again, it's my conviction,
that those that arecompletely committed to Christ
will continue to vote for a platform
that supports those Judeo-Christian values
that we've always stood up for.
- Why do you think...
You talked about some ofthe cultural reasons and,
but Tony, why do you thinkthere is such a difference
with who the Latinocommunity is supporting?
- Well, again, some of that
will bring out the preacher in me
because it has to do withhow deep does this gospel
really get on the inside of you?
Is this just some, theway I worship on Sunday,
or is this a true conversion experience?
Because a true convert cannot vote,
a true Christian, in my opinion,
cannot vote for a platformthat's pro-abortion or...
Again, there's a group out there now
called Believers for Biden.
What do we believe in?
I struggle to understand that concept.
When we say we're believers for Biden,
are we believers in abortion?
Are we believers in the government
shutting our churches down?
That's not what Hispanics stand for,
not my demographic, notthe groups I represent
and I'm a part of.
We came out of communism.We came out of socialism.
We came out...
My grandparents' church was bombed.
Their water well was poisoned
by governments in Colombia in the '50s,
and their only crimewas being a Christian.
We came out of that.
There's no way we wouldallow those same sins
to take place in our country.
So the only, and I say it withall due respect to the poll,
the only thing that I can suspect is that
either they're not trueconverts or, just like in 2016,
the polls are going to be proven wrong,
and once the election takes place,
President Trump, to the surprise of many,
will be re-elected thepresident of the United States.
- We will see.
Just about four weeks exactly to go.
Tony Suarez with the National Hispanic
Christian Leadership Conference,
it's always good to see you.
Thank you.
- Thank you.- Thanks, Tony.