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Dog Training Leads to Miracle Healing

Arlene was training her seventh adopted Rottweiler when a routine walk turned into a dislocated shoulder. When it did not heal with time, Arlene was surprised at what she heard one day on The 700 Club... Read Transcript

- My name is Arlene.

I love animals.

I volunteer with a pet rescue

and a low-cost spay/neuter clinic.

And about a year ago

I rescued a Rottweilerfrom an animal shelter.

His name is Seven becausehe's my seventh Rottweiler,

and seven means completion,

and he'll probably be the last one I have.

(Arlene laughs)

When I adopted my dog, he wasused to running in the streets

and having his own way,

and he was never trained to leash train.

So it was quite a journey to train him.

And he pulled on my arm many, many times.

He's a massively strong dog.

He was so hard to walk

and finally he just lunged.

And I just feel my shoulderbeing pulled out of its socket,

dislocated my shoulder.

I'm not a big doctor person.

I only go about once a year.

So I thought I could wait it out

and see if it just went back by itself.

But it didn't.

I couldn't lift my arm over my head.

If I tried to turn my face tothe right to look to my right,

it was almost impossible.

I had to turn my whole body.

It just, sometimes whenI'd sleep at night,

I would move the wrong way andit would wake me up in pain.

- The Holy spirit gave it to you

through the word of knowledge.

You got something else.

- On April the 21st, 2020,

I was watching "The 700 Club,"

like I try to do every morning.

And a word of knowledge came in.

- You've dislocated your shoulder,

pulled a muscle, whatever it is.

I just touched it right now

and it will go right back in place,

and the pain will be taken away.

In Jesus' name.

- I knew that God wasno respecter of persons

so I asked Him to heal me.

And so I turned my head and I had no pain.

I could turn my head.

I could lift my arm over my head.

I was healed.

A few times between now and that healing,

that pain tried to come backand I had to rebuke that.

Every word He says is true,

all I have to do is believe.

I am beyond thankful.

It just humbles me so much

that God loves me that much and cares.


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