The latest on President Trump’s battle with COVID as he returns to the White House. The latest FDA guidelines for a vaccine. Cleaning up voter rolls in states like Pennsylvania where there is inaccurate reporting. A closer look at the Hispanic ...
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- [Announcer] Tonight theWest Wing in lockdown.
After president Trump's triumphalreturn to the white house.
- Don't let it dominate you.
Don't be afraid of it.
- [Announcer] Signaling to Americans.
He may now be immune to the virus.
- And now I'm better.
And maybe I'm immune.
I don't know.
- [Announcer] But not to attack.
- What is this much of a thing,
I'm not going to wear a mask?
What's the deal here?
- Today more Americanshave died from this virus
than died in the warsin Iraq, Afghanistan,
Vietnam, and Korea combined.
And our Commander in Chief sadlyhas been missing in action.
- [Announcer] Plus thefight between the FDA
and the White House over guidelines
to shore up public confidencein a COVID vaccine.
And a key swing state in the 2020 race,
dealing with fallout over its voter rolls.
And it's the ultimate gift.
The divine sign behind a $12,000 tip
for one waffle house waitress.
All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."
(cheerful music)
- The President back at the White House
and seemingly not missing a beat.
Welcome to "Faith Nation."
I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
President Trump's sang he plans to be back
on the campaign trail as soon
as he recovers from the Coronavirus.
- And that pledge along witha barrage of new tweets,
including tellingcongressional Republicans
to stop negotiating with Democrats
on a COVID relief bill.
Comes after his three nighthospital stay ended yesterday.
CBN White House correspondent Ben Kennedy
joins us now with more.
- Well, John and Jenna presidentTrump said, he feels great.
The health experts say, heis likely still contagious
as doctors and nurses continue
to monitor his health 24 /7.
President Trump back athome, recovering from COVID.
Critics, however complaininghe is downplaying
the threat of the virus bypointing to the flu saying,
"We've learned to live with it,
just like we are learningto live with COVID."
Twitter censored, the tweet saying
it violated the Twitter rules
about spreading misleading
and potentially harmfulinformation related to COVID-19.
7.5 million Americans have tested positive
for the virus with morethan 210,000 deaths.
- Don't be afraid of it.
You're gonna beat it.
We have the best medical equipment.
We have the best medicines.
- [Announcer] With only 28days until the election.
Trump plans to be back onthe campaign trail soon.
Tweeting, "Looking forwardto the debate in Miami."
Which is scheduled fornext week, Thursday.
That is if he gets the allclear from his doctors.
- Though he may not entirelybe out of the woods yet,
the team and I agreethat all our evaluations
and most importantly his clinical status
support, the President's safe return home.
- [Announcer] Dr. Anthony Fauci,
told CNN, the President looks good.
- You're not out of it until,
you've gone severaldays out and doing well.
But he certainly does look very well.
- Now Democratic challenger, Joe Biden
is trying to capitalize on having
the campaign trail pretty much to himself.
His first stop is in Florida,
then some Republican States.
Vice president, Mike Pence and members
of Trump's family planned to campaign
in some key battleground States
as Trump continues to recover.
- John, Jenna.
- Alright, CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy.
Thanks Ben.
Well, the white house hasblocked new FDA guidelines
on bringing potential vaccinesfor COVID-19 to market.
The guidelines could halt the approval
of any vaccines beforethe November 3rd election.
The FDA plan to require trial participants
to be monitored for twomonths for side effects.
And to see how long the vaccine works.
- The agency says the companyis aware of the standards
and that they are still expected
to comply with them despitethis move by the White House.
And tuned here to talk aboutwhat all of this means.
CBA and medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.
Lorie so companies are still supposed
to comply with these guidelines,
even though the WhiteHouse has rejected them.
How could these guidelines if implemented
affect the timeline ofgetting a vaccine approved?
- Well, Jenna, if theseguidelines are implemented
and it looks like they will not be
because the White Housedoes have the final say,
but if they are adheredto then almost surely
there will not be avaccine by election day.
Which can you believe isfour weeks from today.
What's interestingabout this whole process
is the FDA already hadtheir set guidelines
issued in June and only last month,
they decided to lengthen the guidelines
after it was revealedthat there would probably
be a vaccine by election day.
It looks like Pfizer.
The CEO of Pfizer said,
"It looks like we'll havea vaccine by election day."
Then the FDA said,"Actually, we're gonna change
the process and lengthen it,
so that there really effectively
can't be a vaccine by election day."
So the Trump administration is saying
that there's foul playon the part of the FDA.
- And Lorie a significant portion
of the American publichas expressed concern
about the safety of a Coronavirus vaccine
and how quickly this is all happening.
Can drug companies come up with a vaccine
and record time that isalso safe and effective?
- Absolutely.
We could have a lot of people are afraid
because it's being rushed to market.
But the safety standardsthat have not been
there haven't been any corners cut
as far as safety standards are concerned.
So we know that the ninepharmaceutical companies
that are making the vaccinesall signed a joint document.
This is very rare becausethey're competitors saying,
that they're not goingto ask for FDA approval
on a vaccine that has not been,
doesn't meet their strictstandards of safety.
And also there's anindependent advisory board,
that's going to go over all the FDA,
all the data and maketheir FDA recommendation.
And then all the data isalso gonna be made available
to the public.
- And Lorie, just a few seconds left here,
but there is renewed concern
about the spread of the viruswith airborne transmission.
Can you explain that to us?
- Right, the CDC finallycame out yesterday and said,
definitely that we canacquire the Coronavirus
from the tiny little particles in the air
that remained suspendedin the air for hours.
These are the tiny aerosolized particles.
They say the main way is through particles
that come from our mouth,
the larger particles within six feet,
but especially in smallrooms that are unventilated.
These aerosolized particlescan hang out there
for a few hours.
And this is a secondary waythat we can acquire COVID-19.
- All right Lorie Johnson,
CBNs medical reporter thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
- Well, the State of Pennsylvania
and three counties there admit
to incorrectly reporting information
on the removal of ineligiblevoters from their rolls.
According to Judicial Watch,
the state's allegedunverified revised figures
are for Bucks, Chesterand Delaware counties.
Judicial Watch believes the new numbers
are just still a smallfraction of the inactive names.
And joining us now is TomFitton with Judicial Watch.
Tom, welcome to "Faith Nation."
First off, how big of asample are we talking about?
How many people have been purged
from the Pennsylvania voter rolls?
- Well, it's hard to tell they say,
about 30 to 35,000, maybe 40,000,
their initial numbers were 20 or so.
So we're not sure where they'regetting the new numbers,
but they're woefully insufficient,
and they essentiallyadmit that the numbers
they gave the federal government
about what they were doing were incorrect.
And then they give thecourt two sets of numbers,
one by the countiesand one from the state.
So when Pennsylvania doesn't know
how many people are on their rolls
and who's being removed or not,
you got a real problem.
And that's why we initially sued
because we were seeing indications
they weren't keeping the rolls clean
as they were supposed to.
We also sued in North Carolina.
So between North Carolinaand Pennsylvania,
you're talking nearly2 million extra names
in the rolls that probablyshouldn't be there.
And we just sued yesterday in Colorado,
their voting rolls are a mess.
They have about half the counties
that seems to have morepeople on the rolls
that are living there and eligible to vote
and all that's concerned and given
this big mail and ballot, push.
- Tom, any reason to suspect?
You just mentioned those three counties
in Pennsylvania that this is widespread
throughout the state,
or is it just limited to those three?
- Yeah numerous countiesgot major issues there.
And that's admitted in the filings
by the government or Pennsylvania,
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
So it's a widespread issue,
many, many counties aren't removing
virtually anyone from the rollsthe way they're supposed to.
And we're not asking the people
who are living near be removed.
We're asking that peoplewho've been long been act,
if they have a process to remove people.
So over time, the rolls are cleaner,
which is what law requires.
- Tom, how did you decideto target these States?
You've mentioned Pennsylvaniaand North Carolina.
What made you guys lookspecifically at these States?
- Well, you look at the,
we looked at the States nationally
and found these States had problems
and you see the numbers and the numbers
kinda indicate there's something wrong.
You ask more questions,
and usually you get the runaround,
which suggests even further problems.
And that's why we're in court.
- Tom, you mentioned Colorado--
- In Pennsylvania when wewarned one of the counties,
Allegheny County, theyquickly removed 69,000 names
from their rolls.
So we know there's an issue.,
the counties just wanna fight.
Tom we have a littleless than a minute left.
You've mentioned Coloradoincluded in this.
How could this impactthe election in November?
- Dirty election rollscan mean dirty elections.
When you have a pool of names
that are inactive and ineligible to vote,
that's an opportunity for fraud.
And of course, when youhave supposedly only names
that are active or being nailed,
but when you've got a huge list
that isn't being cleaned, generally,
even the active names become suspect
in terms of their eligibility.
You don't want ballots going to places
where there aren't people to vote.
And that's what it seemsis going to be happening,
in too many places, this election season.
- All right, Tom Fittonwith Judicial Watch.
Tom, thank you for being with us today.
- You're welcome.
- [Announcer] And comingup, courting Latino voters,
how their vote couldsway November's election.
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(upbeat music)
- Welcome back.
A new survey focusing onChristian Latino voters
finds former Vice President Joe Biden
with a voter advantageover President Trump.
- And that is according toClaremont McKenna Colleges,
Latino religions, andpolitics, national survey.
It just 62% of registeredLatino Christian voters
say, they would vote for Biden
compared to 30% who would vote for Trump.
Even so the president'ssupport among the group
has grown significantly since 2016.
And Tony Suarez with the National Hispanic
Christian LeadershipConference joins us now
to talk about the allimportant Latino vote.
Tony, it's good to see you today.
You know, one thing thatthis study also shows,
is that President Trump, he still leads
among Hispanic evangelicals,
but he has a lot less support
from Catholics and Protestants.
- Yeah, well, thank you for having me back
on the program today.
He does continue to have strong,
Hispanic Evangelical support.
It was over 60% in 2016.
We think it's gonna beover 70%, this election.
And it's because of whatthe platform stands for.
Life, religious liberty,
it's the Supreme Court, it's Israel.
It's those issues that continue
to resound with our conviction,
that continue to bringHispanic Evangelicals
to the polls and the strongsupport of President Trump.
And like I said, we're gonna see it again,
this election cycle.
- Tony, we understand the Latino vote
is a diverse voting block,
but can you explain how important faith is
overall to the Latino community?
- Well, absolutely.
I think every flavor of Christianity,
every denomination, every group,
every movement network would tell you
that the fastest growingsegment of their groups
is the immigrant community,
specifically the Hispanic community.
Now what we're seeing platein front of our eyes right now
that the reason that there might be
a slight difference in numbers
from one group to theother is we're seeing
the division between cultural Christians
and true converts to Christ.
We're seeing that true converts
our faith doesn't just applyto one area of our life.
It's not just how we worship on Sunday,
but it's how we spend our money.
It's how we raise our family.
And it definitely hasto do with how we vote
and those, and again, it's my conviction
that those that are completely committed
to Christ will continueto vote for a platform
that supports those Judeo-Christian values
that we've always stood up for.
- Why do you think you need to talk
to about some of thecultural, cultural reasons
and but Tony, why do you think there
is such a difference withwho the Latino community
is supporting?
- Well, again,
some of that will bringout the preacher in me
because it has to do with how deep
does this gospel reallyget on the inside of you?
Is this just some theway I worship on Sunday?
Or is this a true conversion experience?
Because a true convert can not vote
a true Christian, in my opinion,
cannot vote for a platformthat's pro-abortion
or again, there's a groupout there now called
Believers For Biden.
What do we believe in?
I struggled to understand that concept,
when we say we're believers for Biden,
are we believers in abortion?
Are we believers in the government
shutting our churches down?
That's not what Hispanic stands for?
Not my demographic,
not the groups Irepresented I'm a part of.
We came out of communism,
we came out of socialism.
We came out, my grandparents'church was bombed.
Their water well was poisoned
by governments, inColumbia, in the fifties.
And their only crimewas being a Christian.
We came out of that.
There's no way we wouldallow those same sins
to take place in our country.
So the only, and I say it withall due respect to the poll,
the only thing that I can suspect is that,
either they're not true converts,
or just like in 2016, the polls are going
to be proven wrong.
And once the election takesplace, President Trump,
to the surprise of many will be re-elected
the president of the United States.
- We will see just aboutfour weeks exactly to go.
Tony Suarez with the National
Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.
It's always good to see you, thank you.
- Thank you.- Thank you, Tony.
As we said earlier,
that survey also foundBiden leads Mr. Trump,
among Hispanic Catholics and Protestants,
but not evangelicals.
A demographic that played a huge part
in Trump's 2016 win.
Lara Trump told CBS David Brody,
she believes he'll see thesame support for second term.
- Evangelicals for Trump isgrowing by leaps and bounds.
Now I'm lucky I get to travel
on the Bright Pink Women for Trump bus
all across the country.
But Eric has been goingto some of these events
and I gotta tell you every time he leaves,
he's like there were likea thousand people there.
The prayer was palpable.
You could feel the energy.
You could feel really thespirit of God like taking over,
you know, wherever they are.
They have these, thesegreat outdoor events
that he's done as well.
And so yesterday I was really honored
because I kept getting all these messages
from people we'd love to get together
as you know, a unit of Americans
and pray for the health ofthe President and First lady.
So Pastor Paula White led along
with some incredible faith leaders.
We did a team Trump online, special prayer
at 5:00pm yesterday for thepresident and the first lady
and really for our country,
2020 has been a verytough year for so many.
We had over a million people,
1.2 million people at thatmoment tuning in and praying.
So we know the power of prayer is real.
And thank you to allwho tuned in for that.
- And thank you David with that interview
and up next, Joe Biden's promise
from the campaign trail on Roe V. Wade
and abortion in America.
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- Welcome back.
Joe Biden says he'll make Roe V. Wade
the law of the land if theSupreme court overturns it.
At a Miami town hall meeting last night,
the Democratic presidential nominee vowed
to pass a nationwide law tomake abortion rights permanent.
The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett
to the Supreme court is causing concerns
that conservatives willrevoke the 1973 ruling.
President Trump tweeted in response,
"Joe Biden just took a moral liberal,
a more liberal position, rather
on Roe V. Wade than ElizabethWarren at her highest."
He also claimed Biden aimsto pack the Supreme court
and urged his supporters to quote,
"Get out and vote."
- And another issue that's been
before the United StatesSupreme Court, many times
is religious freedom.
And there is one case right now.
That's top of mind forJustices Clarence Thomas
and Samuel Alito.
- And Jenna that's--
- Yeah, John, it may be revisited.
- I jumped the gun there Jenna.
that is the Obergefell versus Hodges case,
which legalized gay marriage and which
some pro-family groups say,
came at the expense of religious freedom.
Joining us now is Peter Sprigg
with the Family Research Council.
Welcome Peter.
- Thank you for having me.
- Well, Peter, the 2015 rulingwas a landmark decision.
Explain how the courtcame to its conclusion
affirming the right to gay marriage?
- Well, as the dissenters in that case
said quite strongly.
They did not base it,
It was not rooted inthe constitution itself.
There is no right to same sexmarriage in the constitution,
but Justice Kennedy whowrote the majority opinion,
concluded that it was a violation
of equal protection, basically
not to allow same sex couples to marry
when opposite sex coupleswere permitted to marry.
He made it an issue of access to marriage.
When really we believe it was an issue
of the definition of marriage.
Nevertheless, thatdecision as the dissenters
warned at the time, hashad a lot of consequences,
including bringing upissues of religious liberty
for people who may havedisagreed with it that decision.
- So why do you think the justices
have brought up this case now?
- Well, what happened yesterday was
that the Supreme Court issued orders
on some of the cases thathad been appealed to them.
One of those was a casecalled Davis vs. Ermold.
Now the Davis referredto there is Kim Davis,
a County Clerk in Kentucky,
who was in the news five years ago
because she was a Christian
who had a conscientious objection
to issuing marriage licensesfor same sex marriage.
And so she declined to doso and was immediately sued.
And even for a brief period of time
was jailed because of her,
her standing up for her conscience.
So she's had a couple oflawsuits that she's dealt with.
This one involved a legal principle
called Qualified Immunity,
which is the idea of public officials
not being held personally responsible
for things they've done,
in the course of their official duties.
Now the Supreme court yesterdayturned down that case.
They said, we're not gonna hear this case.
But in an unusual move JusticeThomas issued a statement,
once again, criticizingthe Obergefell V. Hodges
decision and noting theproblems with religious liberty
that it has generated.
- Peter, about a minute left,
but what do you think mayhappen to challenge it and why?
- Well, you know, some people on the left,
some LGBT activists arereacting a bit hysterically
to this document yesterday,
as though it shows that the Supreme Court
is on the verge of overturning over DFL.
There were only two justiceswho signed this opinion,
Justice Roberts, who was a dissenter,
did not in over DFL, did not sign it.
And the two newest JusticesGorsuch and Kavanaugh
did not sign it either.
We don't know where Amy ConeyBarrett would stand on this,
but it makes the important point
that resolving thesecontroversial social issues
through the courts, prevents us
from being able to dothe kind of negotiating
that would take placewhen they're resolved
through the democratic process.
- We are out of time.
Thank you so much.
The Family Research Councils Peter Sprigg,
and we'll be right back after the break.
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- And finally tonight, a Georgia pastor,
Eusebio Phelps gave a pregnantwaffle house waitress,
a beyond generous tip after learning
the name of her unborn son.
- It's an amazing story.
Hannah Hill told him she chosen Samuel,
which happened to bethe name of his own son,
who died seven years earlier.
- Phelps felt it was a divine appointment
and ended up raisingthousands of dollars for Hill.
When she arrived at work the next day Hill
was greeted by a surprise baby shower
and received the gift.
- And she was even able to buy a car.
Thanks for watching "Faith Nation."
- Have a great evening.